March 3, 2014, 6 p.m.
March 3, 2014, 6 p.m.
The crazy ring tones in this chapter came from the following: "Three Times a Lady," (1978) by the Commodores (Lionel Ritchie singing lead); "Lets Stay Together" (1972) by the incomparable Al Green; and "Lets Get It On," (1973) by the late Marvin Gaye. Thanks to Klaine mama for suggesting "Lets Get It On," and for being wonderful, in general.
I got the idea for Blaines date night outfit here.
In his dreams, someone was telling him that he's once, twice, three times a lady. Then the bed shifted, and Kurt felt an arm reach across him. A whispered voice said, “Hi, babe.”
Kurt slowly put it together. Blaine and he must have fallen asleep last night while they were talking. Now he was the little spoon, surrounded by delicious warmth, except Blaine was talking to someone on the phone. Someone he called, “Babe.” Kurt pretended to still be asleep.
“No, I'm whispering because I don't want to wake up Kurt.”
Kurt heard a squeal through the telephone and then some talking that he couldn't make out.
“No, Unique, we didn't do anything. We just talked…I am completely dressed…No, I'm not wearing my shoes….You would not either; you like cowboys. Neither one of us is your type….Yes, I'll ask him if he has a brother who works at a rodeo…Uh huh….Uh huh…Uh huh….Yeah….Look, Unique, I'm still on a date here; I've gotta go…Uh huh….Uh huh….Uh huh….Yeah….Seriously, I've gotta go….Okay, babe….Okay….That sounds good…We'll talk later…Okay…Okay...Goodbye, Unique.”
Blaine put the phone down and wrapped his arm back around Kurt. Kurt felt him kiss his hair. He rolled over in Blaine's arms, burying his face in Blaine's warm, musky neck. “Lionel Ritchie is your ring tone?” he asked teasingly.
Blaine gave him a squeeze. “Good morning,” he said gently, kissing Kurt's forehead. “Not my regular ring tone, no. Just my custom tone for Unique. She finds it hilarious.”
“You're ridiculous,” Kurt murmured into Blaine's neck, marveling at how good it felt to wake up in his arms. “Do you have a ring tone for me?”
“Um, no?” Blaine said in a small voice.
Kurt rose up, pulling himself out of Blaine's grasp. “You do!” he accused.
“No, no…” Blaine denied, but he was too slow. Kurt grabbed his phone, found Blaine's number, and quickly hit send. From Blaine's phone Al Green sang, “I'm so in love with you, whatever you want to do is all right with me…”
“Let's Stay Together?” Kurt asked. “Isn't that kind of…” Kurt realized he had no idea how to finish that sentence.
The redness of Blaines face rivaled a beet. “I-I-I know we're not together,” he laced his trembling fingers through Kurt's, “but I hope we will be. And this song just makes me think of you. It's soulful and bluesy and romantic, like I imagine you are. When I hear it, I always picture myself dancing with you.”
Kurt searched Blaines eyes; they were filled with embarrassment and affection and…hope?
Kurt opened his mouth to say something, but suddenly Blaine said, “Wait a minute.”
He grabbed his own phone and dialed a number. From Kurt's phone, Marvin Gaye sang, “Ive been really tryin, baby, tryin to hold back these feelings for so long; And if you feel like I feel baby, come on, oh come on. Lets get it on. Lets get it on.”
Blaine didn't say anything. He just grinned at Kurt and gave him a look that said, “See?”
“Um, that's my regular ring tone?” Kurt said in a strangled voice that came out like a question.
Blaine laughed. “Okay, sure. That way you always know when your Dad is calling you.”
Kurt hit him with a pillow.
Blaine pulled Kurt to him. “Kiss me,” he commanded.
Kurt turned his head away. “No way,” he objected. “I have terrible morning breath. Let me get up and brush, and then I will kiss you until your head swims.”
“Well, at least give me a good morning hug.”
Kurt and Blaine reached for each other and pulled in close, and then they froze. Neither had accounted for first-morning erections. Blaine groaned, slid one hand down to Kurt's ass, and pulled him in even closer. Kurt rolled his hips up against Blaine, and then they both groaned. Pleasure flooded through Kurt. He rolled his hips again. Blaine felt hot and huge, even through layers of clothes. Kurt was sure he could never get enough.
“You have to stop,” Blaine said finally, tugging Kurt's ass even closer.
“Why?” Kurt moaned, rolling his hips again.
Blaine rolled his own hips, “Don't you have to go to the bathroom?”
Kurt shuffled through all the many urgent feelings he was having. “Oh, yeah. Kind of a lot,” he concluded.
“Me, too. So we need to calm down.”
Kurt sighed. “You're right. Move over to your own side of the bed.”
“Kurt, this bed is three feet wide. I'm already practically falling off.”
“Well, then, point that machine gun the other way.”
Somehow they managed to stop touching each other long enough to let their erections subside. Kurt used the bathroom and brushed his teeth, and he found a new toothbrush from a recent trip to the dentist that he offered to Blaine. When they both felt cleaner, Blaine emerged from the bathroom and wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck. He kissed him softly.
“Do you have to work today?”
“I'm a graduate student, Blaine. There's always work; I'm just not always doing it.”
“Will you spend the day with me?”
“I would love that.”
“Me, too.”
After some discussion, they decided that Blaine would go home to shower and change, and then they would meet up for brunch, Blaine's treat. However, after Kurt had his own shower he found a voicemail from Blaine saying he had to postpone their meeting until late afternoon. Blaine had a strange edge to his voice that Kurt couldn't interpret.
Kurt spent a few minutes freaking out about the postponement and what it could mean, and then he gave a stern talking to himself about being ridiculous without knowing the facts. He settled down to work on a paper, and he managed to write eight pages—eight incomprehensible pages that he would have to delete later—before Blaine once again knocked on his door.
Kurt took one look at Blaine and groaned, “You're killing me.”
“Look at you,” Kurt waived vaguely in Blaine's direction. Blaine was wearing a thin, white, v-necked t-shirt, the fabric soft and obviously expensive. It made his skin glow and showed off his muscular arms. The shirt topped dark-washed jeans and well broken-in, obviously Italian, boots. His hair was curly but under control, and he had clearly showered but not shaved, leaving an attractive growth of stubble. Kurt always thought of himself as loving the clean-shaven look, but he was seriously reevaluating that as he thought about how good that beard would feel scratching across Kurt's more sensitive areas.
Blaine smiled and held out a hand. “I want to show you something.”
Kurt gave his hand to Blaine and felt a thrill when Blaine's fingers interlocked with his. The next thing Kurt knew he was out of his apartment, settled in the passenger seat of Blaine's vehicle, and speeding across town. Blaine chatted amiably during the trip, but the only response Kurt could get to the question of “Where are we going?” was “You'll see.”
They pulled into the parking lot of an old glass factory that had recently been renovated and converted into condos. Kurt had passed it a few times and looked on with longing, imagining the great possibilities of brick walls, exposed pipes, and concrete floors. Blaine keyed off the engine and came around to open Kurt's door. “Come on,” he encouraged, once again linking his fingers with Kurt's.
They entered a side door and walked down a hallway past a few apartments. Blaine fished a key out of his pocket and opened a door, inviting Kurt inside. It was as perfect as Kurt imagined. Everywhere was a blend of modern and old. There were polished concrete floors that would look perfect when fluffy rugs were scattered across them. Marble countertops gleamed, as did nickel-plated fixtures. Modern light fixtures hung from the ceiling in artistic ways. Filtered light streamed in from everywhere.
“Whose place is this? Please tell me youre house-sitting for the summer,” Kurt breathed with a hint of awe, “It's amazing.”
Blaine gave a little cough, “It's mine,” he looked away and then he forced himself to look back at Kurt, “and yours, too, if you want.”
Kurt didn't know what to say, so he didn't say anything. He just waited until Blaine continued or he woke up from what must be a dream.
“I got a phone call today when I was in the shower. I took your advice and applied to the Library Science program here, but I got wait listed because I applied so late. They told me that someone else dropped out, and I'm in. I'm going to do it, Kurt. I'm going to be a librarian!”
“Oh my God, Blaine, that's amazing!” Kurt grabbed Blaine and gave him a huge hug.
Blaine squeezed Kurt back and then stepped out of the embrace. “I've been looking at this place for a while, and when I found out I got in, I called the realtor and officially started the paperwork to buy it.”
“Blaine, you just finished college. How can you afford this?”
“Oh,” Blaine looked away, his cheeks tinged with pink. “Um, well…it's kind of embarrassing.”
“What? You have a trust fund? Rich parents who spoil you? You're a secret millionaire? What?”
“Im the SoSoft baby.”
Kurt gaped. “You are the cute baby on all of those toilet paper rolls? Thats you!?”
“Yeah,” Blaine was beet red now. He cleared his throat. “Anyhow, my parents put away every cent I made from that and invested it for my college education, but I ended up getting a lot of scholarships, and the investments did really well. I can afford this place pretty easily and still have a lot left over.
“But that's not what's important here. What's important here is that I didn't do this just for myself. Every time I looked at the place I could see you in it. I know it's crazy, and it's probably colossally stupid, and we've not even gone on a real date yet, but whenever I'm with you I want to spend more time with you, and I want to get to know you, and I don't want to wait. I want to get to know you now, and I want to keep getting to know you, and I don't want to waste any time doing it. And I feel like it will take a lifetime, and even that wont be enough. If you move here and it doesn't work out you can leave, but I want us to at least try. What do you say?”
Kurt couldn't say anything. His head was swimming. He began moving through the apartment from room to room, Blaine trailing after him not saying anything. Kurt needed to sit down, but there was no furniture. Why was there no furniture? There should be furniture in case people needed to sit down. He finally found something that was like a chair. He lowered the lid on the toilet seat and sank down slowly. Blaine perched on the edge of the bathtub and took Kurt's hand.
“Kurt?” Blaine asked in a voice tinged with concern.
“It's insane,” Kurt croaked.
“Oh,” Blaine was crestfallen. “It really is a bad idea, isn't it?”
Kurt cleared his throat. “It's insane. It's insane that my life has gotten exponentially good for no reason. First I get my own class, then I get you in my class, now I have a chance to live in this unbelievably gorgeous condo, and, in a minute, I'm going to get to kiss the most beautiful man on the planet. It's insane.”
Blaine's face erupted into a smile, “Does that mean you'll live with me?”
Kurt smiled. “It's crazy, Blaine, and my dad will probably have a fit, but, yes. I will live with you for as long as you'll have me.”
Then Kurt kissed the most beautiful man on the planet.
“Ta da!” Kurt shouted when Blaine walked in the door, fresh from new graduate student orientation.
The apartment was a dream. The furniture was artfully arranged, fresh flowers added splashes of color to the chrome, brick, and concrete, and candles were flickering everywhere.
“Kurt! I can't believe you got all of this done in a day.”
When Blaine had left in the morning, the movers were just bringing in the new furniture.
“I was extra motivated,” Kurt said, looking very smug.
He had reason to look smug. During a summer of dating and getting to know each other better, Blaine closed on the condo and Kurt selected the perfect pieces of furniture for it (easily paid for with Blaine's SoSoft money). After a long discussion, they had decided to hold off on having sex. In fact, they had imposed a rule that no one's hands got to travel south of the Equator until after they had settled into their new home. It had been tough, limiting their touches to kissing and handholding (and the occasional scratch of a thumb over a nipple, and, to tell the truth, a little bit of frustrated frotting through their clothes every now and then until they got a hold of themselves), but it gave them time to truly know each other's hearts.
Now the hearts were known, and it was time to get to know some lower parts. Kurt wasn't waiting a day longer. Hence, he had bribed every graduate student he knew with free food and beer and had spent the day ordering them all around like a drill sergeant. The consequence was a month's worth of unpacking was finished in fewer than eight hours, and Kurt still had time for a short nap, a shower, and some careful preparation.
“I can't wait to see what you've done with the bedroom,” Blaine growled as he scooped up Kurt in his arms. Kurt shrieked with surprise and then wound his arms around Blaine's neck. Blaine carried Kurt to the bedroom (only hitting Kurt's head on walls and doorframes twice enroute) and tossed him unceremoniously on the bed calling, “Last one naked has to clean the bathrooms for a month.”
Both men raced to pull off their clothing as quickly as possible, and then Blaine tackled Kurt back onto the bed. Naked flesh hit naked flesh, and then time stood still. Kurt pushed away a little from Blaine and drank him in with his eyes. “You are gorgeous,” he breathed.
Blaine dragged a hand down Kurt's chest and rested it on Kurt's bare hip. Kurt shivered at the touch. “You are the most beautiful man I've ever seen.”
Then it was tongues and teeth and hot skin against skin. Kurt didn't think there was another human on the planet who could feel better than Blaine, and he touched every inch of him. At the same time, Blaine's hands were strong, warm, and hard and had an amazing knack for rubbing all of the right places in just the right way.
When tapered fingers wrapped around Kurt's length, he cried out at the sheer joy of it all. Reaching out blindly with one hand, he pulled open the drawer on the bedside table.
Blaine looked to where Kurt was reaching and burst out laughing.
“It's not polite to laugh when you have your hand on a man's junk, Blaine.”
“It's okay to laugh, as long as you don't point and laugh,” Blaine rejoindered. He inclined his head toward the bedside table, “I can't believe you.”
The drawer was practically overflowing with condoms and many, many bottles of lube, along with a couple of…implements…whose purpose Blaine was uncertain (but intrigued).
“Blaine,” Kurt explained, “I've waited a long time to get you in this bed. I wanted to make sure that once we were here, we wouldn't have to leave again for a long time.”
“Oh, yeah?” Blaine quirked an eyebrow. “So what's on the other side? Sandwiches?”
Kurt maneuvered to the other side of the bed to pull out the drawer on that side. “See for yourself.”
Inside that drawer was another bottle of lube, a small box of condoms, two bottles of water, and an array of Blaine's favorite non-perishable snacks. Blaine laughed, “Oh my God, I love you.”
They both froze for a second, and then Kurt reached up a hand to stroke Blaine's face. “I love you, too.”
Blaine smiled, “Then show me.”
Kurt rolled Blaine until he was lying across Blaines chest. Kissing Blaine gently, he reached for a bottle of lube and a condom. He kissed down Blaine's chest, stopping to tease each nipple with his tongue and teeth. His hands blazed a path that his lips followed down a trail of hair across a flat stomach. When he felt Blaine's cock jerk against his face he sat up a little between Blaine's legs. Taking Blaine's cock in one hand, he pressed his lips to the head. The cock pulsed in his hand, kissing him back.
Snapping open the bottle of lube and warming some on his fingers, he leaned over and took Blaine in his mouth, causing Blaine to suck in a huge lungful of air. At the same time, he teased around Blaine's hole with his finger, lubricating the entrance. Then he pushed. It was so hot and so tight. He paused for a moment at the first knuckle, taking that time to work more at Blaine's cock with his other hand and his mouth until Blaine was writhing under him and moaning.
When he felt Blaine relax a bit, he pushed further with his finger, causing Blaine to cry, “Fuck, Kurt!” From his vantage point with his mouth around Blaine's cock, he raised his eyes and saw Blaine, his head thrown back, chest flushed. He had never seen anything more beautiful. He worked in a second finger, then a third, finally moving his mouth away from Blaine after Blaine panted, “You have to stop, or this is going to end really quickly.”
Rolling on a condom and applying more lube, Kurt pushed Blaine's knees back and aligned them. When he pushed in, they both cried out at the wonder of it. He moved slowly until he was completely inside, then he stilled for a moment, not moving, just looking at Blaine and marveling at the heat and tightness. “I've never been happier,” Kurt said.
Blaine rolled his hips up so he moved up and down Kurt's length.
“Okay, now I'm happier,” Kurt said.
Blaine chuckled, “Let me see if I can make you happier still.”
And then he did.