May 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
May 2, 2014, 7 p.m.
I'm having a little bit of difficulty with time. (Ironic, huh?) I'm trying to link these episodes as closely as possible to the air dates while trying to reflect where the characters are in the school year and making sure the costumes are season-appropriate and also making sure that a school day actually falls on a week day, but the writers of Glee have no conception of real time, so I hope I'm getting it close to right. Let me know if I've gone completely off the rails.
There's a lot of smut here. (Yeah!) If you're my sister, you might want to skip this chapter. Or never, never mention it to me.
The next morning when Kurt awoke, he rolled over and pressed his face into his pillow. He didn't want to open his eyes. He was too depressed. He replayed last night's conversation with Blaine in his mind. It was a conversation that Blaine insisted they do by phone, “because we don't want to have a repeat of last time,” which signaled to Kurt—who was already apprehensive—that the conversation was not going to go well.
“Kurt, it's too much. You can't just waltz in here and demand that I change my life because it's somehow messed up or wrong.”
“But it is, Blaine. We're supposed to be together. You felt it. I know you, Blaine. I was a perfect stranger to you, but you made out with me. That is so far away from the person you are, and you know it. So you need to ask yourself why you would do something with me that you wouldn't do with anyone else. I'm telling you, it's because we are meant to be together.”
“That's just it, Kurt. Maybe we're meant to be together, and maybe we're not. You, yourself admitted that you've already made changes to this time trajectory. You're trying to force something, Kurt, and I don't think it's a good idea. I don't know what the future will bring, but if we are meant to be together, then we'll find a way to be a couple eventually. It will just happen; it doesn't have to be forced. But maybe in this lifetime, we aren't meant to be together. I mean, I watch a lot of time travel movies, Kurt. Maybe you're here to fix something, and so, this time around, things are supposed to be different.”
“No, Blaine. There is no lifetime in which you are I are not together. I don't believe that. I'll never believe that. We've been through too much. The last time we made love you said you wouldn't be able to breathe if I didn't love you.”
“And, yet, here I am. Don't you see how crazy this is?”
“Of course you're still breathing, because I still love you.”
There was a long pause, and then Kurt heard Blaine take a deep breath, “Look, I can't say that what happened yesterday wasn't incredible. It was amazing and…so hot. God, you're gorgeous. I can't deny we have chemistry. But that's just sex, Kurt. Afterward, I didn't feel good about it. I cheated, Kurt. I cheated on James with you and I feel awful. If we're meant to be together, I should feel better about myself when I'm with you than when I'm not, and it wasn't like that at all. I feel ashamed of what we did—of what I did to James. He trusted me, and I cheated on him. Do you know how that makes me feel? Can you imagine how that would make you feel if you were in his position?”
“I can, actually.”
Blaine didnt say anything, so Kurt continued. “You cheated on me, Blaine. During that last lifetime. I was in New York, and I was wrapped up in my own stuff, and you felt lonely, and you…it nearly killed me. But eventually I learned that everything that was broken, no matter how betrayed I felt, none of that was worse than not being with you. You made a mistake, but I made a bigger mistake by not realizing then that nothing in my life was more important than you. I cut you out of my life for a time, and it was horrible. Soul-killing. I don't want to make that mistake again.”
“I cheated on you? How…oh my God, is that who I am?”
“No, no, Blaine, of course not.”
“Maybe that's what's messed up. Maybe you've come back in time to tell me that I've got to stop cheating on guys that I care about.”
“You can't be serious.”
“I don't know. I'm kind of freaking out here. I always thought of myself as a guy with a lot of integrity. You've kind of shaken my whole world view.”
“You didn't cheat, Blaine. Not on James. You aren't meant to be with James. You're meant to be with me. I mean, you don't see me sitting here agonizing about Matt.”
Uh oh.
“Uh, yeah. Okay, listen. Don't be mad. One of those things I screwed up this time around? I think it may have gotten me a boyfriend. I'm not sure. It's really confusing.”
“So you're dating someone else, but you kissed me?”
“Dammit, Blaine! I don't want to be dating anyone else. It happened when I wasn't around…Okay, that sounded bad. What I mean is that I keep popping in and out of different days, and apparently one of those days when I had popped out I got a boyfriend. But I don't want him; I only want to be with you. I'm trying all the time to avoid him. Everything's going to be screwed up unless we are together.”
“You can't know that!”
“Yes, I can. I've lived it before. I know that the only thing in life that feels right is when you and I are a couple. We have an amazing relationship, Blaine, and we work hard at it. It's not always easy, but we do the work because we're worth it. You're worth it, and anything else is unthinkable.”
“I don't know, Kurt. It doesn't feel right to me. I can't—I won't—just jump into this with you. Please, let's just move forward the way we are and see where things go.”
“The way things are is we're in love.”
“No, that's not how things are. That's what I mean. I'm not in love with you, Kurt. I barely know you. I've met you one time. Let's get to know each other, and let's give out relationships—the ones with our boyfriends—a chance. If we're meant to be together, it will happen. Trust in fate, Kurt.”
“Fate's an evil harpy who bitch slaps me every time I turn around, Blaine.”
Blaine chuckled and Kurt swooned a little at the deep, throaty sound. Then Blaine said, “It's the best I can offer, Kurt. Will you take it? It's that or nothing.”
“I guess I don't have a choice.”
So that was yesterday, or—as Kurt finally rolled over and looked at his phone—a year ago. What had happened? Did Blaine and he become friends? Did they become more than friends? Did it all go to Hell in a hand basket?
Kurt's phone chirped, and he saw a text message.
Blaine: I can't wait for tonight.
Okay, not Hell then. Kurt looked at his valet and he sat up straight in bed. On the duvet, once again, were two outfits. The first was a soft white t-shirt, white button down, black vest, blue boyfriend jeans with a rolled hem. The second was a police uniform.
Yes! Kurt had finally, finally gotten one over on that bitch, Fate. This was the night—the night that Blaine and he had sex for the first time. Well, not actually sex, as Kurt defined it now, but it was the first time they were sexually intimate. It was the first time Kurt saw Blaine naked. Mmmmm. Naked Blaine. Kurt mulled that over for a moment with a secret smile. It was the first time he touched Blaine. It was the first time he made Blaine come, and it was the first time he came from Blaine's touch. Although, if he was really honest, Fantasy Blaine had made him come many times before that—usually in the shower. Fantasy Blaine tended to spend a lot of time in Kurt's shower.
And now Kurt was going to get to do it one more time for the first time. Awesome!
Then Kurt's phone chirped again.
Matt: I can't wait for tonight.
Wait. What? No!
Kurt's first time with Blaine definitely did not include a threesome with another boy. In fact, Kurt couldn't bear the thought of touching another man, because he only wanted to touch Blaine for the rest of his life. And perish the thought of watching another man touch Blaine. That wasn't sexy. A ménage-a-trois was never something that Kurt even fantasized about. Okay, okay, maybe once or twice with Elliot, but c'mon. And it's not like he would have ever acted on it.
Oh my God, what if James was there too? Had Kurt fallen into alternate orgy universe? Was this Porn World?
Kurt shook his head and gave himself a mental reality check. There might be a million explanations for these texts. They weren't necessarily about sex. Of course they weren't. Blaine didn't even know that Kurt wanted to make love to him until about an hour before they did it. They certainly didn't text about it first.
Kurt texted back to Blaine.
Kurt: What about tonight cant you wait for?
Blaine responded right away.
Blaine: West Side Story. It's going to be amazing.
Kurt: Your Tony will bring the house down.
Blaine: ???
Kurt: You have the lead, right?
Blaine: The play is at McKinley. I go to Dalton. Puck is Tony.
Kurt didn't know how to respond.
Then his phone chirped again.
Blaine: Don't go anywhere. I'm calling you.
Then Kurt's phone rang.
“Hello?” Kurt asked tentatively.
“Old Kurt?”
“Blaine? Yeah, its Kurt, but I'm twenty-one; I'm not a senior citizen.”
“Um, okay. That came out wrong. Listen, what day was it when you went to sleep last night?”
“Like, a year ago.”
“Okay, I thought so. I've been reading about time travel. A lot of theoretical physicists speculate that time travel may be like a cosmic blender that just gets stopped sporadically. You jump around a lot. Ugh. I'm not explaining this well.”
“You researched time travel?”
“Yeah. It seemed like a good idea, given what you told me and all.”
“I'm flattered.”
There was a weird noise on the other end, and then Blaine said, “When you go away—back to the blender, I guess—there's still a Kurt here, but he's not exactly the same. I'm beginning to figure out the difference between you the time traveler and you the—I don't know—place holder? I mean, when you go away, there's still a Kurt—I call him New Kurt in my head—but he's…different. He's more unsure of himself, less confident, more tentative, and, of course, he doesn't know about the time travel stuff, and I didnt think it was safe to tell him.”
“Well, presumably he knows what else is going on in my life, because I don't. Are we finally together, Blaine?”
“Kurt, you're my best friend, we talk every day, but you're still dating Matt.”
“Matt? Why? Why? Why doesn't he move to Columbus? He's supposed to move to Columbus.”
“You're in love with him.”
“I'm really, really not.”
“New Kurt thinks you are.”
“New Kurt is a twit.”
Blaine chuckled. “Well, I think Old...I mean time traveler Kurt is going to kill it tonight in West Side Story. Sebastian and I are coming to see you, and we're going to Artie's after party at Breadstix. Thanks for inviting us, by the way.”
“Please don't tell me you're dating that meerkat, Sebastian.”
“Thats so rude. Don't call him that, Kurt. He's a good guy. But, no, we're not dating. We're just friends.”
“What about James?”
“We broke up ages ago.”
“Then why aren't we together?”
“I told you, Kurt. You're dating Matt. New Kurt loves Matt. He's not in love with me.”
“I hate New Kurt. New Kurt is an idiot.”
There was a pause on Blaine's end, and then he said, “I don't really know what to say to that, so Im going to change the subject. What happens today, anyway? Anything I should know? Will there be an earthquake or something I should prepare for?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact. Tonight I do kill it in West Side Story, and then we make love for the first time.”
“Are you serious? You and I...”
“I'll never forget it; it was the best night of my life.”
“Really? I heard the first time could be really awkward. Were you scared? Was I?”
“Scared? I was, yes, a little. And excited. We had waited a long time. I was—as you said—unsure of myself. You seemed so much more mature and experienced, and I was scared that I might do something wrong or that you would see me naked and be completely turned off. You were such a gentleman. Until that night, you had insisted that we keep everything above the waist, and you really stuck to it—well, except one night when you were kind of drunk and had been flirting with Sebastian at a gay bar.”
“I went to a gay bar with Sebastian? That doesn't sound like me.”
“Well, to be honest, it was my idea. I thought you didn't find me exciting enough, and I wanted to show you that I could be adventurous, which turned out not to be true at all.”
“Then what happened?”
“You were at McKinley. You had the lead in West Side Story, and you were so amazing, Blaine. I was so proud to be your boyfriend. And, afterward, you stayed at the theater to practice a dance move, and I found you, and you said some really nice things about us and our relationship, and then you kissed me. And then I asked if we could go back to your place, because your parents were out of town. You had been waiting forever for me to be ready, and you were so sweet, so patient, so gentle.
“Anyhow, we went back to your house and you took off my clothes, layer by layer. My vest, and my button down, and then I was just in a t-shirt, jeans, socks. Then I started to pull off your t-shirt, but my hands were shaking too badly, so I couldn't, so you pulled it off, so that we were both in undershirts, and you took my hand, and pulled me over to the bed, and we just laid on the bed for the longest time, our heads pressed together, noses rubbing, fingers entwined. Not kissing, not talking, just feeling each other's presence. You knew I was scared, and you didn't try to give me a pep talk; you just let me get used to everything and go slowly, and, eventually, I knew that you were the boy I wanted to make love to—the only boy I would ever want to make love to, so I kissed you.
“And as our kisses grew deeper and deeper, we lost our shirts, then our socks, and pretty soon my hands were on the button of your pants, and I could feel how hard you were, and I was so hard myself. And I asked if I could see you, and you nodded, and you unzipped your pants and lifted your hips and slid your pants and underwear off, and you were so beautiful in the lamp light. So thick and dark, and I thought I would die from wanting you so much. I couldn't believe you were mine.
“And then you kissed me again, so deeply. And you undressed me, and you wrapped your arms around me, and we were both completely naked and pressed together, and I thought I would die from how wonderful it felt. How strong and warm you felt holding me. And I knew I would remember that feeling of having you against me for as long as I lived, and it was true. And then you started gliding against me, and your cock rubbed against mine, and I thought my head might explode because it felt so good. And then you grabbed my ass—oh, God, the feel of your hands on my ass, I'll never stop wanting that—and you pulled me even closer, and we just rutted against each other and then I came and then you came, and it was messy and perfect.”
Kurt heard Blaine's breath hitch, and his lips twitched into a small smile. He knew that sound. “Blaine, honey, are you touching yourself?”
“You're not?” Kurt asked in a low, soft voice, “You're not dragging those long, beautiful fingers up your balls and then wrapping them around your shaft and doing that delicious little wrist flick thing at the top? Because that's how you touch me, Blaine.
“Do you want to know how I touch you?”
Kurt smirked. The more turned on Blaine was, the less articulate he became. Kurt loved it. “You love it so soft, Blaine. My hands are always very soft—much softer than yours—and I always use lube with you, because you love it gentle. Do you have any lube, darling?”
“Hnngh,” Blaine answered, and Kurt heard the tale-tell click of the lube bottle.
“That's right, put some on your palm. Now rub your palm gently over your head, just lightly. You love light touches. We're a funny little couple, Blaine. You're the manly man in our relationship who likes sports and who can pass, but you like it so gentle. I can make you come by barely touching you. And I like it rougher. No one would know that about us. And you're a bottom Blaine—not always, but usually—and I love pounding into you and hearing you groan. You're so beautiful when you come.
“Now wrap your hand around your cock, just lightly, and pull down a bit, away from your body. You like that; I know you do. It's a little secret that only you and I share. Now stroke all the way up and off. All the way up and off. You like that, don't you darling?”
“Keep doing that. Your cock is so beautiful. It's thicker than mine, and so delicious. I love the feel of it in my mouth.
“Now, when I feel that youre close—when I feel your balls start to tighten and draw up, and your legs get tense, and your sweet toes start to curl—then I wrap my hand more tightly around you, just under the head. That's right. And I pull up hard and fast. Hard and fast, Blaine. Come for me.”
Kurt had interpreted that noise years ago as undone-Blaine-speak for “Kurt.”
“That's right, darling, come all over my hand and that sexy belly of yours, and know that I'm touching you, and I have my face buried in your neck, and you look amazing.”
“Gaaaaahhhhh.” And then there was a lot of heavy, recovery panting.
Kurt didn't say anything for a long time. Then he said, “Blaine, honey?”
“Im going to call Matt now and break up with him. I'll see you tonight at the show.”