High Tide
Chapter 10 in which Kurt and Blaine Have All the Sex Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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High Tide: Chapter 10 in which Kurt and Blaine Have All the Sex

E - Words: 2,431 - Last Updated: Jul 08, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 11/? - Created: Jun 28, 2014 - Updated: Jun 28, 2014
229 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I know you wont be happy until you see a picture of Kurt and Blaine in the shower.  So here it is.  Kurt is on the left.  Blaine is on the right.  Clearly, the swim trunks are Coopers, because neither of these boys would wear something so lacking in style.  

Kurt drove Blaine back to his house to change.  When he stopped in the driveway, Blaine pulled Kurts hand over and placed it, palm down, on his thigh.  With a fingertip, he drew small circles on the back of Kurts knuckles. 

Not quite meeting Kurts gaze, Blaine spoke softly, "Im working on this total honesty thing, so here goes," he sucked in a breath and looked up, "I really want to kiss you, Kurt.  Ive wanted to kiss you all day, but I didnt because we were out in public and that didnt seem like the right place for a first kiss.  But the thing is, I know if I start right now, Im never going to want to stop.  And I really have to get to the Club Car.  So is it enough for you to know what I want to kiss you, and I plan to kiss you thoroughly, but not yet?  Not until after I come back from work?"

Kurt beamed at him and nodded, "Yes, Blaine.  Its enough."

Blaine gave Kurt a small smile in return, "Well, maybe just one..." He leaned in and kissed Kurt on the cheek.  Then he kissed him behind the ear.  Then he kissed his neck.  Kurt let out a small gasp, and Blaine used his hands to shove himself away from Kurt.  "See?" He complained, pressing his back against the passenger door and holding out his hands as though warding off evil, "There should be a twelve-step program for you."  He grinned and leaned forward again to kiss Kurts cheek once more. 

Kurt leaned across Blaine and pulled on the door handle, using his hand to push open the car door.  "Go to work.  Ill wait up."

"You better."


With a final wave to Blaine, Kurt returned next door to his own (temporary) home.  Grabbing some cucumber slices from the main house, he returned to his apartment and laid on the bed with the slices over his eyes.  He didnt expect to fall asleep, but he did, and when he awoke, it was nearly midnight, and he only had about an hour before Blaine returned from work. 

Kurt rolled off the bed and quickly did a hundred pushups to force the blood to his arms and chest to maximize his definition.  Dashing downstairs, Kurt took a (thorough) shower and toweled himself dry.  Then he slathered his whole body with moisturizer, grabbed the tweezers, and squinted into the mirror.  Satisfied that no rogue hairs had set up camp, he swapped his tweezers for grooming scissors and carefully tweaked his manscaping to ensure that he looked tidy (and large).  Dressing and styling his hair until each strand was gleaming and in place, he just finished adjusting his collar when he heard Blaines car. 

Blaine had invited him to watch him shower, but now that Kurt knew that Blaine knew that Kurt had seen him do it, watching by invitation seemed too creepy.  Instead, Kurt settled himself into a chair to wait, using his fingertips to adjust the crease in his slacks.  He didnt have to wait long.  Minutes later he heard footsteps on the stairs and a knock on the door. 

Throwing it open, he saw a slightly disheveled Blaine, still in his work suit, tie loose and a couple top buttons on his dress shirt undone.  His hair was slightly mussed from the drive in the convertible, and his cheeks were deliciously flushed.  Before Kurt could say anything, Blaine grabbed Kurts face in both hands and captured Kurts lips in his own. 

Blaine smelled of sweat and second-hand smoke and alcohol.  His mouth tasted of sex and sin and just a hint of whiskey.  It shouldnt have done it for Kurt, but it really, really did.  He moaned into Blaines mouth, and, when he realized that his hands were stuck out at each side, fingers splayed, he moved them to Blaines hips and dragged Blaine even more tightly into the kiss. 

They parted with a loud smack, and Blaine breathed, "Hi."

Kurt smiled a "hi" right back. 

"I have to shower, now.  Im gross."

"I know."  Then Kurt heard himself and stammered, "About the showering.  Not about being gross.  Youre not at all.  You taste delicious."  Kurt clacked his teeth together to get himself to stop talking. 

Blaine laughed low in his chest.  "Will I see you at the window?" he asked. 

Kurt colored slightly and shook his head, "Im not...its...it seems kind of...I dont know...now."  God, Kurt, focus!  He pointed at his chair, "Maybe I should just wait here."

Blaine shook his head.  Taking Kurts hand, he dragged him into the bathroom and positioned him at the window.  Then he reached over and turned off the light switch so that Kurt could see out, but Blaine would only see a dark window from the shower.  Just like the other night. 

"I want you to see," Blaine whispered in Kurts ear, and Kurt shuddered as shivers crawled up and down his spine. 

Thundering down the stairs, Blaine soon appeared in the yard below, already jacketless and pulling his tie over his head.  Tossing them into the convertible, he quickly stripped off his shirt, shoes, and pants.  There were no socks.  Kurt was slightly relieved to see that Blaine had eschewed the red bikinis in favor of charcoal boxer briefs, which he kept on as he limped across the rocks to the shower. 

Stepping into the small compartment, Blaine put his thumbs under the waistband of his boxers and Kurts breath caught in his throat.  Having seen it once, he had seen it a lot in his head, but it wasnt the same.  Then Blaine looked up at Kurt, winked, and put out a hand and shut the shower door. 

That rat bastard!

Kurt was now watching only Blaines head and shoulders, and he saw Blaine duck down for a second.  Then the boxer briefs were flying high into the air and landing somewhere on the lawn.  Kurt giggled.  Blaine looked up at Kurt again and gave a quick shoulder shimmy. Then he blew Kurt a kiss.  Turning around, he turned on the water and began rinsing the gel and smoke out of his hair. 

Kurt realized now that it was all Blaines little joke, but, strangely, watching Blaine shower and not being able to see him was as erotic for Kurt as seeing Blaine naked.  Maybe it was the excitement of being denied.  Maybe it was because he knew that afterward, Blaine was coming back for him.  Either way, Kurt could cut glass with his penis, he was so hard. 

Blaine waved again to Kurt, and Kurt switched on the bathroom light long enough to wave back so that Blaine could see.  Then he switched it off again so that he could see.  Blaine blew him another kiss, and Kurt giggled again.  Then Blaine crooked his finger. 

He wasnt serious. 

He wanted Kurt to go down there?  He couldnt possibly.  Kurt turned the light on and shook his head from side to side.  He switched the light back off so he could see Blaine, and Blaine gave him sad puppy dog eyes, put his hands in a prayer position, and pouted prettily.  Then using both hands, he once again engaged in the hand gesture that unmistakably means "Come here." 

Kurt shook his head, but he couldnt resist.  Not really.  He quickly stripped off his clothes, threw on a silk dressing gown, and grabbed a clean bath towel.  Two showers in one night was going to destroy his skin, but he couldnt bring himself to care.  He bounded down the stairs two at a time and raced across the lawn, slowing as he drew near to where Blaine was watching him, only his eyes visible from over the top of the shower. 

"Are we really doing this?" Kurt asked in a low voice.  "I know it sounds weird, but I usually sleep with guys before I shower with them."

"Were being completely honest with each other, right?  Were not playing games, and were saying what we want and what we think and what we feel?"

Kurt nodded. 

"I want you, and I think most of my fantasies over the years have taken place when Ive been in the shower imagining that you were there with me.  I hope maybe thats true, to some extent, for you, too.  And I just thought maybe we could bring both of our fantasies to life.  But if its too much, we can...I dunno; I cant think.  All I can think about is having you wet, and, indeed, naked in my shower for real for once.  But theres no pressure."

"In that case," said Kurt untying his robe and letting it slip off his shoulders to puddle at his feet.  He tossed his towel on top of it, and Blaine said, "Yowza."

Kurt arched an eyebrow, "Yowza?"

"Im pretty sure thats the technical term for...whatever you call it when men see Kurt Hummel naked."

Kurt smiled and preened a little.  "Room in your shower for two?"

Kurt heard the hinges creak as the door swung open. 



Kurt let out a gasp the minute he stepped into the shower.  Part of it was from the sudden blast of water.  A much bigger part of it was that Blaine had immediately pulled a naked (and aroused) Kurt up against a naked (and aroused) Blaine, and holy-lack-of-foreplay-Batman, Kurt thought he might come right then and there. 

Blaines lips devoured Kurts, and his hands slid everywhere on Kurts body as he pressed his hot, wet body against Kurts like he was trying to go through him.  Kurt tangled the fingers of one hand into Blaines sodden hair, squeezing the curls while his other hand pressed to the small of Blaines back and pulled him up tight.  Blaine whimpered, and Kurt felt the sound in his toes, and he sucked on Blaines tongue where it was thrusting into his mouth. 

Blaine ripped his lips away with a groan and began kissing down Kurts jaw, then his neck, then his chest.  With one hand, he pushed Kurt against the shower door.  With the other, he reached back and grabbed a bar of soap.  Soon, he was lathering Kurt all over, and only the tiniest part of Kurts brain registered that it was Irish Spring and probably going to strip all the oils off his skin.  The rest of Kurts parts were very much registering that Blaine was now wrapping a soapy hand around Kurts dick and slowly working the whole length.  Kurt felt desire pool in his stomach and his knees grow weak.

"None of my fantasies were even close to how amazing you look and feel in real life," Blaine murmured into Kurts neck in between kisses and sucking and nibbling on the skin, all the while his hand never stopped stroking, stroking, stroking Kurts dick with a steady rhythm. 

"Nghh," Kurt replied. 

"Im so crazy about you," Blaine growled just before biting Kurts earlobe, still stroking. 

"Hhzzzmmm," Kurt returned. 

Blaine slipped his free hand, still soapy, under Kurts balls and began lifting and rolling them with his fingers while his other hand didnt miss a stroke and his lips kept working Kurts neck and jaw. 

"God, Blaine!" Kurt shouted as his orgasm crashed down, embarrassingly early, and he bent nearly in half from the force of it.  Blaine held him up with his own body as he continued to stroke Kurt through it, until Kurt finally threw himself back against the shower wall, panting and trying to bring his eyes back from the place where they had rolled up into his head. 

"Give me a minute," he panted. 

"Take your time," Blaine rejoined, looking extraordinarily pleased with himself. 

"Youre going to have a hell of a water bill."  Kurt wasnt sure where that thought came from or why he said it aloud. 

"Ill get a second job." 

Kurt laughed.  Then he pulled himself erect and reached for Blaine pulling him to him, so that Blaines back was pressed against Kurts chest.  "Thank you," he murmured in Blaines ear.  "That was...you have no idea."

"It was my pleasure," Blaine tilted his head back onto Kurts shoulder and kissed the side of Kurts neck. 

"Its about to be."  Now Kurt had the soap, and he began rubbing circles on Blaines chest, taking care to brush his nails over Blaines nipples occasionally so he could hear the delicious hissing sound that Blaine emitted when he did that.  Working lower, Kurt moved his long fingers across Blaines belly button and lower until they were barely brushing over Blaines straining dick.  He reached under and ran his fingertips along the thick vein running up the shaft, and Blaine threw his head back onto Kurts shoulder and groaned.  As he did so, he pressed his ass more firmly into Kurts groin, and Kurt felt his spent dick twitch, trying to rally for the occasion.  Then Kurt began working Blaine in earnest, stroking and twisting, and brushing an occasional thumb over the slit at the tip.  Blaines groans grew louder with each stroke. 

He was vocal.  Kurt liked it. 

With his other soapy hand, Kurt reached between them and slid his fingers between Blaines ass cheeks.  He paused at the entrance and asked, "Is this okay?"

"God, yes!  Just dont stop, whatever you do.  Dont ever stop." 

Blaine was a surprisingly articulate guy for one who was shaking all over and tossing his head from side to side on Kurts shoulder.  Kurt slowly slid one finger in.  The idea wasnt to stretch Blaine or to massage his prostate, it was just to give him an added extra while Kurt got him off with the hand on Blaines dick.  He worked one long finger all the way inside and then simply rocked it in and out in time with the stroking of the other hand. 

Blaines groans hit an even higher pitch, and Kurt began working him harder, increasing the grip Blaines dick and tugging faster while his other hand pushed rhythmically against Blaines rectum.  "Do it," he growled into Blaines ear, and then he bit down hard on Blaines neck, and Blaine screamed and then he came and came and came. 

Kurt felt rather proud of himself. 

By the time they actually got clean, the water had gone cold and they were both pruney.  It was so worth it. 

Blaine let out a wide yawn and smacked his lips as he wrapped a towel around his waist.  "I hope you werent planning on round two, because I think I may have been oxygen deprived for a little while there.  All I can think about now is sleep." 

Kurts own jaws creaked in response to Blaines yawn.  "I hope you werent planning on sleeping in your own bed, because all of my shower fantasies of you include cuddling afterward."

"I love to cuddle," Blaine declared enthusiastically. 

"Well, then, this must be my night." 




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