July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
Chapter 27
“Blaine your shaking” Quinn said her voice cracking.
“Maybe because the love of my life is in hospital and I don’t know if he’s okay” Blaine said coldly.
Quinn looked down at her hands placed in her lap but didn’t say anything. Blaine sighed as they stopped at a red light, Blaine looked at Quinn and opened his mouth to apologise but Quinn interrupted him.
“I know how your feeling Blaine, don’t think for one second I don’t I’m just as effected by this as you are” Quinn said with tears in her eyes.
“You are nowhere as effected as I am Quinn you didn’t know Kurt like I did” Blaine said angry but with a tone of sadness in his voice.
Quinn sniffed before looking out her window not daring to say another word to make Blaine angrier.
“HURRY UP!” Blaine yelled at the red light which made Quinn Jump in her seat.
Yoo where are you???
I’m at the hospital with Blaine.
What why are you ok?
Kurt’s had an accident.
I’ll be there soon and I’ll inform everyone.
Hours Later
“How’s Kurt is everything alright” Blaine said in a panic tone they had been waiting for hours now everyone was here and Burt and Carole were on their way.
The doctor shook his head “Too soon to tell but his brain was injured from the impact which can lead to a lot of problems but we’ll keep you updated.”
“Thank you doctor..please help him as much as you can” Blaine said quietly sniffing.
“I’ll try my hardest Mr Anderson” he said with a sad smile walking away.
The doctor returned with an unreadable face which caused Blaine and everyone else to take a deep breath.
“How is he doctor?” Blaine said rushing up to him.
“He’s going to be alright but we are still running tests on him.”
“Can I ask where his parents are?” he asked.
“There on their way” Santana said putting her arms around Blaine and Rachel while staring at Quinn who was sitting on a chair wrapped up in a blanket silently crying.
“You can go see him now if you want just try not to over whelm him” The 42 year old man said.
Everyone agreed that Blaine should go alone first which Blaine accepted without hesitation and rushed towards Kurt’s room.
“Kurt.” Blaine said walking into Kurt’s room with a teddy bear and a balloon that said get well soon that he got on the way to Kurt’s room.
Kurt looked up from his magazine and jumped a little.
“Um..wh..who are you? Kurt said looking at Blaine strangely.
“Kurt…it’s me your boyfriend” Blaine said worried.
“Boyfriend? No you’re not I have a boyfriend his name is Ray and he’ll be here soon I don’t think he’ll appreciate you saying that..” Kurt said a little freaked out.
To Be Continued.
I’m sorry this chapter is short and boring.