July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
Chapter 26
R.I.P Cory Monteith <3
“Hey Blaine look I need to tell you something” Finn said as they both left the building to go find Kurt.
“What’s wrong?” Blaine said sighing clearly not in the mood to talk.
Finn explained everything to Blaine as they sat down on a bench in the park.
“Why would you do that” Blaine said, Finn could see he was really angry.
“I..I’m sorry I just Quinn could have been hurt I couldn’t risk that happening” Finn said running his hands through his hair”
Blaine got up sighing “Look I understand your intentions I really do but if Kurt leaves me again I won’t be able to live through it again”
“But we’re going to explain everything to him” Finn said getting up.
“Well we don’t even know where Kurt is he could be anyway, look let’s split up if you find Kurt call me and same goes for me” Blaine walked off before Finn answered.
“Ok” Finn said knowing Blaine didn’t hear.
“Kurt oh my god are you okay” Ray said lifted Kurt’s head which was bleeding.
Kurt didn’t move and Ray started to panic “QUINN HELP!!” Ray said pulling Kurt into a sitting position.
1 Hour Ago
Quinn opened her eyes slowly and looked around and realized she was in a car, her car and Ray was driving it.
“Your wake finally if you’re wondering where we are going we’re going to my place sound fun?” Ray said raising an eyebrow.
Quinn looked towards the car door on her side and it suddenly locked.
“Don’t think about it I did promise to let you go since Finn did what I said but then I realized I’m so dumb didn’t realize this before if I let you go Finn would automatically tell Kurt the truth and everything I did would have been for nothing so we’re going to my place”
“Place let me go” Quinn said trying not to cry.
“Don’t cry I hate crying it’s disgusting” Ray said sighing.
“I wouldn’t have to if you let me go” Quinn said leaning back in her seat waiting for the next red light so she can attack.
Ray stopped at a red light and Quinn went in for a punch but Ray grabbed her fist.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Ray said raising his eyebrow.
“Don’t touch me!” Quinn yelled pulling her hand free from his.
“Behave and I won’t have to” Ray said relaxed.
The light going green and the car going forward, Quinn started to kick him and Ray grabbed her legs not paying attention to the road and pushed them away. By the time Ray went back to focusing on the road he hit something which made them both stop.
“Shit” Ray said getting out of the car and walking towards the body as he got closer he realized that it was Kurt.
“No no shit oh god fuck” Ray said really scared.
“Kurt oh my god are you okay” Ray said Kurt didn’t move and Ray started to panic “QUINN HELP!!” Ray said pulling Kurt into a sitting position.
Quinn got out of the car in a rush and screamed when she notice it was Kurt.
Quinn ran up to Kurt and kneed down beside him “This is all my fault” Quinn said crying.
“Your fucken right it is your fault” Ray said grinding his teeth together “Call 911 before I do something I regret” Ray handed her his phone and she called 911 before secretly texting Blaine the address where they were.
Blaine walked down the street with his hands in his pocket when his phone went off. Blaine grabbed the phone thinking Finn might have found Kurt.
Blaine sighed when he realised it wasn’t from Finn, Blaine read Quinn’s message with a confused look on his face all it said was a random street not too far away from his location.
Blaine ran as fast as he could thinking Quinn might be in trouble he ran around the corner and stopped dead in his track just as the ambulance went around the cornor which Blaine did see.
Quinn looked up to see Blaine standing there shaking Ray still hadn’t seen Blaine.
“Blaine!” Quinn said running up to him which got Rays attention.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Ray said getting up and going right up to Blaine’s face.
Blaine looked up at Ray with nothing but anger in his eyes but didn’t say anything.
“Quinn” Ray said looking at her who was trying to comfort Blaine.
Before Ray knew it Blaine and punched him swiftly in the face which knocked him out.
Quinn jumped a little grabbing onto Blaine’s arm.
“Are you okay?” Blaine said hugging Quinn and putting his head on her shoulder.
Quinn didn’t say anything but started to crying into Blaine’s chest.
“What’s wrong Quinn?” Blaine said looking into her eyes.
“It..It’s Kurt” Quinn said still crying.
“What about him? Where is he? Is he ok? Quinn?” Blaine said scared now.
“He’s in hospital Blaine” Quinn said sniffing.
To Be Continued.
I know it’s been a while but I didn’t have a computer for a while so I couldn’t continue but now I do so I’ll start writing more also I didn’t feel like writing anything on Glee after Cory’s death especially when Finn is a main character in my story but now I’m better so It’s not as hard. Wasn’t happy with this chapter I felt like I rushed it.
Please Review :)