Never Can Say Goodbye
Chapter 5 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Never Can Say Goodbye: Chapter 5

E - Words: 1,406 - Last Updated: Jul 26, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 29/29 - Created: Dec 05, 2012 - Updated: Jul 26, 2013
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Chapter 5

Quinn leaned away from the kiss and looked at Finn "I.I have to go I'm sorry Finn". Quinn left without saying another word, even if Blaine would never like her in that way she still thought of him when Finn kissed her.

When Blaine finally got up from the couch he decided he needed to go back he hated the fact that Kurt and Rachel were fighting because of him, he walked into the kitchen to see Rachel crying on the floor.

"Rach come here" he said opening his arms out to her. She jumped into them and cried until she lost all her energy and stopped crying. "I need to go back" Blaine said looking down to her.

She sniffed a few times before she answered him "Somehow I knew you would say that I just..Kurt I feel so bad for yelling at him this is my fault" she leaned away from his embrace. "No no it's not, it's my fault for coming here in the first place" he sighed and started walking away. "Thank you Rachel" he said walking out the door before Rachel could say a word.

Rachel ran after him but couldn't find where he went so she went back to the apartment and called him. She sighed when she heard Blaine's voice mail start.

Hey Blaine Anderson here, I'm sorry I couldn't answer the phone I'll call you back when I can and I just want to say to my boyfriend, Kurt I love you so much.

Rachel smiled at Blaine's message but realized that he hadn't changed it since Kurt and Blaine broke up. She laid on her bed before she fell asleep.

Kurt went back to the apartment half an hour later to get changed he peeked into Rachel's room to see Rachel sleeping he sighed to himself Blaine must have gone. He walked to his room and picked out his outfit. Ten minutes later and Rachel was still sleeping, Kurt left 5 minutes later and went to get some coffee.

He entered the coffee shop and went in line he finally got to the front "Hello what can I get you?" the lady said smiling "Oh sorry" Kurt said looking up from his day dream. "I'll have a medium drip" he said quickly giving her the money before realising what he had said, he just got Blaine's coffee order what why he said to himself he was thinking of Blaine before he told her his order maybe that's why. He sighed as they gave him his coffee and he went to sit down on the last empty table there was.

"Um excuse me" a young man said a few minutes after Kurt sat down.

Kurt looked up and his eyes went wide this guy looked so handsome "Yes?" Kurt manages to say.

"Your name is Kurt right?" he said with hopeful eyes even though he knew it was Kurt.

"Yes that's right, do I know you? He said raising one eyebrow but still trying to be nice.

"Um kind of we went to the same school.. McKinley? He said smiling at Kurt.

"Oh really that's awesome" Kurt said smiling back.

"Mind if I sit down there's nowhere else to sit" he said chuckling to himself.

"Oh yeah sure sit" Kurt said moving down a little to give him some space"

He sat down and brought his hand out to greet Kurt "I'm Raymond but you can call me Ray" he said smiling again.

"Hello Ray" Kurt said shaking his hand and taking another sip of his coffee he realised again what coffee he hand and his face changed and not in a good way.

"What's wrong?" Ray said placing his coffee back onto the table after taking a sip.

"Uh nothing just the coffee burned my throat" he said forcing a smile at Ray.

"Okay" Ray said smiling back at him.

"Can I ask you something that's none of my business?" Ray said taking another sip of his coffee.

"Um sure" Kurt said taking a long gulp of his coffee to finish it as quick as he could since it remind him of Blaine.

"Are you still with Blaine?" He asked regretting asking him that question as soon as he said it.

Kurt chocked on his coffee "How do you know Blaine?" He asked staring as Ray.

"Oh well we had a few classes together" he said looking at Kurt "Are you okay?"

"Yeah never better" Kurt said forcing another smile "and to answer your question no we aren't we broke up not long actually".

"Oh good" Ray said regretting what he said "I mean it sucks you broke up and all you I..I"

"It's fine Ray if you don't mind me asking are you gay" Kurt said finishing his coffee off looking down to not see Ray's expression.

"Yeah you could say that I'm bi actually" he said biting his lip.

"Oh" Kurt said getting up to trow his coffee away.

"Kurt?" Ray said looking up at him. "Are you going?"

"No I'm just going to put this in the bin you can come if you want" he said looking at the bin at the front of the shop."

"Oh ok" Ray said getting up to follow Kurt.

They walked to the bin and chucked it in "Do you have anything on for today" Ray asked looking at Kurt.

"Um no I don't" Kurt said looking back at Ray.

"Do you want to go for a walk with me at the park?" Ray said looking at the floor blushing.

Blaine didn't go to the airport like he told Quinn, all he did was walk aimlessly around New York. He needed time for himself so he decided to go to the park before going to the airport. He finally got to the park and walked around for a few minutes until he thought he saw Kurt in the distance.

He ran up the direction he thought he saw Kurt and saw him walking awfully close to a guy a little taller than him. Blaine honestly didn't think Kurt wouldn't move on this fast, he was too late he had already moved on and he didn't even have a chance to tell Kurt the truth Blaine started crying as he ran off the opposite direction to where Kurt was.

Kurt turned around just in time to see someone he thought was Blaine run off.

"Kurt? Are you okay" Ray said stopping to see Kurt had stopped walking.

"Uh yeah I just thought I saw someone I knew I guess not" Kurt said still looking back but walking towards Ray.

Quinn woke up in the middle of the night still fully clothed she must of fallen asleep waiting for Blaine to call her. Her phone rang and she saw it was from Blaine she picked it up.

"Blaine? Where are you" Quinn said clearing her throat at the same time.

"I'm at the airport" he said sniffing.

"Blaine how long have you been there?" Quinn said frowning a little.

"I got here just now I stayed in New York a little while longer before I left sorry If you were waiting for me" he said sniffing again.

"It's fine Blaine okay I'm coming to get you alright Blaine" Quinn said getting up.

"Please Quinn don't leave me stay on the phone with me" he said crying.

"Blainey" Quinn was shocked she called him Blainey but continued talking "I have to my phone had 10% of battery left and I might need it I'll be there as quick as I can.

"Ok" Blaine said softly before closing the phone.

Quinn sighed and got up and ran down stairs she didn't care if her mom heard her leave she needed to be there for Blaine she got into her car and drove to the airport. She got there later then she thought and saw Blaine sitting cross legged on the floor crying.

Blaine looked up and smiled a little when he saw Quinn he got up and ran to her car and got in hugging Quinn tightly "Oh my god I missed you" Blaine said crying into her shoulder.

"Blaine everything will be fine you are going to stay with me for a little while okay and you can tell me everything or nothing it's up to you okay?" Quinn said seriously.

"I want to tell you everything Blaine said after Quinn started driving to her house while Blaine had his head on her shoulder. "I don't know what I'm going to do after you leave Blaine said to Quinn looking up at her.


End Notes: Please review :)


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