July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
Chapter 3
Quinn looked at Blaine with wide eyes "Why would you lie about that you love Kurt?"
"Please Quinn don't tell anyone especially Kurt, he can't find out." Blaine was scared he didn't know what to do.
"Just tell me why Blaine. Why would you lie to Kurt?" she was standing up now walking slowly up and down Blaine's room.
"I..I had to Quinn he'd have a better life without me there I was holding him back he has a life Quinn we were growing apart more and more ever since he got his new job." Blaine had his face in his palms and was crying."
Quinn felt angry she knew she couldn't talk because she has cheated before but she had a point. "That's not a reason to lie Blaine he's all up in New York hurt all because you lied and he feels like crap. You could have easily told him instead of lying to him." She was feeling angry now.
Blaine was still crying at this point. "I can't he will keep begging me not to go and say we can work on it together I had to to exaggerate it so he would leave me I know that sounds stupid." Blaine kept on repeating the last word as he kept crying.
Quinn took a deep breath. "If you love Kurt you will make things right with him. I had a chat with Rachel over the phone and she saying Kurt not acting the same and it's because of you Blaine I don't want to sound like a bitch but it's true."
Blaine stopped crying and lifted his head up to look a Quinn. "But he's not talking to me at all how can I tell him?"
"Go to New York tell him everything you told me now." She said smiling a little.
"I can't I don't have any money to spend I spent the last of my saving's going to New York last time and he wont listen to me trust me."
"He will" she smiled and sat back next to him "I'll give you the money just pay me back okay?"
Blaine started to tear up again as he hugged Quinn tightly. "Oh My God! Thank you Quinn I promise ill pay you back" he let go of her and smiled.
She laughed. "Just focus on Kurt first alright" she got up said her goodbye as she looked back she saw the sparkle in his eyes she hadn't seen since he was with Kurt.
Kurt woke up in the morning. "Egh thank god it's a Saturday" Kurt said not sounding like his normal self.
"What was that" Rachel said poking her head through the curtains hoping Kurt was talking to her but Kurt walked right past her without saying anything.
"Kurt? You need to talk to me sometime you know you can't keep ignoring me forever." She had her hands on her hips and a cleaning towel on her shoulder.
"I'm not ignoring you Rachel I just don't want to talk okay can't you understand that." He said angrily.
She rolled her eyes and went back to the kitchen to continue making breakfast.
Kurt decided to go for a walk to clear his head. He put on the first thing he could find and left without telling Rachel anything.
He walked around for about hour. Why did Blaine have to cheat on me fucken hypocrite I cheat on him but only text and he gets angry but he cheats physically and thinks sorry and roses will make everything better, well it doesn't I never want to talk to him again and to think we be together forever well I guess that won't happen.
Quinn was in her car driving home and she looked down to see that she didn't have enough gas to get home she remembered Kurt saying his dad worked with cars and owned a tire shop so she drove to his house hoping he had some gas she can use of course she would pay him if needed.
She got out of her car and before she could knock on the door Finn opened it. "Quinn? Hey what you doing here?" he said like he was confused.
"Hey Finn, my car is running low on gas and I was wondering if Burt had any gas I can use to get home I'll pay him back if needed."
"No that's fine I'll get him. Burt?" Finn called as he ran to the living room. Burt came out behind Finn "Oh hello.. Gwen". "Quinn" she said smiling holding back a laugh. "Oh I'm sorry Quinn what can I do for you?"
Well I was wondering if I could use some petrol because I'm afraid I don't have enough to get home I'll pay you back if needed."
"No, no need for that I'll go get you some right now do you want to stay for dinner?"
"She would love to" Finn said before Quinn could answer. Quinn smiled about to say no but she gave up and went into the dining room just a Carol was preparing the table. "Oh hello Quinn" Carol said softly. "Hi Burt said I could stay for dinner I hope there's no trouble?" "No that's fine honey" she said smiling.
Burt came back from filling Quinn's car with gas and they all sat down but Quinn could tell there was an awkward silence going around she knew that didn't like Blaine that much anymore after the incident that happened Finn probably told them what happened she wished she could tell them Blaine didn't cheat on Kurt but she promised Blaine she keep it a secret. A few minutes later Quinn broke the silence. "Great food Carol" Quinn said smiling at her "Thank you darling" Carol said smiling back at Quinn.
"What did you do today?" Finn asked trying to keep conversation flowing.
Quinn looked up when she realized Finn was talking to her "I just hang out with friends from glee club" she said giving him the warning look.
"Who?" Finn asked clearly not seeing Quinn's face.
"Oh um" she didn't know if she should mention him now that Finn didn't see her warning look but said the first person that came into her head "Britney" she said taking a sip of her drink. 5 minutes later Quinn got up "Thank you for the food I need to get going she got up and left thanking everyone again before she started driving home.
I'm sorry I shouldn't have told my mom and Burt about what Blaine did.
Quinn got the text while driving home but texted him after parking the car.
No, you shouldn't have said anything it wasn't your business to tell them and next time read my warning before talking.
Blaine didn't answer back she didn't want to sound like a bitch but she did get put on the spot even if Finn didn't mean it.
She said hello to her mom quickly and went upstairs she wished she could tell Finn the truth but she knew she couldn't she had a quick shower and went off to bed hoping Blaine was okay in New York.
Kurt came home very late that night he spent all night walking around New York, hewent into his bedroom and saw a piece of paper that was ripped on the bed.
Gone to Brody's be back before midnight
Love Rachel xo
Kurt got ready for bed and was about to turn the lights off when he heard a knock on thedoor. He got up wondering who would be knocking at this time of night probably Rachel home early from Brody's he put on his robe and slippers and went to open the door.
"Hi" Blaine said looking at Kurt awkwardly.