July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
Chapter 21
“I’ll get it” Kurt said rushing past Blaine towards the door but was stopped when Blaine grabbed his wrist lightly making sure not to hurt him.
“Blaine please let go it’s probably just Quinn or Finn” Kurt sighed.
Blaine let go but Kurt didn’t move so Blaine started “Don’t be naive Kurt didn’t you read his text”
“Yeah I did but do you honestly think he got here this quick he lives on the other side of the city and he just sent the text minutes ago and I doubt he would get here in a few minutes.
Blaine just stared at the floor and didn’t say anything as Kurt walked to the door.
Kurt took a deep breath before opening the door.
“Ray..” Kurt said in shock and the last person he thought would be at the door.
“I was in the area and thought I come see you please Kurt I just want to talk”
Blaine started walking to the door when he saw it was Ray when Rachel grabbed his arm “Don’t he needs to take care of this by himself you’ll only make things worse.” For once Rachel was actually right and Blaine let Rachel pull him to the couch.
“I’ll be back guys” Kurt sighed grabbing his coat and Blaine got up.
“No Kurt please” Blaine begged Kurt just rolled his eyes and shut the door behind him the last thing Blaine saw was a smirk from Ray.
“Oh god he hates me now doesn’t he” Blaine sobbed into his hands, Rachel hugged Blaine to try comfort him and then Blaine started crying into Rachel’s shoulder.
“He doesn’t hate you” Rachel began “Your just being a little to protective and your acting like Ray’s going to murder him he’s strong Blaine strongest person I’ve met he’ll be fine he can always call us if he needs help.”
“What happens if he chooses him over me I can’t let that happen I love him so much Rach” Blaine said still sobbing.
“That will ever happen and you know that Blaine” Rachel said before she felt him relax and minutes later Blaine started snoring softly and Rachel knew he was asleep.
God today was a boring day Quinn thought to herself not only did she have nothing to do but her best friend Blaine wasn’t home so she decided to call Finn and see what he’s up to maybe that will keep her from pulling her hair out from boredom.
“Hello” Finn yawned into the phone.
Quinn suddenly felt bad for waking Finn up “Hey Finn it’s Quinn what are you”
“Hey Quinn nothing much I was going to go to Kurt’s but you know it’s a little late now not point staying a few hours then going” Finn’s said his tone got happier and Quinn smiled.
“Well then wanna come over Blaine’s out and I’m bored out of my brains” Quinn groaned.
Finn chuckled “Yeah sure why not you live closer so I’ll be there in 10 minutes or so.”
“Cool cya” Quinn said smiling and ending the call.
15 minutes later Quinn heard a knock on the door and Quinn rushed to the door.
“Well hello hello” Finn smiled when Quinn opened the door smiling.
Quinn smiled and leaned in to hug Finn, Finn picked her up and Quinn squealing demanding Finn to put her down.
“Sorry” Finn said laughing and putting her down.
“It’s fine” Quinn said breathlessly letting Finn inside Finn walked in but kept his eyes on Quinn.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Quinn asked grabbing her glass off the coffee table and walking into the kitchen and Finn followed.
“I don’t know maybe it’s because you are beautiful” Finn said instantly regretting it.
“Um thanks Finn” Quinn blushed which Finn caught, which gave him the confidence to continue.
“It’s so unfair you know that” Finn started
“What you thinking I’m beautiful?” Quinn said walking back into the living room and sitting down on the couch making room for Finn.
Finn never really answered so Quinn dropped it.
“So why are you home alone I would have thought you would be hanging out with Blaine or someone.” Finn said.
“Well it is raining Finn” Quinn giggled.
“Duh how stupid of me” Finn said chuckled feeling very embarrassed.
“You’re not stupid Finn it’s pretty cute actually.
“Really!” Finn said a little too happy.
Quinn nodded and bit her lips
Finn cleared his throat after minutes of silence “Uh would you like to dance?”
Quinn laughed and blushed “Um sure why not”
Finn stood up and offered his hand.
Quinn smiled grabbing his hand.
Finn took her across the room where there was room and put his arm around her waist and Quinn put her arms around his neck and they both started swaying.
Quinn was impressed Finn had improved in dancing he didn’t step on me toes nothing which made Quinn wondering if Finn had practiced all these years.
“I practiced for you, you know” Finn whispered in her ear still swaying.
“I ca- can see” Quinn manage to say before Finn’s lips were on hers for a second Finn honestly thought she would pull away but she didn’t.
Oh my god Quinn what are you doing your kissing Finn what’s Rachel going to think about this, she still has feeling for him and now I’m being a horrible friend you need to stop kissing him but I don’t want to why it’s not like I love him anymore do I?
Finn pulled away and smiled “I’ve wanted to do that for a while now” and again Finn’s lips were on Quinn’s.
“What do you want?” Kurt asked as they walked down the corridor away from his apartment.
“I want you back” Ray said calmly.
“Well that’s not happening I’m with someone anyway” Kurt said annoyed.
“With Blaine seriously are you crazy” Ray said trying to grab Kurt hand but of course Kurt tugged away.
“No opposite thank you very much” Kurt said with his famous bitch stare.
“I’m sorry Kurt” Ray said.
“I’m sorry to” Kurt said turning around to head back.
“Wait Kurt please why can’t you be with me besides the obvious your with someone?” Ray said quickly.
“Are you stupid you honestly don’t know what you did well let me make it easy and tell you why because you cheated on me WITH YOUR STEP BROTHER” Kurt yelled the last couple words.
“Yeah Blaine cheated on you to but your with him again” Ray said angry.
“Well I found out he didn’t he just said he did to protect me”
Ray started laughing “Did he really tell you that Kurt god you’re so gullible you believe anything Blaine says he probably just said that so you would go back to him.”
“Well your wrong and how dare you speak to me like that you have no righ-” Kurt was cut off by Ray kissing him.
Kurt smacked him across the face “How dare you, you moron” and with that Kurt walked off back to his apartment “I hope I don’t have to see you again Ray goodbye.”
“You will” Ray said but Kurt didn’t hear him.
Kurt walked in and so Blaine and Rachel leaning against each other sleeping, Kurt closed the door as quietly as he could be Rachel still woke up.
“Oh hey Kurt sorry I couldn’t really move because Blaine would wake up and he needed to sleep.”
“Yeah he does doesn’t he?” Kurt smiled bending down to kiss Blaine’s forehead.
Rachel slid away from Blaine and was relieved when he didn’t wake up he just mumbled something about loving Kurt.
Kurt smiled at his boyfriends adorableness.
“So how did it go with thing and all” Rachel said following Kurt into the kitchen.
Kurt explained to Rachel everything in great detail and by the end Rachel mouth was hanging opened.
“Don’t worry Rach I won’t be seeing him again so no need to worry”
“I don’t think Ray will give up that easy” Rachel said.
“He better” Kurt said annoyed at Ray.
Rachel nodded “By the way Blaine is really upset he felt really bad for being the way he reacted and all and he honestly thought you were going to pick Ray over him and he cried himself to sleep”
“He what!” I said a little too loud “Oh my god my baby” Kurt had his hand over his mouth and was getting teary “I didn’t mean to act like an asshole I just wanted to solve the Ray thing on my own he wasn’t doing anything wrong he was just trying to keep me safe that’s all and be a good boyfriend god I feel awful-”
“Kurt shut up your rambling on again” Rachel said shaking Kurt.
Kurt ignored Rachel and ran into the living room to go apologise to Blaine when he remembered he was asleep so he sat down next to Blaine and started reading an old Vogue magazine waiting for Blaine to wake up and attack him with as much sorry’s and love he possible could.
To Be Continued
Please Review!!
P.S Sorry for grammar and punctuation I’m not really good at it and also I’m going to be focusing on Klaine and Quaine more if you don’t like it oh well sorry but they will be Fuinn don’t worry just not as much as the other two.
What is Ray's problem? All he cares about is himself. When someone tells you to leave them alone after you have cheated on them you leave them alone if you know what is good for you! Hope to see an update soon.
Haha yeah I'm sorry I made him a prick but he'll be back.