Never Can Say Goodbye
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Never Can Say Goodbye: Chapter 2

E - Words: 1,138 - Last Updated: Jul 26, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 29/29 - Created: Dec 05, 2012 - Updated: Jul 26, 2013
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Chapter 2

Quinn sat down next to Puck. "Hey guys sorry I know I'm really late."

Puck just smiled at her and gave her a tight hug. "Where were you Fabray" He said leaning away from the hug.

Quinn thought about it for a little while before she started talking.

"Quinn what's wrong?" Mike said interrupting her before she was going to speak looking at her concerned.

She opened her moth again to talk "Sorry I was just talking with Blaine we ran into each other and got talking" said Quinn with a little smile on her face.

"Wanky" Santana said trying to hold back a laugh.

"San I'm being serious he's really hurt Kurt's not talking to him at the moment" said Quinn with a serious face looking at Santana.

Finn looked down at his empty plate trying to hide his expression.

"Finn? What's wrong you don't know anything about this do you?" Mercedes said looking at Finn.

Finn looked up at everyone who were staring back at him trying to read his face.

"I..I Blaine cheated on Kurt. "Finn looked down at his plate again not wanting to see everyone's reaction.

Quinn was the first one to break the silence. "Wait how do you know about that?"

Finn looked up at Quinn and took a deep breath. "I was there when he told Kurt. Please don't ask me anymore it's not my business to tell" Finn said before getting up placing the money for his food on the table and left.

Everyone watched as Finn left feeling really confused. They all got up about 5 minutes later and walked out the door into the cold. Quinn asked Puck if he would want a ride home but Puck shook his head and smiled "I'll walk home that's fine thank you anyway he said giving her a quick hug and walking the away.

Blaine woke up from the sound of his alarm going off he got up went to his wardrobe and picked out the first thing he could find, not like he has anyone to impress anymore he skipped breakfast and decided to go to school early. He jumped into his car and turned the radio on and Teenage Dream was playing. His eyes started to tear up and he turned off the radio before the chorus came on he leaned back into his seat and couldn't stop the tears from coming down.

Quinn sighed as she got up out of bed she missed her room and she would of stayed in her bed longer but she had things to do today and she had one whole week in Lima before she needed to go back. She forced herself out of bed and put her outfit on she planned from last night and went down stairs and jogged to her Car she drove off to Mckinley to go find Blaine. As Quinn waiting for the traffic to go she looked down to see Blaine's diary still in the passenger seat, she grabbed it and was about to turn the page when someone horn went off and she dropped the diary and started to move.

5 hours later

Blaine woke up in his driveway. He looked around confused and then he realised that he fell asleep and was late for school he opened the door and went back inside when he heard his phone go off he grabbed it out of his pocket hoping it would be Kurt.


Hey where are you?

Blaine sighed when it wasn't Kurt who had texted him.

Quinn was in the choir room listen to Tina as she finished her song Quinn stood up and started clapping she sat back down just as her phone started vibrating.


Hey I didn't feel well sorry.

Quinn sighed getting up and leaving the choir room. She decided to go visit Blaine, she went to her car jumped in then she realised that she didn't know where Blaine lived so she took out her phone.

Blaine was sitting on his bed listening to music he use to sing to Kurt when they were together a few seconds later his phone went off.


I'm coming over I'm worried about you what's your address?

Blaine was surprised before the talk they had in the halls they never even made eye contact before then and now Quinn wanted to come over. He took a few minutes to reply before he typed his address. He decided to go for a quick shower before Quinn came to freshen up.

Quinn parked outside of the Anderson's house and walked up the steps and knocked lightly on the door. A tanned woman with black long hair answered the door. "Hello may I help you?" she said smiling. "Uh hi I'm here for Blaine?" The lady smiled even more "Are you Blaine's girlfriend?" She asked her. "Oh no no I'm just his friend" she said blushing. The women let her in and told her where she could find him.

Blaine got out of the shower and put a towel around him and walked into his bedroom seeing Quinn walk in. "Oh Quinn I wasn't expecting you so soon" he said chuckling at her. "Oh I'll let you um..get changed I'll be outside" she ran out of his door blushing before he could say something.

After Blaine was dressed he left his room to see Quinn leaning against the wall, he looked down at her forcing a smiling telling her to come back in. His colour had come back and he looked a bit happier but Quinn could tell it was an act. Blaine closed the door behind him and sat on his desk chair.

"So..what's up?" Blaine asked looking at Quinn. Quinn sat on the bed and handed him his diary. "How did you get that?" Blaine asked gulping. "You dropped it when you ran away the other day." She said like it was obvious. "Did you ready any" Blaine said quickly.

"No why? Is there something I should see?" Quinn asked a little confused about why Blaine is acting like this.

"No there's nothing in there just stuff" he said looking down at his diary. A few minutes later Blaine was crying the tears fell onto his diary and he didn't even bother wiping them off.

Quinn looked at him concerned she grabbed his arm and pulled him to the bed so he could sit down next to her.

She grabbed his hand "Blaine what's wrong?" she said tightening her grip on Blaine's hand.

"You promise not to tell anyone?" he said finally looking up.

"You have my word what's wrong Blaine?" Quinn was scared because she didn't know what Blaine was going to say she hoped it was something that she could handle.

"I..I" he broke down for a few seconds "I lied to Kurt, I didn't cheat on Kurt" he hoped Quinn wouldn't say anything to anyone but he couldn't read Quinn's face witch got him really nervous.



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