July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
Chapter 19
Blaine stared lovingly at the boy beside him. The sun reflected off of his naked body. His skin so flawless except for the bruises all over his pale body that Blaine had left last night.
Kurt's eyes open slowly and once he saw Blaine staring at him he smiled.
“Hi...” Kurt said his voice a little crocky.
"Hey Beautiful" the hazel eyed boy whispered "How are you feeling?" Blaine said looking at the bruisers all over Kurt’s body.
Kurt moved closer to Blaine and winced.
"A little sore” Blaine face fell and Kurt quickly continued before Blaine could apologise “but it’s a good kind of pain. It reminds me that last night happened and wasn't a dream."
Blaine let out a laugh then moved in to peck Kurt’s nose. He went to kiss Kurt on the lips but Kurt was out of bed and walking around the room trying to find his boxers.
Blaine pouted at Kurt “No good morning kiss for me”
Kurt laughed “Morning breath” Kurt couldn’t find his boxers so he put Blaine’s on which surprisingly fit him.
Blaine smiled “Kurt how many times do I have to tell you I don’t care”
“This would be the first” Kurt said
“Kuurtt!” Blaine said chasing after Kurt.
Kurt ran out of his bedroom laughing as Blaine chased him.
“OH MY GOD” Rachel screamed when she saw Blaine naked.
“RACHEL!!” Blaine yelled hiding behind Kurt to cover himself.
“Wow just wow, never thought I’d see Blaine Anderson naked.” Rachel said in disbelief.
“Rachel!” Kurt said “What are you doing here don’t you have class.
“It’s a Saturday Kurt and your boxers are on backwards” Rachel said.
Kurt blushed as he looked down and saw she was right “Oh I must have lost count of what day it was.” Kurt said nervously.
“Mhm why was Blaine in your bedroom naked to begin with?” Rachel asked already knowing the answer.
Blaine saved Kurt from answering the question “Um this is kind of awkward me stand here naked so I’m going to put some clothes on” Blaine said still hiding behind Kurt his face red as a tomato.
“Ok I’ll come with you” Kurt said moving with Blaine slowly trying to get out of answering Rachel’s question.
Rachel rolled her eyes and turned around “You better explain yourself when you come out or I’ll force it out.”
Kurt and Blaine were already back in Kurt’s bedroom before Rachel finished her threat.
“Um here are your boxers” Kurt took them off handing them to Blaine.
“Thanks, god this is going to be awkward when we have to face Rachel.”
“It’s not that bad it’s Rachel not the entire word” Kurt said.
“Easy for you to say she didn’t see you naked” Blaine was now in a t-shirt and his boxers.
“Better then Quinn seeing you naked she wouldn’t let it go she’d make a joke out of it for the rest of your life” Kurt shrugged.
“I rather Quinn seeing me naked then Rachel” Blaine said putting his arms around Kurt’s waist after Kurt was dressed and pulling him closer.
“Your only saying that because she’s your best friend” Kurt put his arms around Blaine.
“Duh” Blaine smirked kissing Kurt on the lips.
“Blaainne” Kurt said still kissing Blaine.
Blaine hummed but didn’t stop kissing Kurt.
“I haven’t brushed my teeth yet” Kurt said smiling knowing it would annoy Blaine.
Blaine glared at Kurt but smiled.
They dragged their feet out of the room and went into the living room so Rachel could interrogate them both like Burt did the first time he met Blaine.
“It’s about time” Rachel said making space for Kurt and Blaine to sit down.
“So im going to make this easy and assume you two were having sex” Rachel looked the opposite to angry.
“By the way Blaine you do look better naked then Kurt had described you to be”
Kurt glared at Rachel and Blaine looked like he was going to faint.
“I’m joking Blaine” Rachel laughed.
“Lovely joke Santana” Blaine said and Kurt laughed.
When Rachel had all her questions answered except she never asked if they were together which surprised Kurt. Kurt remembered Rachel went to Finn’s last night and started talking.
“Hey Rachel how was Finn’s” Kurt asked but regretted it when he saw her face expression.
“Uh he wasn’t there so I spent some time with Quinn.” Rachel said softy.
“Cool” Kurt said.
Rachel looked up at him with confusion.
“I mean the Quinn part” Kurt said quickly.
Rachel nodded understandably.
Half an hour later Blaine was watching Kurt cook breakfast when he remembered his phone was still off and turned it back on to find 10 miss calls from Quinn.
“Hey Quinn what’s up” Blaine said after Quinn answered.
“Where are you Blainers I’ve been trying to get to you for ages.
“Sorry im at Kurt’s what’s up?” Blaine said still looking at Kurt which put a smile on his face.
“Well I just wanted to know if you were okay that’s all”
“Im more than okay” Blaine giggled.
“Oh god what did you do now” Quinn laughed
“What nothing wait” Blaine said leaving the kitchen and went into the bathroom after getting a confused look from Rachel.
“Ok I think me and Kurt are back together” Blaine smiled.
“You think?” Quinn said confused.
“Well he didn’t say it in words we had sex and we kissed a lot and we acted like a couple so I thought you know” Blaine was interrupted.
“Blaine even though you think your together you need to ask him just in case”
“Yeah your right I need to go Quinn thank you”
Blaine ended the call a little worried what happens if Kurt didn’t want to be in a relationship and he just wanted to be close to someone after all he did just recently get out of a relationship but Kurt wasn’t like that was he?
Blaine left the bathroom and saw Rachel and Kurt already sitting down with food waiting for Blaine to join them.
“Hey is everything fine” Rachel eyed Blaine when she saw his face expression.
“Yeah of course” Blaine forced a smile and looked at Kurt who was looking at him like he was trying to read his mind.
They all ate in silence while Kurt and Rachel kept glancing at each other.
“What’s wrong with Blaine” Rachel mouthed to Kurt.
Kurt shrugged and broke the silence.
“Blaine Hun what’s wrong you were all fine before and now you seem sad did I do something.”
Blaine cleared his throat before talking. “Can we talk alone”
“Um yeah sure” Kurt got up and followed Blaine into his bedroom.
Rachel went to watch TV so she wouldn’t over hear their conversation if it was that serious Kurt would tell her or she would force it out of him.
“Blaine what’s wrong please tell me” Blaine was sitting down on the bed looking down.
“I..I” Blaine stuttered.
“Tell me” Kurt continued.
“Are we together?”
To Be Continued.
Sorry for not updating earlier I didn’t know what to write about so if this is a boring chapter im really sorry.
Please Review and I don’t mind negative feedback but be nice about it thanks :)
Great story so far hoping for another update sonn, but really enjoyed what you already put up! :)
Thanks I'm glad an nervous it doesn't become horrible :)