Never Can Say Goodbye
Chapter 13 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Never Can Say Goodbye: Chapter 13

E - Words: 1,480 - Last Updated: Jul 26, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 29/29 - Created: Dec 05, 2012 - Updated: Jul 26, 2013
241 0 2 0 0


Chapter 13

Kurt angrily dialled Rachel's Number "Where are you?" Kurt said angrily.

"I'm paying to get into the pools" Rachel said.

"You were supposed to wait for me" Kurt said getting angrier.

"Well you were taking forever I told you but you probably didn't hear" Rachel sighed.

"I was getting ready do you know how long it takes for me to find something I'm willing to give up just for the stupid pools"

"Don't you have any swim trunks?" Rachel said.

"No I don't do pools why would I have a pair if I never go swimming" Kurt said calming down a little.

"Sorry Kurt" Rachel said

"It's fine just don't get in the water yet, should I ask Ray if he wants to come as well?"

"Was that Blaine" Rachel mumbled to herself.

"What?" Kurt said.

"Huh sorry what were you saying" Rachel said quickly

"Don't worry I'm coming now" Kurt said grabbing his wallet and leaving.

"Ok" Rachel said closing the phone.

Blaine sighed fixing his red short tight swim trunks as he stood near the pools. Stand here all day was a drag and usually no one even needed help which was good for his hair not need to get it wet.

"Blaine!" Blaine turned around to an older and slightly taller Rachel running to him.

"Hey hey no running around the pools" Blaine smirked.

Rachel rolled her eyes "Nice to see you to Blaine it's been forever your still looking good"

"Thanks you to" Blaine smiled.

"So you work here?" Rachel said

"Yerp are you here by yourself?" Blaine said

"Um no I'm waiting for Kurt" Rachel sighed she regrate bringing Kurt's name up for all she knows Blaine could still have feelings.

"Oh" Blaine said his smile leaving his face.

"Sorry" Rachel said looking down.

"It's fine how is he" Blaine sighed.

"Um he's good he just go en-" Rachel got interrupted.

"RACHEL! I SWEAR You- WOAH" Kurt ran and fell into the deep end of the pool.

Kurt tried to swim but he knew he couldn't so he called out for help before going under water.

Blaine ran and dived into the water swimming towards him and grabbing him and pulled him to the surface.

Kurt coughed "Blaine.." Kurt said wide eyes his hands on Blaine's bare chest he would of tried to leave his embrace but he knew he couldn't unless he wanted to drown.

"Hi.." Blaine said nervously looking into his eyes.

"Um" is all Kurt said.

"Oh sorry" Blaine swam him to the edge Kurt grabbed the edge and Blaine pulled himself out of the water and then put a hand out for Kurt to grab.

Kurt sighed but let himself be pulled out of the water by Blaine.

"Oh my god" Rachel said pulling Kurt away from the pool "Are you okay Kurt?"

"Yeah I'm fine what's Blaine doing here I swear if you invited him I will kill you"

"No I didn't he works here he's a life guard" Rachel said looking over at Blaine who was still near the pool staring at Kurt.

"Guess we live in a small world first Quinn bumping into Sam in New York and then us running into Blaine what's next" Rachel squealed.

"Rachel just because Blaine is here in New York doesn't mean I will started dating him I'm getting married don't forget that.

"Yes but you don't want to get married I know Kurt I'm not dumb"

"What makes you think that?" Kurt said lifting one eyebrow.

"Well you haven't told anyone not even your parents I had to find out from Ray I'm not dumb Kurt you were put on the spot that's why you said yes."

Wow this girl is good Kurt thought to himself "Not true Rach" Kurt said lying.

"Whatever you can deny it as much as you want but I know it's true if it was Blaine" Rachel said whispering his name "I think you would of already been married."

"Rachel he broke my heart so just stop I'll be his friend nothing more" Kurt said

They both walked back to Blaine who was fixing his hair and grumbling, Kurt tried not to smile.

"Oh hey" Blaine said seeing Rachel and Kurt come towards him.

"Hi" Kurt said trying not to stare at his chest or stomach..

Blaine noticed and smiled.

"Well I'm going for a swim" Rachel said walking backwards and away from the two of them.

Kurt glared at her but she was already jumping into the pools.

"So how are you?" Blaine said waiting for Kurt to look away from Rachel.

"I'm fine" Kurt said finally looking at Blaine.

"I'm sorry this is awkward" Blaine said a moment later.

"Yeah I wonder why that is" Kurt said looking at Rachel swim

"Kurt.." Blaine said sighing.

"Yeah that's my name" Kurt said looking at Blaine.

"I need to tell you something I should of said ages ago" Blaine said.

"I don't want to hear it" Kurt said.

"Well I don't care I'm still going to tell you" Blaine said a bit annoyed

Kurt just gave him his famous bitch stare.

Before Blaine could continue to talk Rachel was back.

That's quick Blaine thought.

"God I needed that are you going in Kurt" Rachel said coming back squeezing her hair dry.

"No you saw what happened 5 minutes ago." Kurt said coughing

"There's a shallow end on the other side of the pull don't worry you will be able to stand"

"Okay" Kurt said walking away from Blaine with Rachel.

"Oh wait Rachel said walking back to Blaine and telling Kurt to stay there.

Kurt rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips waiting for Rachel to return.

"What time do you finish?" Rachel said to Blaine.

"Um 5:30" Blaine said confused.

"Okay come over to my place at 7:30 we are watching a movie bring Quinn and Sam if Quinn wants I won't take no for an answer.

Rachel walked away before Blaine could answer.

Blaine sighed he had to go now Rachel was expecting him to.

"What was that all about?" Kurt asked as Rachel returned.

"Ok well basically me you Blaine, Brody, Ray, Quinn and maybe Sam are coming over our place for a movie night."

Kurt laughed "Your funny...wait you're serious" Kurt said glaring at Rachel.

"Yes I am" Rachel said grabbing Kurt as the both entered the water by the steps.

"I hate you right now I know what you're trying to do your trying to hook me and Blaine up together again not happening" Kurt said walking around in the pool.

Rachel laughed "If I wanted to do that I would have only invited Blaine but I didn't so your wrong."

"Fine" Kurt said punching the water.

"Relax Kurt I just want a movie night with my friends.

"Ok I know sorry" Kurt said sighing

Rachel and Kurt left an hour later and went home to prepare for tonight.

Blaine went home and saw Quinn watching TV laughing.

"Hey" Quinn said smiling at Blaine.

"Hey do you have a date with Sam today?" Blaine asked sitting on the couch next to her.

"First it's not a date I just hang out with him I haven't seen him over 5 years and we are just catching up and no nothing why?"

"Ok good because Rachel has invited us to her place and said you can bring Sam."

"Oh my god we are not dating she thinks that we are doesn't she?"

"I don't know but call Sam ask him if he's free and if he is we all go together I haven't seen Sam since the one time he came over here for dinner the night you bumped into him.

"Ok pass me my phone it's on the bench in the kitchen"

Blaine came back and gave her the phone before going for a shower and getting ready.

Sam agreed on coming and Quinn got ready for tonight while waiting for Sam to arrive.

20 minutes later there was a knock on the door and Quinn rushed to get it.

"Hey Quinn" Sam smiled hugging her.

"Sam hey" Quinn said hugging him back.

Blaine entered the room to see them pull away from the hug.

"Blaine my bro what's up" Sam said hi fiving Blaine a little too hard but Blaine didn't show any pain until he went back into the kitchen and shook his hand from the pain.

"You all ready" Sam said coming in with Quinn and sitting on the bench while Quinn stood next to Blaine to fix bit of his hair that weren't gelled properly.

"You know you don't need the gel" Quinn said smiling while fixing it.

Blaine pouted "God no I'll look homeless"

Quinn bit her lip trying not to laugh but couldn't hold it in.

"It's not funny" Blaine said rolling his eyes.

"Let's go" Quinn said turning back to Sam and smiling.

"Alright" Blaine and Sam said together.

Quinn just laughed as the boys walked out of the apartment so Quinn could lock the door.

"Okay off we go" Quinn said smiling at the two boys.

To Be Continued

I know people want Quinn and Blaine together but I really don't want Klaine to be over, Blaine's gay and I don't want to change facts about him and make him bi so right now I don't know who he will be with but I hope whoever I choose doesn't give me bad review or anything like that.

Please Review :)



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I like Quinn and Blaine as friends but I agree that Blaine belongs with Kurt. Blaine has already went through his identity crisis in high school when he thought he was interested in Rachel.

See I love Quaine don't get me wrong but he's gay and I wouldn't feel right writing this fanfic if I made Blaine go with Quinn you're right btw :) Thanks for your feedback