July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
July 26, 2013, 6:40 p.m.
Chapter 1
Quinn was walking down the halls of McKinley when her phone rang.
"Hello?" Quinn said without looking to see who was calling.
"Q get your ass over to Breadsticks. Finn, Mercedes, Puck, Mike and I are here" Santana said before shutting her phone.
"Hello to you to Santana" Quinn said before putting her phone back into her pocket.
Blaine was sitting on a random desk in a class writing in his diary thinking about Kurt and how much he missed him. He really didn't want to lie to Kurt about the cheating but he was holding Kurt back. He had a life, a job he's just getting settled in and as much as it hurts it was the right thing to do, even if hurts it was right. He wrote everything down he was thinking about Kurt knowing the diary wouldn't judge him and would just listen to him. He got up picked up his books and ran out the classroom it was late after school and he really needed to get home.
Quinn took a deep breath, turned around and as she went around the corner she knocked into Blaine, who was carrying a hand full of books that dropped onto the floor.
"BLAINE! Oh My God I'm so sorry!" Quinn said picking all of his books back up.
"Quinn, hey it's not a problem, should have been looking where I was going. What are you doing here?" Blaine said as happy as he could "I was going to text you when I got home."
Quinn handed his books back and looked at him funny ignoring his question "Blaine, are you alright?"
Blaine took a deep breath debating whether or not he should tell Quinn the truth, but Rachel said she was good at giving straight and realistic answers. "Quinn, I have a problem..."
"Please not another pregnancy" Quinn said smiling trying to make Blaine happier.
Blaine's eyes went wide not seeing it was a joke "What? No, I came to you because Rachel said you could give me straight and thoughtful answers. I was going to text you but you're here so that makes it easier."
"Okay well you've come to the right person what's wrong?"
Blaine closed his eyes so he wasn't able to see Quinn's reaction. "Well... I cheated on Kurt."
Before Quinn could speak Blaine was talking again. "I didn't mean to I just felt so lonely and well desperate, so I poked a guy on Facebook named Eli and he messaged me saying What's up, sexy? You want to come over?" By this time Blaine was crying.
Quinn didn't know what to say but said the first thing that came to her head "Did you go over?"
Blaine looked up at her and the tears stopped coming "Yeah... I did" Blaine looked back down knowing what she would say.
Quinn took a deep breath knowing what she was going to ask. It wasn't any of her business, but if Blaine wanted her help she was going to ask him. "Blaine what did you do with this guy exactly?"
Blaine opened his mouth to speak, but immediately closed it. "I don't feel like talking about it, it makes me feel sick."
Quinn bit her lip" I know how you feel."
Blaine gave her a confused look "Really?"
"Yeah. A couple of years ago I cheated on Finn with Puck and got pregnant and said it was Finn's baby. A year later I cheated on Sam with Finn" Quinn said sitting down putting her head against the locker, patting the spot next to her, for Blaine to sit.
Blaine smiled a little but it faded once Kurt came back into his mind. He sat down next to her and crossed his legs." Yeah I know, but I didn't know you cheated on Sam I thought it was just not working out."
Quinn was surprised, Sam would of said something, given the fact that they had recently become closer as friends.
After a minute of silence, Quinn realized she was supposed to be at Breadsticks. She got up and held her hand out. Blaine forced a smile and took her hand, she gave out a laugh at the realisation of how light he was. "Hey, come to Breadsticks. Get your mind off things, I'm meeting Puck, Finn, Mercedes, Mike and San there. Want to come? Even though I'm like, an hour late" Quinn laughed
Blaine forced another smile still thinking of Kurt. "Thanks but I don't feel like going out tonight, I'm just going to go home. Thanks anyway."
Quinn smiled weakly. "Okay, well if you change your mind you know where I'll be" as she walked away. Before she left, she turned and saw Blaine standing there, still looking at the floor.
Quinn took a deep breath, probably going to regret saying what she was about to and walked back to Blaine. "Santana can wait. I just want to say quickly if you two can't be together you can always still be friends like Sam and I. I cheated on him which really hurt him, but we're still friends?"
Blaine didn't look up "Yeah, I don't know if I'll be able to just be friends with him. I love Kurt, you don't understand Quinn. Kurt and I weren't just a high school relationship, we were planning to stay together forever and even move to New York, until I stuffed everything up and cheated on him. I was supposed to be the strong one, the one who keeps us together, but I stuffed it up I couldn't even last half a year" by this time he was crying.
Quinn felt really sorry for him" I'm really sorry Blaine" she hugged him until he his body started to relax. "Blaine..." she said "Can I ask something without you falling apart?"
"Yeah" Blaine said stepping away from the hug. He looked into her eye's trying to see if he could see what she was going to ask but her face was unreadable.
She took a deep breath "If you were missing Kurt that much, and if you were that desperate why didn't you go to New York when you were at the edge. I know it's a lot of money, but you could have taken the train. It's cheaper..."
Blaine thought before he answered, Quinn was surprised he didn't cry again." I..I.. he was ignoring me, Quinn. I know that's not an excuse for cheating, there's no excuse for cheating, but once he got his job, it was like he was too busy for me, and whenever we did talk it was always about him. I did think of going to New York, but I didn't want to interrupt him, and when I finally built up the courage to go to him, I told him about what happened with Eli, we haven't spoken since."
Quinn had tears coming from her eyes which she wiped away before Blaine noticed." Blaine... give Kurt some time okay, if he loves you he will at least give you a chance to explain yourself." She knew there was no explanation for cheating but she didn't want to make him feel worse "Are you sure you don't want to come to Breadsticks?"
Blaine looked up at her but didn't smile "I can't, I have to go. I'll see you later Quinn, Thank you for everything" he ran down the hall and out the door and unaware, he dropped his diary on his way out the double door.
Quinn was going out those doors anyway so she grabbed the diary and ran out the double door trying to catch up to Blaine to give him his diary but he was nowhere to be seen.
She went to her car, put the diary on the passenger seat, and drove to Breadsticks, even though she was an hour and a half late which Santana would kill her for later. She parked her car, and looked at the diary before she got out of her car to enter Breadsticks. She'd give it back to him tomorrow, after school, when she went back to visit New Directions.