The Organisation Of Submissive Ownership
Masterbation Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Organisation Of Submissive Ownership: Masterbation

E - Words: 4,463 - Last Updated: Apr 07, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/? - Created: Apr 07, 2016 - Updated: Apr 07, 2016
302 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Currently unbetaer'ed
I felt it was time for some smut, so here is a long smutty-ish chapter!

(almost twise the length of my normal chapters!)

Blaine had spent a long time last night waiting for someone to come and lock the cages, however no one did. He must have eventually fallen asleep though because the next thing he was aware of was a loud commotion, someone banging on the cell door to get them all up.

“Everyone needs to be in yesterdays classroom within ten minutes.” A guard shouts from the other side of the door. Blaine groans and roles over, turning so his back is against his cage door. He hears a few others groaning as well, clearly objecting to having to get up. He thought subs had some kind of magical ability enabling them to be better at getting up in the mornings, however it turns out he is still a teenager and getting up at... well, whatever the time is... is still a tall order, especially knowing there isn’t anyone there watching and waiting to discipline him for not getting up instantly. He hears some of the others opening their cage doors and getting out, but he still isn’t ready.

He must have fallen back to sleep, as the next thing he is aware of is being shaken.

“Blaine, you really have got to get up.” He hears Nick, still shaking him roughly. Blaine grumbles but doesn’t make any further move. “Blaine if you don’t get up this second I will personally see to it that your parents burn your bowtie collection.”

“Not the bowties! I’m up,” he shouts, jumping down from his cage with a slight chuckle. Although he knows there is little chance Nick would carry out his threat, he knows there is a bigger, genuine threat for not getting up.  One he certainly doesn’t want to face.

It appears half the subs had already left, not waiting for the others - only his three friends as well as Max and Jacob remained to wait for him. Then again, there isn’t any sense of unity between them all, at least not outside of his little group. It’s each sub for themselves; Blaine expects the only person to really have his back is Nick.

When they eventually make it to their destination – having made one wrong turn – the arrive only an instant before the guard. Blaine’s heart plummets when he recognises the voice.

“Hurry up, kneel,” Slapper instructs, the six of them hastily settling on the cushions in the front row. On the bench-table in front of each cushion is a bottle of small, generic, cheaply produced lube. Blaine really doesn’t want to know why they need it, despite it probably being obvious.

“This is the first and last time you will get to do this. Your pleasure is no longer anyone’s concern, but we allow you one last opportunity to masturbate; we have discovered the best way to teach you to bring pleasure to your Master is doing it yourself. But only once.” Slapper picks up the bottle of lube from her desk, popping the lid as she returns to the centre of the room and creepily sniffing it.

“A quick question for the girls first, before we all begin. Are any of you on your period? 1452?” Blaine wonders what the numbers mean.

“No Ma’am,” Tina responds. That’s right, everyone in this room is only a product, referred to by their serial number. He had almost forgotten where he was, the daily routine already seeming more normal than it should be. He guesses that must be Tina’s name now, according to the system. After seeing the other three girls shake their heads, Slapper seems satisfied and continues.

“Firstly, you boys need to wank and bring yourself to full hardness, and you girls need to stimulate your clitoris until you have sufficient juices flowing,” Slapper instructs, directly to the point, everyone’s jaws dropping in shock. “Then you all be instructed on how to stretch your anal hole. This afternoon you will be paired up and then finally you will be allowed to reach your orgasm.”  He wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but it defiantly wasn’t that. When no one moves, she speaks up again. “What are you waiting for?”

Everyone scrambles for the lube, still in a slight daze trying to process what it is they have been instructed to do. Blaine isn’t really sure what he is meant to be doing. Well, that’s not completely true; he is a teenaged boy, he knows what porn is. But to be judged on exactly what he is doing and how, that’s something completely different. And to do it in a room full of other people, also trying to spark their own arousal, completely kills his mood. Theoretically anyway.

“5226, I suggest you hurry up and start or I will be doing it for you, and I promise you don’t want that!” At the recognition of his number, he quickly pops the lid and trickles the slimy liquid over his fingers and palm, wrapping it around his flaccid cock.

Looking at the room he sees everyone else in various states. Nick looks hesitant, but stroking himself none the less. Brittany seemed to be taking it all in her stride, and comparably Tina also seemed to be trying, but a little less sure of herself than Brittany. Blaine can’t seem to look away, having never watched a girl before. Brittany has her eyes shut, head slightly thrown back. Her legs spread in a way only a cheerleader or gymnast could manage, still on her knees, her whole arm moving up and down at a slow sustainable pace. On each upstroke Blaine notices she pulls her fingers in a come-hither motion, lightly brushing her clit each time. It’s almost like watching a bad accident, he can’t quite look away, even though he really wants to.

Finally he is able to move on, knowing looking at viginas is resulting in the opposite of what he has to achieve. His eyes skip over Max, also looking around uncomfortably like Blaine, before landing on Jacob. Blaine has to have a double take, because the same boy who caused the scene in the canteen a few days ago, well he was really going for it. Blaine could see the muscles in his arms working to keep up the fast pace, and feels himself getting turned on by the image. When he started looking around, it was only to try and work out the others reactions, he didn’t intend for it to be his own live action porn. But god, those muscles! He watched them flex, standing out prominently from the rest of Jacob’s arm. Jacob’s mouth drops open, emitting a soft groan Blaine can’t help but bask in.

He knows he really shouldn’t. He should look away. Shut his eyes and focus solely on his own sensations. But he just can’t bring himself to do it. Blaming it on the sex deprived teenage mind of his, he starts moving his own arm, slowly simulating his own cock. He watches the movements Jacobs makes, copying them with his own arm, imagining it is Jacob’s arm stroking his own cock. He knows it’s wrong, but he can’t stop. Jacob makes another deep moan, which goes straight to Blaine’s cock. Blaine has to fight to keep back his own moan. How had he not noticed before? But Jacob is incredibly hot and muscular! Everywhere. Blaine’s gaze makes it’s way to Jacobs dick, and he is stunned by the length. It is the prettiest and biggest cock he had seen, sticking out at full hardness. Blaine feels an increasing heat in his hands, more blood having rushed to his dick fast enough to make him dizzy had he not had a focal point – namely the almost strangers cock. He sees a bit of precum gathering at the end of Jacob’s cock, and his mouth starts waters, imagining licking it off. As he picks his lips, Jacobs looks up and directly at Blaine.

He freezes, no idea what to do. He had been caught in the act and there was no back tracking.

“5226, 8263! Start moving.” Slapper shouts, agitatedly. Blaine starts stroking again, slowly. He knows he really should stop looking at Jacob, but he can’t. And god those eyes of his! A swirling grey. Grey doesn’t do it justice though. Grey sounds dull and boring, whereas Jacob’s eyes look like they contained the stars, the moon, and the rest of the galaxy. Blaine was getting lost in those eyes, still stroking his own cock as per Slapper’s instructions.

It’s at that point he realises there is only one reason Blaine is able to look into Jacob’s eyes. He is staring directly back. His breath hitches, seeing the smile aimed directly at him, before Jacob’s eyes travel down Blaine’s own body. He takes this as permission, eyes dropping below the equator again. Yup, Jacob is still caressing his cock while watching Blaine. And wow. He has to take a moment to appreciate it. It is the best cock he has ever seen, better than he could have imagined. The veins stand out prominently from the muscly shaft. Jacob is slightly shorter than Blaine, but his greater girth makes up for it. The head is a shinny red, sparkling with precum, the shaft a blend of red and Jacob’s natural tanned tone.

“5226.” Slapper calls, standing right in front of him, making him jump. He whips his head round to look at her, before remembering he should have his head down, dropping it quickly. “Good boy,” she praises. Strangely, Blaine likes the praise, feeling like he had done something right for once in this place. “Twist your wrist as you reach your head,” she instructs. On his next upstroke, Blaine turns his wrist in a clockwise direction. A wave of heat races through his body, a sensation he has never had the pleasure of experiencing before. His head falls back, allowing a breathless moan to escape.

“Much better. Keep it up,” she instructs as she moves along to watch Tina on his left. He shuts his eyes, allowing himself to float in the pleasure he is giving himself. He feels every sensation, only multiplied by 10. The sounds of everyone else in the room become distant, everything calm. His only focus is his dick, and the image of Jacob doing unspeakable things to him. Up, twist, back. Up, twist, back. Repeat again. He starts increasing his speed, needing and craving for more of the friction. His movements start to get slightly erratic, no pattern or rhythm, just doing what feels right and pulls in the right way. He feels his muscles tightening, preparing for the release is craving.

“5226 Stop!” Slapper booms. Blaine’s eyes shoot open, releasing his hand from its pleasurable grasp, unsure what it is he is in trouble for. It appears he isn’t the only one who listened, everyone else having opened their ears and stopped as well. “Did I tell the rest of you to stop?” Slapper prompts. A few of the subs shake their heads, before everyone starts back up again. “Remind me why we are letting you do this?” She asks. Blaine thinks back to the start of the lesson, struggling to remember, feeling like he is trying to run through deep mud.

“To make sure we know what we are doing?” He asks. Hastily adding, “Ma’am.”

“What did I say about your own pleasure?” She prompts.

“It doesn’t matter, Ma’am.”  He drops his head. “You are preparing us to give our Masters hand jobs. And clitoral stimulation.” He adds, remembering the girls. He starts feeling guilty, although he isn’t really sure what exactly is making him feel that way

“So what did you do wrong?” Slapper acts condescendingly, as though Blaine is a young child who had been caught sneaking into the snack cupboard.

“I forgot, Ma’am, and instead was too absorbed in myself.”

“That’s right,” Slapper agrees. “You are going to sit there, not touching yourself, while you wait for everyone else. If you behave for the rest of the session, I might allow you to regain the promised orgasm you have just lost. But since there are an odd amount of you, it wouldn’t be any issue to have someone sitting out.”

“Thank you Ma’am.” He responds, grateful that appears to be the extent of his ‘punishment’. Although probably because he had been caught before he had finished.

After only a few minutes he realised it wasn’t going to be as easy as he had initially thought. Sat on his knees, his cock still jutting out wanting attention, while being surrounded by ten other subs, all making their own moans and whimpers, bringing pleasure to themselves. Blaine keeps getting a twitch in his right arm, wanting to touch himself again, still as hard as he was before he had to stop. He looks out the corner of his eye, wanting to see Jacob.

But turns out that was a mistake, unsurprisingly. Jacob was still stroking himself, but slower than before. He had his eyes open and was still watching Blaine. The blood from his brain seems to rush straight to his cock, as not only does it get harder, he doesn’t even attempt to block the moan that escapes his lips. Sweat has started to bead on Jacob’s forehead, but not in the gross sweaty baboon way, instead in the sexy workout way. All Blaine can think about is what it would taste like if he was to lick it. Which really isn’t helping obey his no wanking order. Viginas. Big scary viginas. Viginas with teeth and legs. Viginas bleeding. Eww. He feels his cock slightly cooling down. Not completely deflating, but the blood flow slowly reducing.

Thankfully, at the same time Slapper decides everyone has shown enough knowledge, and tells them all to stop. The delicious noises all fade to nothing. Blaine breathes a sigh of relief as Slapper walks over to the desk, pulling out a damaged box without a top, and dropping it on top of the desk.

“You are all likely to get anal fucked.” Again, Blaine double takes at the frankness she says it with. “Now these aren’t that large; probably need three fingers.” She says pulling out a purple butt plug, shaped similar to a bulb. “You are to open yourselves up, and once you think you have done enough work, tell me and we will test it.” She says with a smirk. “It is going in, even if you haven’t done enough, so I suggest you make sure you are completely open. But if you take too long, it will be going in, ready or not.” She drops the plug back into the box, which Blaine takes as his cue to start.

He had never done this before, but knows he needs plenty of lube, squirting it in copious amounts over his fingers. Though that isn’t true, he has had fingers in his hole before, he just hadn’t done it to himself. Thoughts of the night with Hunter come flooding back to him, sending shivers down his own spine. All of his firsts are being took from him without his consent. He looks around the room, seeing everyone in various positions, with expressions ranging from pain to awkwardness to enjoyment. To these people, who now own his life, he is simply a number. He is one of eleven in this room, one of over a hundred at this house, and one of thousands overall. They don’t really care about him as a person, only as a four digit number – ten digits on paper with his full ID number. He might as well be a cow, being fattened up before being taken the slaughter house.

“5226,” Slapper growls in warning. Out of panic, Blaine pushes his index finger in. He did it too fast however, as soon as it was in he felt the an intense delayed pain. Biting his lip to prevent himself from screaming out, he leans forwards so his chest is on the bench, just to the side of the lube. He notices Tina follow his lead, and a few others already in an identical position. Shutting his eyes, he waits for the pain to numb slightly before moving his finger around.

Keeping his eyes shut, he starts slowly pulling his finger in and out, gently stretching the muscles. The burn is less intense now, but defiantly still there, not yet ready for his middle finger to join its companion.

“Next.” He hears from above, raising his eyes – although not his head – he sees Slapper looking it him. He doesn’t add the finger straight away, knowing he wouldn’t be able to take it. Even during his first time, with Hunter, he was more stretched before the second finger went in.

The next thing he is aware of is an intense stinging from his left cheek, his head thrown to the right from the impact of the slap.  “Ouch,” he mutters under his breath. But obviously not quiet enough.

“What did you just say whore?”

“I’m sorry Ma’am, I didn’t mean to,” he replies earnestly.

“I’m sorry... I didn’t... Have you not learnt this isn’t about you yet? Oh, you will be sorry slut.” With that she leaves. Blaine would have preferred her shout at him there and then. At least he would have known what was coming, instead of giving her time to come up with a worse punishment. He sees her pulling out the purple butt plug she showed earlier, and Blaine’s heart drops. He might not be a mind reader, but he knew exactly what was going to happen with that.

He limps to lunch with the rest of the subs. Thankfully Slapper had stretched him a little before the plug was pushed in, but no where near as much as what he would had done. There wasn’t any blood, which quite surprised him, but that doesn’t mean it didn’t feel like being torn in two. He expects she only stretched him since his hole is the most valuable part of him now, and you have to look after valuable things. Shame his life is no longer considered valuable to those in charge of it.

They had spent a lot of time in the classroom, even once the plugs where all in. Blaine thinks it was more talking about pleasing your Master, but he was focusing too much on the pain from the plug to pay attention to anything else. By the time they make it to the canteen area it is an acceptable time for lunch.

The canteen is the busiest Blaine had seen it so far, clearly a lot of sessions finishing at similar times. As he walks to collect one of the identical food trays – good job he doesn’t have any food alleges – he feels the eyes of all the other subs. Looking around, he notices most of them are looking at him and his group with either jealousy or sadness. It was not the looks he was expecting; why on earth would they be jealous of what they had endured today?

He follows Nick after picking up his tray, taking it to sit down in the centre of the room, furthest away from all the guards. Despite sitting on his knees – he is in enough trouble today without unnecessarily causing more – he can’t find a position which doesn’t jostle the plug. He opts for kneeling down with his feet slightly apart as at least that doesn’t stimulate his prostate.

Looking at his plate, he siles slightly. Today they have a roast dinner, and what appears to be a glass of water but it more likely some drugged concoction. At least, a replica of one; no gravy – thankfully, since apparently it’s too much to provide cutlery for their once daily meal – and the meat being some processed thing tasting more like paper, but other than that it was a proper meal. Idly Blaine wonders who cooks, but assumes they have a chef on payroll. Maybe a few of the guards cook as well? Before he gets too caught up on the running of the house, he starts eating his meal as politely as he can, scooping the peas up in his hand in small quantities. He appears to be the only one worrying about manners, the older subs all eating as though it is their first meal in a week and if they don’t eat fast enough it will be took away. In this place, it isn’t too hard to imagine.

Once he finishes he returns his tray, plate and glass on top, to the little cubby hole next to the main counter, before leaving for the classroom with Tina and Max in tow. In the week and a bit they had been there, he had learnt the daily routine fairly quickly. Surprisingly, scarily quickly.

Reaching the classroom, he takes the same spot as earlier next to Tina, waiting for Brittany to join them and pop down next to him. He lowers his head in wait, his mind drifting to the blank space he found during his punishment after the auction.

He hears movement next to him, and looks up expecting to greet Brittany, but is met with the sight of Jacob. His mind struggles to find something to say, having not looked at him since he was caught.

“Hello Blaine,” Jacob speaks first. And how and Blaine not noticed that voice before? Defiantly American but with a slight British mix, as though he has spent his early years in the United Kingdom but with an American family. It’s subtle, but defiantly there.

“H...hi,” he stutters.

“I want you to know, I didn’t find earlier awkward. I see it as a compliment, you know, the whole phrase about copying being the highest form of praise and all that.” Blaine feels his cheeks getting warm, blushing.

“I... um... thanks?” He smiles, unsure of himself. “I... I thought you had a girlfriend?” He questions, although not really sure what it is he is questioning.

“I did. Before here. But she will not ever see me again, she was labelled a hum last year.”

“My old friends are saving to buy me and Nick. They visited us during the auction to tell us. Which is why we were punished – although not a direct result. Maybe she will come get you?”

“Hah,” he fakes a laugh. “She wont. She was a bit of a slut, always ‘punishing’ me.” He uses air quotes, obviously implying he didn’t find it a punishment in the slightest. “And just so you know,” he starts in a whisper. “I’m interested in guys too.” Blaine feels himself blushing furiously, unsure how to respond. Or why it appears Jacob is making advances on him, especially in their situation.

He is saved from answering by the appearance of Slapper – who was also followed by a clothed sub. Looking around in his peripheral vision, he discovers all the other subs had also arrived - unnoticed - during his short chat with Jacob.

“Now you all get to experience the pleasure of having someone’s mouth on you: blow jobs and eating out, depending on who you are paired with. The for the odd one of you, I have called one of the graduated subs to even the numbers.” She indicates the collared and clothed sub. Graduated subs. Blaine doesn’t like the use of that word, making it sound as though they are top class students getting a qualification. He can’t see cock sucking 101 taking off in schools. “Ok, in pairs: you two,” she says, indicating Max and Tina. “You two.” Blaine and Jacob. Blaine was sure he would be put with the older subs having been the one to misbehave, although is really excited to be able to put his earlier thoughts of Jacob into action. Blaine notices slapper is simply pairing people with those kneeling next to them, meaning Nick and Brittany are also paired together. She reaches the end of the second row, pairing the final female sub with the graduated sub, making them the only female pairing.

“Same thing as before. I’m just here to make sure you are doing it right.” As before, no one moves straight away. “Now!” She instructs exasperatedly.

Blaine turns his body to be looking at Jacob, his back to Nick. He sits the awkwardly, unsure how to proceed. Thankfully it appears Jacob does know; before Blaine opens his mouth to form a word, Jacob has his mouth open... and heading towards Blaine’s dick. Blaine lets out a gasp in shock, which appears to get Slapper’s attention.

“Not bad,” she informs Jacob. “I’m going to guess you have done this before?” Somehow Jacob manages to nod while still licking at Blaine’s cock in his mouth. The motion causes Blaine to gasp once again; Slapper changing her attention to Blaine.

“5226, don’t forget, you haven’t earnt your orgasm privileges back, you need to tell your partner just before you finish.”

“Yes Ma’am,” he replies, his head down in attempt to hide his blush. It seems to work in moving Slapper along, as her attention turns to Nick and Brittany. Blaine chuckles slightly at the sight, Brittany eagerly worshipping Nick’s balls, but Nick looking the most awkward person in the room, supporting a half hard dick. Knowing how far along they gay spectrum Nick is, he imagines his friend to be hating this experience.

Blaine looks back down to Jacob, and all thoughts of Nick leave his mind. Instead he focuses on the deliciously hot boy currently devouring his cock, one of Jacobs hands fondling his balls – the other one supporting to his weight in the crouched position. On the next thrust forwards Jacob takes Blaine all the way down his throat, his nose in Blaine’s short pubic hair – having not had access to a razor since being taken into holding.

“OMG Jacob!” Blaine exclaims. He can’t comprehend how he was able to have his focus on Nick for so long. “You need to stop or I’m going to cum.” However Jacob ignores his statement, instead becoming more determined to get Blaine off. The hand originally on his balls moves to his cock, replacing Jacob’s mouth as he comes up for a breath, keeping an almost continuous tight heat.

“Please...” stop, Blaine begs. “Please...” stop. But he can’t get that second word out, not with the wonders Jacob is working on his dick. “Jacob, I need you to stop!” But Blaine’s accompanying groan seems to imply otherwise. “I can’t come, you need to stop.” Blaine starts panicking, finally able to get his message across, pushing at Jacob’s shoulders as well. However it appears Jacob took it as a challenge to make Blaine orgasm. “Please,” He begs half heartily, knowing it is too late anyway. He erupts into Jacobs mouth, unable to stop himself. He feels Jacob swallowing as he rides out his orgasm.

Jacob sits up, smirking, some of Blaine’s cum still on his lips. Next to Jacob however, is none other than Slapper, who Blaine reasons must have seen the whole thing.

End Notes:

I need to thank one of my friends for this chapter, who had personal experience with the male masturbation side of it. And spent all day receiving smutty text with me going, is this how it feels, is that what you do, what happens if this happenes.

Thanks ever so much to everyone who have left comments and kudos. I still do a happy dance with every email alerting me of a comment!!!
And thanks for keeping coming back every week for the update!
Tto pass the time between updates, check out my drabbles ( written in celebration of passing 100 kudos on AO3!


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