The Organisation Of Submissive Ownership
Lost 'V' Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Organisation Of Submissive Ownership: Lost 'V'

E - Words: 2,565 - Last Updated: Apr 07, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/? - Created: Apr 07, 2016 - Updated: Apr 07, 2016
319 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Warnings for explict rape (no matter what hunter says)


Summary in the end notes for those wishing to skip this chapter

Blaine is taken into a large room with a double bed at the centre, however it couldn't be further from a bedroom if it tried. All along the walls are various hooks and pulley systems, which Blaine doesn’t have the faintest clue as to how to use them – although he is sure he will soon -, as well as several cupboards and draws. The guard takes him to one of the empty rings on the wall, and pulling out a lead from his pocket, clips one end to the ring and the other onto his collar, effectively chaining him to the wall. His hands get cuffed tightly in front of him before the guard leaves the room without a backwards glance.

Despite the lead having a simple clip, with his hands restrained he is unable to unhook himself, the simplicity taunting him like a carrot on a string in front of a donkey. Before he can become too frustrated or start to panic about being restrained on his own, Hunter walks into the room. Although that in itself brings a new wave of worry.

“Well hello, boy.” He began. “Since you have been well behaved in the van, lets’ loosen this collar of yours a bit, like I promised.” He pulls out some sort of key, and disengages the lock on his collar, before loosening it an inch and relocking it. Blaine takes a huge breath, not realising how restrictive the collar had been until it was looser. "Oh you look lovely stood like that, I'm so glad I requested to have you. I’ve been waiting for this moment since I saw you in holding, waiting to be the first to take you. You scream virgin, and the image of taking your virginity almost softens my distaste towards you in that I doubt I can afford you to have personally. As a little secret, just between you and me, I never normally do this part of the job, but you are something special. Seeing you stood here, presented for my pleasure, I might not be able to make it to the bed. How appealing is the idea of your first time being against this wall at your master’s mercy. I bet you would love that, my little slut." He sneers.

Blaine shuts his eyes and tries to imagine he is not about to be fucked by this man, but like Hunter kind of predicted, his dick likes the idea and steals his concentration unwantedly. He feels a hand running over his body, tugging his cock a few times. Blaine fights to prevent the moan building up from escaping his lips; he doesn’t want to give this man the satisfaction.

"Your training starts here. Firstly, you don’t get to come without permission, which is only given by earning it. So far, you haven’t earned it.” Hunters hand leaves Blaine’s body, and he feels relieved. “What you are currently in is the standard sub restraint; although we are sometimes more creative with how we do it." Blaine opens his eyes worriedly, noticing the lust in Hunter's eyes. There is a sharp shock through his thigh, causing him to produce a high pitch scream and his knees to buckle, only to then be silenced by his collar connected to the wall, choking him. Hunter doesn't help, but Blaine manages to get his footing fairly quickly, allowing him to breathe once again.

"I'm sure you were told that you keep your head down at all times. However you bring me to my first point. This is a Taser." Hunter brings the item up into Blaine's eye line. "Normally I would use whips and paddles, however this is much easier to use while you are new and need reminding of the rules often. And it doesn't mark up as bad while being just as effective, so I haven’t got to worry about damaging you. If you disobey a rule, you get to meet Mr. Taser here. Is that understood?"

"Yes." Blaine replies, shakily nodding his head to emphasise his understanding. However he gets another shock from the Taser, this time on the other leg. Once again he loses his footing, but this time he doesn’t make a noise, having not completely got his breath back from the last time. Slower than before, he gets back to his feet and is able to breathe once again. Hunter gives him a moment, watching him in a way that makes Blaine's skin crawl.

"See, this is one reason I don't particularly like Tasers, every time you force me to shock you, you almost suffocate yourself. Let’s try it again, and you can address me properly this time. If you disobey, you get Tasered. Do you understand?"

"Y..yes m...master." Blaine stutters, looking at his feet. He really doesn't want to undergo that pain again. He understands why they can bring down a fully grown male gym addict.

"Okay, let’s move you to the bed, I'm bored of standing and talking." He says, unclipping the lead from the wall hook and walking Blaine over to the bed. Blaine feels like a pet, being led from the end of a lead by his ‘master’. He hates the dehumanisation of it, and knows it’s only going to get worse during his time at the sub house.

Hunter yanks the lead once they reach his intended destination, causing Blaine to fall as his knees come into contact with the bed. Before he can right himself, the far end of the lead is being attached to a hook on the headboard, causing Blaine to lie sprawled out on his stomach unable to get up. He twists round onto his back so he can watch as Hunter walks away towards one of the units along the wall, before returning with something in his hands.

“These are your wrist cuffs, you will wear these most of the time, although they will come off if they are an inconvenience for us during certain activities, or sometimes you can earn it as a reward. The best part of them is that you can lock yourself together. Watch this.” Blaine watches Hunter press the two thick leather cuffs together. He can see that a small hook on the sides of each one has been pushed open by the motion, allowing the two cuffs to link. Then as the pressure is released, the hooks close automatically, like tiny carabiner clips. Hunter pulls the cuffs away from each other, but due to the direction of the latch, the cuffs do not unhook. “Now they can only be undone manually, and due to your wrists being locked, you can’t do it yourself. Sometimes you will be asked to latch yourself, mainly if there is an emergency and your master needs his attention elsewhere, but sometimes for other reasons which you may not understand. However whether you know why or not, you do it without a thought, understood?”

“Yes master.” Blaine answers, almost robotically. Hunter smiles.

“That’s a good boy. See, these are such a great invention, for you as well as us!” Hunter unhooks the cuffs from each other, and places them round Blaine’s still bound wrists. “They also are good for binding you to the bed and other objects with strong enough hooks.” He chuckles as he places the new cuffs round Blaine’s wrists before removing the one the guard had used. He then starts manoeuvring Blaine’s wrists so each hand is attached to opposing corners of the head board, leaving him laid on his back. Blaine tries fighting against Hunter, thrashing his arms and kicking his legs, but it doesn’t faze Hunter, and before he realises, Blaine is securely tied to the bed, hands at each side of the bed and his collar chained in the middle.

“Please, please don’t master.” Blaine begs.

“Oh your begging is turning me on boy.” Hunter purred. “Don’t what?”

“Don’t r…rape m…me, master. Please d…don’t, master.” He whispers.

“Boy, you have a lot to learn. You see, even by law, this isn’t rape. For it to be rape you would have to have ownership of your own body. But this here,” Hunter runs his hand along Blaine’s collar, tugging the tag stating him as belonging to the sub house. ”Well, this here shows you don’t. You are an object, not a person. A belonging, and you belong to me. Because of that, I can do whatever I want with my property, to you.” Blaine starts kicking his legs out, aiming simply for contact with Hunter. Instead he hears a chuckle as Hunter moves out of his reach. Looking up, he notices he has started stripping, his short and slim cock springing free from his underwear. Blaine looks away in disgust, although secretly happy that he is much bigger than Hunter. He walks back over, settling himself at the foot of the long bed, out of Blaine’s reach.

“You have two options from here onwards. Do as you are told, either willingly or not. Which one do you chose? As a bit of advice, if you do something willingly it’s much less painful for you.” Blaine doesn’t respond, instead crossing his legs over each other, trying to prevent Hunter from getting closer to his intended goal. “I am far too interested in you for my own good.” He mutters, but Blaine just able to hear what he says. Hunter continues. “I’m going to give you a hint. Open your legs for me whore.” Whore. Blaine guesses that’s what he is now, despite his previous beliefs of how sex is an act to share with that person you love. All he is now is a whore for people to fuck until he can no longer walk. He feels a pinch on the bottom of his foot, causing him to flinch but not give in. “Ok, you have had more warnings than I should have given.” There is a bit of movement on the bed, before an extreme pain in his cock. That bastard had Tasered his dick! Blaine fights the urge to vomit or pass out. He doesn’t want to imagine what Hunter will do if he covers the sheets in puke, nor can he imagine Hunter changing his plans just because his ‘possession’ is passed out. He feels his legs being moved, but he is too weak to fight it.

Once the nausea settles, he looks forwards to see Hunter sat between his legs, preventing him from closing them. He shuts his eyes and leans his head back against the pillow, trying to organise his mind. His current situation: being tied naked to a bed, with a man wanting to rape him sat between his legs. He can’t think of a way out of it – if he doesn’t want to do something he will be made to. Fighting will cause more pain, but he doesn’t want to give in willingly, despite still being light headed. He feels something blunt pushing against his hole and panics. This is it, and he still hasn’t found a way out.

One of Hunters fingers slides into Blaine’s unused hole. He hisses at the pain, the roughness of it as Hunter fucks Blaine with his dry finger. This is not how Blaine planned his first time at all. He was going to meet someone he loved, and after being together and slowly progressing through the relationship stages, they would both be comfortably ready for penetrative sex. Blaine would set out candles and cook a meal, before slowly working their way through to the bedroom. Then after lovingly praising every inch of his boyfriend’s skin, Blaine would top, gently and lovingly. Although his friends all said he was a bottom, he knew he was by far the best twerker at school, there is no way he wouldn’t put that to use. He feels himself getting harder at the image in his head. Waking Blaine from his daydream with another burst of pain, a second finger of Hunters was thrust inside. He hadn’t yet adjusted to the first finger. He wishes for his dick to soften, however he has gone past the stage of turning back, and his dick, having had the head start of his imagination, was now reacting to the fingers his brain was trying to ignore.

“Oh slut, taking it so good for me. I’m so glad I opted against protocol and decided to prep you, getting to feel you clench and expand around my fingers like the little whore you are.” Hunter marvelled. Blaine hates the thought that Hunter had considered taking him unprepared, surely that would have caused a lot of pain, and even have damaged Hunter’s property. Blaine feels the fingers leave him, only to be replaced by something much larger and thicker. His body tries to reject the foreign object, but Hunters dick is stronger. “Just so you know, you aren’t allowed to cum today, you have to earn that.” Wait. Blaine didn’t seriously just consider himself property, did he? He pushes the thought to the back of his mind, he is not property, he’s a person.

Although thankful Hunter had used lube on his dick, it doesn’t lessen the intense burning inside Blaine. He tries to kick his legs out to throw Hunter off balance, but Hunter just relocates his hands to Blaine’s thighs, stopping him from attempting again. Instead he tries to separate his mind from his body, deciding that his only escape is getting away mentally since he can’t physically. He manages to an extent. Distantly, he feels Hunter’s pace quicken, and hopes this means it will be over soon. He vaguely remembers his own dicks hardness and cringes, knowing Hunter will take it to mean Blaine is getting hard from his dick fucking his arse. Blaine hates to even contemplate that that may be part of the reason for the increased blood flow to his cock, and instead chooses to ignore it. Finally, he feels Hunter reach his climax, Blaine feeling it’s safe to come back down to reality as Hunter removes himself from Blaine’s arse. He notices Hunter removing a condom, one he hadn’t noticed earlier, and relief floods him in the knowledge that at least there was some layer between him and his abuser.

“That’s a very good slut, letting me get off while not letting go yourself. You will learn that whenever you do something good like this, you will get a reward. For this, I’m going to fetch a plug for you. That way when I come back later it won’t be nearly as painful than without it, seeing as I’m only generous to stretch you the once for today.” Blaine groans in horror of the idea he could be fucked without being prepped, but Hunter takes the noise as confirmation Blaine liked the reward, returning and shoving in a plug before turning on his heels and leaving. He shifts uncomfortably at the intrusion, slightly smaller than Hunter was.

Blaine is left feeling used, fucked and tied to a bed. He doesn’t even attempt to find a way to reduce his hard-on problem, the pain in his arse being his biggest concern. He stares up at the ceiling, trying to distract himself from thoughts of the last 20 minutes of his life. He doesn’t know how long he is left for, but it was at least long enough for his dick to soften of its own accord. He falls asleep to the thought of Jeff and all his other friends from his old life.

End Notes:

Blaine is chained up for Hunter, and introduced to the standard restraint - collar tied to a wall with a lead, hands cuffed.
Blaine is then given cuffs that go on each wrist, which subs can lock themselves but not unlock.
Hunter once again mentions his desire to have Blaine. He explains how it isn't rape as Blaine isn't human anymore.
Blaine's brain slips up, starting to see himself as 'property', before he dismisses it.
Falls asleep, thinking of his friends.

I think that it is general gist of it


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