The Organisation Of Submissive Ownership
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The Organisation Of Submissive Ownership: Invisible

E - Words: 2,211 - Last Updated: Apr 07, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/? - Created: Apr 07, 2016 - Updated: Apr 07, 2016
345 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

im back! my exams are all over now, so hopefully updated will be more regular once again, and i have more timto spend on writing


currently unbete'er'ed (i have no idea what the actual word is heheh!)

Blaine is woken up by the slamming of the door. He jumps to full alertness, quickly getting his bearings.

“Rise and shine sleepy head,” Hunter calls in a far too cheery voice. Blaine assumes he must have slept through the whole night. He is shocked to find he had been allowed on the bed all night; so far this punishment seeming more of a reward. A month ago he would have considered the bed to be awfully uncomfortable, however a week in a cell at the holding centre and a week in a cage has really lowered the bar on what he considers comfortable. He grumbles in response.

Hunter walks over to one of the cabinets in the room, opposite the door, sorting through several draws in search of something. Blaine starts getting incredibly nervous – there is only one thing this room is used for as far as Blaine is aware - so he can have a good guess at the types of implements are in the cupboards.

When Hunter turns round, Blaine is relieved to see him flourishing a cock cage. He never thought the words relieved and cock cage would appear in the same sentence, however it’s a much better option than the torture items he had pictured in his mind.

The cage goes on surprisingly easily, being slightly larger than Blaine’s own dick. Hunter soon has the pins in place and is locking it on. Blaine rolls and rotates his hips slightly, adjusting to the feeling of it. He had never worn one before, and turns out it isn’t as comfortable as he excepted. Which makes sense because, hey, it’s a stiff metal cage encasing his sensitive area! He drastically hopes nothing causes him to become aroused while wearing the cage, the slight space in it would allow a painful half erection.

He makes a move to sit up, no sooner has he moved his head there is a tug on his collar, pulling him back down. Blaine had forgotten he was tied to the bed by the leash still. However Hunter had watched the movement and decides to unhook the lead from the bed – leaving the other end still attached to his collar – allowing Blaine to sit up but not letting him free. As soon as he is upright, Blaine moves onto the floor by Hunter’s feet, still within the range of the short leash.

“Good boy,” he praises. Blaine feels himself blushing, doing something correctly and getting praise from his Master. “To explain what is going to happen. You are going to have that on for the next three or so weeks,” he indicates to the metal cage covering Blaine’s sensitive anatomy. “It comes off on the same day the next batch of subs arrive. That is your punishment for cumming; which is just the standard punishment throughout the year. However because you came, not only did you disobey an order, it also resulted in you not fulfilling your initial punishment which put you in that position in the first place.

“Therefore you need a second part to your punishment. You are going to be with me almost all hours around the clock for the next week. It will give you a rough idea what it will be like once your training time is up, and it will help you remember who you actually belong to; you are not to think for yourself or about yourself, and the best way to understand is to put it into practice.

“You will be excused for occasional lessons, ones that I deem essential to your training and which you will not pick up from your time with me. However as soon as you are out of the class you are to return directly to my side. You will get your meal when I say, you will use the toilet when I think you are desperate enough, and you will come home with me in the evenings. Now I am putting a lot of faith in you and myself with taking you out of the facility so early in your training, but I feel it is an appropriate learning experience.”

Blaine tries to absorb all the information, but before he gets a chance to start understanding what he is in for he is being yanked by the leash; Hunter walking away from Blaine without a backwards glance. He jumps up and hastens to catch up with Hunter, allowing some slack on the leash between his collar and Hunter’s hand.

Blaine follows Hunter once again down unknown corridors – it seeming to become a theme, not knowing where he is. They finally arrive at a door, and upon entering Blaine recognises it as Hunter’s office. He is led to kneel in a tight corner – sharing it with a radiator and a book shelf – and the other end of his leash is looped round the pipe to the radiator and clipped back on itself, effectively attaching him to it. Blaine knows he could easily undo it himself, but thinks it might be all part of a larger test, so instead he stays kneeling in the corner.


Time passes and nothing happens. No one visits, Hunter doesn’t move from his desk, and Blaine doesn’t dare move from his position. The only thing really note worthy to Blaine was his steadily increasing need for the toilet. Also, the carpet he loved earlier turns out to be incredibly abrasive on his knees. Blaine is surprised at how boring his punishment is; he has already counted all the tiles on the ceiling, all the stains on the tiles, and even worked out the average number of stains per title. He is about to start counting the marks on the walls when he hears a knock on the door. Finally, something is about to happen.

Hunter doesn’t give any recognition he has heard the knock, and Blaine starts wondering if he was going mad and imagined it. Before that thought can worm its way too far into Blaine’s mind, Hunter calls to the person outside, allowing them in.

“Hello Hunter,” greets the new arrival. Blaine relaxes at the sound of the voice – not having realised he was tense to start with. Although he wasn’t keen on Stretch, he certainly didn’t seem the worst of the bunch.

“Hey,” Hunter replies. “What can I do for you?”

“I’ve got the files you asked for.” Blaine watches him hand over a bunch of about five brown paper folders, all ranging in thickness. “Also,” he continues, “I would like to have a talk with you. Would you be ok me sitting now?”

“I don’t mind. Although you have to be warned there are other ears listening in,” Hunter responds in his ever relaxed manner. Blaine hears a questioning noise of a reply, before Stretch turns round and notices Blaine kneeling in the corner, apparently for the first time. Blaine drops his gaze submissively, despite already having his head down.

“Oh.” Stretch seems to be considering asking a follow up question, but decides not to bother. It reminds Blaine of something Stretch had said before: I never get told anything here anyway. He wonders if that is how the whole system works; everyone does their job but doesn’t really understand what is happening elsewhere. He realises he has missed part of the conversation and tries to catch up. In his defence, it is the first slightly entertaining thing to happen in the office.

“...So therefore I am handing in my one months notice.” Damn Blaine and his brain’s drifting, he has missed the most interesting bit! He shifts slightly on his knees, starting to become uncomfortably desperate for the toilet.

“...Anyway, congratulations! I think you will be more comfortable in that position than here,” Hunter reasons. Blaine was too distracted on his needs than what was being said, he missed the good bit again.

“I hope so too. And at the holding centres there will be much less time guarding subs, so I can step back from it for a while.” Blaine thinks it sounds like Stretch will be taking a similar role to the one Puck had. Surprisingly, he could see him in that role. He just wishes he had been paying less attention to his toilet need to have heard the whole discussion. Ironically, paying attention to others is the objective of his punishment, even if not exactly for the same reason. Stretch and Hunter say their good byes, Hunter confirming Stretch’s leaving date as he walks out of the door. Blaine fidgets once more, however this time his discomfort must appear on his face.

“What is it boy?” Hunter asks exasperatedly.

“I’m sorry Master, but I could do with using the facilities,” Blaine answers, trying to be a sub-ish as he can.

“Hold on a sec,” he shouts to the retreating guard. “Can you take this slut to have a piss please? The boy’s cell might be the easiest place to take him.”

“Which one is that?” Stretch asks. “And do you want him brought back here after?”

“He’s from the July intake. And yes please. Although actually,” he says, looking at his watch, “Can you get him to shower as well please? I’m going to be heading home soon and I don’t want him using my bathroom untrained. But yes, still bring him back here after, I will wait for you.”

“Of course I can,” Stretch replies with a smile. He walks over to Blaine, wordlessly unclipping his leash from the pipe and leading him through the corridors before finally arriving back at his old cell.

When they get there Blaine is relieved to see no one else had yet arrived. He knows other subs are going to see him eventually, but he would appreciate a little bit of time to prepare for the encounter. Stretch unclips the leash from his collar, and Blaine walks straight into the washroom area, knowing that’s where he should be, but quickly discovers an issue. With the cock cage on, there is no way he can pee standing up! It isn’t possible to get the correct angle. He turns to send a questioning glance to Stretch, but it appears he is more interested in his phone. Blaine sighs, wishing he still had a phone, even if he just used it to say goodbye to all his friends. He wonders what might have happened to his old phone, left at his parents house. However he turns his attention back to the task at hand, a problem he has the ability to solve.

After a moments careful consideration, Blaine moves to squat over the toilet, knees facing the wall. He quickly discovers how stupid he looks in the position, a chuckle from Stretch being directed at him. He steps back and considers it again. Maybe if he just sat on it normally?

Turns out, sitting was the solution. Blaine feels capital S silly for not realising that straight away. Once finished, he looks to Stretch for direction. He knew Hunter wanted him to shower, but wasn’t sure if he was meant to pretend he hadn’t heard, like he thinks is the case with Stretch’s resignation.

“Shower,” he orders in a no nonsense tone, still not looking up from his phone. Blaine makes his way to the other side of the room and turns on the shower, all the time not looking away from Stretch. He picks up the shampoo/body wash and quickly cleans himself down, not in a rush to get back to Hunter, but desperate to exit the cold spray.

Blaine shut of the water, and stands looking a little lost. Should he wait? Should he go over to Stretch? Should he be doing something else completely? He watches Stretch, still on his phone, in the hope of receiving some kind of signal.

Eventually, after an awkward thirty seconds or so, Stretch shuts of his phone and drops it into his trouser pocket.

“Finished?” He asks. Blaine nods in reply. With a heavy puff of air, as though Stretch is collecting himself, he stands up straight and walks towards Blaine, reattaching the leash and leading him out. As they exit the cell, Blaine collides with another body, having been looking down as he walking.

He looks up in curiosity, and is met by the sight of Jacob. Blaine takes in his appearance, trying to work out what exactly happened to him, but aside from looking solemn, he appears fine.

“Come on.” He feels a sharp tug on his neck from the leash being pulled, Stretch trying to drag him along. Blaine goes without comment. However as soon as he has caught up to Stretch’s side he looks back round at Jacob, and he misses a step. Jacob’s back is littered in marks, clearly from a whip. Most of them had also broken the skin, the whole of Jacob’s back being covering in crusty dried blood. Blaine feels guilty; it was his disobedience that put those marks there, no matter what others say. If he had done what he was told, his (cute) friend wouldn’t have been hurt. He corrects his footing before Stretch notices, and continues following behind

End Notes:

again, i want to say thanks to everyone for reading, commenting, leaving kudos etc! it means so much to hear what you all think! and thanks for sticking with me even tho updates are slow, i know how infuriating that is!
i am still slowly writing my drabbles as a celebration of 100 kudos still, so feel free to check them out to pass the time waiting for the next update. klaine pairings can be found on my account on scarves and coffee, other pairings (currently including Blam and seblaine) can be found on AO3 here:


also, another reminder that i will be writing some one shots from the pov of different characters (ie, jeff telling the warblers about nick and blaine, puck watching hunter take the boys) if i reach 200 kudos or 10,000 hits on AO3, and would love to hear any requests for what you would like to see (/read)!


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