The Organisation Of Submissive Ownership
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The Organisation Of Submissive Ownership: History lesson

E - Words: 3,266 - Last Updated: Apr 07, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/? - Created: Apr 07, 2016 - Updated: Apr 07, 2016
318 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

This is currently unbeta'ed, so is likely to be edited and changed, however i wanted to get it posted and allow you to chose if you want to read now or wait.
there is a little bit of confussion with the timing in this, as the '100 years ago' its decribing is 2016, however blaines birthday is also 2016, making the fic set in 2036. so, at least for the time being, imagine 1936 being how today is. I didn't plan on doing a chapter like this, so ive tied myself up a bit in doing so - and havent been able to sort it out yet. however i thought this would be a very important thing to include, and i hope that dispite the few creases yet to be ironed out, you will still enjoy reading it!
if you don't want to read the chapter before the errors are removed, keep checking back as i can't promise when it will be edited! Real life and all those joys



The morning started the same as the others, being woken up by a guard who then led them to a second destination for the day. This room had a similar set up to the classroom he and Nick received their punishment in, but with the addition of a projector. Knowing what is expected of them, Blaine goes to kneel on one of the pads behind the bench-table in wait of whatever is to come. Nick is the first to copy him, kneeling on the pad next to Blaine, followed by Tina and Brittany before finally everyone else. The front row was occupied by Blaine and his three friends, with three spare spots, and the others shared the two rows behind. Seeing they had all settled into position, the guard turns round and walks out, leaving them unsupervised. Although they had now only completed their first week of training, the guards where leaving them on their own more and more. The sub who spoke out at lunch yesterday rises to his feet as soon as the guard is out of sight. He walks round the room, Blaine having no idea what he was looking for, before the sub sits back down once again. He doesn’t say anything, and no one else questioned him. They sit there in silence, waiting for something to happen, unsure exactly of what was being excepted of them.

After around half an hour, Blaine getting better at measuring time without a clock, Hunter strides in with an air of authority, making Blaine want to cower away and become invisible to Hunter’s glare. Blaine hasn’t seen Hunter since the first full day at the house, most likely, no doubt, due to Hunter having had more important things to do than to constantly watch and intimidate new subs. He turns the projector on, and a power point comes up on the screen entitled ‘Submissive History’. Blaine dreads to think what lies he is about to be brainwashed into believing.

“Although many people,” he starts without acknowledging them, “including those on my director’s board, don’t agree with me on this, I feel it is important for you to know how things changed from the America you learnt about in history lessons to the America you are in today. That way you have full understanding of your place in society, and why this system is vital for your wellbeing.” He starts, clicking a button to turn the powerpoint to the next slide consisting mostly of words with a few stock photos. Blaine has to fight back a scoff, there is no way this system is better for him than if he had been left to his own devices. They don’t punish him for looking up just for his own wellbeing. Blaine prepares for a very bias explanation – although at least it will be an explanation.

“As you know, a few hundred years ago everyone was considered equal, all simply called humans. It was a very unstable time, but somehow people managed to get by without a clear social order.” Translation: everyone was treated humanly and all was fine. “However there were some people slightly different, who enjoyed styles of role play as their way to give up the control hey were given. And there were several different ways people gave up their power – daddy kink, pony play, watersports to name but a few.” Another click and a large list appeared on the projector, things Blaine couldn’t even imagine doing willingly – although he no doubt will be expected to do them with his Masters. Disconcertingly, he could see how some of those things could be enjoyable; things he thinks he would be interested in if he wasn’t in his current predicament. But if people did used to do this stuff of their own free will, surely Blaine shouldn’t feel embarrassed in the situations where he does unwillingly become aroused?

“The most important one to your history was known as TPE – Total Power Exchange, - especially domination and submission.” Blaine remembers learning about domination in his social studies classes. Nowadays this word was almost extinct, in place of the names hum and master, another way make those with submissive tendencies feel less worthy – taking away their connection to the word human. It’s also where the term sub originated. “People started getting more open with their views towards statutes, their sex life and the different relationship structures, all becoming more public. It was a great development, especially since there was less embarrassment with talking openly resulting in more STDs being discovered sooner.” Translation: everyone was really horny but at least there was some benefits. “With people becoming more exposed to it, more people realised it was a valid option, meaning there are more people with untraditional relationship dynamics. Well, untraditional at the time.” Blaine doesn’t agree with what Hunter is implying; nowadays the only untraditional relationships where those with subs, and he wouldn’t exactly consider that as being a relationship. “It got to a stage where everyone was completely open with their kinks, and you could see littles and submissives walking down the street. It become apparent, just like sexuality or gender, that some people where born more one way than the other, and once thy had discovered this side to themselves it was hard to remove it. Over a decade or so it became apparent that dom/subs where the most common pairing, with a majority of those in positions of power also having a submissive. It became a trend, everyone wanted a submissive because those they idealised had one, and there were more than enough people with these submissive tendencies.” A trend. Don’t these people realize how trends come and go all the time? “Submissives also became vital to the running of the country; the dom would give important tasks to their submissive – things that didn’t need to be done by someone directly in the government but too important to be outsourced to someone who may not be as loyal or trustworthy.” Translation: even when it was voluntary, a lot of subs where still slaves to their master. Blaine doesn’t think it was originally the case, but it certainly became that way.

The screen changed again, this time showing several men Blaine recognised from his politics classes, all standing next to a kneeling woman. Although the woman were clearly the men’s submissives, they were all smiling directly into the camera, something he can’t really understand. He is constantly told he is to have his head down and eyes everted to show proper submission, yet these public figures hadn’t demanded that of their own subs. Also, they looked genuinely happy to be there. But then again, they weren’t subs in the same sense as he is; they all chose it.

“A few more years on and the newness of it ended, the novelty wearing off.” Exactly, just a trend Blaine reasons. “Although having a submissive had become standard practice, there were some things they couldn’t provide, some things their nature simply wouldn’t allow. This resulted in people entering relationships with multiple people, usually three or four. There would be one (or two) submissives with two doms. The doms would have a traditional relationship on equal ground, with the submissive servicing both, usually doing the housework and being an outlook for the control the doms desired – not wanting to lose it having just discovered it.” Blaine translate again; once people started having power they really didn’t want to have to give it back. Looking back to the projected image, the slide changes once again, this one showing images of the dynamics Hunter had just explained.

“Submissives started hiding; very few willing to have a non-monogamous relationship, confused how to manage orders from two people of the same high status – something simply in a submissives nature, but one tendency we try to change in you to prepare you for you future. However another type of person stepped up to fore fill this role: the prostitutes.” Blaine remembers being taught about them in one his lessons as well, a role that no longer existed in todays society since the position was passed to subs to fill, people buying subs to put in building and rent out to people unable to afford their own. Blaine really hopes he doesn’t end up being rented to different people all the time, at least with having one Master he would know exactly what was expected all the time. Although he couldn’t personally see the problem with prostitutes taking on this kind of role, he can see how they would have changed the status of the position, and not all for the better.

“Much like they had been doing before, they started selling their services for this particular role. Eventually, due to supply and demand, the prices became too steep for a lot of people to afford, and the poorer people returned to a similar set up as before, going about their lives as though nothing had happened. Prostitution was illegal most places at this time, so these people were very shady in attempt to dodge the law. Instead they sold themselves as ‘full time escorting personal assistants’, given the nickname of escorts. Since escorting was a high paying profession, and gave them a steady income they had never had before, these poor people didn’t know how to manage their money or what to spend it on. A lot of them turned to drugs, alcohol and gambling. And despite the large earnings, a lot got themselves into debt.” Blaine idly wanders if it would have been something he would have chosen too do if he was getting paid for it, with having the choice and freedom to still decide what was too much for himself. Blaine could see why some people would, but from what Hunter is saying he expects the escorting community to be a difficult place. “The government had to intervene and put a stop to this all, making it illegal under a federal law. However as with a lot of large money making jobs, with its ban it simply went underground. People starting pimping the services, one person in charge of the assignments given to the escorts on their pay role. A lot of people got pressured into the system, and because it wasn’t regulated it wasn’t stopped. There had also been a negative effect in the running of the country and states, a noticeable decrease in the organisation and paperwork quality. Turns out, submissives had become very important to the running of the USA.” Translation: doms took the subs for granted and didn’t know until they had been took away from them. Noticing the slide show, the current screen was showing run down villages and places of disrepair. Blaine felt it looked depressing, but couldn’t see how the lack of submissives could have caused this much damage; surely they coped before, or if they didn’t the blame couldn’t be solely put on the submissives.

“It was voted on, and the ban on escorts was lifted, but this time there was more regulation to prevent a similar problem from arising again. Escorts had to work for a pimp, and pimps had to have a Supreme Court issued licence, which could only be gained after rigorous screening and training. There were many rules under the licence: people had to be at least sixteen years old, they had to prove their identity, sign paperwork. But one of the largest changes was a limitation on how many submissives a pimp could manage. This led to testing; the only people offered a job were those who showed the strongest traits naturally, ensuring the most profit could be made for everyone involved within the system.” For once Blaine has to agree, lifting the ban seemed the best move, and the limitations theoretically should have solved the issues. “Because of the licences - which had to be paid for as well, - pimps were charging more for their service and giving less directly to the submissive.” The screen now showed a few images containing licences and pimps, as well as a few buildings looking similar to the sub house he was at. Blaine believes that the licences should have been a great way to ensure everything was safer. Something had obviously gone wrong.

“A lot of people went to get tested. Being a submissive was considered a privilege because of how hard it was to get the job. Not only was it well paid – despite the cut took by the pimps – they were provided with free food, accommodation and clothing. Even when they were not with an individual client, they would still have access to all the essentials at a house the pimp ran and operated from; nowadays they have become known as the holding centres.” Blaine could see how this place Hunter described could be similar to the holding centre: add a few years of advancement in technology as well as combining the several ‘pimp houses’ into one. Bitterly he added the subtraction of clothing to that list. Following on from that train of thought, he dreads to think how cold he will be during the winter months in the warehouse like building. He can’t picture them using any form of heating. He stops his thinking there, not really wanting to know where it would lead him, and instead goes back to listening to Hunter.

“Some states made it compulsory for people to get tested, and shortly after the rest followed, knowing it was the best way to help with unemployment statistics and to get people off the streets. Pimps came together to work from one location, still only allowed to be the named manager of a limited number of subs – depending what licence they owned - but splitting the costs for bills, and having backup from others. Some places started offering training, protecting the subs in their care and helping them prepare for the career ahead.” The slide now showed pictures of classrooms – the traditional type rather than the type he had come to expect from the sub house.

“The subs needed this help. With having nothing essential to spend their money on, again a lot turned to drugs and alcohol, several once again gambling and getting into severe debts.” Blaine is sure there must have been other things they could have bought; he would love to have a bit of money considered his own, or anything he could consider his own in all fairness. It hits him at that moment like a freight train; his childhood is over. He won’t be able to own and play with the newest computer console, he won’t be able to buy a new bowtie just because he likes it, he won’t be able gush over a guy who was flirting with him. The rest of his life is to simply serve others. He understands what Hunter is trying to say; he had never been a human, but he has only just reached the age where he is legal recognized as being something else. He lifts his hands to rest on the bench to steady himself. His whole world spinning away at a rate he can’t keep up with. Hunter continues talking, none the wiser to Blaine’s discovery.

“People with submissive instincts simply struggled to manage themselves, needing to give themselves over and have someone do it for them. Not to say subs can’t balance the books and manage the bills, but simply can’t decide on the correct way to spend the money. This led to another change in federal law: the pimps kept all the money made and distributed it to the subs as they felt suitable. This allowed the subs to completely focus on those they served, and to live a healthier life.” He hears someone behind him scoff at that, and he has to agree. There is no way this lifestyle is healthier for him than he was before with his singing and fight club. Maybe that would have been the case for some people, but Blaine doesn’t think that is anything to do with the submissive instincts. Thankfully Hunter hadn’t heard the noise, and continued talking uninterrupted.

“Because of this change in the law, a lot of people who were tested positive declined the job offer, some even going as far as faking the test to avoid any pressure to say yes. This became unprofitable, and the system was starting to fail without enough subs to support it. Because of the nature of subs, it was clear they were not up to making the decision on what is best for themselves, for you, another federal law was passed meaning the parents of the subs would get the right to say yes or no, depending on what they thought was best for their child. They would sign a contract before the test giving permission for the child to be taken into our care if they were tested positive. This contract was signed at any age after the child had turned three. As time went on, people signed it earlier into the child’s life. The contract didn’t have to be signed, but terms and conditions are always in the small print, and since everyone signed it, people assumed it was compulsory. It was another form to simply sign when they booked the test for the child’s sixteenth birthday. Here is a little secret shared only with subs and a few others who work with me, it was the exact form all of your parents signed, the only difference being the logo on the headed paper.” Blaine’s jaw dropped open in disbelief. Everything he had been told before was a lie! His parents had unknowingly signed his life away when he was three years old! He no longer knew what to believe.

“All the pimp houses had become directly run by people on the government’s payroll, specifically that of the organisation of submissive ownership, and moved to only be in twelve separate locations. People were employed specifically to help train these subs for their future in a separate location; all these people today are on my payroll.” The powerpoint went black, clearly at the end of it all. Blaine tries to sort out all of the thoughts and emotions running through his mind, but there is too much new information to absorb.

“Master?” A girl asks from the other side of the room.

“You may speak.”

“So this is all for our safety? To keep us safe from ourselves?” She replies. Blaine doesn’t recognise the voice, obviously belonging to one of the two girls he hasn’t yet spoken too. He isn’t sure if she actually believed all of the stuff Hunter had just explained, but from the sound of her question she did.

“Good girl.” Hunter praises. “You are exactly correct,” he nods. After a brief deliberation he speaks once again. “Ok, I think it is now time for your lunch. As a last treat though, coming to the end of the adjustment week we allow, I will warrant you the rest of the afternoon off. Although be sure to spend time thinking about what you learnt today as you will be expected to remember it at random moments in a pop quiz.” With that he leaves, allowing Blaine and his fellow subs to make their own way to the cafeteria with their minds swirling, Blaine especially worried what is to come, Hunter having given the impression they had been nice so far.

End Notes:

All the views on kinks in this chapter do not reflect my own. in all my time reading fan fiction im yet to discover something i would hate, however i felt it important there was a bit of diversity within the fic. As long as everything is safe and consensual, i think go for it.




also, my heavy month of exams is fast approaching, and it's not looking like i will have enough chapters in reserve to cover the period. so this another psa to say the story will end up being put on hold for a few weeks, since my prevention method has not worked. apologies in advance!


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