Don't let me go
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Don't let me go: Chapter 14

E - Words: 1,796 - Last Updated: Oct 02, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 15/? - Created: Mar 24, 2014 - Updated: Mar 24, 2014
55 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

An: Sooooo.. Maybe THIS is the cheesiest thing Ive ever written. The epilogue will be up tomorrow if things will go my way, or the day after, if life really decides to get in my way.

In the meantime, have a good day, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

All the love.



Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Let your heart be light
From now on,
Our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Make the Yule-tide gay,
From now on,
Our troubles will be miles away.

There was something weird going on, Blaine thought moving around under the covers. Kurts side of the bed empty.

His husband had woken up, dressed himself and with a stern look, had made him promise not to move until he came back. Again.

Things were going great between them; they were back together, theyd been able to leave their mistakes behind and finally, theyd found some common ground. And.. Blaine thought with a silly grin, they were Blaine and Kurt Hummel-Anderson again.

Sometimes, it was like being sixteen again. There were moments, looking into Kurts eyes, when he could feel his heart beat faster, amazed that that man was his. It was sweetness and torture at the same time, being able to steal a few looks while they were watching a movie, cuddled on the couch, and find Kurt looking back at him.

Like they couldnt bear to keep their eyes off each other.

A loud thud in the hallway directed his thoughts back to present.

"Is everything all right?" he asked behind the closed door.

"Dont you dare move" Kurt threatened him. His voice was breathless, like he was moving heavy stuff.

"I wouldnt even think about it. But Ive been stuck in here for a couple of hours; sooner or later youre going to have to let me out, what if I have to pee?"

The silence that followed warned him that Kurt was trying to find a solution.

"Ill blindfold you" he decided in the end.

"Do you plan to leave me blindfolded in the bathroom?" he asked amused. "Youre going to have to help in there too."

He could almost see it. Kurts bright pink cheeks behind that closed door. Even after ten years together, Kurt had been able to retain some form of innocence that Blaine found irresistible.

"Blaine!" Kurts embarrassed voice reached him. He laughed.

"All right, all right. Well talk about it later."

He heard the other man move around behind the door, muttering to himself. He couldnt tell what he was saying, but he had a feeling, it was about him.

He got comfortable and turned on the TV.

He was halfway through the second episode of Friends, when he heard two knocks at the door.

A few seconds later the door opened.

"Burt!" he called with a smile. He was happy to see the man again.

"You look well kid" Burt smiled back sitting beside him.

"I really cant complain. Its been tough in the last weeks, but its going great now."

"I can see that."

There was a smile in his voice, and Blaine knew his father-in-law well enough to know there was something he wanted to say.

"Come on..." he encouraged. "Im waiting..."

"I have no idea what are you talking about" he answered with an innocent look. "I just came to see how you were doing."

"You came to check on me and Kurt" he retorted. "And now hes out there doing God knows what and youre in here with a smug look on your face. And you have something to say" he finished.

Burt took off his baseball cap, turning it around in his hands.

"It seems like things are going well for you."

All right, Blaine thought, if Burt wanted to take the long way around he was Ok with that.

"I cant complain."

"Youre healing fast."

"I cant complain" he repeated with a smile. "Kurt helped a lot" he added.

"Yeah well, its important to have someone with you in a time like this."

He rolled his eyes.

"Come on, Burt. You know you want to ask. You were never one to beat around the bush" he prodded with a smile.

"I dont want to interfere."

"And youve never been one to let that stop you."

"Are you and my son back together? He asked in a rush, and, Blaine thought, looked more like Kurt in that moment, than ever before.

"Yes we are" he answered proud. Happy to be able to give Burt this joy. "Im surprised Kurt hasnt told you."

"Hes very reserved these days. He was probably waiting to be sure."

"Things are far from settled" he explained. "But we have no doubt of the role we want to play in each other lives."

"Im happy for you, kid. It was hard to see Kurts struggles these past few months. Its been hard to lose you to" he admitted.

"Its the same for me. Im happy to have you all back in my life.

"Speaking of which" Burt said then. "Carole and I are thinking about buying a house in Washington, if my political career will take off. Wed be closer than before, and we could see each others more often."

"Burt its great. Kurt will be so happy." He could already see his husbands face at the news.

"Well see" he sighed. "I dont want to say anything until were sure."

"Your secrets safe with me" he promised. "Now..Distract me from whatever your son is doing behind that door, because Im going crazy."

Burt smiled and moved closer, keeping him company for a while. They talked about sport, and politics, even about music. They were watching in comfortable silence another episode of Friends, when a louder crash behind the door interrupted again.

"Kurt" he called worried. "Are you sure everythings OK?"

His husband opened the door panting, with a big smile on his face.

"Im almost done" he laughed.

"Kurt, you know I dont need any more surprises. I appreciate you wanting to treat me, but theres no need for you to woo me. Im completely yours."

He was sure he could see Kurts whole face light up.

"This is the last one, I promise" then he turned to his dad. "You can go dad, thank you for keeping him distracted while I was working."

"Its been a pleasure." Burt stood and hugged his son. "Ill be back tomorrow with Carole. She will take the first plane tomorrow to be here. Have a nice night" he said before leaving.

"So" Kurt announced. "Ready for this last surprise?"

Blaine looked at his husband. He had an aura of happiness around him. Excited.

He couldnt resist a happy Kurt.

"Ready!" he laughed standing up. He was still wobbly and more than a little weak, but he was doing gigantic steps in his recovery. He was able to walk small distances in the house, though slowly, and his pain was getting better every day.

When he reached for his husband, Kurt covered his eyes with one of his hands and led him out the door.

"If were going to run into a wall, were going to destroy every progress Ive made so far" he joked.

"If were going to end up in a hospital Kate and Rachel will claw at each others hair to take care of us" bit back Kurt.

"It would be fan" Blaine admitted. "Or maybe not" he reconsidered thinking about them into their friends hands.

But he didnt have the time to voice that thought, because Kurt had stopped. They had reached their destination.

"Ready?" Kurt asked, his voice full of anticipation.

"Ready" he sighed. When Kurts hand left his eyes, the sight before him left him breathless. It was almost summer in New York, he was sure of it, yet in his living room, time seemed to have stopped. The entire room was covered in Christmas decorations.

The tree theyd bought the year before was placed at the center of the room. Bright red and gold stars were hanging from the walls. The curtains were closed, to give the room a nocturnal appearance. It was perfect.

"Kurt" he stuttered, unable to say anything more.

"I know" Kurt smiled. "We said we wouldnt go back. That we would only move forward. But I promise you this is the last time. Its June and its hot out there, and its probably the more stupid idea Ive ever had, but I keep thinking about it" he admitted looking away from Blaine. "I keep thinking about that day. About me at that stupid party and you here alone. Its the only thing I cant accept. The only thing I wish I could change, with all that I am. The moment where everything broke apart. I know you forgave me for that, and that I forgave you for not talking to me, but let me apologize one last time."

Blaine remained silent, speechless.

Hed told Kurt over and over that everything was forgotten. That if hed been able to move out of that stupid apartment, it would be his turn to apologize and woo Kurt like he deserved. And yet.. Yet this left him shaken and completely out of his mind. He smiled getting closer to Kurt and pressing his lips to his.

"Merry Christmas" he whispered before finding himself surrounded by Kurts arms.

They sat on the couch, a cup of hot chocolate in hand, watching a Christmas Carol and singing silly songs. A plate of Kurts special cookies in front of them.

It was easy to forget everything else.

Halfway through their movie marathon Kurt took the present hed gotten for Blaine and handed it to him. It was a thin package, wrapped up in Christmas paper.

"What is it?" asked Blaine turning the envelope in his hands.

Kurt seemed way too nervous. Like hed given him something he wasnt sure was welcome.

"Its something Ive been wanting to give you for a long time. I know my timing is completely wrong, but I want you to really think about it."

Kurts words made Blaine even more nervous. Delicately, he unwrapped the gift, and looked inside. They were papers. With a frown he took them out, when he read them his heart stood still.

"New York social services, adoption department" he read out loud.

He felt his eyes sting and a new fresh wave of tears threaten to fall. His hands were trembling when Kurt took them in his.

"Blaine, say something please" Kurt whispered. Like he thought Blaine might say no. Like having his own family hadnt always been his deepest dream.

"Yes" he whispered. Then louder. "Yes, yes, yes" he chanted throwing himself at his husband. "Thats all Ive ever wanted" he sobbed into Kurts shoulder. "Nothing more than you and our family."

When Kurt moved back to look into his eyes, Blaine let go the last part of his heart he held to himself.

It wasnt the first time they kissed. Since theyd gotten back together, theyd spent many nights kissing. It was hard in the silence of a dark room, to resist the temptation of reaching for the other.

It hadnt been easy to wait. To give his legs the time to heal, and their hearts the chance to start loving again.

But in that moment, dragging Kurt to himself, the idea of waiting, was completely gone.

"Kurt" he barely managed to say while Kurts hands were tormenting him in a sweet torture. Then Kurt pressed against him and even the last glimmer of sanity left his mind.

Blaine was home.


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