Holding Out For a Hero
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Holding Out For a Hero: Chapter 4

E - Words: 1,460 - Last Updated: Apr 08, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Sep 04, 2012 - Updated: Apr 08, 2013
695 0 0 0 0

Kurt sighed as he walked into the choir room. That is, until he saw the huge grin plastered on Blaine's face at the sight of him. Kurt bit back a smile and walked up to the curly haired boy who looked like his face might split in half with his excitement. "This seat taken?" Kurt asked and Blaine shook his head, making Kurt think of an overly excited puppy. Kurt sat down and could practically taste the happiness that emanated off Blaine in delicious waves. Kurt buzzed at the thought that he could make Blaine so happy.

"I thought you were joking earlier when you said you were going to be joining Glee," Blaine admitted.

"Careful, Blaine," Kurt warned, "Your face might break if you don't stop smiling like that."

"I can't help it," Blaine said, that damn smile never dropping in the slightest bit. Blaine looked into Kurt's eyes and Kurt sighed contently, internally thanking the celestial powers for giving him Blaine as a Paladin. "I'm excited."

Kurt smiled and looked away, nodding his head as he watched other club members file in. He saw Tina and Chet walk in, followed by Mike and Brittany, their Paladins. Tina winked at Kurt and he smiled back at her when he felt something touch his hand. He looked down and saw Blaine's hand around his own. "It means I get to spend more time with you," Blaine whispered in his ear and Kurt felt a shiver run down his spine.

Kurt glanced over to his left and was instantly aware of Blaine's face mere inches from his own. "You know, you don't need an excuse," Kurt heard himself say and Blaine's smile changed. Instead of him being overly excited, he looked at Kurt with a certain touch of wonder and happy contentment. Blaine’s eyes looked like melted pools of honey, warm and sweet. Is it too soon to say “I love you?” Kurt wondered, because he was pretty sure love was the only word that could define what he was feeling. Then again, maybe it was the knowledge that this boy was his. Blaine wasn’t just his Paladin, he was his Companion. Two halves of a whole.

Kurt felt a pat on his shoulder and jumped almost a foot in the air. His head swung up and he saw Thomas wink at him as he took a seat behind him, next to Sam Evans. Kurt watched the boys interact and felt a pang of sadness for Thomas. Sam was his Paladin, but Sam kept up a strict appearance that he was straight. And although one day Sam and Tom would be Sealed, it didn’t seem like it would be for a very, very long time. This wasn’t uncommon for Pairs; assignments were blind to sexualities. They were based on a person’s soul, and the Guardian must learn to protect their Paladin no matter what, even if it means waiting years before they can be Sealed to their Companion. Kurt bit his lip and turned back around in his seat, hoping that Tom wouldn’t have to wait too much longer.

“You okay?” Blaine asked softly, taking Kurt’s hand again. Kurt squeezed it and nodded.

“Alright, everyone, I’m sure you’ve noticed that we have some new members with us.” Kurt looked over to the front of the room as a man with curly brown hair and a heinous sweater vest that Kurt wanted to burn walked out of an adjoining office. “Guys, why don’t you introduce yourselves?” Kurt looked around at the other three Guardians before standing up.

“Hello, I’m Kurt Hummel.” Kurt gave everyone a sweeping wave of his hand and his most charming smile before sitting back down. Blaine gave him a pat on the leg, just above the knee. Kurt placed his hand over Blaine’s, keeping it there and Blaine wiggled his brows at Kurt, causing him to laugh.

“Hummel here is just mad because I’m better than he is.” Kurt froze and spun around in his chair, looking up at Thomas, who had apparently just given the class his introduction. Kurt blinked before narrowing his eyes at him slightly.

“I’m sorry, you’re better than me?” Kurt still didn’t know what they were talking about, but he was pretty sure he could run laps around Tom no matter what the subject was.

“Would you like me to demonstrate?” he asked and the class began to clap and holler. He seemed to have gotten the reaction he’d wanted, because he jumped down onto the floor and into the middle of the room; William took an empty seat with the rest of the Club to give him the whole floor. Tom strutted up to the corner of the room and grabbed a guitar before reentering the middle of the room. Oh, so they were going to sing. Kurt smiled to himself. He would definitely win this.

But when the taller boy opened his mouth and his rich baritone voice sounded through the choir room, Kurt began to feel less confident. He was still going to win this, but he had to admit, Tom was a lot better than he’d expected.

Share with me the blankets that you’re wrapped in
Because it’s cold outside, cold outside, it’s cold outside
Share with me the secrets that you kept in
Because it’s cold inside, cold inside, it’s cold inside

Kurt knew the song, had heard it a million times, but hearing Tom sing it and knowing he was singing from his heart- singing out the words to Sam, made Kurt’s chest ache.

And you’re slowly shaking fingertips
Show me that you’re scared like me so
Let’s pretend we’re alone
And I know you may be scared
And I now we’re unprepared
But I don’t care

He continued to sing, his eyes closed for most of the song, letting the lyrics pour from his soul. His voice was filled with such raw emotion that Kurt had never heard from the boy who was usually all smirks and sarcasm. Kurt frowned a little and scooted unconsciously closer to Blaine who took his hand in his.

What makes you think that you’re invincible?
I can see it in your eyes that you’re so sure
Please don’t tell me that I’m the only one that’s vulnerable

As the song came to a close, Thomas stood there with his eyes closed, out of breath and swaying slightly but trying to steady himself. When he opened his eyes, Kurt watched as he rebuilt his walls around him and his signature smirk returned to his face. The room erupted in applause and when Tom walked past and gave Kurt a “good luck beating that” pat on the shoulder, Kurt just smiled at him sadly.

“Alright, great job, Thomas!” William said enthusiastically as he stood up. “And now for our next challenger, Kurt Hummel.” Kurt looked over at Will, then to Blaine’s encouraging smile, before sighing and facing Will once more.

“I think I’m going to have to back down.” Kurt heard someone gasp, most likely Chet, and he spun around so he could face the group. “I am bowing out gracefully. You were good, Tom,” Kurt said, smiling at the boy and Thomas bit the inside of his cheek and nodded. “But don’t get used to it. If you challenge me again-”

“Yeah, yeah, Hummel, I know how much of a Diva you are.”

“And you know I won’t go easy on you.” Kurt turned back around then and Blaine put an arm around the back of his chair before leaning closer to speak in Kurt’s ear. Blaine’s breath hit Kurt’s neck and gave him goose bumps.

“I’m sure you would’ve won.”

“Oh, really? And why’s that? You’ve never heard me sing.”

“If that’s an invitation, I accept.” Kurt looked into those warm eyes and felt a sudden pool of warmth fill his stomach. Blaine was so close, so incredibly close that he would barely have to move at all to feel those soft looking pale pink lips on his own. Kurt wet his own unconsciously and he saw Blaine’s eyes flicker to Kurt’s lips as he did so.

It was a loud throat clearing that caused the boys to jump apart. Kurt surreptitiously glanced behind him to see who the culprit was, but no one stood out. He sighed and propped his arm on the back of his chair, leaning his head on his fist as William took over the floor once more and began talking about Springsteen.

“What are you doing after Glee?” Kurt asked Blaine quietly as Will turned his back to write something on the white board. Blaine shrugged easily and spoke with his eyes glued to Mr. Schuester.

“Whatever you’re going.” He snuck a look over at Kurt then, a small smile on his lips and Kurt smiled back.

“Coffee date?”

“Coffee date.”

End Notes: Thank you all so much for all the reviews. It means a lot to me and I'm glad you're all enjoying it! :)Hopefully the next chapter will be up soon, by Sunday at the latest. And remember how I said it wasn't always going to be fluffy... Song used is Vulnerable by Secondhand Serenade


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