April 8, 2013, 1:23 p.m.
April 8, 2013, 1:23 p.m.
"Blaine, you don't have to run, I'm not going anywhere." Blaine reached the taller boy and grinned up at him.
"Good to know." Kurt flushed but rolled his eyes and gave Blaine a gentle shove. "So," Blaine began as they started walking toward the front of the school. "Word on the street is that you had a hot date yesterday."
"Eh, it was okay," Kurt joked and Blaine bumped him with his shoulder. “The guy was terrible at flirting.”
“I heard he was quite charming. Funny too. And, like, incredibly handsome.”
“Really? Who did you hear that from?” Blaine looked at Kurt like it was the most obvious answer as he extended his arms to the other students passing by on their way to their classes.
“Everyone?” Just then another member of the swim team walked by and slapped Blaine’s outstretched hand, thinking he was giving the other guy a high five. Blaine laughed a little and gave Kurt a look that said, “See what I mean?” Kurt rolled his eyes.
“You’re right,” he said in an airy, dreamlike voice. “He was perfect.” Kurt sighed over dramatically before shaking his head. “But he’s probably forgotten all about me. What would a man like that want with a boy like me?” Blaine patted Kurt’s shoulder.
“Hey, it’s okay.” Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt’s shoulders. “I know that he’s the smartest, strongest, most beautiful man in all of Ohio, and you’ll probably never find another man as incredibly handsome as he is, but don’t let that get you down. Just think about how lucky you are that he graced you with his time.” Kurt glared over at Blaine but the other boy wasn’t looking at him, making his gaze go unnoticed. “And if you ever need someone to pick up the broken pieces of your heart,” now Blaine looked over at Kurt with feigned sympathy, “I’m always available.” Kurt stopped walking, stood facing Blaine, and placed his hand over his heart.
“You’d do that for me?” Blaine’s arm around Kurt slid down his arm, resting just above his elbow.
“I’d do anything for you.” Blaine spoke so sincerely that Kurt could tell he wasn’t playing around anymore. He’d meant those words. Kurt slowly released his breath as his cheeks grew warm.
“Kurt!” a voice called, breaking the boy’s eye contact. He looked down the sidewalk and saw beautiful head of long, dark brown hair running their way. Kurt felt a tug again, though instead of being at his chest like it had with Blaine, it was in his head. Another Guardian.
“Tina?” he asked skeptically as the girl stopped just before the boys. He looked around campus to find Mike, the boy she was sworn to protect, but couldn’t find him anywhere. “Is everything okay?” It wasn’t like it was unusual for Guardians to talk- most of them were quite close- but they usually only regarded each other in passing, spending their time with their Paladin rather than other Guardians. Kurt hoped silently that nothing had happened to Mike.
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” she said, giving him a look and letting him know that her Paladin was okay. Kurt nodded, feeling a bit more relaxed, but that still didn’t explain why she was there. Kurt raised a brow at her and she continued. “We have a- um,” Kurt sighed. Of course she forgot what their “club” was. She always forgot.
“Gardening Club meeting?”
“Yes! Gardening Club! Urgent meeting. Got to go. Now.” Kurt heard Blaine snort beside him and when he looked over at the boy he was attempting to cover his smile with his hand. And failing miserably.
“Shut up,” Kurt grumbled.
“No, no, gardening is awesome. Do you have room for one more member? Do you think there’s enough room? In Gardening Club?” Kurt glared at him and sighed as he took Tina’s arm and began to walk away.
“Is that a no?” he heard Blaine called after him. Then louder, “Okay! I get it! Mr. Calla Lily is too popular for little old Blaine Anderson!” Kurt just kept walking, trying to get into the school building as quickly as possible now that everyone was turning to stare as Blaine continued to yell out to him. “Does that mean I shouldn’t save you a seat at lunch?” Kurt could feel Tina’s gaze on him, but he ignored her, too intent on getting as far away from everyone as possible. “I’m going to do it anyway!” was the last thing Kurt heard before the front doors of the school closed behind him.
Kurt let out a long breath and slowed his pace as they made their way toward the familiar classroom where “Gardening Club” was held. “That didn’t take long,” Tina said as they walked up a flight of stairs and Kurt glanced at her.
“What do you mean?”
“You and Blaine.” Kurt bit his lip and sidestepped a group of boys in letterman’s jackets. He continued to climb the stairs, not speaking but he could still feel Tina’s eyes staring at him. Finally, when they reached the second floor, Kurt spoke.
“Blaine and I aren’t-” but he couldn’t finish the statement. He and Blaine weren’t what? Weren’t friends? That wasn’t true. Weren’t a couple? Not in so many words, but they were Companions. Two halves of one whole. They’re destinies were intertwined and fates comingled since before they were born. Kurt always knew he would be with Blaine, since the day he learned he was a Guardian. He knew it was only a matter of time before he and Blaine were Sealed.
“All I’m saying is that Mike and I went on about three dates prior, and it seems like you two could be Sealed any moment now. After just one date. That’s rare, Kurt.” And he knew that. Most Guardians and Paladin need to spend time together, getting to know each other better before being Sealed. It’s mostly for the Paladin’s benefit, letting them get used to their Guardian being around in the light rather than silently protecting them. It usually took about five dates, or five outings together, before the Paladin feels completely comfortable with their Guardians. That’s when they get Sealed.
Getting Sealed was a ceremony of sorts. It was very intimate; only the Guardian and Paladin were ever in attendance. It happens when the Paladin feels comfortable enough with their Guardian that they realize their full potential as Paladin, as defenders of our world, and redeem their full powers. It is then that give themselves completely, heart and soul, to their Guardians.
Kurt was still unsure of how it worked; every Guardian was unless they were Sealed. It is against the law for a Guardian to speak of what happens during a Sealing; it would break the sacred bonding between Guardian and Paladin, thus destroying the Oath of Protection and leaving the Paladin uncared for. The instant a bond is broken, the Guardian is deemed unfit to protect and is banished to a lifetime of enslavement. In turn, the Paladin becomes extremely vulnerable and weak and will die within the next five days, whether from enemy attack or simply the lack of a Guardian. Although speaking of the Sealing isn’t the only way to break a bonding, it is one of the most betraying.
Kurt sighed as he and Tina walked into the unlit classroom and took a seat at one of the tables. “Just because we’re getting close doesn’t mean we’re Sealing anytime soon.”
“I’m just saying, don’t be surprised if you do.” Kurt rolled his eyes and heard the door open as another person walked into the room. He turned around and saw a pair of steel gray eyes below untidy brown hair.
“Hey, Kurt. Tina.”
“Hi, Chet,” Tina greeted and the boy took a seat behind them. “How’s Brittany doing?” Chet rubbed his face with his palms and sighed heavily.
“Still being Brittany.” Tina and Kurt shared a look. Brittany wasn’t the smartest Paladin, and quite frankly, Kurt was fearful of everyone’s lives for the day she and Chet got Sealed. He was pretty sure she might wipe out all of Lima with her powers just by sneezing. Chet shook his head and regarded Kurt. “I heard you and Blaine went out yesterday. How did that go?” Kurt smiled slightly.
“It was nice,” he said, letting his mind wander back to their time at Breadsticks. Kurt was brought back to reality when he heard the pair laughing. “What?” Kurt asked, wondering what he’d missed.
“I asked if there were signs of Sealing soon, but that look on your face says it all.” Kurt blushed deeply and looked away. “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, Kurt. It’s a good thing you like being with Blaine; you’re going to be with him for the rest of your life, after all.” Kurt thought about that for a moment. He let his mind wander and though about life with Blaine. Living in a nice town, maybe even a city, some pets- hell, maybe one day they’ll adopt kids. But ultimately, all that didn’t matter. Because Chet was right, Kurt did like spending time with Blaine. All he needed in life was Blaine.
“Why is it I’m always the last one at these stupid meetings?” a loud voice called and Kurt rolled his eyes when he saw the tall tan boy walk in with his signature grin plastered on his face. “What’s with you guys? Cheer up; it’s a gardening meeting, not a funeral!” The boy pulled out the chair beside Chet and slumped down before clapping him on the back. “’Sup Chet?” Chet just gave him a nod. “Hummel? Cohen-Chang?”
“Hey, Thomas,” the two chorused. Thomas grinned at them and leaned back in his chair, propping his feet up on the table.
“Tom,” a voice called and the boy’s feet rose up off the table top until they were almost straight up in the air, causing Tom’s chair to balance on its back legs until it slid out from underneath him. Kurt covered his mouth as a loud “ha” escaped his lips and turned around in his chair as a man walked through the door.
Kurt watched as the man walked toward the front of the classroom, instantly commanding attention. He was medium height, had a lean build, and a short crop of blond hair on top his head. He looked to be about thirty-five, but his eyes suggested that he was much, much older than that. Once he reached the front of the room, he pulled out one of the chairs and spun in around so he sat with his arms resting on the back of it.
“Hello, everyone,” he began, his voice deeper than his body let on. “Thank you all for showing up; I know it was last minute.” He paused for a moment as he looked at the group of four before him. “Where the hell is-”
“Relax, George, I’m here.” Kurt didn’t have to look to know who it was. She was late to every meeting, no matter how much time they were given.
“Nice of you to join us, Miss Lopez,” George, the Guardian’s Keeper, said with a sigh.
“Hey, Lady,” she said as she took the seat to Kurt’s left.
“Santana,” he regarded her stiffly.
“I heard you got laid yesterday. Good work.” Kurt blanched and his eyes widened as he looked at the cheerleader. “Did you bottom?”
“Enough,” George said, his voice dripping with command and the room instantly fell silent. “Now, I called you all here because I got a call from William.”
“Schuester?” Everyone glanced around. William Schuester was a history teacher and also the Glee Club’s director. More importantly though, Shue was an Observer. There were about three Observers at William McKinley, but Will Schuester was at the head of the operations, so to speak. The Observers are those who have sight- can see who are Paladin and Guardians, but otherwise have no powers. They are placed in public places such as schools to oversee activity and make sure nothing happens to Paladins or Guardians. They are in second command, just under the Guardians Keepers.
“William thinks there might be something going on around campus. Now, he’s not one hundred percent sure as of right now, but until we know everything, you all need to keep a closer eye on your Paladin, alright?” Kurt bit his lip. This shouldn’t be happening. There haven’t been threat warnings of any kind in about twenty years. Why now? “Yes, Thomas?” George said, almost reluctantly.
“Is this about the Eradicates?” Even the word set Kurt on edge. He felt the hair on the back on his neck raise and his hands curled into fists in his lap.
“We are to believe that the Eradicates disbanded years ago. This is just a precaution. But, obviously, you must all take this very seriously. Now, that doesn’t mean you have to handcuff yourself to your Paladin, but I do want you to walk them to their classes, walk them to their cars after school, call them, make sure they got home okay, or even drive them home yourself. Go over on weekends. Remember, what’s your job?”
“Keep them safe no matter what the cost,” the group responded immediately. George looked over the five of them before nodding to himself.
“Good. Now, to make further sure you’re closer to your Paladin, you’re all joining Glee Club.” A chorus of groans. “Well, for some reason they’re all in Glee, so shut up and show up to practice today. This isn't up for discussion. Now get to class.” Kurt stood up and began to walk with Tina out the door, but his Keeper’s voice made him freeze. “Kurt, come.” He felt Tina’s hand on his arm encouragingly and Kurt nodded to her before turning around and walking toward George. “You heard what I just said, yes?”
“Yes. Spend as much time with them as possible. Do whatever it takes.”
“Good. That especially goes for you, Kurt. I know it’s going to be more of a challenge for you, being Blaine’s Guardian. He is destined for greatness, you both are.” Kurt looked down and awkwardly shifted his weight between his feet. It was always weird, talking about his being with Blaine. Ever since he was nine years old he’d been told he was going to be with Blaine, but the fact that the other boy had been completely dubious, and still was, was a little unnerving. Kurt sometimes felt like he was forcing Blaine to like him, even though he knew it wasn’t anything remotely like that. Kurt felt George’s hand on his shoulder and looked up. “You’re stronger than you think you are, Kurt. I heard about yesterday. With the bus,” he added at Kurt’s expression. “Good work.”
“Just abiding the Oath, sir.” George smiled at him.
“Are you sure that was all it was?” George laughed as Kurt looked away. “Alright, alright, I’m done torturing you. Get to class.” Kurt smiled up at George before walking back toward the door. “Oh, Kurt.” He turned back to his Keeper, and instantly felt uneasy at his changed expression. The man seemed to consider something, but soon his apparent anxiety was replaced with a fake smile. “Nothing. Have a good day.” Kurt stood there for a moment before hesitantly turning away, muttering a goodbye before exiting the classroom. Kurt spent the next five minutes as he walked to class wondering what his Keeper had been about to say, and wondering if he had truly meant it when he said that Kurt needed to watch Blaine more closely than others did with their Paladins.
I love how funny and flirty Blaine is, this is really good!
Such a great premise and I love your detailed establishment of this world. I looooooove it and I can't wait to see where this story goes
Just started reading. and am IN LOVE!!! I love the story! <3 can't wait to keep on reading XD
Glad you like it. Hope you continue to enjoy it!! :)
i'm enjoying this so much. thanks!