Holding Out For a Hero
Chapter 14 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Holding Out For a Hero: Chapter 14

E - Words: 1,521 - Last Updated: Apr 08, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 20/? - Created: Sep 04, 2012 - Updated: Apr 08, 2013
373 0 4 0 0

“Do you know how you got it?” Kurt asked. They were sitting down in the empty classroom at a table in the front. Blaine shook his head.

“I haven’t done anything different,” Blaine said, wracking his brain trying to figure out what it was that allowed the walls to come down in his mind and let him access his powers. He thought back to that moment, or what he could remember of it, and the only thing that truly stuck out was how scared he’d been. It seemed to trigger something, but Blaine didn’t think that was a way to acquire powers. He thought of the conventional way, the way most Paladin get their powers; the Sealing. It’s supposed to be the profound bonding that allows the abilities to set in. If that was the case, then maybe it wasn’t the fear after all. Maybe it was something completely different. “Kurt, I think I might have an idea.”

“What is it, Blaine?” Kurt leaned over the table and took his hand, staring at his with his big blue eyes. Blaine smiled and squeezed his hand.

“I think it was us.” Kurt cocked his head to the side. Blaine slowly raised his brows, waiting for Kurt to catch on. A moment later Kurt’s face light up with realization and Blaine bit back a laugh.

“Blaine, I-”

“No really, think about it, Kurt. Sealings have to do with “profound bonds” or whatever. So does making love. I think being with you is what opened up the block.” Kurt looked away, his creasing brow telling Blaine that he was trying to come up with another explanation. Finally, Kurt sighed.

“I mean, I guess it’s plausible.”

“Admit it, I’m right,” Blaine said smugly and Kurt rolled his eyes.

“Never.” Kurt lifted Blaine’s hand to his mouth and kissed his knuckles, making Blaine’s stomach flutter with butterflies like Kurt’s touch always did.


“Chet!” Kurt called, trampling over other students in the hallway until he reached the other boy. Chet turned and grinned when he saw Kurt.

“Hey, Hummel,” Chet said and Kurt caught his breath a little before returning the greeting. “How’s it going? I haven’t seen you in a while.”

“It’s pretty good, actually. How are you doing? And how’s Brittany?”

“Good and good. Haven’t had a death vision in about two weeks so that’s like a miracle. I swear she gets into so much trouble I’ve thought about buying her one of those kid leashes.” Kurt laughed.

“Yeah, I think it’d be a fabulous investment.” They walked in silence for a moment as they headed for French class. Kurt was imagining Brittany in a bright green turtle leash when something else Chet had said struck him. Haven’t had a death vision in about two weeks. But didn’t George say Chet had left the meeting early on Thursday to save Britt from choking?

“Everything going good with Blaine?” Chet asked and Kurt nodded absently. Why would Chet lie to get out of a meeting? I mean, they weren’t all that enticing, but they were mandatory. Unless he was lying now? But what would be the purpose of that?

“Yeah, things are great. Unlike you, I’ve been getting visions.” Kurt side glanced at Chet, waiting to gouge his reply, but Chet was unfazed.

“That’s rough. I’m sure it wasn’t anything you couldn’t handle though.”

“Of course not. So Brittany’s okay?” Chet looked over at Kurt. His brows knitted together, but he smiled, keeping the conversation light.

“What’s with the sudden obsession, Hummel? Don’t tell me you’re after my Paladin now, too.” Kurt laughed, but something still felt off. He was probably just over analyzing.

“Sorry, no. You’re stuck with her.” Chet shoved Kurt’s shoulder as they walked into the classroom.


Kurt walked to his locker after French to put his book away and get ready for lunch. When he opened it, a folded piece of paper flitted to the floor. Kurt smiled and bent down to pick up, wasting no time before straightening it out and reading it.

Meet me in the choir room. –B

Kurt bit his lip and shut his locker, practically skipping down the hall. Even though Kurt had seen Blaine a little over an hour ago, he missed his curly haired boyfriend. He was still worried about him walking the hallways alone, and classes be damned he was going to make sure he stayed by Blaine’s side to protect him. He just needed to figure out Blaine had been attacked without his knowledge. Maybe it was the same way people were able to fly under Emma’s radar. They definitely needed to have that Guardian’s meeting.

Kurt reached the choir room and slipped in through the open door finding Blaine at the piano. Blaine turned his head around, grinning, and patted the spot beside him on the bench. Kurt made his way over and sat so he was leaning against Blaine, and Blaine kept his fingers on the keys, playing a slow melody. “I want to play you something,” Blaine said softly. Kurt snuggled closer and listened to Blaine’s voice as it filled the room.

Did you know you have a special way
Of turning around my terrible days
You make all the bad things go away
The second that you say hello

It’s the way that you talk, that you laugh, that you smile
If beauty were inches you’d go on for miles
It’s the way you make everything seem worth while
The second that you say hello

It’s the way every love song reminds me of you
Along with the stars and the sunsets here too
It’s the way that you the sky seem much more blue
The second that you say hello

So if love is a drug, then I guess I’m addicted
All I want is to have yours, it’s making my heart sick
Goodbye is what broke it and you were what fixed it
The second that you said hello

Blaine continued to play out the song, but Kurt couldn’t hold it in any longer. He grabbed Blaine’s ace and kissed him. A second later Blaine’s hands were on his waist and his tongue was slipping into Kurt’s mouth. Kurt sighed into the kiss and held him closer, wanting nothing more than to stay in that moment forever. “I love you,” Kurt said against his lips before kissing again.

“Kurt?” The sound make Kurt’s blood turn icy cold in his veins. Kurt broke away from Blaine and looked toward the door of the choir room where- Blaine was standing? His eyes were glassy and he looked completely destroyed and what the hell was going on? Kurt opened his mouth to say something, but when had Blaine gotten over there? And why was he-? Kurt looked to the bench next to him but where Blaine had just been, Chet was sitting.

“What?” Kurt was confused. With a capital C.

“You love him?” Blaine asked, his voice sounding thick and Christ this was worse than he’d been earlier after his fight in the bathroom.

“No, no, Blaine,” Kurt began, rushing up from the bench. He took a few steps toward Blaine, but Blaine took a few steps back. Kurt could almost feel his heart physically ripping in half. “It’s not- I thought- It’s not what it looks like, I swear, I-” But Blaine was shaking his head. He looked like he was about to fall apart, but held onto the last tie as he spoke.

“How long has this been going on?”

“Blaine, there is nothing going on!” Kurt cried, hot tears running down his cheeks and blurring his vision. “I love you. You’re everything to me. You know that.” Blaine pursed his lips and glanced away, keeping his face hard but it was pink and his eyes were still glassy and wet.

“I thought I did. You and me forever, huh? Just be honest, Kurt. Has this been going on longer than us? Or was it because of the blocks? What, I couldn’t be Mr. Hero so you found someone who could?”

Blaine! Please, just listen-

“No. We’re done here.” Kurt surged forward, but Blaine was already disappearing into the crowded hallway.

“BLAINE!” Kurt cried, students halting on their way to lunch to stare at Kurt but he couldn’t care less. He looked all around but couldn’t see any sign of Blaine. Kurt choked out a sob and turned to go back to the choir room, to strangle Chet, but when he got there, Chet was gone. Kurt screwed his eyes shut and wrapped his arms around himself, not even bothering to hold back. He slumped to the ground cried till his voice was raw.

“Kurt Hummel?” He had half the mind to ignore whoever it was, but their voice contained an edge that made Kurt’s head lift involuntarily. Towering over him was a group of two men clad in white suits. “We have a warrant for your confinement.”


“You have been found guilty of breaking your Oath. You’re compliance is preferred, but we will use force if needed. Come with us.” Kurt recognized one of them- the same Superior who granted him Guardianship; the same one from Figgins’s office. And Kurt swore he saw the bastard smile.


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This was really good. I feel so bad for Kurt and Blaine. I can't wait to see what happens and to see if maybe Blaine will realize that Kurt hadn't known what was happening.

:) I hope it is to your liking!! Also, sorry I don't respond to reviews all that often. I must say, I look forward to seeing your comments after I post a chapter. It helps me realize that other people are enjoying this as much as I am. THANK YOUUUU.


:) NO SPOILERSSSSSSyou will, however, find out quite soon P.S. I love your enthusiasm. It makes me extremely happy.