Oct. 6, 2012, 10:24 a.m.
Oct. 6, 2012, 10:24 a.m.
“Yeah,” Kurt spoke around his sniffle. “I was flipping through the channels and caught the end of the Notebook.” Kurt wiped away the tears pouring down his face and laughed a little at himself. “What about you? Got any Saturday plans?” Blaine was quiet for a moment and Kurt wondered if their call had been cut off when Blaine began to speak.
“Actually, my mom’s calling me. I think she needs some help. Can I call you back later?” Kurt bit his lip, feeling a little disappointed. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen Blaine the previous day but still he couldn’t seem to get enough of his boyfriend.
“Of course. I’ll talk to you later.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” Kurt smiled as he put down his phone and began to search for something on TV that would make him laugh. He had just finished watching Mean Girls when he heard a knock on the door. “I’ll get it!” he called out before his dad could get up from his place in the kitchen and ran to the front door. When he opened it his jar dropped a little. Standing there was Blaine holding a plate filled with chocolate chip cookies and smiling brighter than ever. “What are you doing here?” Kurt asked, still getting over the surprise of seeing the boy.
“You were sad so I thought it would be the perfect time to use one of your baked cookie days.” Kurt thought back to the day Blaine had given him the promise ring. To bake you cookies at least twice a year. Kurt smiled up at his boyfriend before leaning in a giving him a kiss. “Plus I really wanted to see you.”
“You’re the best boyfriend ever.” Kurt took Blaine’s empty hand and pulled him inside the house.
“I’m going to have to fight you on that one,” Blaine said as Kurt dragged him over to the couch. Blaine placed his arm around Kurt’s shoulders and pulled his boyfriend against his chest as they lay back on the couch. Blaine kissed Kurt’s forehead and they spent the rest of the day watching mindless television and feeding each other cookies.