Follow My Lead
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Follow My Lead: Chapter 6

E - Words: 1,779 - Last Updated: May 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Mar 01, 2012 - Updated: May 17, 2012
601 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: er, I kinda edited a small part of Chapter 3 cause I realised that my planning was wonky (oops. Can you tell that I'm new at this fanfic thing?) and basically Blaine hasn't said the "You move me" line yet, instead he just sort of attacked Kurts face with his lips.Ok, good.Now on to: DINNER!

Kurt: Carol, this is Blaine.

Carol: It’s nice to meet you, Blaine. Here have a plate. And don’t be shy about dishing up. There’s plenty. With three men to feed, I always have enough food for a small army.

Blaine: Thank you. It smells delicious.

Carol: Oh, it’s nothing.

Kurt: Carol makes the best roast chicken.

Carol: I only do now because you taught me.

Finn: Can there be less talking and more sitting down, please? I’m starving.

Kurt: You’re always starving.

Finn: That doesn’t make me any less hungry right now.

Carol: Here, Blaine honey, sit next to Kurt. Move over Burt.

Burt: *grumbles*

Blaine: Thanks.

Carol: So, Blaine, how long have – Finn, let me dish that up for you – how long have you and Kurt, -more? – known each other? I daresay that this is the first time I’ve heard about you.

Blaine: Um, about… four days?

Kurt: Yeah, Blaine crashed into me in the hallways on Monday and has been stalking me ever since.

Blaine: I do not stalk.

Kurt: It’s getting kind of creepy-

Blaine: The Lima Bean thing was totally coincidental.

Kurt: Suuuure.

Carol: Only 4 days? Wow. Well, welcome to the Hummel-Hudsons for dinner.

Blaine: Thank you.

Burt: I hope your parents don’t mind that you’re not eating with them tonight.

Blaine: Oh, my parents usually work late during the week. I mostly only see them over the weekends.

Carol: That must suck.

Blaine: Not really. It’s just the way it is.

Burt: Good attitude.

Carol: But surely it gets lonely.

Blaine: That’s why I’ve gate-crashed dinner with you. *smiles*

Finn: So are you guys like friends, or what?

Kurt: Finn! Don’t talk with your mouth full!

Carol: And don’t gesture with your cutlery. It’s rude.

Finn: My question remains.

Kurt: Yes, we’re friends.

Burt: Oh, Blaine… are you of the, uh, gay, um, persuasion?

Kurt: Dad! *blushes*

Blaine: *laughs* Yeah. Yes, I am of the gay persuasion.

Carol: Ah, so the plot thickens.

Burt: Plot? What plot?

Kurt.: …

Blaine: …

Burt: I see.

Carol: Burt.

Burt: What?

Carol: Nothing. *smiles*

*cue le awkward silence. There is chewing. Carol widens her eyes at Burt significantly*

Burt: So, Finn, there’s a Buckeyes game on later. Have you finished your homework?

Finn: Uh... yeah?

Burt: That doesn’t sound convincing.

Blaine: Ooh, the Buckeyes are playing? Against who? I hope it’s not the Corn Huskers. They slaughtered us last time.

Burt: Oh, you saw that game did you?

Kurt: Really?

Blaine: Yeah. I suffered so much second hand embarrassment for the quarterback.

Burt: That guy is an idiot. He’s fumbled so many passes. They need to replace him.

Blaine: But with who? Jackson is useless and none of the other reserves tackle nearly as well.

Finn: There’s no one who can take his place at the moment.

[their conversation continues]

[aside, quietly]

Carol: Blaine seems nice.

Kurt: He is.

Carol: And he’s getting on well with your dad.

Kurt: I don’t know if this should worry me or not.

Carol: Definitely not.

Kurt: I… really like him.

Carol: Why are we whispering? Doesn’t he like you?

Kurt: I don’t know. He says we’re heading towards “thing” territory. It’s all happening so fast.

Carol: Fast isn’t necessarily bad. It’s not like you’re considering eloping.

Kurt: And… what if he doesn’t like me? In that way?

Carol: Then you can just be friends. But that’s not going to happen.

Kurt: What? Do you think it’s doomed already?

Carol: No. I think that any boy who willingly has dinner with another boy’s family, after only knowing him for 4 days, is pretty sure about his feelings.

Kurt: *smiles*

Blaine: No, Finn, I’m just saying that any guy who drops a ball that many times has got to either be a) incompetent or b) is being paid by the opposition to suck on purpose.

Finn: That is the craziest thing I have ever heard.

Blaine: Ugh. Suit yourself.

Kurt: As much fun as this is, I’m going to interrupt. Blaine, if you’re finished, would you pass me your plate?

Blaine: Sure. Here, let me help.

Kurt: Oh, thanks.

Carol: Not only is he easy on the eyes, but he clears the table too.

Kurt: Carol! *blushes*

Carol: Oops. I mean, thanks boys. *smiles*

Blaine: *laughs* It’s no problem. Thanks for the delicious food, Mrs Hudson-Hummel.

Carol: Oh, please call me Carol.

Blaine: Thank you, Carol.


* * *


Blaine: Your family are pretty awesome.

Kurt: Yeah, I’m a fan of them, myself.

Blaine: Finn has some twisted ideas about the line-up for the Buckeyes though.

Kurt: I am not even going to pretend to be interested.

Blaine: Not a football gay, huh?

Kurt: I’m special, but I am not that special.

Blaine: No, you’re a different kind of special.

Kurt: *smiles* Hand me that jar, would you?

Blaine: Are you turning the dishwasher on?

Kurt: Yeah, that’s how the plates become clean.

Blaine: I’ve never loaded a dishwasher before.

Kurt: What? How is that possible?

Blaine: Well, I’ve put my dirty dishes in one before, but I never unloaded, reloaded and then switched one on before. We sort of have a maid.

Kurt: You have a maid? And you’re going to McKinley?

Blaine: *shrugs*

Kurt: Well, I’m glad I was the one who stole your dishwasher virginity.

Blaine: Someone had to. And my mom thought it was going to be some thug who was just using me for my mad stacking skillz. You’re not doing that are you?

Kurt: Dammit, I’ve been found out.

Blaine: What? So you don’t want me to do this?

Blaine steps closer to Kurt. Even though he is slightly shorter than Kurt, his presence overwhelms Kurt. Every single one of his senses are suddenly on alert as Blaine closes the space between them and all Kurt can think about is the garlic that was in the dinner. He closes his parted lips and thinks fresh breath thoughts.

Blaine reaches out a hand, the one that isn’t holding the dish cloth, and runs it up Kurt’s arm. He wants to press more of himself to Kurt, but he knows that it’s a little bit too soon for that. He simply looks at the boy standing in front of him. Kurt is amazing. He draws Blaine in. Blaine spent very little time thinking about anything but Kurt’s face the last few days. Their brief kiss last night had left his head spinning. Sure, he wasn’t ready to dive head-long into a relationship with the guy, but for now, just being close to him was intoxicating.

His eyes dart down to Kurt’s lips. They are pink and pressed together. Blaine momentarily remembers the vast amounts of garlic he just inhaled, but he doesn’t pay it any attention as Kurt swallows nervously.

Blaine: Can I, uh… Can I kiss you again?

Kurt could feel his entire face turning a violent shade of pink. Why does he blush so easily? His parents have moved to the living room by now and Finn is probably in his room playing the latest Resident Evil. Carol will be in to make coffee soon though. He deeply doesn’t care. He nods slowly.

Blaine drops the dish cloth as his other hand reaches for Kurt’s shoulder. They look at each other awkwardly for a moment and then lean closer. Their noses mash together and suddenly Blaine laughs.

Blaine: God, there is so much tension in this room. Screw the build-up –

And just like that, his lips are on Kurt’s. They are slightly more insistent than the night before. Kurt winds his arms around Blaine’s neck and pulls him closer. Their bodies line up perfectly. Kurt leans forward and Blaine’s hip bumps into the kitchen counter.

Blaine: Ow! Jesus, that hurt.

Kurt: Oh my god, I am so sorry.

Blaine: Mother of-, corners are hard.

Kurt: Are you OK?

Blaine: Never thought that the first bruise I got from a guy would be from domestic violence.

Kurt: Well, I promise to not go full Chris Brown on you.

Blaine: He obviously did something right, though, if Rihanna went back to him so easily.

Kurt: Ugh. Publicity stunt of note. Set the feminist movement back 10 years at least.

Carol: No, Burt. It’s skim milk for you and you’ll be glad for it! Oh, boys. Thank you so much for tidying up in here.

Blaine: No, Problem Mrs. Hu– Carol.

Carol: I’m just gonna make some coffee for Burt and myself. Would you two like anything else?

Blaine: Nah, I’m good.

Kurt: Er, would you like to stay and watch a movie?

Blaine: Hmm… maybe not a whole movie. How about we watch that episode of The Bachelorette? I should be going home soonish.

Kurt: Sounds good.

Carol: Have fun. Come say goodbye before you leave.

Blaine: Sure thing.


* * *


Burt: You let them go upstairs? To Kurt’s bedroom?

Carol: Uh, yes?

Burt: But, you told them to keep the door open, right?

Carol: No. Why would I?

Burt: Because now they could be doing anything!

Carol: Oh, really, Burt. What do you think they’re doing? Setting up a den if inequity?

Burt: They’re both teenage boys and they have hormones and-

Carol: And what? They kiss? We’re past that point! I nearly walked in on them just now in the kitchen, but I back pedalled and announced myself.

Burt: What? In the kitchen? But they were only alone for 10 minutes!!

Carol: Like you said. They’re teenagers. They’re surprisingly resourceful.

Burt: This is my house Carol and I will not stand by while this boy takes advantage of-

Carol: Burt. Calm down. You’ll give yourself another heart attack.

Burt: Woman, do not tell me to calm down.

Carol: I will tell you to calm down, Burt Hummel, because you are being completely ridiculous. Kurt is seventeen. Seventeen year olds kiss. There is nothing wrong with kissing. At least he’s doing so in our house and not in a crack den.

Burt: But kissing leads to, to other things.

Carol: Heaven forbid they *shudders* lay hands on each other.

Burt: I get the feeling you’re not taking this very seriously.

Carol: That’s my man. He knows me so well. Look, honey, Kurt is a great young gentleman. He blushes at the slightest thing. I highly doubt he and Blaine will do anything more that kissing for some time. This gives you at least a week to get used to the idea that your boy is growing up.

Burt: What? A week?

Carol: *laughs* This is going to be so much fun.

End Notes: Please review. I like reviews. They make me less paranoid and less paranoid is good.


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