Follow My Lead
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Follow My Lead: Chapter 3

E - Words: 813 - Last Updated: May 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Mar 01, 2012 - Updated: May 17, 2012
710 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Sorry this update is later than I promised! I was really sick over the weekend and had to take Monday off work. I got a condescending message from my boss and everything.Sighs. Oh well.


Wednesday evening:

Light, orange and fake, filters down to the car where two boys sit. One is talking emphatically, gesturing with his hands, lips moving a mile a minute. The other boy tries to listen, but his thoughts keep straying to the lips doing the talking.

Kurt’s lips are pink, or at least noticeably darker than his pale skin, in this weak light. Blaine can’t stop sneaking glances at them.

They had grabbed coffee as soon as they fled school, but instead of staying in the very visible Lima Bean, they’d clambered back into Blaine’s car and driven to the park, all nervous giggles and breathless sighs at their bad-assery.

Kurt: I can’t believe I’m skipping school.

Blaine: I can’t believe we decided on the park.

Kurt: Well, where else could we have gone? Lima isn’t exactly well known for its plethora of exciting locations.

Blaine: Hey, I’m not complaining. You’re talking to the man who was the Swing King in his day.

Kurt: *laughter* What exactly is a Swing King?

Blaine: King of the swings. Duh. I thought that much was self-explanatory.

Kurt: Ugh *rolls eyes* Yes, I had gathered that much, just… What qualified you to be king?

Blaine: Come and see.

Blaine had proceeded to fold his 17 year-old frame (short as it was) into a swing designed for 6 year olds. He kicked off, enjoying the momentum for a second, before bending his legs to work his swing higher. As his swing raced backwards his knees crashed into the gravel below. He’d let out a short yelp of pain/indignation and cursed his longs legs under his breath. Kurt doubled over laughing.

Blaine: My return as Swing King has been foiled by my last growth spurt!

Kurt: I don’t know if I’s call it a growth spurt. You’re still relatively hobbit sized.

Blaine: Watch it, Hummel. I could take you down.

Kurt: Violence is wrong.

Blaine: You’re insulting my manliness!

Kurt: If your manliness is dependent on how tall you are then I’m surprised you have any at all.

Blaine had tackled him at that, pushing a laughing Kurt to the ground.

Now, in the dark car, Blaine smiles at Kurt, not having the faintest idea what the older boy is talking about. All he notices is blue eyes, crinkled in a smile.

“Kurt-,“ Blaine swallows, not knowing exactly what he’s planning on saying, just knowing that he needs to express the swirl of emotions turning inside him. “I- had so much fun today, and you- you are amazing and I can’t believe we haven’t met before and, and, I don’t know. All I know is that I’d really like to kiss you.”

Blaine’s voice stops, Kurt’s face is shining with amazement and hopeful disbelief. Hardly a heartbeat passes before both boys are moving. Lips meet and lives collide. The kiss is slow at first, hesitating and nervous. Two sets of warms mouths move cautiously, the sparks of fire growing into roaring flames with each passing second. Kurt is unaware of anything other than Blaine’s mouth on his, except for the slight ringing in his ears as he realises not a single one of his senses are functioning outside of this kiss. 

Blaine reaches forward then and grabs Kurt’s neck, pulling him closer. His palm is flat against Kurt’s pulse and his fingers move through Kurt’s hair. Kurt responds by bringing his hand up to Blaine’s face, his thumb brushing over Blaine’s cheek bone. He can feel Blaine’s stubble beginning to reappear, scratchy and rough.

Blaine’s lips, however, are soft; full and warm and gently exploring. After a moment, they pull away, eyes shining.

Kurt feels an idiotic grin settle onto his face, as Blaine lets out an embarrassed laugh looking very pleased with himself.

There isn’t anything to say. Kurt grabs his bag and opens the car door. He blushes as he stands and turns to smile at Blaine, before he closes the door and starts walking towards his house. He reaches the front door just as his text alert beeps.

Blaine: (17:04) [insert idiotic grin and a witty quip regarding your abrupt departure]

Kurt smiles and replies.

Kurt: (17:05) [insert witty reply indicating that we can’t have you get used to too much kissing]

He stands in his doorway as he watches Blaine type a reply.

Blaine: (17:05) [insert inquiry if the kiss was linked to the unlawful school skipping behaviour of earlier]

Kurt: (17:06) That and you have a way with words.

Blaine: (17:07) So we can look forward to a potential repeat performance?

Kurt: (17:08) One that doesn’t even have to involve skipping school.

Blaine: (17:09) Thank god. My conscience wouldn’t be able to handle it if every time I wanted to kiss you, we had to sneak out of the science room window. :D Good night, Mr Hummel.

Kurt opens the door.


End Notes: My boys *sniff*First kiss is now over with *phew* I feel like there is a lot of pressure to get the first kiss right and idek what you think, but simple is better.


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