May 17, 2012, 11:18 p.m.
May 17, 2012, 11:18 p.m.
David: Sup, B-dawg.
Wes: Hey, Blaine, my man!
Blaine: You guys are awful gangsters.
Wes: What?
David: Way to crush a man’s dreams.
Blaine: It was your dream to pass as gangster?
David: It could have been, but now it’s nothing but a smouldering pile of hurt and despair.
Blaine: What happened to the movie director fever dream?
Wes: Our young friend David has realised that he is neither crazy enough, nor driven enough to take on the task of movie director.
David: I blame my mother. She never hated me.
Wes: His father never hit him.
David: I don’t think all of humanity is scum.
Wes: History bores him endlessly.
David: And I will not settle and become a romantic comedy director. That’s just sad.
Wes: So, it appears as if there is no clear filmic path for him.
David: I am a lost soul.
Wes: David. Wait.
David: What?
Wes: That’s it. That’s your angle.
David: Lost soul?
Wes: It’s perfect! Your movies can all have subtext about the loneliness of the world and the struggle of the individual to find their sense of identity.
Blaine: I shouldn’t leave you guys alone together.
David: I like your thinking! It can be Kubrick meet Ang Lee. Despair and hopelessness coupled with a sense of wonder and loneliness.
Blaine: Don’t you think you have too many friends to know the true pain of being lonely?
David: I could be hiding who I truly am, even from you, my supposed friends. Didn’t someone famous say something about never being more alone than when they were surrounded by a whole group of “friends”.
Blaine: Oh, my god.
Wes: You are a genius.
Blaine: He used air quotes!
David: It was an emphatic moment. Air quotes gave the statement what it needed.
Blaine: It made you look like a baby T-Rex.
Wes: Don’t listen to young Blaine, David. He doesn’t understand your vision.
Blaine: No, I am just the voice of reason. For both of you.
David: Reason? Ha! I scoff in the face of reason.
Blaine: Yes, you and Wes both. It’s very entertaining.
Wes: Hark! Did Blaine just call us entertaining?
David: Usually he’s rolling his eyes.
Wes: Or groaning in despair.
Blaine: Only when you do this.
David: Do what?
Blaine: The weird talking together thing.
Wes: “The weird talking together thing”? What’s that?
David: Whatever could you mean?
Wes: We don’t do that.
David: It’s sounds complicated.
Wes: Definitely something for people who are close friends.
David: And honestly, Wes and I are rather indifferent toward each other.
Wes: Very true. David is kind of annoying actually.
David: Hey! You said it was only annoying when I did the Dory impression.
Wes: David, not now. We’re proving a point.
Blaine: *laughs* Oh my god, where did I find you guys?
David: Music class.
Wes: You were drawn to our charisma.
David: Actually, I think you leaned over and asked Wes to stop banging his gavel so loudly.
Wes: I was practicing.
Blaine: I forgot you used to carry that thing around with you everywhere!
David: Wesley Huang, Supreme Judge. Has a nice ring to it.
Wes: Well, not all of us can be famous, tragically misunderstood directors, or Broadway stars.
Blaine: Shit, that reminds me, I’m late for the Westside Story rehearsal. I’ll see you guys later.
David: Bye Blaine!
Wes: See ya, don’t actively break any legs!
Blaine darts down the hall, heaving his bag higher onto his shoulder. It bumps erratically against his leg as he runs. When he reaches the auditorium, he hears the sound of Rachel warming up inside.
Blaine: Sorry I’m late!
Artie: No worries. Her Majesty over there is still doing her vocal runs.
Blaine: Ooh, let me join her.
The next two hours pass in a blur of unhelpful tips from Rachel, actually helpful tips from Artie, difficult choreography from Mr Schuester and small smiles from Kurt, when he shows up to rehearse for his Officer Krupke scene. Blaine feels a little out of his depth rehearsing with Rachel, Santana and Mike because he’s never performed on a scale like this before. Playing the smiling goat in his Junior High School’s production of the Nativity play, didn’t exactly prepare him for something like this. But he knew, playing that goat, that he loved the stage.
One hand, one heart, even death won’t part us now.
Artie: Okay, that’s it for today. Good job, Blaine. Your dance moves are really getting there.
Blaine: Thanks, Artie. I’m finally starting to feel like my extra left foot is disappearing.
Mike: We’ll make a professional dancer out of you yet.
Blaine: See you guys tomorrow!
Just off stage, Kurt grabs his arm and pulls him in between the folds of the stage curtains. Before Blaine can so much as squawk in surprise, Kurt’s lips are on his, warm and insistent. Kurt’s tongue trails along Blaine’s lower lip and Blaine immediately responds, accepting Kurt into his mouth. Blaine grabs the stage curtains and pulls them around them, twisting and turning until they are tangled around him and Kurt, creating a dark cocoon. Kurt arms are folded tightly around Blaine’s neck, and he grins, pulling away slightly.
Kurt: Did you watch Pearl Harbour recently?
Blaine: … No?
Kurt: Sure.
Blaine trails his hands up Kurt’s side.
Kurt: You were really good today.
Blaine: Thank you.
Kurt: *cough* You should join Glee. *cough*
Blaine: Yes, yes. So you’ve said.
Kurt: You know, me wanting you to join Glee is a totally selfish wish.
Blaine: Oh yeah?
Kurt: Yes. It’ll just be another way to spend as much time with you as I possibly can.
Blaine: Oh really?
Kurt: Yup. It’s not even like you’re all that talented.
Blaine: Mm.
Kurt: Nope. You’re just rather pretty, so if you joined I’d have something to look at.
Blaine: Kurt.
Kurt: Blaine?
Blaine: Can we just… take baby steps here?
Kurt: Why? It’s obvious how much you love preforming.
Blaine: I know, but…
Kurt: But what? Glee is so much fun!
Blaine: Yeah, I keep hearing that too.
Kurt: So, what’s stopping you?
Blaine: I’m just… worried that…
Kurt: That what? All the glee kids like you already!
Blaine: It’s not that.
Kurt: Then what?
Blaine: It’s just… I’m already your boyfriend and the lead in the school musical!
Kurt: Why are you yelling?
Blaine: Because I’m trying to tell you that I can’t be in Glee club on top of everything else and you’re pushing it.
Kurt: I just think that you’d be a great asset and that, heaven forbid, you might actually enjoy yourself!
Blaine: Well, I’m not you.
Kurt: What is that supposed to mean?
Blaine: It means that I can’t do it all, Kurt! I really, really liked you from the moment I met you, so finding the courage to be your boyfriend was easy! The school musical isn’t that big of a deal, so I can get away with it, too. But joining Glee…
Kurt: You don’t want to join the loser club.
Blaine: …
Kurt: Yeah, of course. Great.
The atmosphere in their little cocoon is suddenly acidic. Kurt pulls away from Blaine and fumbles with the curtains, looking for the way out.
Blaine: Kurt, I don’t think you guys are losers.
Kurt: No, but you just can’t associate with us more that you have to.
Blaine: Kurt-
Kurt finally finds the gap in the curtains and wrenches them away from his body, stepping out into the empty wings of the stage.
Kurt: No, whatever. Your boyfriend is a loser-
Blaine: Kurt, stop!
Kurt: Why?
Blaine: Because I’m scared!
Kurt: …
Blaine: I... can’t move too fast. I can’t do everything that I want to do immediately.
Kurt: Why?
Blaine: Because I don’t want the crap beaten out of me again!
The silence in the auditorium is almost oppressive as the ringing of Blaine’s voice dies down.
Kurt: What?
Blaine: You asked me a while ago why I left my old school. Do you remember my answer being vague?
Kurt: Oh, Blaine.
Blaine: We… we had a Sadie Hawkins Dance. I had just come out. I asked my friend to go with me, he was the only other out gay kid at school. Afterwards… we were waiting for his dad to come pick us up and these guys jumped us. They cracked two of my ribs and my friend got a severe concussion. I didn’t return. I ran. I came to McKinley instead.
Kurt steps forward, wrapping his arms tightly around Blaine. Blaine looks so broken, that Kurt doesn’t think he can ever let go. Slowly, Blaine’s breathing calms down and he pulls away, wiping at his eyes.
Kurt: Blaine.
Blaine: So, I can’t Kurt. I can’t join Glee. Not yet. It hurts too much.