May 17, 2012, 11:18 p.m.
May 17, 2012, 11:18 p.m.
Kurt: Really?
Blaine: Yes.
Kurt: *smiles dorkily*
Blaine: *mirrors said dorky smile*
Kurt: Well, Okay then.
Blaine: Yup.
Kurt: I’m glad that’s out of the way.
Blaine: It’s nice to have it out in the open.
Kurt: This way I can’t totally embarrass myself again by accidentally mentioning it in a conversation.
Blaine: Are you kidding me? I thought my sudden flight up the stairs was the real dramatic low-point of the incident.
Kurt: I was so glad you left. I’ve never face-palmed so hard in my life and I did not need an audience for it.
Blaine: You did look a little like a deer caught in the headlights.
Kurt: Your face… You looked like I had just told you that your dad dances around in ladies underwear.
Blaine: That is a horrible mental image.
Kurt: Hey, the face returns!
Blaine: Talking about my father was not what I was expecting to do after telling a guy I loved him.
Kurt: Oh, yeah? What did you expect to do?
Blaine: … Um… I don’t know. Maybe something that involved less words, but kept our mouths just as occupied?
Kurt: Lunch?
Blaine: …
Kurt: Vocal runs?
Blaine: …
Kurt: A dentist appointment?
Blaine: Eventually you will run out of witty comebacks and then you will end up kissing me. Can’t we, just once, skip over the comebacks and move straight on to the kissing?
Kurt: That was the least romantic proposition for kissing I have ever heard in my life.
Blaine: Oh, my god! I should just have kept quiet until you’d finished.
Kurt: I mean, there have been some totally unromantic kissing scenes that I have come across in my life, most of which involve Finn and Rachel, bless their messed-up love-life, but never did I image we would declare our undying love for each other and then have you suggest we “get right down to it”.
Blaine: …
Kurt: *smirk* And for another thing-
Blaine: Oh, shut up.
Blaine grabs Kurt shoulders and pulls him forward, chests bumping. Their noses knock together and but when their lips finally meet it’s perfect. Blaine’s lips are warm and dry and Kurt doesn’t waste a moment deepening the kiss, his tongue dipping into Blaine’s mouth and tasting the other boy. He tastes of coffee and Blaine and Kurt knows he’s completely addicted to it. Kurt’s winds his arms around Blaine’s neck and he buries his fingers in his hair, tangling it around his fingers as he holds Blaine close. He stops kissing Blaine for just a moment, but he doesn’t pull back. Blaine makes a vaguely disgruntled noise at having to relinquish his hold on Kurt’s tongue.
Kurt: Thank god you interrupted me. I was wondering how long it would take to break you.
Blaine: You’re horrible to me.
Kurt: But I love you.
Blaine: And I love you.
Kurt leans forward again and they sway on the spot as their lips dance. Blaine’s hands take hold of Kurt’s hips and he steers him backwards, into the living room. Kurt squawks loudly when his knees hit the couch and he’s suddenly falling onto the pillows. He attempts to say something but Blaine follows him down quickly, sealing his lips with another kiss.
Slowly they move around each other; through the tugging of hands and the readjusting of long legs. After a few minutes, Kurt has Blaine pinned to the couch, straddling his lap. Blaine’s fingers dig into Kurt’s back as he grabs fistfuls of Kurt’s sweater, causing Kurt to press down on Blaine. Both boys gasp as they realise they are both half-hard under their jeans.
Blaine: That’s… *clears throat* That’s new.
Kurt: Well, I would hope it’s not entirely new.
Blaine: It’s new for us.
Kurt: Indeed.
Kurt leans over Blaine, supporting his weight on his arms. He gets an evil glint in his eye and rolls his hips. A wave of this something new, crashes through them and Blaine closes his eyes with a gasp. He stutters as he attempts to speak.
Blaine: K-K-Kurt! That… That was-
Kurt: Yeah.
Kurt pauses a moment to consider. He realises that he wants to do this, badly. He’s never felt anything quite so intense before, even when he is alone in his room with generous amounts of lube. Having Blaine underneath him, with only 4 layers separating them from nakedness, sends electricity to every part of him.
Kurt: I’m going to… I’m going to continue. Is that Okay?
Blaine opens his eyes and looks at Kurt, looks at the way his styled hair is teetering forward, ready to collapse. He sees the way in which Kurt’s shirt has pulled to the one side under his insistent hands. And he sees Kurt’s eyes, shining and blue, filled with excitement and uncertainty. It all makes his heart beat faster.
Blaine: Yeah. I’d like that.
Kurt leans down again and they kiss for a moment, just the soft brush of lips on lips. Then Blaine’s hands slide down further than they ever have before and suddenly they are resting on Kurt’s ass. It’s soft yet firm and Blaine can’t help but squeeze it. He’s rewarded with a surprised sounding moan from Kurt, and the noise makes him buck his hips upward. He misses his intended destination, Kurt’s own groin, and ends up pressing himself to Kurt’s inner thigh. The pressure does its job anyway and Blaine attempts to continue, pressing his now very excited cock to any part of Kurt he can reach.
Kurt, apparently, has other plans. He shifts his legs slightly, until he can lean further down onto Blaine. Their erections line up and Blaine’s hands tighten on Kurt’s ass.
Taking a few deep, steadying breaths, Kurt braces his arms on either side of Blaine’s head and starts rolling his hips. The motion is clumsy at first, as Blaine attempts to copy the motion. For a few uncoordinated seconds they grind against each other, completely out of sync.
Blaine: Hold on.
He moves one of his hands away from his tight grip on Kurt’s ass and brings it around to Kurt’s hip.
Blaine: Kiss me.
Kurt looks at Blaine, running one hand through Blaine’s curls, twisting them around his fingers. Smiling softly he leans down and kisses Blaine. It’s hot and wet, all tongues and spit and Blaine gasps into it, almost forgetting what his hands were about to do.
Slowly he moves his hips in time with his hands. His hands roll Kurt’s hips in one direction and his own hips mirror the motion. The result is a perfect rolling grind. Slowly the pace builds up. Blaine controlling their motions until Kurt falls into the rhythm too.
Blaine’s hands return to Kurt’s ass, pressing him closer with each roll. The combination of friction and pressure soon becomes too much and Blaine can feel the heat build in his lower stomach.
Blaine: Kuuurt. God, Kurt- I’m- I’m-
Kurt: Me too.
Kurt buries his face in the crook of Blaine’s neck, clinging desperately to Blaine’s shoulder. With two more rolls of his hips, he’s coming. His orgasm knocks the wind out of him, or it could have been the intensity with which he called Blaine’s name. He collapses onto the younger boy and he feels Blaine thrust up one more time and then he’s gone too, amid an incoherent string of swear words, blasphemies and Kurt’s own name.