May 17, 2012, 11:18 p.m.
May 17, 2012, 11:18 p.m.
Wednesday, before first period:
Blaine: Morning.
Kurt: Good morning… Um, Blaine?
Blaine: Hmm?
Kurt: Why are you circling me like a hawk?
Blaine: Just getting a good look at this baby-butt skin soft face.
Kurt: Oh. Okay. Verdict?
Blaine: Totally worth getting cock-blocked over.
Kurt: My moisturizing routine cock-blocked you?
Blaine: Hells yeah.
Kurt: Oh, really? What exactly would have happened had I not needed to get ready for bed?
Blaine: Magical things, Hummel. But now you’ll never know.
Kurt: … Never?
Blaine: Well, until tonight.
Kurt: *blushes* What’s happening tonight.
Blaine: I plan on texting you again. Consider yourself warned.
Kurt: Oh dear. I feel like I should gird my loins.
Blaine: I can think of other uses for your loins.
Kurt: Blaine! *thwumps*
Blaine: *waggly eye brows*
Kurt: *blushes* I gotta get to class.
Blaine: See ya later. Don’t run into any other hot guys on their way to history! I got here first!
* * *
Wednesday, fourth period:
Awesome Black Friend: Dude, what are you doing?
Blaine: Hmmm.
Awesome Black Friend: … Uh, earth to Anderson. Come in, Anderson. We have a situation down here.
Blaine: Huh?
Awesome Black Friend: I said, what exactly do you think you’re doing?
Blaine: I was staring distractedly into space. I know you’re a little slow in the up take, David, but I thought that much was clear.
David: Shut it you. I meant, what do you think you’re doing, fawning over that Glee kid.
Blaine: I’m not fawning.
David: No, whatever you’re doing is much more embarrassing. You’ve known him all of 48 hours and you’re day dreaming about his delicious dream boat eyes already, aren’t you?
Blaine: Hey, back off. Find your own delicious eyes to dream about.
David: Dude, *facepalms* I am so not interested in Kurt Hummel.
Blaine: Well, you should be! He sure is purdy.
David: Now I’m confused.
Blaine: Your left shoe is the one with the arch on the right and vice versa for the right shoe.
David: *punches*
Blaine: Ouch! What was that for?
David: For you being an insufferable troll. First you’re warning me to find my own Gleek to pine over, and next you’re telling me that I should be interested because he has many fine qualities. I have a girlfriend. Remember Maria?
Blaine: What can I say, I’m a walking contradiction. Scientists are baffled and impressed by me.
David: Oh god. Can we stay on topic please?
Blaine: What topic is that again?
David: You. Being interested in a Glee kid. A male Glee kid.
Blaine: Uh-huh…?
David: That’s fine and dandy in theory, but we’re in high school.
Blaine: Ooh, glad you picked up on that.
David: A very large, very public, very unforgiving, high school.
Blaine: Don’t be dramatic.
David: You’re only safe in your gayness, because this place is so big.
Blaine: David.
David: What? It’s true. Not everybody is as accepting as I am.
Blaine: And I am grateful for you.
David: But?
Blaine: But I like Kurt. And a bunch of intolerant red-necks are not going to scare me off of pursuing his fashionably-clad ass.
David: Oh god.
Blaine: What?
David: You’re gonna die.
Blaine: No, I’m not.
David: Yes, you are. You’re gonna go for the Gleek gay, thereby committing social suicide and making not only you, but him also, targets for abuse and torture.
Blaine: Don’t be dramatic.
David: Blaine, have you ever known me to be dramatic?
Blaine: *adopts really bad accent* Blaine? Blaine? I think I have stomach cancer. I’ve got this weird pain in my gut and I feel dizzy and my vision is narrowing as we speak. I need to go to the doctor, Blaine!
David: Shut up.
Blaine: What were the pains, in fact?
David: Die. In a fire.
Blaine: Go on, tell Dr Blaine what you were actually suffering from.
David: It’s not the same thing.
Blaine: Gas pains, David.
David: This is totally different.
Blaine: All you needed was some quality time with the bathroom and you were fine.
David: I can’t believe you are comparing the two.
Blaine: Or there was the time with Iffy, the hamster.
David: Iffy was totally fine the one moment and completely dead the next. There was definitely foul play involved.
Blaine: He was a million years old. He snuffed it from natural causes.
David: That hamster was invincible.
Blaine: David.
David: What?
Blaine: I know.
David: Know what? That Iffy was invincible or who is responsible for his death?
Blaine: I know that my pursuing Kurt is not going to go over well with the rest of the school, slash town, slash my family.
David: But?
Blaine: There’s something about him that I can’t put my finger on.
David: They say you need to crook your finger towards the front and feel around for it.
Blaine: David! *thumps* How the hell would you even know about that?
David: Maria reads Wincest. She’s scarily clued up on gay sex.
Blaine: Really? … Huh.
David: What?
Blaine: Maybe I should ask her for advice.
David: Oh god.
* * *
Wednesday, afternoon:
Kurt: Oh, for the love of-
Blaine: Struggling there?
Kurt: Blaine!
Blaine: Hey, Kurt.
Kurt: How are you?
Blaine: Ugh. This day is depressingly long.
Kurt: Tell me about it. I have double math with Wilkins now.
Blaine: My deepest sympathies.
Kurt: Thank you. However, I might never get there if this goddamn locker won’t open.
Blaine: You just gotta- *bang* Thwack it a little bit. Show it who’s boss.
Kurt: That. Was incredible.
Blaine: Hey, some people whisper to horses, but me? I’m all about lockers.
Kurt: *gazes, mouth slightly open, shaking his head*
Blaine: Uh, why are you looking at me like that?
Kurt: You are the strangest person I have ever met.
Blaine: Well you’re kinda funny looking, too!
Kurt: Hey! I didn’t mean that in a bad way!
Blaine: Neither did I. *grins*
Kurt: You called me funny looking.
Blaine: In a good way.
Kurt: You’re implying that you want to laugh whenever you look at me. What part of that could possibly be good?
Blaine: The part where I don’t ever want to stop looking at you.
Kurt: *jaw drops* …
Blaine: …
Kurt: How do you do that?
Blaine: Do what?
Kurt: Stop all my cognitive function with a few words.
Blaine: *grins* It’s a mad skill.
Kurt: Oh, crap. We’re supposed to be in class already. *grabs books at random*
Blaine: How about… Play hooky with me.
Kurt: What?
Blaine: Ditch class and come with me.
Kurt: Don’t be ridiculous.
Blaine: No, Kurt, seriously. Hey, stop walking.
Kurt: What the-
Blaine: We can talk better in here.
Kurt: We have to get to class.
Blaine: Let’s blow it off. Just today. Let’s forget about school and just… go do something. Together.
Kurt: But… Class.
Blaine: It’s last period. We won’t be missing much.
Kurt: This idea is just crazy.
Blaine: I know.
Kurt: …
Blaine: …
Kurt: Blaine?
Blaine: Yeah?
Kurt: How would we even leave without being spotted? Also, I don’t have my car today.
Blaine: We can leave through the science room windows in Mr Mitchell’s class. He doesn’t have class now.
Kurt: And then?
Blaine: We make a dash for my car. It isn’t parked that far away.
Kurt: This is worst idea ever.
Blaine: I love this idea.
Kurt: … Me, too.
Blaine: Let’s go.
This is absolutely perfect. c: I love the gas pains part!