Follow My Lead
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Follow My Lead: Chapter 19

E - Words: 1,386 - Last Updated: May 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Mar 01, 2012 - Updated: May 17, 2012
475 0 3 0 0


Saturday afternoon:

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (13:41) So… I accidentally implied to Blaine that he loves me even tho we have definitely not gotten to that point yet.


ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (13:41) yeah :c

COCOFABULOUS: (13:42) how did you manage that?

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (13:42) I was teasing him and he said that I was being mean to him and then I said: “Oh, you love me.”

COCOFABULOUS: (13:43) O…kay?

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (13:43) Is that all you have to say?

COCOFABULOUS: (13:43) it doesnt seem like that big of a deal to me.


COCOFABULOUS: (13:45) i read it and it still doesnt seem like such a big deal to me. so you teased him about loving it when youre mean to him? id be more worried about the implication that youre into bdsm.

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (13:45) :/ disturbing.

COCOFABULOUS: (13:46) im kind of enjoying the mental image.

COCOFABULOUS: (13:46) you in thigh high leather boots with a whip.

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (13:46) Please stop imagining this.

COCOFABULOUS: (13:47) you dont like my musings?

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (13:47) I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you about this!

COCOFABULOUS: (13:48) OK FINE. I’ll humour you. why is this such a big deal? you guys have already discussed sex. Obviously this is serious (even tho its only been 5 weeks - dont think I havent been counting)

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (13:49) We discussed sex in an abstract, hypothetical, maybe-one-day-when-we’re-ready kind of way!

COCOFABULOUS: (13:50) him telling you that it would be difficult to tear your clothes off isn’t particularly abstract. This boy has put thought into it.

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (13:50) Oh god. Oh god oh god oh god.

COCOFABULOUS: (13:51) and ive seen you two together. Are you not heading for love territory?

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (13:52) I don’t know.


ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (13:53) I think so.

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (13:54) It’s just. It’s only been 5 weeks.

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (13:54) And how would I even know?

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (13:55) It’s not like I have experience to base anything off of here.

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (13:56) Um, Mercedes? Feel free to jump in at any time.

COCOFABULOUS: (13:56) sorry. It looked like you were working it through on your own for a moment.

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (13:57) I shouldn’t be left to work this through on my own. Last time I thought something through by myself, I ended up making Blaine hate me for the better part of a week.

COCOFABULOUS: (13:58) I dont think youre in any danger of that atm. Unless we’re reading all the signals wrong and he’s getting ready to bolt.

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (13:58) Helpful, thank you.

COCOFABULOUS: (13:59) Oh come one Kurt. You are overreacting! He still went to yours for dinner, didn’t he? You made plans to see each other today, didn’t you? The two of you are fine. You just need to figure out what’s happening in your own head!

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (13:59) Yeah. OK. *deep breath* I can do that.

COCOFABULOUS: (14:01) … well?

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (14:02) Well what? Do you want me to figure it out right now??

COCOFABULOUS: (14:02) Yes, while I’m around to prod you in the right direction.

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (14:03) I don’t think I could do this under pressure.

COCOFABULOUS: (14:04) ugh fine. But then i’m leaving to go have lunch with my sister.


COCOFABULOUS: (14:05) I definitely will. You can’t think under pressure and I want food. Good luck figuring things out. Text me if you need me to crazy check any of your thoughts.

ALEXANDERSSCARVES: (14:06) *grumbles* fine. But if I end up single and alone by the end of the day, imma blame you.

COCOFABULOUS: (14:07) love you too. Byyyyyyeeeeeee


* * *


[From History Kurt]: Are you home?

[From Coffee Blaine]: I am. I’m attempting to feed my dad’s new fish, but they are surprisingly picky eaters.

[From History Kurt]: Do you have pants on?

[From Coffee Blaine]: Excuse me while my brain short circuits.

[From History Kurt]: Is that a yes or a no?

[From Coffee Blaine]: It’s a yes. Why?

Blaine sends the text message and runs his hand through his hair. He hasn’t put any gel in it today, planning on spending most of the day inside and safely away from prying eyes. He’d style it before Kurt got there, but for now it’s flying free and he likes that it isn’t crunchy to touch. Turning back to the fish tank he shakes a couple more flakes of foul-smelling fish food through the latch at the top before closing it.

Suddenly the doorbell rings. Blaine runs to it, panicking.

Blaine: Uh oh. Oh no, no, no, no, no.

*Through the door*

Blaine: Kurt, is that you? You’re early!

Kurt: I know. Let me in!

Blaine: Dammit. I… I can’t.

Kurt: What? Why not?

Blaine: Because of reasons.

Kurt: Blaine Anderson do not leave me standing on this doorstep begging to be let in. It’s too romantic comedy to be allowed.

Blaine: But… Kurt…

Kurt: What?

Blaine: My hair!

Kurt: What?!

Blaine: I don’t have any gel in my hair!

Kurt: Are you kidding me?

Blaine: I can’t let you see my like this. I’m not cute right now.

Kurt: I promise I won’t judge your overall cute levels on the size of your hair. Now let me in.

Blaine: But, you’ll never be able to get the image out of your head.

Kurt: Blaine.

Blaine: Okay, fine. But don’t look at me directly.

The door slowly creaks open.

Blaine: Eyes on the ground! Eyes on the ground!

Kurt: You are ridiculous.

Blaine: And you are picking a really bad day to be super early.

Kurt: Come out from behind the door. I have something to tell you.

Blaine: *sigh* I never wanted you to see me like this.

Kurt: What? Were you planning on just having gel in your hair forever?

Blaine: Yes, actually!

Kurt: Blaine.

Blaine: Kurt.

Kurt: Come on.

Blaine: Okay, fiiiiiiiiiiine.

Blaine slowly emerges from behind the still open front door.

Kurt: It… *coughs* It’s not that bad.

Blaine: It looks like a poodle died on my head.

Kurt: It’s no worse than the skunk currently residing on Puck’s head.

Blaine: Except it’s bigger.

Kurt: Well, you’ll never need shampoo to help with volume.

Blaine: Things could live in here.

Kurt: Things probably already are.

Blaine: I hate you.

Kurt: I love you.

Blaine: … uuuh-

Kurt: …

Blaine: …

Kurt: Blaine?

Blaine: Yeah?

Kurt: Did you, um, hear me?

Blaine: Yeah. Yup… yup. Yeah, I did.

Kurt: Oh. Okay. Just checking.

Blaine: Did you mean it? … In that way?

Kurt: *deep breath* Yes. I did. I do. Mean it. In that way.

Blaine: …

Kurt: Blaine?

Blaine: Yeah?

Kurt: What are you thinking?

Blaine: …

Kurt: It’s just that my slip-up the other day got me thinking, and at first I panicked because we are really young and we’ve only been dating for 5 weeks and what do we know about l-lov- feelings, but then I thought about you, and I knew that what I felt was real and that made me panic, too, because oh, my god we’re only seventeen, you know, why would we find someone we lo-like so much at this age? And now you’re being creepy and silent and that’s causing major word vomit on my part, but know that you don’t have to say it back, I just thought I’d share what I was feeling and I’m going to stop talking now.

Blaine: … Kurt. How could you-… How are you so perfect?

Kurt: Heh?

Blaine: I mean, you shouldn’t spring something like that on a guy. It’s a big bomb to drop, I could have had a heart attack!

Kurt: I know, I just-

Blaine: No, shh. It’s my turn to talk…. You… are this force of nature. You sweep into my life all flawless pale skin and fierce attitude. I knew from the moment I saw the back of your head in that coffee line at the Lima Bean that you were going to change my life. It’s like I finally understood what I was looking for all my … seventeen years of life. And there you are, saying the most beautiful things and taking my breath away. Kurt… I love you, too.


End Notes: Sooooo, the M rating on this is gonna kick in starting chapter 20. Just a heads up.Also, please review, if you feel so inclined. :D


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How is this so perfect. How?If you can explain this to me then i'll love you forever.I mean, seriously.I'm in love with this story.