May 17, 2012, 11:18 p.m.
May 17, 2012, 11:18 p.m.
Tuesday, Dinner:
Kurt: Hi Carol.
Carol: Hey, hon. How was your day?
Kurt: Pretty good. There’s still huge drama with the Glee club, but Blaine landed the lead role in Westside Story! It was announced on Friday.
Carol: Oh, wow! That’s fantastic! I didn’t know he could sing!
Kurt: Neither did I, until his mom mentioned it at lunch a couple of weeks ago. From there I forced him to sing for me, then he admitted that he was kind of interested in the school musical and he auditioned and just... Wow. He’s going to be amazing.
Carol: What is it with you amazingly talented kids? You’re everywhere, doing fantastic things, shining…
Kurt: It’s a curse.
Carol: *laughs* Only for me it is. I have to watch Finn dance and admit that he’s mine.
Kurt: *laughs* Now that is tragic.
Blaine: Why are we laughing?
Kurt: Finn’s dancing.
Carol: Blaine, honey! I didn’t know you were here.
Blaine: Hi Carol! Didn’t you know? I’ve turned into a leech and physically cannot be separated from you and your lasagne Tuesdays.
Carol: Ew, you poor thing. Leeches are unattractive creatures.
Kurt: I’m the one who deserves the pity. I have to be seen in public with him.
Blaine: *huff* Hey! You love my slimey trail.
Kurt: Well, it is shiny, if nothing else.
The front door opens.
Burt: I have returned!
Carol: Oh, my man is home and I haven’t even started dinner. Would you boys help me, before Burt fires me? *winks*
Kurt: Of course.
Blaine: Definitely. I am an excellent chopper. Um, but I’ll follow in just a moment, Okay?
Kurt: What’s up?
Blaine: I just… need to call my mom quick.
Kurt: Okay.
Kurt and Carol head into the kitchen. Blaine dawdles at the foot of the stairs for a moment before following the grunting sounds that indicate where Burt is.
Blaine: Good evening, Mr Hummel.
Burt: It’s Burt, kid.
Blaine: Not tonight, it isn’t.
Burt: *narrows eyes suspiciously* Why?
Blaine: Um, I’m worried about Kurt.
Burt: What happened?
Blaine: Nothing. Nothing has happened. Will happen. Oh, god. Please don’t kill me.
Burt: What’s going on, Blaine?
Blaine: *in a rush* Have you and Kurt had “The Talk” yet?
Burt: Excuse me?
Blaine: Well, it’s just that today, at lunch, all the Glee kids were discussing our Sex Ed class and how, it’s, um, lacking in the uuuhh, homosexuality department.
Burt: …
Blaine: And well, it became apparent that Kurt knows very little about… things that could happen if and when he eventually becomes, erm… sexually active.
Burt: You’re treading on dangerously thin ice.
Blaine: No, Mr Hummel, it’s just that one day, maybe ten years from now, Kurt is going to find that someone special and he won’t be prepared for what might happen. Now, I’ve taken matter into my own hands (‘why oh, god did I use that phrasing?!’) and done searched on the internet. There are some amazingly helpful sites. But I don’t think Kurt will take that initiative.
Burt: And you want me to?
Blaine: Well, I thought, coming from me it might seem… like I was implying something, which I am definitely not, just so by the way, because that would be horrible and it’s for Kurt to decide and I’m not ready and oh, my god, I’m rambling.
Burt: Are you finished?
Blaine: … Mr Hummel. You and Kurt have this amazing relationship. Remember when I said that my dad and I spent last summer rebuilding a car? Well, do you think my dad built that car with me because he loves cars? I think he did it because he thought getting my hands dirty might make me straight. We’re not like you and Kurt, and I would hate to see you waste an opportunity to use that relationship and help Kurt.
Burt: You got some nerve kid.
Blaine: I’m sorry if I’m over stepping.
Burt: You are.
Blaine: Oh, ... well…
Burt: But you mean good. I could easily cut your car brakes and make it look like an accident, but here you are. You must really care about Kurt.
Blaine: I do, sir.
Burt: Good. Now go away.
Blaine: Yessir!
Blaine hurriedly retreats to the kitchen, his face flaming red and his heart beating at a mile a minute. Burt Hummel sits down slowly, scratching the back of his head and smiling.
Burt: I’ll be damned. That kid has guts.
He chuckles softly.
just love burts announcement of 'i have returned' laughed at it for like 10minutes