May 17, 2012, 11:18 p.m.
May 17, 2012, 11:18 p.m.
Wednesday, lunch:
Puck: And it’s no longer green, so we should be in the clear.
Finn: Yeah, but it’s still growing things.
Puck: It’s wet. Of course there are growing things.
Artie: You could not pay me to go close to it until it’s perfectly clean.
Puck: I’m not doing this for you.
Artie: Just sayin’.
Mike: Well, I don’t think anyone will go near it until it clears up.
Puck: Just a couple more treatments and then we can party.
Kurt: What are they talking about?
Mercedes: Puck’s cleaning this one lady’s pool and apparently she said he could have a pool party there once it’s clean.
Kurt: Ooohkay. Things make sense again.
Rachel: At the moment it’s a health hazard though.
Puck: Not for long. I’m working on it. And then, the Puckasaurus is throwing an epic pool party.
Mike: Man, I haven’t gone swimming in ages.
Tina: Me neither. It’s not an activity that’s offered at Asian Camp.
Artie: I wish I could swim.
Santana: Depressing, much?
Artie: Just keepin’ it real, yo.
Brittany: Blaine is probably is a good swimmer, if he’s a dolphin.
Santana: We’re not allowed to discuss homo-hobbit around Kurt, Brit.
Brittany: Why?
Santana: Cause he’s too chicken shit to go up to him and ask him what the hell his problem is.
Rachel: Santana.
Santana: What? If he’s set on defending Blaine’s honour, then he should at least work up the nads to confront that hairy midget about what went down in the bathroom.
Finn: What went down in the bathroom?
Kurt: Oh, god, weren’t we talking about Puck’s pool cleaning business?
Mercedes: I agree with Santana. You should go talk to him.
Kurt: I’ll talk to him later.
Rachel: I think it should be right now.
Kurt: I don’t know where he is right now.
Tina: He is sitting over there.
Kurt: *glare*
Tina: What?
Rachel: Oh my god, this is perfect. Now’s your chance, Kurt.
Kurt: Why is this my chance?
Rachel: Because we’re all here to support you if things don’t go well-
Santana: And we’re all here to bully you into going over there instead of you chickening out later.
Kurt: How about we just ignore the fact that I ever met a guy called Blaine Anderson and we just go from there?
Puck: Dude, please. It’s scary obvious how into this guy you are.
Kurt: What?
Finn: And I didn’t even tell them about the weirdo-face-holding that I walked in on.
Puck: Dude. Spill.
Kurt: Finn, don’t you-
Finn: Blaine came over for dinner last week-
Kurt: -dare.
Finn: -and I had to go upstairs to tell them that dinner was ready-
Kurt: Finn.
Finn: -and I didn’t really think about what I might walk in on, since Kurt’s bedroom door was open and everything-
Kurt: Oh my god, shut up.
Finn: -and anyway, they are both standing there, in the middle of the room, freaky close and Blaine has his hands all over Kurt’s face-
Puck: Kinky.
Kurt: Ugh. Kill me now.
Santana: You know that’s not how making-out works, right?
Tina: You should go talk to Blaine, if only to get away from these guys.
Kurt: *sigh* You know, I think I will.
Rachel: Yay! Good luck. We’ll be watching.
Kurt: Great.
Kurt stands up slowly, looking over at Blaine’s table nervously. He takes a deep breath and walks over to where Blaine is sitting, talking with two other boys.
Santana: What a politically correct group of friends that Blaine guy has.
Artie: I can’t believe we actually conned him into going over there.
Puck: What can I say, we’re horrible people. I feel like we need popcorn.
Rachel: Oh, look. He’s talking to the other two guys.
Mercedes: I wonder if Kurt will ask to talk to Blaine somewhere else.
Mike: No, it looks like Blaine’s friends are leaving.
Santana: Subtle.
Rachel: Blaine doesn’t look too happy about his friends abandoning him.
Mercedes: Yeah, but Kurt has his determined face on.
Rachel: I wish we could hear what they’re saying.
Santana: “Oh, Blaine, you were so mean to me.”
Puck: “Yeah, but Kurt, I’m broody and intense.”
Mercedes: You’ve never met Blaine, have you?
Puck: Once. Briefly.
Finn: I don’t think you threatening to break his kneecaps counts as meeting him.
Puck: I said briefly, didn’t I?
Quinn: Uh-oh, Blaine looks angry.
Mike: So does Kurt.
Tina: I think he’s yelling.
Rachel: Ugh, why is it so noisy in this damn cafeteria?
Santana: Because it’s a cafeteria. At lunch.
Mercedes: Wait, now Kurt looks confused.
Tina: And Blaine looks sad.
Finn: I can’t take all this uncertainty.
Artie: We’re really pathetic, aren’t we?
Mike: Definitely not.
Rachel: Kurt is our friend. We’re just actively interested in his life.
Quinn: I spot smiling!
Mercedes: Can it be?
Tina: Blaine looks a little overwhelmed.
Puck: Go Hummel. *wolf whistles*
Santana: There should be a Gays of Our Lives TV show.
Mercedes: I’d watch that.
Artie: Me too.
Finn: Oop, Blaine’s looking over.
Mike: Panic station! Return to normal behaviour!
Mercedes: Rachel, don’t wave!
Rachel: Blaine’s waving back.
Finn: Wait! Where are they going?
Mike: Are they leaving?
Puck: But how will we know what happens next?
Rachel: It’s tempting to follow them.
Santana: Stalker.
Rachel: I like to think of myself as deeply invested in Kurt’s happiness.
Read 12 chapters back to back & what a great story this is! Please continue soon!