May 17, 2012, 11:18 p.m.
May 17, 2012, 11:18 p.m.
Tuesday, Glee period:
Latina girl: Kurt just needs to get laid.
Asian girl: No, there’s something really wrong.
Mercedes: He won’t talk to me though. How about you, Rachel?
Rachel: Not a word.
Asian girl: When he got to glee club yesterday, he’d obviously been crying.
Mercedes: Yeah, we could all see that.
Blonde Cheerio Captain: Do you think it has to do with the bullying?
Rachel: Maybe… But it hasn’t gotten worse than usual.
Mercedes: That we know of.
Rachel: No, I think it has to do with Blaine.
Asian girl: Who?
Rachel: Blaine. The gay guy Kurt met on the first day of school.
Latina girl: Wanky.
Mercedes: Santana!
Santana: I’m just saying.
Asian girl: Blaine… Anderson?
Rachel: Yeah. Do you know him, Tina?
Tina: He’s in my math class. He transferred here near the end of last year. I didn’t know he was gay though.
Blonde Cheerio: So, he’s still a shark?
Santana: Maybe. Is he openly gay?
Mercedes: Definitely. He and Kurt flirted shamelessly in front of us.
Blonde Cheerio: Definitely a dolphin.
Blonder Cheerio Captain: Maybe that’s the problem. He’s flirting but won’t take it further?
Rachel: I don’t think that’s it, Quinn.
Mercedes: Yeah, it doesn’t explain why Kurt was crying.
Quinn: I’d cry over a broken heart.
Rachel: So would I.
Santana: A broken heart? Seriously?
Quinn: Just because you don’t have a heart doesn’t mean none of us do.
Blonde cheerleader: Santana has a heart. She gave it to me a while ago. It’s filled with caramel.
Santana: Not that kind of heart, Brit.
Mercedes: I agree with Santana.
Tina: What?
Mercedes: Yeah, a broken heart? Really? He’s known Blaine for a week. One week. Seven days. Some… large amount of hours. But it’s not like they’re star crossed lovers destined to take their lives. Nobody gets that attached in a week.
Rachel: I don’t know… You did see how perfect they are together?
Mercedes: Not so perfect that they didn’t last a week.
Rachel: He was Kurt’s first kiss. And it sounds like it was pretty amazing.
Santana: Oh, please. It’s not like he won’t ever kiss anyone again.
Tina: I wish he would talk to someone.
Brit: I can ask Lord Tubbington if he’s got an open appointment. He listens to all my problems.
Rachel: Thanks, Brittany, but I think Kurt needs to talk to a friend.
Britney: Okay, but Lord Tubbington is really good. He helped Santana embrace her inner dolph-
Santana: Yes, thank you, Brittany!
Tina: Oh, look, there he is.
Quinn: Who?
Tina: Blaine! Over there. He’s the one talking to David.
Rachel: Who?
Mercedes: David, one of the seven black guys at this school.
Tina: Blaine’s the one wearing a bow tie.
Santana: The short one with earmuffs for eyebrows and skullcap of gel?
Rachel: That’s the one.
Santana: And you didn’t realise he was gay?
Tina: Yeah, and?
Santana: That boy screams gay right from his disturbingly shiny hair down to his sockless ankles.
Wheelchair kid: Who are we staring at?
Mercedes: Kurt’s ex-beau-even-though-they-never-officially-were-anything.
Tina: It’s a working title.
Wheelchair kid: The one holding the red shoulder bad?
Quinn: That’s the one.
Wheelchair kid: Oop, shit, here comes Kurt.
Kurt: Hey, guys. Who are we ogling?
Santana: Artie was just admiring that kid’s shoulder bag.
Kurt: Ooh, fashion accessories. Which one-? … Oh.
*le awkward silence*
Kurt: This is one of those times where you really need Mr Schue to walk in to diffuse the tension.
Tina: Kurt, what happened?
Kurt: Can we not talk about it?
Mercedes: No.
Rachel: You’ve been walking around in a weird mood, and we saw the tear tracks down your face yesterday.
Kurt: So?
Quinn: So, we want you to know that you can talk to us.
Kurt: You guys are the biggest bunch of gossipmongers ever. Why would I tell you?
Quinn: Because even if we are gossipmongers, we care about you and we want to help.
Santana: Yeah, what blondie said.
Kurt: …
Rachel: We’re on your side, Kurt.
Kurt: I know, it’s just… hard to talk about.
Mercedes: Come on, Kurt. What happened?
Kurt: Ohmygod, fine. *sigh* So, at the party on Friday, we show up and Blaine introduces me to everyone and we set up base camp on one of the couches.
Rachel: Base camp?
Kurt: That one spot that you return to at a party, when you’re looking for the other person. You hang there and they’ll show up eventually. Anyway, we spend the first hour and a half or so talking with his brother, who was kind of… strange and his friend David and some party randoms et cetera, et cetera. The party really gets going around 10 and Blaine decides he wants to dance. He tries really hard to convince me to join him, but it was my first time at a party with this guy. I was not about to embarrass myself in front of him by dancing badly.
Mercedes: Kurt, you’re in glee. You have natural talent. You can dance at a party without embarrassing yourself.
Asian boy: Just, avoid that shoulder sashay-thing that you do. It’s really distracting.
Kurt: Not helping.
Asian boy: Sorry. Go on.
Kurt: Mike, when did you even join this conversation?
Mike: Around the second “et cetera”.
Santana: Can we get back to the story?
Kurt: So Blaine goes off to dance for a bit and that’s totally fine by me. I mean it’s a party, I should attempt to mingle, right?
Rachel: Right.
Kurt: I decided to go to the bathroom first, and on my way back down the stairs I notice this guy looking at me. Like, eye-sex-intensely looking at me. I smile awkwardly and continue down the stairs, heading for the kitchen to find something to drink, that isn’t alcoholic or basically sugar in a glass, except the staring guy intercepts me just as I reach kitchen. He introduces himself to me as Sebastian, and he gives me this smirky smile that just oozes sleaze. He’d obviously had a drink or three by that stage and either his judgement was deeply impaired or he is actually just a giant douche. Anyway, he comes out to me and him being only the second gay guy I’ve met, I strike up a conversation with him, douche or not.
Rachel: I don’t like where this is headed.
Santana: Are you kidding? This gets better by the second! Keep going.
Kurt: This isn’t for your entertainment, Satan.
Santana: Everything is, Kurt.
Quinn: Attempt to reign in Queen Bitch for a moment and let Kurt talk.
Santana: *muttered* Look who’s talking.
Tina: Go on, Kurt.
Kurt: *deep breath* Anyway, after a few minutes it becomes obvious that this guy is flirting intensely with me and no matter how many I’m-not-interested hints I drop, he keeps at it. It starts making me kind of uncomfortable, so I decide to leave and return to base camp in case Blaine is looking for me. But as I try to leave, Sebastian pins me to the wall and says, “You can’t leave now, babe.” The next thing I know his face is attacking mine in what I can only assume was meant to be an attempt at kissing. I was so shocked that I let it happen for a moment and then my brain restarted and I pushed him off. I was like, “Look, I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but I’m kind of here with someone else,” and he says “I don’t care if you don’t,” and then he’s forcing himself on me again. This time a little more emphatically and I really had to struggle to push him off.
Everyone: …
Rachel: Oh my god.
Tina: Are you Okay?
Mercedes: How dare he?
Kurt: Anyway, so that’s when I headed outside and called Finn. I couldn't believe that it had happened again. I felt so violated and I just needed to get out of there.
Tina: What do you mean, "again"?
Rachel: Why didn’t you find Blaine and ask him to take you home?
Kurt: And face Blaine after having that asshole all over me? It was mortifying!
Quinn: But you didn’t do anything wrong!
Kurt: I know, it was just horrible and I couldn’t imagine being calm around Blaine right then, and fighting through the crowd also didn’t sound appealing and I don’t know. I panicked.
Mercedes: I think I would, too, if a random guy forced himself on me.
Rachel: But why didn’t you tell anyone? Finn and Puck were there! They could have kicked the crap out of this guy.
Brittany: Violence is wrong.
Kurt: And it wasn’t a big deal.
Tina: Not a big deal?! You refused to talk about it for three days.
Kurt: Because it’s embarrassing.
Quinn: No, it’s not! It’s terrible! People can’t just do that.
Kurt: I don’t know. Maybe I gave him the wrong signals.
Mercedes: Even after you told him to back the fuck off?
Kurt: I suppose…
Rachel: So, is that why you were crying yesterday?
Kurt: …No.
Tina: Well, what happened?
Kurt: Nothing… I just… I ran into Blaine in the boy’s bathroom. He was in there washing slushie out of his clothes.
Rachel: Oh, no. Have the jocks targeted him now, as well?
Kurt: Yeah. Azimio saw us talking on Friday and figured out Blaine is gay and… yeah.
Mercedes: So back to the bathroom?
Kurt: I don’t know. He was really upset with me for some reason, and said that Sebastian had told him what happened. And then he said this horrible thing where now I have to “pick between two boys to make out with.”
Mercedes: He didn’t.
Rachel: No way.
Kurt: I couldn’t believe he was so flippant about what Sebastian did. And then he stormed off like I’d been the one hurling insults.
Quinn: What an ass.
Santana: Sounds like you’re better off without him.
Mike: Condescending, much?
Kurt: Blaine isn’t like that.
Mercedes: How do you know?
Kurt: What?
Mercedes: Well, how do you know how Blaine really is? You’ve only known him a week.
Kurt: He’s not like that. I know Blaine. That wasn’t something he’s usually say.
Quinn: Then why did he say it?
Kurt: … I don’t know.
Santana: I stand by what I said. Get as far away from this guy as you can.
Kurt: …
Mr Schue: Sorry, I’m late guys. Coach Sylvester had an especially long list of hair jokes to get through today.
Rachel: *softly* I believe you, Kurt. It doesn’t sound like Blaine. That boy is way too nice.
Kurt: So, why did he say it?
Rachel: Maybe you should ask him.