June 22, 2012, 8:06 a.m.
June 22, 2012, 8:06 a.m.
“You’re Late Mr…” said the teacher.
“Anderson, Sir, Blaine Anderson” said Blaine nervously.
“Well, Mr Anderson, we have already assigned this year’s seats, but there is a spare one next to Mr Thoms over there.”
Blaine glanced to where the teacher gestured, and he saw the tall, slender blonde boy sat at the back of the room. He began to make his way silently to his seat, and he caught a glance of the other boys eyes, they were really nice and brown, Blaine felt his cheeks start to burn.
“Hi, I’m Jermaine” said the other boy.
Jermaine, what a nice name Blaine thought.
“My names Blaine” said Blaine extending his hand to the other boy, he took it and gave it a firm shake.
‘Oh god, he is gorgeous, isn’t he, Jermaine just look at him’
‘yes, yes he is, but I’m supposed to like girls if I don’t dad’ll kill me’
‘but look at his eyes’
‘I said NO!’
‘His eyes, his hair, his lips.’
‘okay calm down Blaine.’
‘But , he’s just-’
‘I know, I know, but if you started dating him you’d have to tell your dad’
‘oh yeah, and knowing my luck he’s straight.’
‘oh god he’s looking at me, those eyes’
‘we should get to know him’
“So, Blaine erm, what school are you from are you from?”
“I came from Jefferson, in Iowa- me and my dad just moved here”
“Oh, That’s nice, how come you moved” said Jermaine with a smile.
“Oh erm, well” said Blaine, he really didn’t want to tell the story to a total stranger.
“Its Okay, Blaine you don’t have to tell me, I’m just a little curious that’s all we don’t get many mid-year transfers”
“Oh,” said Blaine.
The two boys turned their attention to Mr Berry, who was doing the register.
“Hey Blaine, how about I give you a grand tour at lunch, I’ll introduce you to some of my friends?” said Jermaine when sir had finished calling the names.
“Yeah, that sounds nice, It will be nice to meet a few people” said Blaine, thrilled at spending more time with Jermaine, he really wanted to get to know him.
“Great, I’ll meet you after third Block, I have English with Mr Ravvi. What do you have?”
“Oh erm” said Blaine looking at his class timetable, “English with GR?”
“Oh you’re in my class then” Jermaine smiled
“Great,” said Blaine.
Then the bell rang to signify the end of homeroom.
“So what you got now?”
“Um Gym with KT. you?”
“Home ecc. I’ll see you in English, bye Blaine” said Jermaine as he headed to his next class.
’Blaine… don’t you just love how his name sounds? it rolls of your tongue’
‘Yes, he has a lovely name, and a nice ass and great eyes, and amazing hair and just a great everything, but I can’t do anything, mom and dad would kill me’
‘but Jermaine he’s perfect for you’
‘I’ve spoken to him once’
‘Yes, and he’s beautiful, just tell me one thing, why can’t we be happy? Blaine would make you happy.’
‘Would I really be happy if I lost my family for a boyfriend’
‘Yes! because you wouldn’t be hiding yourself, just think about it’
‘well, I’m not going to be able to stop thinking about him’
Later That Day
“As I trust you to pick a suitable seat you can sit where you like Mr Anderson” said Mr Ravvi, he was a short man with white hair, and a British accent.
“Blaine, come sit here” said Jermaine pulling the seat out next to him.
“Hey Jermaine, thank you.”
“You’re welcome, Blaine, this is David and Wes.” he stated gesturing to the two boys sat behind him, “and this is Thad and Trent” gesturing to the two guys in front.
“Hi!” said Blaine pulling out his glasses, notebook and pens.
Class started and Jermaine sat in rapture staring at the adorable faces Blaine pulled when he was taking his notes, the way his glasses slipped down his nose.
’Stop looking at him, you must stop looking at him’
‘but he’s adorable’
‘Stop it, we can’t I don’t want to lose Grace or mom or dad’
‘Oh god he’s looking at me, what do I do, he, he’
‘Calm down Blaine, just calm down’
‘How can I be calm when his gorgeous eyes are on me?’
‘Relax, Blaine, relax, take a deep breath’
‘He is really pretty, do you think I have a shot’
‘Look at yourself Blaine, any guy would be lucky to have you’
“Hey, Blaine” asked Wes. “How are you at singing?”
“Wes” said Jermaine sternly “Trying to rope the new kid in to that little club you’ve started are you”
“I’m hurt by that comment, it’s not a little club it’s a glee club, you won’t be laughing when all us warblers are rock stars!” said Wes “So Blaine would you be interested in joining our glee club?”
They have a glee club! Blaine thought, he’d love the glee club.
“Yeah, I’d love to. I was in my old schools glee club” said Blaine excited.
“Great, so maybe you could show us the ropes, on competitions and stuff, this will be our first year competing”
“Sure it’ll be great fun” smiled Blaine.
You're welcome, I'm always willing to help.