Sept. 1, 2013, 12:33 p.m.
Sept. 1, 2013, 12:33 p.m.
"Who is it" came Ryan's voice down the PA.
"It's, It's Blaine. Is Kurt there?" he said obvious distress in his voice.
"No- he isn't... He's out" said Ryan
"Where is he?"
"He's just out..."
"Could you tell him I stopped by please... and that if he needs me to call Nick and Jeff's..."
"Sure Blaine, I'll tell him" he lied, Jealousy taking over
Blaine turned and started down the staircase, starting to sob again. Blaine hailed a second cab and he climbed in and gave the driver Nick and Jeff's address. He asked the cabbie, whose licence proclaimed him to be Henry Williams, if he could borrow his phone. He quickly dialled the number and called Nick and Jeff form the cab... He was unsure what he was going to say he just needed someone to talk to.
"Um h-hi" Blaine stammered. "Is, is it alright if I come round?"
"Blaine?" asked Nick. "Is everything okay?"
"N-no... are, are you busy? If you are, I'll, I'll find somewhere el-else..."
"Blaine of course it's okay... come over... we'd rather you be here than walking round New York this late at night"
"Th-thank you"
"What do you want for dinner babe?" Ryan called from the kitchen
"Something I can eat in here? I've got deadlines.... Just a sandwich or ramen... Ooh ramen sounds nice, can I have ramen please?" Said Kurt and he was reorganising The Book, completely unaware of the discussion between his fiancé and his best friend.
"Okay Baby... it'll be 10 minutes." Said Ryan
Ryan cooked the ramen and took it up to Kurt in the office; he sat down on the couch and watched him as he worked on the new issue. He liked watching Kurt work he looked so concentrated, he had his tongue sticking out slightly, He could see how happy it made him and Ryan loved seeing Kurt happy, He loved Kurt more than anything and he was jealous of the relationship between Kurt and Blaine. He tried to get on with the guy; he knew that it meant a lot to Kurt for them to be friends. He just couldn't help the jealousy he felt, Blaine was a good guy for the most part and he was a good friend to Kurt. Ryan knew that Kurt loved him, as a friend, but sometimes he hated how close Kurt and Blaine were again... he hated that they were such good friends after everything Blaine had done... It was like nothing had happened. But he knew that Kurt cared a great deal about Blaine, more so since the other week when they went on the double date, he still hadn't figured out why that was. Kurt's phone buzzed on the desk.
Hey Kurt, Its Kelsey, has Blaine turned up at your place? He and Tobias had a fight... He won't tell me what happened but there was shouting and Blaine stormed out and slammed the door... I'm just a little worried about him. Xx
"Babe?" Said Kurt glancing up from his mobile
"Yes, love?" Said Ryan
"Has Blaine called by?" He asked
"No... don't think so" he lied, "Why do you ask?"
"It's just Kelsey texted me? Apparently he and Tobias had a fight and Blaine took off... she was asking if he had come round here"
"Nope... he hasn't"
"Okay darling..." said Kurt starting worry slightly, nibbling on his lip.
He couldn't concentrate on his work, knowing how Blaine could be, how he had been, and how he was now. He knew how this would affect him, He closed The Book. He bit his lip, he knew that Ryan would not appreciate him running off to find him again; he wasn't best pleased after the whole funeral thing. They'd managed to patch things up but Kurt knew that Ryan was still sensitive about the whole thing.
"You could try Nick and Jeff's... he's good friends with them right?" Said Ryan eventually, he could see that Kurt was clearly distressed by the news. And he couldn't stand to see Kurt upset.
"Yeah... yeah..." said Kurt, He started to dial their number.
When Blaine arrived at Nick and Jeff's his cheek was swollen and his shoulder ached, he felt sick from crying his head was spinning and he was sleepy. He knocked on the door, and he sat down on the wall to steady himself.
"Oh my god Blaine what happened?" Asked Jeff when he opened the door, seeing the mark that was growing on Blaine's cheek.
"He, he got mad at me.... He thought I was cheating on him and, and he hit me. He slapped me"
"Tobias hit you?"
"Yeah... It- it was my fault... I ruined the mood... I should have just let him... he... he wouldn't have hit me then... I should have just let him, I shoulda just gone with it... now he thinks I'm cheating and I'm not im really not" Blaine mumbled to himself.
"Blaine! This isn't you fault" said Jeff leading him over to the couch. "Your boyfriend being a dick is not your fault"
"Has he done anything like this before?" Asked Nick
"No... he's always kind and understanding... so gentle... so sweet" said Blaine, cradling his cheek "He thinks im cheating on him... with Kurt. I told him I'd never cheat again and he said once a cheater always a cheater. But I'd never... I hate what I did, I hate how it made me feel, I hate that I hurt the man I love, loved." Blaine corrected himself, hoping Nick and Jeff didn't catch his slip of the tongue. "Kurt is taken anyway... I don't even deserve his friendship let alone a second chance... I'm not worth his time. I'm a really terrible person. I'm a really, really horrible person."
"Blaine. You don't really believe that do you?" Said Jeff incredulously. "You're Kurt's best friend... he loves you, and cares about you deeply...if he didn't think you were worth his time he wouldn't be friends with you"
"And I really care about him... but this is hard... too hard" said Blaine, slightly concussed "It hurts... I don't think I can see him get married again... I know he really wants me there though" he began to sob again lying down on the couch.
Nick and Jeff gave each other a knowing smirk. They managed to calm Blaine down and iced his cheek; He curled up on the couch feeling very sleepy, Nick and Jeff tried their best to keep him awake, trying to get him to sing along with them. The phone rang Nick go up to answer it whilst Jeff stayed and kept Blaine talking.
"But seep Niiiiiiiice" Blaine said, giggling slightly
"Hello Duval residence. Nick speaking"
"Hi Nick, Its Kurt" said the voice at the end of the line "Is Blaine with you guys? He and Tobias had a fight, Kelsey Texted me... and I'm just a bit worried... you know how he can get" Kurt's voice picked up the pace as he got nearer to the end of his sentence.
"Oh Hey Kurt" said Nick so Blaine could hear "yeah, He's here..."
"Thank god! Is he alright? He hasn't done anything has he?"
"Well... Apart from a very red cheek... he's fine"
"What?! Oh my god what happened?" Said Kurt "Can I Talk to him"
Nick Looked to Blaine; Blaine looked dubious but nodded a bit too enthusiastically.
"I think he wants to talk to you" said Nick grinning; Blaine made grabby hands towards the phone.
"Hi Kurt!" Blaine said, slightly giddy
"Hey Bee." Said Kurt softly... "What happened? Are you okay?"
"Tobias beed an meanie"
"What did he do?"
"He saided that is cheatings on him" said Blaine "He sayed that I no love him... and then he hitted me"
"Why did he say that?"
"Cause I spend a lot time wid you and that I cheatered once and I will cheat again, again but I neser eser do dat again... It maked me weelly sad... cause I hurted you. Is a bad person... is should no has friends or him... I no good"
"Blaine. Stop that okay! You are a good person, who has made some mistakes like we ALL have..."
"But I is! Otherwise I would no keep getting hurted and hurting persons dat me loves."
"Blaine? You are not a bad person... you're a good person... one of the best I know, yes you've made your mistakes but you need to stop holding on to them... you need to let go of the past"
"yeah..."said Blaine, wiping a tear from his eye "I feel sleepy is need ta sleep...g'night Kurt"
Blaine passed the phone to Nick.
"Hey Kurt" said Nick
"Nick. Don't let him sleep" said Kurt
"We won't. Promise... we think he's slightly concussed"
"i'll come round tomorrow... Just... keep a close eye on him... I don't want him doing anything stupid... he seems very fragile at the moment...i'll be round as soon as I can tomorrow..."
"Don't worry Kurt, we'll take care of him... We both know how he can get. We roomed with him at Dalton don't forget. Goodnight Kurt"
"Yeah... I know. Thank you. Bye" said Kurt as he hung up.
The Next Day
Blaine wake up around midday his head hurt and his right arm was stiff and painful, he opened his eyes and the light burned his eyes whilst they adjusted. He took in his surroundings; he saw the blue walls and the bookshelf above his head. He looked to his left and saw a small white nightstand with a vintage lamp on it, his glasses, a pot of Tylenol and a glass of water. Blaine got up and walked in to the living room, he felt a little light headed as he walked towards the couch.
"Good Morning" Jeff called from the Kitchen.
"Mmmm is it?" Blaine asked, rubbing his forehead "I ache all over..."
"Why don't you take some Tylenol?"
"Already taken some. But thanks guys... "
Blaine smiled gratefully at them. He sat back on the couch, and slowly massaged his aching shoulder hissing in pain when he hit the bruise. Nick and Jeff both had the day off work today so the three men just lazed around watching rubbish telly. Kurt called in around dinner time.
"Hey Blaine, how are you feeling?" he asked crouching in front of him.
"Achey... but I'll be alright, I've felt worse" said Blaine with a slightly forced laugh.
"I'm Sorry about that" said Kurt, sitting next to Blaine, his knee knocking against the other mans 'accidentally'.
"It's not your fault"
"I know... but I'm still sorry"
"It's really okay... I should call him... shouldn't I?"
"No..." said Kurt a bit to quickly "I mean you can if you want to."
"I do... but, I'm scared of him... he used to be so kind and gentle... and I don't know what got into him last night"
"He's jealous..."said Kurt "He's jealous of us... of our friendship, I mean."
"But why? We're just friends... He knows that"
"I know, but I always got a little Jealous when you talked to other men"
"You did?"
"Well yeah. How couldn't I? You're a catch Blaine, you're amazing, and you're beautiful and sexy. You're one of the funniest guys I know. You're cute and adorable, and so, so sweet. I used to love coming home to you because you'd have dinner ready, a bottle of wine and some flowers. And when we had fights you always had the sweetest ways of making things up to me... even if you weren't in the wrong... and we used to have the hottest make up sex ever" Kurt blushed "That last one was a little inappropriate"
"Thank you Kurt..." said Blaine with a smile. He made a futile attempt to stop the blush sneaking across his cheeks.
Nick and Jeff watched from the kitchen. Smiling to themselves, they could see how much they still love each other and just hoped that they'd realise it themselves soon.
"You're cute when you blush," said Kurt kinda flirtily, that comment made Blaine blush even more.
"I miss this," said Blaine honestly.
"I know, I do too... but we're both happily taken "
"Yeah... I guess..."
"Oh?" Said Kurt, his voice was far more hopeful than he wanted it to sound.
"Well I was happy until last night..." said Blaine "but I'm, now terrified of him... like I guess it's kind of my own fault. I do spend A LOT of time with you... and we did used to be a couple what else was he supposed to think."
"Blaine. You're entitled to have friends."
"I know... But you are incredibly attractive. You're sexy and cute. You understand me and you know me... Having you back in my life has changed me, made me better... You just make me feel safer, I don't know what It is it's just you being you and I love that. And I love that were friends" said Blaine. "You've known me what like getting on 17 years now, and well you just understand me you get me... you accept all of me"
He looked up and held Kurt's gaze for a moment, looking in his eyes, his sparkling eyes. He could feel them reading him; he just hoped that he couldn't see the thoughts that were going through his head. It was taking every ounce of self-control to stop from kissing him.
Kurt watched Blaine, his eyes glimmered; Kurt had to actively keep reminding himself that he was engaged and that he couldn't just lean forward and kiss Blaine. He was vulnerable right now and Kurt couldn't take advantage of that. He sub consciously licked his lips; his eyes flicked down towards Blaine's lips and back to his eyes. Blaine did look a lot different than he did two years ago. He looked happier, more confident, more Blaine. Blaine was the first to break the contact, he looked away feeling guilty.
"I really should call him..."said Blaine looking down at his hands... "Can I borrow your phone guys?"
"Of course you can Blaine" said Nick, kindly.
"Hello?" said Tobias, when he answered.
"Um...Hey" said Blaine nervously.
"Blaine! Baby... um hi" said Tobias, happily "I'm really, really, really sorry. Please come home baby, so I can show you how sorry I am. It won't happen again, I promise."
"Just... Let me talk okay" said Blaine firmly, feigning confidence.
"Okay..." Tobias agreed
"I can't come back just yet... I need to gather my thoughts... I need to rest" said Blaine, trying to stay strong, although he was shaking "I'm going to stay at Nick and Jeff's until tomorrow evening, maybe Wednesday ... I just can't come back tonight... I'm sorry"
"You have nothing to be sorry about..."
"Tell Kels and Dare that if they need me I'll be here"
"I Will... I'm really, really sorry. I know you wouldn't cheat, not again. I'm sorry"
"That doesn't matter" said Blaine. "You hurt me... you hit me... and I thought you never would." He was verging on tears now
"I know I'm sorry"
"I should, I should go..." said Blaine, holding back the tears "bye"
"I love you, baby"
"Yeah..."said Blaine before hanging up. He couldn't bring himself to say it back because in that moment he wasn't sure if he still did.
"Hey bee," said Kurt, rubbing Blaine's arm comfortingly "That was very brave of you.."
"Yeah?" said Blaine, pulling his arms across his chest, Kurt stood up and turned to face him.
"Yeah" said Kurt kissing his forehead. "Wait right here, and don't move, I just need to pop to the store, I'll be right back."
"Okay..."said Blaine slowly.
Kurt left and Blaine curled up on the couch, almost asleep/. Nick and Jeff went to their bedroom and ordered their pizza, to give Kurt and Blaine some privacy. They strongly suspected that Kurt had gone to get Blaine's favourite take away and Ice Cream,. Sure enough thirty minutes Later Kurt returned with take out from Blaine's favourite Chinese, a tub of cookie dough ice cream and a few of Blaine's favourite movies.
"Hey now," said Kurt "No sleeping, Mister, we have things to do."
"Huh? No offence Kurt, but I don't really feel like wedding planning right now..."
"No, not wedding planning... I brought all you favourites, Special Fried Rice and Chicken Chow Mein with Chips and Chicken Balls from your favourite Chinese up on 52ndand Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough Ice cream. I also picked up Rent, Moulin Rouge, The Breakfast Club and Magic Mike, because I know how much you miss your brother, and we can just fast forward through the bits where he strips... or you can look away and I'll watch" said Kurt with a smirk.
"Kurt... you remembered? And hey!" Blaine smiled at Kurt, He'd really missed this.
"Of course I did... I have known you 17 years now, Bee. And what? I'm only human and he's hot in that movie. "
"You're the best... but what about Ryan... I know he still hasn't warmed to me"
"I'll tell him, I'm hanging out with the three of you, he doesn't much like the whole warbler thing... you know how we're all a bunch of goofs... he thinks it's ridiculous how we act with each other... I'll go home later, my best friend needs me right now and I'd be an asshole if I left him alone." said Kurt curling up on the couch after putting Rent on.
Kurt set the movie to play and they both ate the Chinese sat on the couch. As the night drew on they progressively made their way through the stack of food and the movies, both boys aware of the proximity between them.
The next morning the both awoke on the couch, Blaine's head resting on Kurt's shoulder, Kurt's arm wrapped around his waist. Blaine blinked his eye open, and looked around, he looked up and he felt Kurt playing with his curls. He hummed softly, soaking Kurt's warmth against his skin, Enjoying the familiarity.
"Morning Sunshine" said Kurt, beaming.
"Mmm, morning" said Blaine nuzzling Kurt's chest "I love it when you play with my hair."
"I know" said Kurt
Blaine tilted his head up more and pressed his lips to Kurt's softly. Kurt smiled in to it, sucking Blaine's lower lip into his mouth and nibbling gently. Blaine let out a low throaty moan and moved so he was a top of Kurt, not breaking contact. Hands roamed, breathing hitched....