Just For the Night
Chapter 9 Blankets and Cider Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Just For the Night: Chapter 9 Blankets and Cider

E - Words: 5,600 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2021
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Mar 10, 2012 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
6,495 0 23 0 0

Author's Notes: Make sure to read the end notes!!!


Tonight was Puck's annual ‘Glee Reunion Bonfire' at his aunt's lake house. He has it twice a year, once during winter break, and once during summer vacation (in which they also sleep outside), while everyone is back in Lima. His aunt is apparently never there, and is completely fine with him using it whenever he pleases. I, however, am not very fond of the great outdoors, and I take much pride in the fact that I've managed to get out of every single one of these get-togethers for the past two years. This always pisses Puck off, because apparently, "the party isn't the same without me." I don't see that the big deal is. It's not like I don't end up seeing everyone anyway, just not all at the same time.

Aunt Alice and Molly called this morning, asking me if Blaine and I wanted to meet at The Lima Bean for coffee. I agreed without Blaine's consent, assuming that it would be just fine with him. So here we were, turning off of the main road and into the small coffee shop.

"Oh hey," Blaine said as he looked up, "I totally know this place."


"Yeah, some of the Warblers and I used to come here all the time!"

My brow furrowed as I turned off the engine. Warblers...why does that sound so familiar? I gave him an inquisitive look, taking off my gloves.

"It was a group I was a part of in high school, not like, some kind of weird bird mafia or something."

"Warblers as in...the Dalton Academy Warblers?"


"You went to Dalton?"

"You know of Dalton? It's in Westerville," he replied.

"Yes, but my glee club competed against your school."


We both got out of the car, slipping our hands into our coat pockets and listening to the sound of boots crunching against the badly plowed parking lot. I thought back to memories of my old show-choir competitions, trying to remember a certain glee club in particular. Images of boys clad in navy-blue blazers and ties popped into my head.

"Wait a minute, doesn't that school have like a ten-thousand dollar tuition fee?"

"How did you...?"

"I thought about enrolling once because of your whole ‘no bullying' policy, but the cost was too high."

"You would have loved it there," Blaine said, looking me in the eyes as he held the door open for me.

I smirked at him, moving forward to get in line, "Maybe." I spotted Alice and Molly in front of us in line. "Order for me," I whispered to him quickly.


"Just do it," I whispered again. My hand reached out and tapped Alice on the shoulder, causing her to promptly turn her head.

"Kurt, Blaine! How long have you been standing there?"

"Oh, just a second or two," I responded, taking a look at her dark brown, double-pocketed blazer. "I love this jacket, is it new?"

"Yes, it was a gift from Molly," she said, smiling as her fingers wound themselves around her partner's. Blaine smiled in appreciation as he watched the couple, his hand finding its way to the small of my back and resting there. There was a tiny bit of a flare in my chest, but not anything really that evident. Maybe I was finally starting to get used to this.

Molly moved up in line, over to the cash register. "Hi, can I have a venti Passion Tea, with lemon and honey, and a grande Skinny Caramel Macchiato, please?"

I looked over at Blaine, whose eyes were frantically reading over the menu board, no doubt trying to find the perfect drink to order me. I giggled to myself, amused by his slightly panicky state. He was snapped back into reality when the barista asked for the next customer, his face all the sudden returning to its previous charming demeanor. Alice and Molly stepped aside, waiting for their orders from a few feet away.

"Hello, Linda,"

I rolled my eyes as he read the barista's nametag. When did you decide to turn into my grandpa?

"Can I have a..." he looked back over to me for a moment, his smirk turning into a full out smile, "can I get a grande nonfat mocha for this guy and a medium drip for myself, please? Oh, and maybe a few of those chocolate biscotti's."

My eyes narrowed at him and I let out an unbelieving breathe of air. How the fuck did he know that? Maybe there's a class at Dalton called ‘How to Tell Someone's Coffee Order by the Feeling of Their Anal Muscles 101'.

Alice and Molly's drinks were ready, and they grabbed them before motioning to a table in the corner. "That'll be $8.67," the barista replied after she punched the orders into the cash register. I slipped my debit card into Blaine's jacket pocket before walking over to my Aunts.

"He knows your coffee order," Alice said with a smile as I sat down. "always a sign of a good partner."

"Yeah," My eyes flickered over to the counter, where Blaine was patiently waiting for out coffees. "must be."

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I casually slipped it out as Alice and Molly discussed something about sperm donors.

From: Jackie:
So how are things with McHomeless-son?

To: Jackie:
Hmm...McHomeless-son? Doesn't ring a bell.

From: Jackie:
Okay, fine. How are things with Blaine?

To: Jackie:
Things are...astonishingly thrilling.

Blaine walked over to our table, putting the cups and biscotti down and sliding into the seat next to me.

"So, Blaine, about your sperm," Molly said suddenly. I was about to lash out a witty comment about Blaine's semen being all mine, but my phone distracted me. 

From: Jackie:
That was a very unnecessary use of big words, Kurt. What's happening over there in Ohio?

To: Jackie:
Oh, you know...the usual fake-relationship things that you see in every fake-relationship.

From: Jackie:
So...hand holding?

To: Jackie:

From: Jackie:

To: Jackie:

From: Jackie:

To: Jackie:

From: Jackie:
I bet you enjoyed that, you adorable son-of-a-bitch. Hand-jobs?

To: Jackie:
Well...not necessarily...

From: Jackie:
Wait...WHAT? That was supposed to be one of my ‘too far' jokes that are way too vulgar for your sophisticated tastes.
From: Jackie:

To: Jackie:

From: Jackie:
I want dirty details, Hummel, and I want them now.

To: Jackie:
I don't know...what do you want to know?

From: Jackie:
What did you guys do?? I mean was it just a tentative blowjob or...

To: Jackie:
Well, I mean, we had sex? Plain and simple.
To: Jackie:
...really really good sex...
To: Jackie:
...really really good, spur-of-the-moment sex...
To: Jackie:
Oh god, Jackie, it was fantastic.
To: Jackie:

From: Jackie:
Sorry, I think I'm about to cry. My little Kurty-baby is growing up. I mean, it seems like yesterday I was teaching you how to avoid alleys late at night, and now you're all on your own, having sex with hobos...

To: Jackie:
Seriously Jackie, you're only two years older than me. And it's not like I was a virgin or anything.

From: Jackie:
Fly away, my little Hummel-bird. Don't look behind you or you'll see the bittersweet tears of my motherly love.
From: Jackie:
So did you top or bottom?
From: Jackie:

To: Jackie:
No! Jackie, god! Why are you so obsessed with that concept?

From: Jackie:
Because I don't like people having sex in my vehicles, that's why!

To: Jackie:
Does this have something to do with your childhood? Did your parents have sex while you were hiding in the backseat?

From: Jackie:

"Does your family have any bad health history? Like, for instance, diabetes, thyroid problems, etcetera, etcetera..."

"Nope, we're pretty much all perfectly healthy." Blaine responded. My mind snapped back into reality as I realized the foundation of their conversation was still on sperm donations.  

"I think it's funny that you guys are actually having a legitimate conversation about this."

"There's nothing funny about conception, Kurt," Alice replied.

Well it's kind of fucking hilarious when it involves sperm donations from a hobo.

"No but seriously, you're freaking me out," I said.

"Okay, okay. We'll hold off on the come talk," Alice held up her hands defensively.

Molly and Blaine both giggled at the term ‘come talk', sighing before taking another sip of their drinks.

To: Jackie:
Love you too, Jack (: I gotta go, but I'll talk to you later.

From: Jackie
I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you.

To: Jackie:
Goodbye, love.

From: Jackie:
I still hate you.

"So tell us how you met," Molly said with childlike excitement.

"A sushi bar," Blaine replied. Molly and Alice gave us the most disappointed look I have ever seen in my life. "I mean, it was a very...romantic sushi bar?"

"Wow, not to be rude or anything, but I kind of expected a couple as cute as you to have met in some insanely adorable way."

Go figure.

"It was a blind date," I added, "set up by my friend Jackie."

"That's more like it!" Molly said, leaning forward with interest. "Okay, Blaine, give me your very first impression of Kurt." 

What is this? Couples therapy? Why the interrogation? Why do people have to find their romantic fix in other people's relationships? Why can't they just read freaking ‘Pride and Prejudice' and be done with it?

"Well, I thought he was really hot, of course," Blaine said, lifting a hand towards me, "I mean, look at him."

"He is very handsome," Alice agreed, winking at me, "go on."

"Well, there was something about him the night we met. He seemed very...outgoing and kind-hearted."

I mustered up my best romantic smile and pointed it full force towards Blaine. All I could think about is how dreadfully insane this inside joke was. This would definitely be an interesting story to tell the kids. The kids, of course, that I have when I actually find a suitable husband...one that's not a hobo.


"...but yeah we just seemed to really click on the first date, so I asked him if he would accompany me to a movie later on that week. The rest is history."

Alice and Molly continued to wear their giddy smiles, just looking back and forth between Blaine and I. "First kiss?" Molly asked.

"The end of the first date," I chimed in, scooting closer to Blaine's side to link my arm around his. "Instead of taking the subway, he walked me home and we talked the whole way through. He kissed me outside my building after he asked if he could see me again."

Blaine looked at me with subtly raised eyebrows. I could tell that he was impressed with my improvisation.

"Oooohhh that's so cute! Kurt, I knew you'd find a great romance in New York, I just knew it!" Alice said. "Your face just screams ‘woo me'."  

"Yes," Blaine agreed with a smirk, "yes it does."

It began snowing while we were at the coffee shop and there were a good couple of inches accumulated on the ground by the time we left. I drove cautiously down the road, mystified by the gentleness of the world around us covered in snow. There was a comfortable silence in the car as we drove, both of us just staring ahead, the snow softened sounds dulling our senses.

"This is nice," Blaine said, slouching in the passenger seat.

"It is."

"Do you like winter?"

"Ohio snowy winters, yes. New York City snowy winters, no. Snow in the city just does not compare to this."

"Amen to that, there is probably a nauseating amount of slush on 52nd street right now."

I hummed in agreement. "I'm glad I'm home."

"Me too..."

I glanced over at Blaine curiously, only to find him watching me from the other side of the car.

"...and by that I mean here...with you...at your home."

"Got it," I replied with a shy smile. I turned into my driveway, put the car in park and shut off the engine.

"It's been a while since I've played in the snow..." Blaine beamed as he stared at the dashboard. He exited the car in a flash, disappearing behind the back for a minute and then reappearing at the front of the vehicle, leaning against the hood.

I glared at him suspiciously as I stayed still in my seat. I hadn't even started to get up, and my seat belt was still buckled at my side.

"You coming?" he asked, pulling his gloves out of his coat pocket and slipping them on. I shook my head slowly, discreetly lifting my hand to the door handle anyways, ready to make a run for it. Straight away, I unbuckled my seat belt and pushed the door open, my feet quickly carrying me across the snowy driveway to the front porch. My breath came in visible puffs in the frigid air as I flung the storm door open, stopping when I realized that the house was locked. I gradually turned around, realizing that I had left the keys in the ignition.

Blaine was leaning against the driver's side door with a smirk on his face, the car keys in one hand and a snowball in the other. I walked cautiously down the steps, watching the hand that held the snowball very carefully for any sudden movements.

His hand twitched and I made a run for it, sprinting down the rest of the steps and across the lawn to the side of the house. The snow on the ground was about a foot deep with tiny layer of ice on the top, it was hard to run in, to say the least. Blaine followed behind me, and I could hear the keys jiggling in his pocket as he hopped through the snow. While I was turning to look at him, my foot caught on a hard patch of snow and I fell forward, the soft snow breaking my fall. I turned on my back to see Blaine standing over me, the snowball still in his hand.

"Oh dear god please don't," I breathed.

He tossed the snowball up in the air, and caught it in his hand again. "One condition."


Blaine threw the snowball a couple of feet away from us and dropped to his knees in the snow next to me, still panting from running through the yard. "We go out tonight," he replied with a smile.

I smiled back at him, lifting myself up slightly and leaning on the back of my elbows. Jesus, why didn't he just say that in the first place? "And where, might I ask?"

Blaine lay down on his stomach next to me, resting his body up on his elbows. "Oh, nowhere special," he leaned over, catching my lips in a spur-of-the-moment kiss. I pulled away skeptically, my eyes searching his for answers.

"Where?" I asked more seriously this time, my tone giving away traces of doubt.

"Puck's lake house?"

"Noooooo..." I let my head fall back as I looked up towards the snowy sky. Of course, the kiss was meant to butter me up. "...absolutely not."

"I already told him that we're coming," Blaine smiled.

"You did what now?"

"C'mon Kurt, it'll be fun!"

"Do you see me and fire getting along, Blaine? Is that something you think I consider fun?"

"I don't know, I can definitely see you having a bit of a ‘pyro side to that darling personality of yours," he teased.

"Oh yes, because everything about me just screams redneck."

Blaine stared at me for a moment before chuckling, "You are the queen of sarcasm."

"Okay, no, na-ah, I am definitely not going after you called me a queen."

"Oh come on, Kurt! Please?"

"No, no, absolutely not, no,"

Blaine leaned forward again and silenced me with another kiss. I shut my eyes this time, my nose unconsciously breathing in his scent. "Don't you want to show off your ‘amazing' boyfriend to all your old friends?" He whispered as he softly pulled away, his cheeky grin ever-so-evident in his voice.

Well, yes, showing him off to all of the people who taunted their relationships in my face all during high school does sound terrific. My eyes drifted over his features which were illuminated by the bright white world around us. His hair looked soft, curly, and chocolaty, perfectly touchable in the light. He gave off a very handsome glow in his jacket and scarf, his eyes a shining green with flecks of gold. He was the perfect trophy boyfriend.

"Fine," I muttered, "but only for like, ten minutes. Half an hour tops!"

"Jesus, Kurt, you'd think it would be my friends that we were seeing tonight," Blaine replied.

It almost seemed like we were in the middle of nowhere. We'd been driving down a road that goes through the woods for about ten minutes now, and there weren't any houses in sight.

"I'm starting to think that we're going to a mass killing, and not a bonfire party." I mumbled, switching my high-beams on.

"Yeah, well you know Puck a hell of a lot better than I do," Blaine replied, craning his head to look out of the windows around us.

The destination inched its way down on the GPS screen, along with a large blue blob, which must have been a symbol for the lake. A large, beautiful house came into view behind the trees. I gaped up at the home, also checking the address that Puck gave me to make sure that this was actually the place.

"Well this is unexpected..." I parked along the curb, close to the house. There were 4 or 5 other cars parked outside in front of us, and the air was rich with the smell of burning wood, so I figured that this must be it.

Blaine and I exited the car and walked up to the fence which led to the backyard. After a second or two of tentatively walking in the darkness, we saw the orange light of the fire and bunch of silhouettes standing around it. As we got closer, we could see the moon shining against the lake that was surrounded by a snowy beach. I had to admit, it was absolutely beautiful.

"KURT'S HERE!" I heard Tina yell. Awww, Tina! I miss her! Mercedes and Tina ran up to me, swallowing me in a group hug.

"Blaine! You actually got him to come. I'm impressed," Puck said from his seat near the fire. Oh, of course, Puck would put Blaine up to this. The freaking bastard had to go behind my back, didn't he.

"I told you I would, didn't I?" Blaine responded.

"Kurt," Mercedes whispered as she pulled out of the hug, giving me questioning eyes. "Who's this?"

"Oh...this is my boyfriend, Blaine."

"You got a boyfriend and you didn't tell me?"

"I...It must have...slipped my mind."

"Hi, I'm Blaine," he held his hand out for Mercedes to shake, his eyes squinting in a warm smile. She eyed his hand, giving him a head nod and a polite smile instead of shaking it.

"Mercedes," she responded, "and I appreciate the greeting, but I just saw the movie ‘Contagion' so hand shaking kind of skeeves me out right now."

"Hi," Tina said to Blaine, "I'm Tina, and this is my fiancé, Mike."

I gasped at the word ‘fiancé'. "WHAT? Since when?"

"Since Christmas Eve," Tina said with a huge grin, leaning her head up to peck Mike on the lips.

"Am I the only one who doesn't know about this?"

"Pretty much," Santana said, coming up to hug me with Brittany on her heels.

"I missed my unicorn so much," Brittany said as she hugged me. "Santana's almost a full grown unicorn, you know, but her horn still has some growing to do. Right now it's just a little stub," she whispered in my ear. I giggled, hugging her back quickly and then pulled away.

"So how long has this been going on?" Santana asked, pointing between Blaine and I.

"About a month," Blaine responded.

"A month?" Mercedes gawked, "And you didn't tell me."

"I'm really sorry about that ‘Cedes," I said, feeling genuinely guilty, "if it makes you feel better, I didn't tell anyone else about it either."

"He told meeeeee," Rachel said in a sing-song voice as she sipped from a mug by the fire.

Mercedes narrowed her eyes at me, "We'll talk about this later."  

We all walked back over to the fire pit, pulling our gloves off and warming our hands by the fire. "Jesus, Puck, it's freezing. How the hell do you guys do this every year?"

"Blankets and alcohol," he responded, pointing to a table a couple of feet away which had some folded blankets and a crock-pot sitting on top of it. "There's some spiked hot apple cider over there, warms you up real quick."

"Sit down," Blaine said quietly, gesturing towards the love-seat by the fire. "I'll go get us some blankets."

I scooted the large chair closer to the fire before nestling myself on one side of it.

Sam Evans and Artie Abrams came into the backyard a moment after I sat down. "Hey guys!" Sam yelled, his arms in the air. I eyed Mercedes, who had just sat down on the cushioned seat adjacent to mine. She watched him with pure wonder, following his movements as he greeted everyone, no doubt waiting for him to get to her. Mercedes and Sam had broken up the summer after graduation, agreeing to go their separate ways because of college. Even though she doubts my questioning, I personally think she's still in love with him. I mean, come on, just look at that hopeful look in her eyes.

He finally spotted her, quickly walking over to us. "Mercedes!"

She got up from her seat with a wide smile, accepting his hug without hesitation. "Samuel Evans," she said as she pulled away, "how is Connecticut treating you?"

"It's been pretty good, but I miss you guys a hell of a lot." He said, smiling at her for a moment before pulling her into another hug. "Especially you," I heard him say to her quietly.

Blaine came back a minute later, handing me a mug of hot cider. I clung to the warmth of the heated glass of the mug and watched as Blaine put his cup down, sitting next to me and laying two plush blankets horizontally over our laps. I nestled myself into his side out of instinct, hoping for some warmth in the form of body heat. Blaine smirked, picking up his mug again and putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Warm?" he asked.

"Getting there."

"Kurt! Hey, you finally came outside with us!" Sam exclaimed, noticing me as he pulled a chair next to Mercedes.

"Yes, I was dragged by this one," I replied, motioning to Blaine.

"Sam Evans," he introduced himself, extending his hand to Blaine.

"Blaine Anderson," Blaine replied as he reached over to shake Sam's hand.

"So you and Kurt are together?"

"Yes," I responded, "I brought him here with me from New York."

Sam nodded, "And how are you liking Ohio, Blaine?" he asked with a grin.

"Well, it's just as I remember it. I grew up here, not much has changed." 

"Oh, you did? Where?"

"Westerville," Blaine replied.

"Hmm, I've never been there myself, but I've heard it's a nice place to live."

"It was." 

I took a sip from the mug in my hands, pleasantly surprised to find that the cider tasted absolutely delicious. I leaned further into Blaine, letting the back of my head rest by his shoulder.

"Puck, this is actually really good," I told him.

"Thank you, Kurt," he nodded his head, raising the mug in his hand a little. "I got a job at a country club as a bartender a few months ago and they taught me how to make a bunch of stuff."

"Livin' the dream," Santana said with a sly smirk as she cuddled under a blanket with Brittany.

"Yes, Satan, as a matter of fact it is the dream," he spat back defensively. "I serve alcohol to desperate bridesmaids multiple times a week. I don't think a job can give a better bonus than many chances to have hot, frantic sex. And the next day, I don't even have to kick them out of my place, they almost always end up leaving on their own."

"Oh god," Santana scowled, "you are probably a cesspool of diseases."

"Oh! Santana, that reminds me!" Brittany practically jumped out of her seat in excitement. "My loan got approved today! I can start building the studio!"

"Really? Honey, that's amazing!" Santana replied, hugging Brittany's waist. "Wait...how did that remind you...?"

"I...I don't know," Brittany responded with blissfully ignorant eyes. "But I can finally start the dance studio! Isn't that amazing?"

I smiled as I watched Santana pull Brittany forward to kiss her on the lips. They were fighting with each other the last time I was here, and it was nice to see them getting along so well. My eyes drifted up at Blaine, who was also watching them with a grin. He must have noticed me looking, because his eyes caught mine a moment later. His smile grew, and he stared back at me before pressing a kiss to my forehead.

Another flare rose from my gut and I found myself smiling brighter at him. It was probably too much, but I didn't care. I was perfectly comfortable, wrapped in soft blankets with a hot drink in my hands, curled up next to a gorgeous man. I just didn't care.

An hour later, Puck got up to put more logs on the fire. We had all been talking about our lives and what had happened since we saw each other last. Artie pulled out a guitar (practically out of nowhere) and played some old songs that we had sung before in Glee club.

"Remember ‘Don't stop believing'?" Rachel asked Finn with a grin.

"How could I forget it?" he responded, curling his arm around her, "that was the first good song we ever sang together." 

"I'm pretty sure those harmonies will be stuck in my head for the rest of my life," Tina included.

"I know what you mean," I raised my hand, "I even caught myself doing those little ‘da da's in the shower last week."

Tina gave me a look, which I knew to be a look that meant ‘we should sing'. I smirked, doing the little ‘da da's from the beginning of the song. Tina joined in a moment later, nudging Mike to come in as well. Soon enough, we all hopped on the bandwagon and began singing the song softly, in a quiet reminiscence. Everyone had a smile on their faces, it had been the first time we really sang together in years. Blaine watched with a sweet smirk, admiring the harmonies and rhythms that flew through the night air.

Surprisingly, no one got drunk. It must have been the warmth of the fire and the peacefulness of the night, not even Puck had ruined it by getting wasted.

I just kind of stared at the fire for a while, getting hypnotized by the flaring hues of the red coals and the constantly changing flames. Some people went inside the lake house, curious to see the inside of the giant home. I didn't want to move a muscle from my spot. I was too warm and comfortable, and I knew that getting up meant immediate coldness.

The only few left still around the fire were me, Blaine, Mercedes, Sam, Brittany, and Santana. Brittany and Santana were at the other side of the fire, kissing each other while wrapped up in a sleeping bag. Sam and Mercedes had been talking the whole evening, giggling and totally in a trance of each other's company. I really hope that they're going to get back together.  She just looks so happy when she's with him.

"We're gonna go take a walk around the lake," Mercedes declared as she got up, wrapping her blanket around her shoulders. Sam did the same, a wide grin showing as they walked out of the light of the fire and into the moonlight. I lifted myself up a little on the seat, so that my head was level with Blaine's.

"Aren't they adorable?" I asked Blaine.

"They're precious. How long have they been together?"

"They're not," I responded, "they haven't been since high school, but I think that might just be changing right now." My grin widened as I watched their silhouettes melding together in the distance.

"So...'half an hour tops', huh?" Blaine said with a smile.

I nudged him playfully, and my mug slipped a little in my hand, sending hot liquid onto Blaine's arm. "Oh my god, Blaine! I'm so sorry!"

Blaine winced in pain, squirming in his seat as he lifted his arm up. I felt so fucking bad, and I tried to cool it down lamely by fanning my hands onto his wet sleeve. His groans slowly turned into laughs.

"What's so funny?"

"God, I'm kidding, Kurt," he said, shifting the blanket back over us and slouching with a stupid smile on his face. "It wasn't that hot."

"You're such an ass," my smile betrayed my annoyance.

"Oh please, you love my ass-ery," Blaine leaned forward slowly, both of us smiling before our lips met. His hand crept over to cradle the side of my face as the kiss deepened, and my brow furrowed at the feeling of his tongue sliding against my lower lip. I didn't know what to make of this, this affection that he showed when no one seemed to be around. But I didn't want to think about it too hard. I felt like that would ruin the beauty of it. 

We broke away for air a few minutes later, both of us looking back at the fire with contempt grins on our faces. Blaine sighed happily, taking another sip of cider and shifting a little in the seat.

"How were you able to afford Dalton?" I asked suddenly.

Blaine tilted his head to look at me, his expression turning a little solemn, as if he expected the question to come. "Why do you want to know?"

I thought about it for a minute, my eyes staring into the dancing flames. "If you can't tell already, Blaine, you confuse me...a lot," I spoke softly, "I feel like I need to know something that's completely true about you, or else I'll lose sight of what's fact and what's fiction."

Blaine looked up to the sky, his eyes lazily gazing at the scattered stars amidst the darkness. "Well, for starters, my father is an entrepreneur. He owns some restaurants and stores in northern Ohio. My family has been wealthy for as long as I can remember. We've never suffered financially. My father has always had the money to do whatever he pleased. So, I was able to go to Dalton."

I just stared at him, trying to read his features. I hadn't even thought about the idea that his family was rich. It boggled my mind that a person could let someone as loving as Blaine go in a heartbeat.  He kept looking at the sky, his expressions emotionless.

 "So how did I end up on the streets of New York if my father sits on a fucking goldmine?" he asked contemptuously, his tone then changing from cold to gentle as his eyes moved back to meet mine, "Not every father is as loving as yours, Kurt."

I didn't know what to do. I could tell that he was uncomfortable, and that he hated to talk about his past. Everything that went through my brain as a possibility to say out loud seemed too close, too inappropriate, and dangerously similar to things that were way too deep for this relationship. My heart longed to tell him that I wanted to be there for him, that I didn't want him to live like this anymore, and that I wanted him to just be safe. I wasn't even aware of who his father was or what he did to him, but I hated him for letting Blaine turn out like this. I despised him for breaking him down to this point.

I just wanted to make everything okay again, and I attempted to do that in the only way I knew how. I leaned forward, crashing my lips over his in a passionate kiss. Desperation willed itself to work through my lips, to show Blaine how much I unknowingly cared for him, and how I wanted his life to be the best possible thing it could be, because he deserved it. He deserves happiness, not isolation or banishment. How could his father have been so stupid leave him defenseless like this?

I couldn't tell how much time had passed when we broke apart. It could have been minutes, it could have been hours, I didn't know. Blaine's eyes were filled with unshed tears, and I could tell that he was trying his hardest not to let them spill out.

"Thank you," he whispered, before pulling me into a hug. My eyes stung a little at his hoarse words, and I was so relieved to find that my message was somehow able to get to him. I couldn't talk because I didn't trust what would come out of my mouth. Instead, I slid down until my head rested underneath his neck, where I listened to the faint sounds of his heartbeat. Our arms slid around each other, holding tight to each other as our eyes eventually closed.

I woke up a couple of hours later to Blaine tapping me on the shoulder. It was still pitch-black out, and all that was left of the fire were hot coals in the pit. I was absolutely freezing and gave no argument when his hands pulled me up and on my feet.

Blaine picked up our blankets and we walked sleepily towards the lake house, opening to door to find everyone asleep in what appeared to be an entertainment room. He took my hand, walking me over to an empty couch and laying down. I slid into his arms without faltering, my arms curling around his sides. I closed my eyes and began to fall back to sleep as he lay the blankets back over us.


End Notes: Okay, so here's the deal. I want to include a couple of more fluff pieces before we get to the climax of the plot, and I thought it would be a cool idea to let you guys fill me in on what you want to see. It could be anything from a simple idea to a whole kink prompt, if you so choose. This will be your only chance to do this for this story, so send me your ideas! I'd pick my favorites, and then write them into the story! You can leave your prompts in a review on here or in my tumblr ask box. So anywho, things are slowly starting to get more and more complicated. Let me know what you think of the chapter! Review!And as always, I absolutely love making new friends, so come talk to me on tumblr. (:


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This story is so unique - at first I was skeptical but now I love it! I want these boys to REALLY get to know each other now - the truth, not the fantasy. Maybe they can discuss missed opportunities where they where both in the same room or same place and could have met sooner? The banter has been hilarious as well - keep it up! Thanx!

I swear with every update I love this story more. I'm really anxious to find out Blaine's full story. You handling Kurt and Blaine's developing relationship perfectly. Can't wait for more.

I LOVED the chapter, particularly the end scene by the fire. I love watching them fall in love. SO! Ideas! I would love some kink type stuff... maybe some weird fetish or something that just sort of happens... or an aphrodisiac. I don't know, but make it SMUTTY! :D

♥Throughout the first chapter, I was skeptical. By chapter four, I was giggling so hard I couldn't breathe. Now I've reached the end of chapter nine and I'm cursing myself for getting sucked into ANOTHER WIP. I'm really curious to see whether they'll come clean to everyone (especially HOW, assuming that they'll end up together). I'm glad to see Kurt maturing as the fic goes on; I was a little irritated with how he's been harping on "homeless/hobo" and I'm glad Blaine finally called him out on it. Can't wait to see what happens next!

I am so in love with this fic that it hurts

I love this story so much. Yes I adore the developing relationship between Kurt and Blaine, but I got to say what I love the most about this fic is the humor. I love a light story were nothing too dramatic happens to Klaine before they can be together. It's just refreshing, and I love it. And with my luck all this cute and happy is going to go down the drain an it's gonna be angst and drama for the remainder of the story. Let's just hope that's not in the cards :) As for prompts I was left wanting to see some shower sex or wall sex. Damn that was sexy when Blaine pushed Kurt up against the door before going in to his bedroom. So yeah....wall sex would be amazing!

i want to see kurt and blaine have a real relationship were blaine moves in with kurt and becomes a song writer

i love this story, its so cool. i know this would be way way down the story line, but i would love to see blaine and kurt break up, and then kurt to see blaine on the streets again

CRAP! I'm so disappointed this is famous. This was the story I sent people to read and referenced without their knowledge. Crap, crap, crap... NO! But at the same time, I feel all proud and crap. WHO FOUND IT FIRST?! This girl. GO TEAM! And also, I'm proud of you, and you totally deserve to have this on the top stories list. It's perfect. Now, the actual chapter. First, I love Jackie. I love how Jackie's all stressed about them having sex in her car, like... Okay. That's something I do, btw. I'm always like "DON'T HAVE SEX IN MY CAR!" No matter who's driving because I love it so much. YAY! I like how Blaine's still "a hobo" all up and over the place. Like, I keep forgetting, and then Kurt seizes and all "HE'S A HOBO!" and it makes me laugh and kinda wait around until he officially doesn't care. Come on Kurt. Marry Blaine! And then I love how Blaine just like... seizes all over too. Like, he messes with Kurt so hard, and it's cute, and Kurt SO loves it, and AGH! I LOVE SEEING EVERYBODY AT THE BONFIRE! YAY! That was exciting. I also like how you nail all their characters so perfectly. Is it really even hard for you? Cause you're just like "YUP! DONE!" And it's perfect!" I can't handle it. I like how everyone loves Blaine. I love how they're all mad at Kurt for not telling. I love how Samecedes is such a thing... Yes. And everyone... I just wanna push them together. IT'S ALL SO CUTE! I love Puck for hosting this... Perfect. Perfect. Perfect. Great job!

great great great fic! I love it, I know this might be too much tlo ask but I LOVE fluff and I hate confrontation in any type of story or movie even thouh i know it's gonna get better eventually I'm just too much of a wuss to witness it...sooo what I'm asking is...how about no one ever finds out he was a hob for like 5 months and they just fall in love and live happily ever after...No? yeah, I thought so....

I just started this tonight and OMG I have been reading for an hour and a half I seriously cannot get enough.This is absolutely freaking amazing!


This story is beyond wonderful. I loved it from the first line in chapter one. You are amazing!!!!!! Can't wait for more!

First off, I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this story. All I want to see is Blaine singing one of Darren Criss's original songs. For example, you could change the words of 'Sami' around a bit to fit their situation. Just a suggestion, liked you asked. Butterfly Kisses! Keep Writing!

Ooh oooooh! Some of the Glee Clubbers start focusing on k&b, and they get confused by what they are told because one of them screws up a little bit.. Ex( the dog has a different name and then Finn jumps in and says but I thought you said hector? And Rachel is all like yeah bitch!(lol sorry, I just had Rachel's bitch face on my brain)) But yeah that's my idea.. :)

I think it'd be adorable if, once they get back to Ny, Kurt asked Blaine to sleep with him, not do anything, but because Kurt missed his warmth. Hehe (:

Love this chapter!!!! it's like they are meant to be together, no mater what!!! That's why they are my OTP!!! Thank you :-)

I just wanted to awwwwww through this whole chapter. Love that Blaine is slowly opening up to Kurt.

geuinely think i am in love with this story. like i go all tingley when i read the cute fluff bits. I love it so much oh god:')

you sound like my sister.she always says here's the deal.Is Blaine going to explaine why hes homeless?

Awww ok this made me cry for my Blainers. I really hope that you don't make them not be together or something crazy end up happening pleasee. They have feelings for each other it just needs to be real already. greaaatttt chapter. ohh and Kurt's aunt and her gf are crazy but I like them. So Blaine and Kurt have seen each other before when they competed in high school with Warblers and New directions but just didn't pay attention to each other right?