Jan. 16, 2015, 6 p.m.
Jan. 16, 2015, 6 p.m.
The one song I mentioned in the story that I did not name that Blaine was singing in the car was Courtesy Call by: Thousand Foot Krutch.
So now that you know a little about Blaine it makes this story a little easier to tell. Well begin with Kurt and Blaines senior year, first period to be exact:
Blaine was sluggishly shuffling his feet as he made his way down the hall when the bell ring, "Oh shit!" Blaine muttered as everyone who still lingered in the hallway raced to class, "Shes still all the way on the second floor!" He looked up at the ceiling above him then down the hall toward the staircase that was still a ways down there, "Im gonna be really fucking late to AP Biology! Nice going, Anderson, late on your first day of school!" He continued to mutter to himself as he quickened his pace to fast strides down the hallway.
He ran up the stairs and up another hall that led him straight to where he was going. He peeked in, Misses Laval had already started her lecture and introductions. Blaine sighed and warily brought his hand up to the doorknob and wiggled it. Locked! It got Misses Lavals attention though, and she paused her talking and aggravatingly walked to the door and opened it up for her late student,
"Youre late." She said between gritted teeth that formed a fake smile on her face. Blaine gave her a dirty look that said he didnt care and to shut up, even though he did care and was just trying to hide a blush. Misses Laval was slightly taken aback by her student but still kept a stoic expression as she continued, "Dont let it happen again."
Blaine scanned the room as he looked for a place to sit. To his reluctance the only seat left was next to Kurt. Okay, yes, he liked Kurt. He liked Kurt a lot. That was the problem, he liked Kurt too much. Even though he found him and his friends a bit weird and he was a little too nice for his liking, he still couldnt say his feelings toward Kurt were anything less than love. He loved Kurt but thats one thing he kept "hush hush" about. He didnt want anyone to know. Especially Kurt! Heaven knows what people would say or do if they found out or if Kurt reciprocated the feelings. He didnt want to ruin Kurts reputation like he did his own. That would, and this is said without any hesitation, hurt Blaine.
So Blaine took the seat and gave one quick side glance at Kurt who seemed too focused on the teacher to notice him.
"That will be your seat for the entire year, alright Blaine?" Misses Laval said as she wrote something down on a sheet of paper up at her desk. Blaine groaned as he slid back in his chair and began drumming his left index finger and his chewed up wooden pencil on the edge of his desk as he blurred out everything Misses Laval said afterward.
When he fell asleep, and for how long, he wasnt sure, but when he felt balls of paper hitting him he knew that he was out and he had been for at least a few minutes. Blaine woke up, still a little groggy and found Kurt staring right back at him holding a pile of small paper balls in one hand and a slightly torn piece of notebook paper sitting on his desk.
"What do you want!?" Blaine snapped in a low whisper at the boy.
Kurt put down the balls of paper before speaking, "You passed out ten minutes ago. I just wanted to make sure you didnt get your second strike on the first day, before second period."
Blaine relaxed. It was really sweet of him actually, "Thats not going to change anything. You know as well as I do what Im capable of doing in one day."
Kurt snorted, he sure as hell did, then looked away as a blush and a smile became visible on his face.
So now you know Blaine has a crush on Kurt but Kurt had a crush on Blaine too. It was unexpected and he tried to deny the feeling many times but it always gnawed on the inside of his stomach as if it were asking Kurt to believe in it. Sure, Blaine wasnt the ideal man, not in looks, he was very attractive with black curls and hazel eyes, but in his personality. We all know Blaine has a reputation that Kurt never fully agreed with but he still loved the hardly seen soft side of Blaine that he couldnt get enough of. And as they sat next to each other that first period of the day Kurt knew that his loving feelings toward the bad boy could not be controverted, even if he was troublemaking right beside him.
Now they both sat there and continue to listen to Misses Laval. Kurt was intently but Blaine was trying everything he could to avoid from falling asleep again. Things were quiet between the two until suddenly Kurt pulled out his phone from his front pocket. He sneaked it under his desk and Blaine, being a little nosy, peeked across to see what he was doing. He noticed Kurt staring down at a text screen with a distraught expression.
"Is everything alright?" Blaine asked sounding kind of worried which he noticed before fixing his tone and adding, "Not like I care."
Kurt still stared down at his phone as he spoke, "Oh, my car wouldnt start this morning and being the person who refuses to take the bus, I had my dad drop me off at school on his way to his garage and now neither him nor Carole can pick me up afterward." He looked up at Blaine, "I really dont want to take the bus."
Blaine slumped in his seat. Would it sound too generous to offer his neighbor a ride? Blaine thought about it for a brief moment before answering, "I could take you home. We live next door after all. It wouldnt be too much of a problem."
Kurt looked back down at his phone and shook his head, "I dont know..." He deadpanned.
"Fine, take the bus, suit yourself." Blaine crossed his arms, "I try to limit my company as much as possible."
Kurt looked back at him incredulously. He realized that Blaine was really offering, "Ill meet you out in the parking lot after school then." He smiled as he slipped his phone back into his pocket.
As agreed, Blaine stood up against the front of the school next to the main entrance as he waited for Kurt. At this point his body was craving the nicotine from a cigarette because he hadnt had one all day, though he refused to smoke one until he left school property. He began feeling a little antsy, hed never waited so long for a smoke before that the longer he waited the longer it seemed and with each passing second it felt like minutes until finally the recognizable blue-eyed, pale-skinned boy emerged from the school and met up with Blaine.
Kurt peered out into the parking lot, "I dont see your motorcycle anywhere." He said, remembering the big black bike that usually sits in the driveway at Blaines house.
Blaine scoffed, "I dont drive my motorcycle to school." He said matter-of-fact.
"Then what do you drive?" Kurt asked as he scanned the parking lot. There werent many cars left and none of them seemed like Blaine or that he recognized so he was a bit concerned.
Blaine nodded his head as a way of telling Kurt to follow him and he led the boy through the parking lot to a little white Porsche sitting by its lonesome. Kurts eyes grew wide as he was dumbfounded to see the vehicle before him.
"I didnt know you had a Porsche!" He was so astonished by the vehicle, "This was the last vehicle Id expect youd be driving!"
Blaine shrugged, "Sometimes you shouldnt be stereotyping people." He said in such earnest that Kurt had a hard time believing this was Blaine he was talking to, "I usually keep it in the garage when Im not using it. As you know, it was a lot of money and I try to keep it in the best condition."
Kurt thought he might have been dreaming. He quickly gave himself a pinch at his waist to try and wake himself up. Nope, he was still standing in the high school parking lot next to Blaine and Blaines Porsche.
Blaine walked around to the drivers side and unlocked the door and the pair stepped inside the car. Blaine turned on the ignition and took one look at Kurt who sat uncomfortably and as far away from him as possible. He decided to turn on the radio, hoping it would ease the tension in Kurt. To his luck and Kurts reluctance it was a song he most enjoyed.
"This is my jam!" Blaine announced as he pointed to the radio before turning it up and pulling out of the parking lot. He began singing along with it, "Hey-o, here comes the danger up in this club. When we get started and we aint gonna stop. We gonna turn it up til it gets too hot." He began nodding his head to the beat as he continued singing with the song. Kurt uneasily looked out the window. The song made him feel more uncomfortable, it wasnt his type. He was still astonished, though. All their lives and he had no idea Blaine actually could sing, and he was good.
Kurt finally learned the chorus and was caught by Blaine mouthing it, "Its catchy, isnt it?" Blaine asked.
Kurt looked at Blaine like a deer caught in headlights. He had been noticed, "I- I- I-" Blaine laughed as The Offsprings Youre Gonna Go Far, Kid began playing, "This is really weird music." Kurt referred to the songs he had heard.
"Its catchy." Blaine said again with a huge grin.
"Its not my cup of tea." Kurt shook his head and looked back out the window. Blaine pursed his lips and changed the channel. Kurts eyes were wide and bright.
Blaine knew he caught a good song. It was P!nks Try. Blaine knew the song too and was tempted to join Kurt as he sung the song but his nicotine craving came back and he quickly pulled a cigarette out of the pack sitting on his dashboard and lit it using the lighter in his pocket. He rolled down the window to let the smoke out. Other than a couple of coughs Kurt didnt seem troubled by Blaine smoking. Sure he wanted to stop Blaine but what good would that do but lead to a lot of bickering the rest of the car ride home and Kurt wasnt ready to get into fight with Blaine.
So they continued their drive. Blaine smoked his cigarette and occasionally joined Kurt with the chorus to songs he knew which surprised the boy that Blaine knew the songs as the tension around them faded and felt like two old friends catching up.
Blaine finally pulled up in to his driveway. Kurt stepped out of the car, "Thanks for the ride." He said through the door, fighting back a smile.
Blaine saluted at Kurt in the car as goodbye and waited from his seat until Kurt was fully in the house before getting out himself. He rested the back of his head on the car door for a moment as he revisited that little car ride just a moment before. He sighed and his cheeks flushed slightly before deciding to keep his car parked in the driveway for the night and headed into his house.