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Unlikely: Saturday

T - Words: 2,065 - Last Updated: Jan 16, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Jan 01, 2015 - Updated: Jan 01, 2015
153 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

So theres that chapter that I really hope you enjoyed! Ill update soon! Reviews?

Blaine opened the door to Bretts house, "Ive become like family to them. They just let me in." Blaine explained to Kurt and Owen before the three of them entered.


They walked in to a kind of messy front room which made Kurt feel more uncomfortable than he already was. One: He was going to a house that will be full of people getting as high as they will be drunk. Two: He was still a little uneasy around Owen. He knew something was up with this boy. And now hes standing in a filthy house owned by Bretts parents. He kind of wished he could be at home right now, or anywhere but here. Kurt promised he would come for Blaine, though, and now with this Owen in the picture he wanted to make sure that he could watch the two and make sure nothing happened more than it already has.


The three made their way from the front room to a living room that was a little cleaner except for the clutter of junk lining the walls and on the couch sat Brett who was drinking a beer. He stood when he saw Blaine, "Blaine, bro!" He said, "Whod you bring?"


"You knew Kurt was coming. I also brought a new boy. His name is Owen." Blaine introduced.


"Great! Sparks in the kitchen packing a bong. Theres beers and wine coolers back there if you want any." Brett said before taking his seat again.


"Whos Spark?" Kurt asked and before anybody could answer Spark came in to the living room. Spark was a boy Kurt knew better as Leo, a kid who went to school with all of them.


"I thought wed smoke the weed in a bit. I wanna finish my beer then find a bunch of videos that we can trip out to." Spark said as he took a seat next to Brett.


"Spark likes tripping out." Brett said.


"Not to be rude, but why are you called Spark?" Owen asked.


"Not to be rude," Spark mimicked, "but who are you even?"


"Owen, a friend of Blaines. Now, may you answer the question?"


"A friend of Blaines? You probably know more about me than about Blaine!" Kurt thought, "Why are you only a friend of Blaines?" He was now a bit more suspicious.


"I always have a lighter on me, man. They call me Spark because of that." He replied. Owen nodded and said nothing more.


"Kurt, Owen, do you want a drink? Beer, wine?" Blaine asked as he headed in the direction of the kitchen


"I never really drank before..." Kurt admitted sheepishly.


"Start him off light." Brett said, "Give him one of the wine coolers."


"Is that alright, Kurt? If you dont want to drink I think theres some soda in the fridge-" Blaine tried to confirm what Kurt wanted. He didnt want to give Kurt something he wouldnt enjoy.


"No, give me a beer." Kurt said, suddenly feeling a little adventurous.


"I think Im sticking to a wine cooler." Owen said and then joined Blaine as they walked back to the kitchen.


Kurt took a seat next to Spark with crossed arms, "So Kurt," Brett began, "I hear you and Blaine started a little friendship. Thats pretty cool. Hes been meaning to do that for some time. He does like you, you know."


Kurt couldnt hide the blush reddening his cheeks, "We have known each other all our lives. It happens when youre neighbors."


"Yeah... Thats what I mean..." Brett said with a noticeable smirk on his face.


Kurt wondered if it was too late to run. He was a little suspicious toward Brett, but not enough to further the conversation. Brett was a weird one after all. Plus, Blaine and Owen had walked back in with the bottles of alcohol in their hands. Blaine handed Kurt a beer then took the arm rest next to him. Owen awkwardly stood in the center of the room. The only place to sit on the couch was the arm next to Brett. Or he could take a seat on the love-seat next to it.


Blaine motioned at the empty part of the floor next to him and Owen knelt to the ground. He took a sip of his wine cooler.


"How did you and Owen meet?" Spark asked Blaine.


"In detention." Blaine answered then took a sip of beer.


"Really? Owen doesnt look like much."


"You shouldnt judge a person before you get to know them." Owen replied, "Ive taken karate and I know how to settle a person if they try and mess with me."


"Cool, a kick-ass-er." Brett nodded then chugged the rest of his beer before standing up, "Ima get another one. Does anybody need anything from the kitchen while Im up?"


"Can you pour a cup of Pepsi?" Blaine asked. He looked down at Kurt who was studying the bottle in his hand. Brett nodded and walked out. Blaine leaned into Kurt, "If you dont want to drink it, its cool. I got you the Pepsi."


"Im going to drink this, and Im going to drink it all." Kurt told Blaine trying to convince the both of them. Kurt irresolutely brought the bottle up to his lips and took a very tiny sip. The beer bottle was put down and his hand was flown up to his mouth as he tried to subdue a barf. He put on a smile, "Its surely a different taste."


"Youll acquire it." Spark said, "Just take another couple sips."


"Im not going to force Kurt to do anything." Blaine said. Kurt smiled at his gracious friend.


"Im not forcing him to take those couple sips though." Spark replied.


"I guess I should know you better." Blaine laughed.


"But I am at least going to drink the rest of this beer." Kurt said then took another swig which caused him to shiver from the disgusting taste.



Kurt kept his word as he finally found the taste of beer and was able to chug down enough to make him tipsy, his soda was forgotten. Everyone was a little tipsy.


Kurt was learning so much more from Brett and Spark. Blaine was right, Kurt shouldnt have judged them. They were actually very friendly and nice. Brett and Spark never seemed like the brightest in school but they were a lot smarter than anybody ever gave them credit for, and equally as funny. But maybe it could have been the beer.


Before today, Kurt wouldve looked at Brett and Spark and thought they were lowlifes with no future plans or ambitions and werent really human but were a bit of a zombie from the drugs that he thought controlled their lives. It was a little different though. He couldnt explain it, but it was different. They were human, that was for sure. They had feelings and emotions and had their problems which Kurt found nice to see.


Nobody was relaxing on the couch anymore. They were all spread out on the floor. Spark and Brett were sharing hits on the bong with the weed that smelt of skunk. It was the only one of the two unpleasing thing in the room at the moment. The other being Owen having his arms securely latched around Blaines one arm that held Kurt in his lap.


Kurt noticed Brett watching him, Blaine, and Owen with squinted eyes from the other side of the room as he took a hit from the big instrument in his hand. Kurt just assumed that Brett was too gone to really focus which is why he was staring, but probably not really paying attention to anything that wasnt in his mind.


Sparks head fell on to Bretts lap and he laughed, "Dude I know what youre thinking." Brett looked down at his friend and began laughing with him. They both looked back at the other three in the room.


"Are you sure you dont want some, Blaine?" Brett asked with a slur, referring to the bong in his hand. Blaine simply rested his head at the crook of Kurts neck and sighed with his mouth open as the smell of beer on his warm breath hit Kurts nostrils. Even if Kurt couldnt get what Blaine meant, Brett seemed to have before passing the smoking device to Spark.


Kurt wiggled out of Blaine and announced that hed return, and set off to find a bathroom.


Owen dropped his arms and fell on Blaine then lifted his hand and rested it on Blaines cheek, "Youre gorgeous." Spark dropped the bong and sat up from Brett, they both had the same look of astonishment on their face. Kurt walked back in to ask where the bathroom was and waited to see what Owen was up to, "Ive only known you for a little while but... Ive had a crush on you since the day weve met, yesterday. Will you go out with me?"


Kurts heart stopped. Blaine took one look up at Kurt, "He doesnt even like me, anyways." He thought in his mind before finally replying to Owen, "Okay..."


Kurt slipped out of the living room as a few tears began to escape from his eyes and eventually found a bathroom where he let himself to completely sob. His heart had shattered into a million pieces. He was right about Owen. He was up to something and that something was stealing Blaine from him, although Kurt never really had Blaine to begin with. Kurt just assumed that he and Blaine would become something eventually.


After he settled and sopped up his tears Kurt came out of the bathroom and requested that theyd go home, insisting that he was only a little sick. Which was true because remembering that Blaine and Owen were suddenly in a relationship made him a bit queasy.


Blaine and Owen stood. Owen grabbed Blaines hand which made Kurt feel worse. The three were smart enough to take a bus there knowing that theyd be too unsafe to drive home so they had only a bus to drive them back where they were dropped off a block from Kurt and Blaines houses. Owen decided to stay on the bus and take it to his neighborhood


When he came home, Kurt ran upstairs and flopped on his bed as he began to cry again. He felt as though nothing could mend his broken heart that ached in his chest. Then his cell phone rang from his bedside. Kurt answered it with the strongest "hello" he could muster.


"Hey," Came the familiar voice, "How are you feeling?" Blaines words slurred together. Kurt could really hate Blaine right now but the simple idea that even if the boy was a little tipsy he still cared for Kurt and wanted to know if he was okay. Thats what friends were for after all.


"Blaine?" Kurt hastily wiped the tears from his eyes then stood up and looked out his window to see Blaine staring back at him. They both hung up and opened their windows before Kurt said anything else, "Yeah, Ill be fine..." He trailed off unconvincingly, but convincing enough for Blaine.


"So this is not about Owen?" Blaine asked.


"What!? No, thats crazy." Kurt lied.


"Oh good." Blaine breathed. Kurt could feel his heart aching again and he wondered if it was possible to die from a broken heart, and if so, why hasnt he dropped dead yet?


"Can I go?" Kurt asked Blaine, "Im feeling a bit tired." Blaine nodded and closed his window. Kurt did so as well and as soon as his face hit the pillows he was out. Crying wore him to sleep.



When Kurt awoke late Sunday afternoon he was quick to leap out of bed, put something new on, grab something to eat, and get out the door. There was something he had to do today that he thought up in his sleep. Kurt drove over to Bretts and stared up at the house for a moment. He let out a sigh before getting out of his car and walking up the driveway to the front door.


Kurt knocked on it hesitantly and waited for someone to open it. He assumed it was Bretts mother who answered the door, "Can I help you?" The lady asked him.


"Is Brett home?"


"He just got up." She replied before calling for Brett.


Brett came shuffling into the front room. Sure enough, he looked like he just got up with only a pair of gray sweatpants on and his hair was still messy.


"Kurt?" He asked curiously.


Kurt stepped into the house, "Yes, its me. Im here for your help."


"Why?" Brett asked, a little confused.


"Because you know things that I dont and I need the answers to them. I cant let him win..."


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