Kurt? Previous Chapter Story
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Unlikely: Kurt?

T - Words: 1,211 - Last Updated: Jan 16, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Jan 01, 2015 - Updated: Jan 01, 2015
138 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Yes, Im ending the chapter there! :O


Anyway... Im thinking about starting a Tumblr for my fanfiction. I just want to know if youre up to it so I can have a few people supporting the blog. Its mostly going to keep people updated on my fanfiction but if you have any suggestions for the blog if I do start it dont hesitate to ask. First I want to know, should I make one? Leave a review or go to my ask on my main Tumblr (link to blog in my profile). Thanks for reading and reviewing!

When Blaine stepped out of his house he noticed one thing: Kurts Navigator was not parked in his driveway. In a panic (he didnt know why he was panicking) Blaine rushed up to his neighbors door and frantically knocked on it. Finn answered

"Blaine?" He questioned.

"Yeah, hi, Finn. Is Kurt home?" Blaine said trying to look past the towering man.

"No. He left really early this morning. Kurt was gone before anyone else was up. He was acting a little funny yesterday. I wonder if it has anything to do with it? Whyd you ask, bro?"

"He and I have been carpooling-"

"Kurts been carpooling with you? I dont believe it. My little bro wouldnt hang out with scums like you."

Blaine wouldve been hurt by that comment but hes gotten so used to it that the words never bothered him anymore. Instead he simply said, "Why does everyone just assume everything..." Then turned away and headed for his car.

The entire drive to school Blaines phone kept buzzing:

Owen 6:56am:
Where r u?

Brett 6:58am:
Dude we need to tolk

Brett 6:58am:

Owen 7:03am:
OMG Kurt!

Owen 7:04am:
Kuuuuuuuuurt! KUUUUUUURT!

Owen 7:04am:
WTF is wrong with Kurt? Is he usually like this?

Owen 7:05am:
Bby? He wasnt like this Friday or Saturday!?

Brett 7:05am:
Its about Kurt... srry...

Spark 7:08am:
I think we broke your friend! Brett wont tell me what happened to him though

Spark 7:08am:
Ur friend Kurt btw

Blaine then arrived at the school and quizzically read his texts. Somethings up with Kurt and Blaine was worried as to what it might be.

Both Owen and Brett greeted him once he entered the infamous building with the same exact words, "We need to talk."

"Whats up with Kurt?" Blaine asked with bated breath.

"Youre not gonna like it." Brett shook his head for emphasize.

"Wait why wouldnt he like it?" Owen asked as he looked at Brett. Then he faced Blaine, "Why wont you like it?"

"Just tell me what happened. Is he alright?" Blaine swallowed a lump in his throat. He wasnt going to let a boy (who he had a major crush on) get him all emotional.

"Be prepared for the worst." Brett nodded then walked off.

Owen took Blaines hand and squeezed it, "I know he is a good friend of yours. Kurt is. Dont freak out, love." Then gave him a small peck on the cheek and left him.

Blaine tried to put together what his best friend and boyfriend were telling him. What happened to Kurt? Whats the worst possible scenario? Why shouldnt he freak out?

Blaine walked to his locker, opened it, and just stared blankly into it. His mind was not on school but on his new friend who is somehow different.

He didnt know how long he was standing there blankly but then he heard a sharp thud and it took him a second to realize that someone had shut his locker.

"What did you do to my friend?" The little girl shouted.

Blaine blinked twice before answering, "What!? What are you talking about, Rachel!?"

"You know damn well what Im talking about, Anderson!" She shouted, "What did you do to Kurt!?"

"Nothing! I did nothing!" He yelled back. This began to get the attention of the other students in the hallway.

"Yeah, sure! But hes been hanging out with you then suddenly POOF, hes changed! Youre already an ugly person on the inside and out so it had to have been you who pressured an innocent boy into this! What, you think he did this to himself!? Never in a million years would Kurt Hummel ever, unless it was because of some sleazeball like yourself!"

Normally Blaine wouldnt dare hurt a girl, but Rachel was testing his limits now. He grabbed her arm and threw her up against the locker, "I dont know what happened to him, Berry! I havent done anything to him yet! I havent seen him today! Im just as confused as you!" He brought up a fist, "So beat it before I have to use force!"

"Hey! Woah! Woah! Hey!" Misses Gilligan pried Blaine off of Rachel, "Dont make me get Principal Figgins on you! Both of you get to class!" She yelled. Rachel escaped. Blaine mumbled that it was Rachel who started this and Misses Gilligan retaliated by threatening another detention for the boy.

Spark approached his friend, "You threatening a girl?" He asked then swung an arm around his friends shoulder, "I wouldve never imagine Blaine Anderson, tough boy he may be, treat a woman like that. Well, I guess we know what youre devoted to."

"I was defending Kurt and myself. I dont like people accusing things without any evidence to prove it. Kurts my friend and whatever happened to him I must defend."

"I dont know about that. I know how were like but hes gone insane." Spark shook his head.

"Can you tell me what happened? Please, Spark?" Blaine pleaded.

Spark looked to both sides of him in the crowded hallway, "Were going to the bathroom." He said in his best white girl voice.

"Why? Why cant you tell me here?" Blaine stamped his foot like a little child.

"Because we dont need another scene like you and Rachel just a minute ago." Spark said as he began dragging his friend to the closest bathroom.

They ran through the door of the bathroom. Two boys were in there trying to avoid school. Spark gave them a deadly glare and they scurried out of the bathroom. Spark quickly locked the door and Blaine jumped up and took a seat on the sink.

"Okay, it was kind of Bretts fault. Just sort of. He wont tell me what he did but he said that Kurt showed up at his door Sunday morning demanding for some help. Thats all I really know." Spark said.

"So it was both Brett and Kurts fault?" Blaine tried to process, "I know nothing of what happened to Kurt. I just understand its a bit different. Whats he like? What changed?"

"A lot. Im scared, honestly. I know how were like but he just lost his innocence in a day! I hardly know Kurt but I know that this is not him."

"Spark, why cant you just tell me?"

"How do I explain it?" Spark asked himself.

"I dont know, Leo!? How do you explain it!?" Blaine only ever used Sparks real name when he was furious, and right now, he couldnt be more upset with his friend anticipating Kurts appearance.

Spark opened his mouth to say something but then someone began knocking on the door, "Blaine? Spark? I know youre in there." It was Owen.

"Do you see Kurt at all today?" Spark hurried out the question as he scrambled to the door.

"First period."

"Good, youll see him then." Spark opened the door.

Owen ran to Blaine, "We need to hurry. I want to walk you to class." He said then gave Blaine a kiss on his forehead and then they linked hands.

Blaine sat in first period. His body was shaking and he couldnt stop bouncing his leg. The bell was about to ring and Kurt was not in class.

"Where is he? Where is he? Where is he?" Blaine repeated as he watched the ticking clock, "Kurt would never be late."

The bell rang. Kurt was late. Blaine brought his hand up to his heart to feel its humming, hes never felt this anxious before. Just as Misses Laval began walking into the room Kurt ran in behind her. Suddenly Blaines heart stopped humming. It stopped beating altogether.



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