Basket Boy
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Basket Boy: Chapter 4

E - Words: 2,328 - Last Updated: Jun 04, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Apr 08, 2012 - Updated: Jun 04, 2012
589 0 8 0 0

Author's Notes: Author's note: I know, I have no excuse guys, I'm so sorry for the long wait but between SATs, APs, finals, and research papers school has been kicking my ass every week. The good news is that this is the longest chapter so far and I only have one more final left and I don't really care about that one so you should look forward to more updates soon! Thanks for reading every. Please read and review, especially the review part:)

Chapter 4

Originally Blaine had thought that Sebastian had only invited the Glee Club to his welcoming party, but by Friday morning he had found out that was not the case.

It was as if the whole school was a buzz, whispering about what was said to be the party of the semester. As he grabbed his AP European History textbook from his locker, listening to the girls next to his locker gossip about the "hot new kid" Sebastian, Blaine suddenly felt a body pressing against his back.

"Kurt, I thought I told you to st-" said Blaine as he turn to admonish who he thought was the leather jacket clad teen. "Oh my - Sebastian I'm so sorry I thought you were someone else!"

"Sorry to disappoint babe," Sebastian chuckled as he looked into Blaine's hazel eyes. The shorter boy was clearly startled to see him standing behind him and the way his eyes quickly dropped to the floor was simply adorable, thought Sebastian as he studied Blaine.

"Oh no! You're not disappointing, um, I just thought you were someone else. It's no big deal...So, um, what's up? Excited for the party tonight?" stumbled Blaine as his cheeks grew red. " I mean of course you're excited for the part. I mean it's your party, I mean unless your not excited, thats okay too I guess. Oh gosh now I'm rambling like an idiot, I'm sorry I'm just a bit ner-"

"Hey don't worry about it," said Sebastian, taking Blaine's hands in his own and causing the other boy to blush. "I just wanted to make sure you're were still coming to my party tonight."

"Of course I am! I mean, that's if you still want me there?" said Blaine almost as a question as his cheeks grew redder. Quickly dropping his eyes to the ground in embarrassment Blaine quietly admonished himself for acting so silly, there was no way a boy like Sebastian would be interested in him, boys like Sebastian never were.

"Hey, look at me" said Sebastian quickly, "look at me, Blaine." Taking the other boys face in his hands, gently raising the face in his hands until the smaller boys eyes were looking to his. "I want you to come tonight. I want you."

For a minute the two boys stood there, staring into each other's eyes as their peers walked by, it wasn't until a nearby locker slammed close causing Blaine to jump back that they pulled apart.

"You shouldn't do things like that," said Blaine shyly, looking around as if he just realized what was going. "This is Ohio, not wherever you moved from. They don't really like people like us here..."

"Ha, people like what? Gay?" laughed Sebastian as Blaine gave a kurt nod. "Oh babe you've got it all wrong. I swing both ways, and no one's ever tried to stop me before and I'd like to see them try now. Besides, I know what I want and I always get what I want. No one is going to stop me."


"Don't worry your pretty little face off," said Sebastian, squeezing Blaine's hand and taking a step back. "I'll see you tonight right?"

Blaine gave a little nod.

"See tonight then." Giving the smaller boy a quick wink, Sebastian turned and walked down the hallway to his next class. As he sauntered past a group of cheerleaders who were whispering and pointing his direction, a black leather jacket caught Sebastian's eye.

"Don't worry Hummel, you're invited too." Sebastian said over his shoulder as he walked into the classroom. "Watch out for the Anderson boy though, he's mine and you know I always get what I want."

Placing the car in park in front of the house, Blaine took a deep breath, trying to drown out the sound of Rachel's chatter and somehow calm his stomach at the same time. Blaine could hear the music blasting as the lights flicked in the windows of what had to be the biggest house he'd ever seen is life. People could be seen walking in and out of the ornate front doors as wells as meandering on the front lawn and in the trees that lined the sides of the house. Blaine had never been to a party this big, heck the closest he'd ever gotten a real party was that time when he had sat by as Rachel, Finn, and a few other members of New Directions had gotten drunk one night at Rachel's house when her dads weren't home. There was no way that he could do this. No way that he, Blaine Anderson, could go through with this.

Looking down at the seatbelt that was still buckled in tight across his chest Blaine's hand's inadvertently snuck towards the gears willing his hands to move the car into drive and carry him away. As he stretched his hands closer to the gear box a perfectly manicured hand reached across and slapped his.

"Blaine Anderson," Rachel admonished, "you better not be doing what I think you are. We did not drive all this way to have you chicken out at the last minute. There is a boy in there who obviously likes you and there is no way I'm going to let you run away on what might be the best day in your high school existence. I mean what type of friend would I be if I let you do that and waste all my hard work?"


"No buts! Besides Finn texted me that he's already here and I want to get to him before one of those cheerios find him first" whined Rachel, tugging on Blaine's sleeve.

"Oka-" tried to get out Blaine, but before he could get the word Rachel squeeled practically jumping onto his lap trying to give him a hug. Quickly unbuckling her seatbelt before Blaine could change his mind, Rachel ran over to the drivers side of the car, and yanked Blaine out of the silver mercedes. Grabbing his hands in hers, Rachel dragged Blaine towards the front doors, stepping over several couples laying down drunkenly on the front lawn. As the couple drew closer the door the music steadily grew louder and when they finally stepped across the threshold into the elaborate house the noise was absolutely deafening.

Bodies where everywhere, pressed up close together, dancing on top of one another, the shear heat of everything causing shirts to stick to sweaty bodies. Blaine squeezed Rachel's hand even tighter, holding on for dear life as Rachel maneuvered the pair through the crowd to the tallest teenager that could be seen above the crowd.

"Hey honey," said Rachel as she let go of Blaine's hand and slid it into Finn's open palm, making it clear to the cheerios surrounding the quarterback that this boy was indeed hers. "How's it going?"

"Oh! Rachel, I-" Finn stuttered, "Um good. I was just- Hey Blaine? How's it going?"

"Uh good?" said Blaine cautiously, not wanting to get in the middle of Finn and Blaine. " I'm just going to go get a drink..."

"You go do that, Blaine" confirmed Rachel as she stared down the cheerleaders who still stood there, daring them to make their next move.

Taking his chance to leave Blaine turned around, almost getting hit by the arms of a rather fanatic dancer, heading in the direction of the refreshments he had seen when he had walked in just minutes ago. Making his way through the crowd was proving rather tough, and just as the refreshment table came into view a bump from a nearby dancer sent Blaine falling into the lap of the person sitting on the couch. Swearing, Blaine muttered a quick apology and attempted to get up but was stopped by a pair of hands that seemed far too familiar.

"Wow babe, I never took you as one who swore, it kinda hot," smirked Kurt Hummel to the boy in his ``lap. "Long time, no see."

"Oh my god, Kurt, I'm sorry - I didn't mean to-"

"Don't worry bout it babe, besides, I kinda missed your body up against mine," stated Kurt with a wink.

For a second Blaine sat there staring into Kurt Hummel's piercing blue eyes, but the moment was broken when he heard a cough from above.

"Fancy seeing you here," remarked Sebastian with a bemused expression.

"Sebastian!" exclaimed Blaine as he rushed to stand up.

"Oh don't get up on my behalf, wouldn't want to interrupt anything-"

"You weren't interrupting anything!" blurted out Blaine before Sebastian could finish his statement. " I was just going to get a drink. And i fell. And well, I ended up here." Giving a quick glance in Kurt's direction, "I was just leaving now..."

"Good" said Sebastian simply, slipping his hand around Blaine. "Let me go with you." Using the hand on Blaine's back, Sebastian lead the shorter boy away from the teen sitting on the couch, giving a finger in Kurt's direction when Blaine's back was turned. "So what are we drinking tonight, hot stuff?"

"Um, do you have any sprite?"

"This is a party, Blaine. Does it look like I have sprite?"

"Oh, uh" Blaine said, giving a nervous laugh. "Whatever you have is fine then."

Sebastian turned towards the refrigerator bending down to grabbed two beers from the bottom shelf, giving Blaine a nice view of his butt. "From Germany," he stated as he handed one of the bottles to Blaine. "You'll like it."

"I'm sure I will..." said Blaine as he followed Sebastian into another room, taking a sip of his beer. It tasted weird, Blaine thought as the amber liquid slid down the back of his throat, maybe he shouldn't be doing this. But all thoughts were lost as Sebastian once again intwined his hands with Blaine's, dragging Blaine along with some words that sounded something along the lines of tequila body shots...

"You're pretty." stated Blaine as he fell into Sebastian's lap, like saying such a thing was the most normal thing in the world.

"Thanks," said an amused Sebastian, who took full advantage of Blaine's drunken status.

"I -hiccup- I like youuu."

"I can tell babe," Sebastian whispered into Blaine's ear as his hands spread out along Blaine's tigh.

"No," Blaine slurred, laying his face in Sebastian's lap and looking up with cloudy eyes. "No, I really like you. Like really really. -Hiccup- Like Ariel and Prince Eric, like Peter Pan and Wendy, like, like Jasmine and Aladdin -hiccup- except -hiccup- not -hiccup- cause-hiccup- we're-hiccup- both-hiccup- boysHaha, -hiccup- get it? -hiccup- boyssss."

"Mhmmmm, whatever you say babe" Sebastian replied as he slipped his hands underneath Blaine's shirt towards the other boy's waistband.


"But babe-"

"Not here," mumbled Blaine as he groggily turned and snuggled in closer to Sebastian.


It was impossible to make out what Blaine was saying with his face curled into Sebastian's chest, but the taller boy took the small nod to mean yes. Picking the smaller boy in his arms, Sebastian cared Blaine past the party goers, that were still dancing hard in the main hall, and upstairs into a guest room where he laid Blaine down on the bed.

Snuggling into the bed, Blaine tried to focus his eyes on the new surrounding but was failing miserably when a soft pair of lips started kissing his neck. Making their way up to his own lips, Blaine felt the foreign lips nip and suck on his flaming skin making him give out an involuntary moan. Taking that as an invitation to push further, Sebastian pushed one hand up Blaine's shirt, sliding it across his side, over his stomach, then up his chest. His strong fingers pinched one nipple between them and rolled it, as his lips and tongue traced patterns on Blaine's neck. Blaine's breaths became shorter and his eyes fought to stay open as Sebastian attacked Blaine's lips and deepened their kiss. Moving his hands lower, Sebastian tried to slip his hand into Blaine's boxers and touch the younger boy, but a hand stopped him.

"No." said Blaine, his eyes fully open.

"Okay, okay babe," muttered Sebastian as he latched on to Blaine's neck, trying to mark the other boy. Blaine let out another throaty moan and let the taller boy continue on, throwing his head back onto the bed. Sebastian's lips continued there quest over Blaine's body, leaving kisses and bite marks down the other boy's abdomen, creeping lower and lower towards the top of Blaine's jean.

"I said stop."

"But babe, I promise to make you feel good" Sebastian said, ignoring Blaine's request and continued to attempt to unbutton the younger boy's jeans as he kissed over Blaine's stomach.

"No" struggled Blaine as his voice slowly grew louder. "I don't want this."

"Shhh, quiet down babe. It's going to feel good, promise babe" continued Sebastian as he unzipped the jeans.

"No!" said Blaine loudly, a trickle of panic in his voice.

"No what babe? You don't even know what you're saying no to. I bet you've never even been with another man" encouraged Sebastian as he slipped his hand around Blaine's co-

"Get off of me!" shouted Blaine as he pushed Sebastian off of himself, causing the taller boy to fall of the kingsized bed. Struggling to zip up his pants, Blaine stumbled out of the guest room and down the stairs while Sebastian yelled out after him. Pushing past the crowd, Blaine fought his way out the front door, tripping over the threshold and into the arms of Kurt Hummel.

"Long time no see short stuff. I was beginning to think-"

"Not now Hummel" said Blaine on the verge of tears. "I just- I just can't right now, okay?"

"Hey" replied Kurt, concern audible in his voice. "What's wrong Blaine? You can tell me. Promise, no judgment"

"I," Blaine's voice broke, "I can't. I just- I just need to go home."

"There is no way I'm letting you drive like this, Blaine."

"I can do it, I'm-"

"No, you're not fine," said Kurt, taking Blaine's key's from the other boy's hand and leading him to the car. "I'm driving."

At this point Blaine was too tired to care and was ready for this night to end so he gave up and settled into the passenger seat of the car. Closing his eyes, Blaine leaned his head against the window and wished that tomorrow he'd wake up somewhere far, far away.


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Ahh loved it!

i'm definitely liking this. a lot. i actually hoping to see a bitch fight between hummel and sebastian.

Love this, can't wait until the next update. :)

OMGlee!!! I love badboy Kurt!!! Really hot! Please update soon??