Basket Boy
Chapter 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Basket Boy: Chapter 3

E - Words: 1,582 - Last Updated: Jun 04, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Created: Apr 08, 2012 - Updated: Jun 04, 2012
735 0 6 0 0

Author's Notes:

Author's note: Sorry for taking so long to update guys last week was hell week at school. I'm going to be out of town this weekend, but if I have internet I will do my best to update again. Once again thanks for the positive response, you guys are amazing. Rate and Review!

Chapter 3

Blaine had fallen for guys before and knew what it was like to be let down, but never before had he felt heartbreak like this. As soon as school ended yesterday Blaine raced home to his apartment, threw himself onto his bed and cried. There was a time when Blaine’s mother would come and hold him whenever he was upset but since getting kicked out of his home by his father Blaine had been forced to face life alone. As he looked into the mirror the next morning Blaine saw his puffy, bloodshot, hazel eyes starring back at him. The silly thing, he told himself, was that he had no reason to feel like this. Before yesterday Blaine had no clue who the boy with the beat up leather jacket was, before yesterday he had only overheard the name Kurt Hummel murmured in the hallways of McKinley High as he walked to his classes, before yesterday Blaine Anderson wouldn’t have cared who rode on the back of the Kurt Hummel’s motorcycle. He had no reason to like Kurt Hummel, Blaine thought as he worked on styling his hair, he had no reason to care what the other boy did. 

Glancing at the clock, Blaine realized that Rachel would be coming to pick him up from his apartment in ten minutes. Checking to make sure that all of his curls had been sufficiently tamed Blaine ran to get dressed and just made it down the stairs to the front of his apartment building when Rachel pulled.

“You look cute today,” gushed Rachel as Blaine got into the car.

“Ha, thanks Rachel?” replied Blaine.

“Oh wait, not that you don’t normally look cute, cause you do! I just mean, I meant, well I was just wondering if there was a reason you were dressed so nicely today...”

“No worries Rachel, I’m just working on starting a new chapter today.”

“Oh okay...” Rachel said awkwardly, not knowing if she should push further or let it be.

“Excited for Glee Club today?” asked Blaine in order to divert attention from himself. Rachel took the question as her cue to explain her plans for this week’s assignment and to complain how once again Mr. Schue was crippling her talent by not giving her more of a role for the club’s upcoming Regional competition. Staring out the window Blaine took a deep breath and let the sound of the brunette talking wash his mind blank.

“Hey babe,” whispered Kurt seductively as he wrapped his arms around Blaine, who had stopped at his locker to grab his history text book before going to first period. Taking full advantage of the younger boys posture, Kurt ground himself into the younger boy’s ass. “Ready to pick up where we left off yesterday?”

“Leave me alone, Hummel” muttered the Blaine as he tried to shrug the older boy off of him to no avail.

“Something wrong babe?” Kurt said as he nibbled on Blaine’s neck even though the other boy was obviously trying to push him off.

“Stop. I said get off.”

“Mmm don’t tell me you’re not enjoying this” Kurt drawled as he turned Blaine around and tried to slip his hands into the back pockets to squeeze the younger boy’s ass.

“I said get off of me Hummel,” exclaimed Blaine. “Why won’t you just leave me alone?” he asked quietly in a tone that caused Kurt to move back a step and stare at the other boy. Taking this opportunity, Blaine grabbed his bag off of the ground and hurried off to class, leaving Kurt standing in front of the lockers alone, wondering just happened.

For the rest of the day, Blaine tried to avoid Kurt. He made sure to keep away from all the places he commonly saw Kurt and made sure he was always walking with Rachel so Kurt couldn’t sneak up on him like the boy normally did. Blaine was afraid of Kurt, of how easily a boy he barely knew was able to make him feel so much and then turn around and hurt him. To take his mind off of the boy, Blaine threw himself into his classes, making up for the haze he was in yesterday. Instead of sitting with Rachel and his other friends during lunch, Blaine decided to spend his lunch studying in the library, a place he knew Kurt would never enter.

Kurt, on the other hand went out of his way to find Blaine. Instead of heading out to the bleachers to have a smoke with Quinn, as was their daily ritual, Kurt found himself scanning the cafeteria for the younger boy.

“He’s not here” said a voice behind Kurt. Turning around, Kurt came face to face with the one and only Rachel Berry.

“I have no clue who you’re referring to, Berry, but whatever you’re thinking of in the small little brain of yours is probably wrong”

“You’re looking for Blaine right? Well he’s not here,” said Rachel. “He said something about not wanting to run into you and then he ran off. He’s been acting pretty strange since the auction yesterday. What did you do? Is he okay? Is he sick or something? I hope he’s not sick, we do have regionals coming up soon and it’s a lot to ask me to carry the weight of the whole Glee Club especially sin-”

“Can you please shut the fuck up Rachel? It’s like you never stop talking about yourself.”

“Ugh, I can’t tell what Blaine sees in you, you’re horrible.”

“Likewise Berry. Can you just tell me where he is or where i can find him after school?”

“No way! I don’t think you’re good for him, besides we have glee practice today so Blaine will be in the choir room...” Quickly, Rachel threw her hand over her mouth, she had said too much. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

“Ha, thanks Rachel” called Kurt as he sauntered away.

Blaine was walking down the empty hallways on his way to the choir room when he felt a body press against him, great.

“What’s up babe? If I didn’t know better I’d think you’ve been avoiding me...”

“That’s because I am avoiding you” Blaine protest as he tried to get around Kurt and walk into the choir room.

“Why babe? Everything seemed just fine yesterday” mused Kurt, wrapping his arm around Blaine’s waist. “Better than fine if I remember correctly...”

“Yea it was,” said Blaine as he pushed Kurt off of him. “Everything was fine until I saw you kissing some guy outside my math class and then I saw you guys drive off together! I’m not stupid, I’m not going to sit by and let you use me for your own personal pleasure.”

“Babe it wasn’t like that...”

“Then what was it?”

“It was was... shit it was just Jonathan, he nothing.”

“Exactly Kurt. I don’t want to be another Jonathan, I deserve more than that.” And with that, Blaine passed by Kurt into the choir room and took his seat next to Rachel in the front row.

“Now that we have everyone here I’d like you all to put your hands together for Sebastian Smythe who is going to be audition today,” said Will Schuester as he let a tall, handsome take his spot at the front of the choir. The boy’s eyes scanned the crowd, settling on Blaine. Giving the smaller boy a quick smirk Sebastian queued the music.

Just shoot for the stars

If it feels right

Then aim for my heart

If you feel like

And take me away, make it okay

I swear I'll behave

Making sure his eyes never left Blaine’s, Sebastian circled the choir room, weaving around the band and through the chairs. 

You wanted control

So we waited

I put on a show

Now I make it

You say I'm a kid

My ego is big

I don't give a shit

And it goes like this


Blaine couldn’t take his eyes off the performance and was barely breathing by the time the other boy stood in front of him.


Take me by the tongue

And I'll know you

Kiss me till you're drunk

And I'll show you


I don't need try to control you

Look into my eyes and I'll own you


Yes. Yes he did, Blaine thought as the other boy continued his performance. Blaine was so enrapt in Sebastian’s performance that he didn’t even notice that Kurt was standing outside the choir room watching the whole thing. When the new boy finished his audition Blaine was one of the first of the Glee Club to stand up and applaud.

“It looks like we have a new member!” said Schuester as he clapped Sebastian on the back.

“Thanks everyone,” stated Sebastian, as if the news wasn’t a surprise. “I’m having a little welcome party this Friday at my house and you’re all invited.”

“We’ll be there” Rachel replied quickly.

“I hope so,” smirked Sebastian, sending Blaine a wink as he made his way to his seat.

Maybe this was the new start Blaine was looking for.


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Oh ho ho! I love developments!

haha thanks! i hope you're enjoying it :)

Nooo, if this is going where I think it is going I hate it... I mean, still write it of course but I do hate character's when they do.... What I think they are doing... To Blaine or Kurt :/ update soon!!!

agh sorry i've been drowning with school recently! i'm going to try and update on wednesday! and don't worry, our boys always end up together in the end :)

but he lives alone? he was kicked out why he need to call his parents? because the golf thing he was supposed to go to his parents home that night?

oops you caught me! I wrote parents' house in the last paragraph but not in the first. I fixed it now, but thanks! sorry about that, that's awkward....