From Where You Are
Chapter 6 No Damn Way Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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From Where You Are: Chapter 6 No Damn Way

M - Words: 1,205 - Last Updated: Apr 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Dec 08, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
1,183 0 2 0 0

Back on the bullet train speeding across the countryside towards the Capitol…

“That was beautiful” A quiet voice whispered behind him.

Blaine quickly reached up and wiped away his tears and spun around. There in the doorway, looking as small and vulnerable and possible was Elizabeth.

“Couldn’t sleep too?” Blaine replied, his eyes softening.
Elizabeth shook her head, wrapping her arms tightly around her thin frame.

“I’ll go get you something to drink. Just sit down.” Blaine said walking out of the room, leaving Elizabeth to sink into the soft pillows of the couch.

When Blaine returned with two steaming mugs of cocoa, he saw Elizabeth was crying gently. Heart moving faster than his head, he placed the two mugs carefully on the table and pulled her into his lap. Surprised, Elizabeth hesitated a second before returning his embrace, but unable to stop the sobs, she buried her face into his shoulder. Blaine simply pulled her in tighter, holding her shaking body in his strong arms.

Taking deep breaths, Elizabeth felt her tears dry out but Blaine made no move to release her, both craving human comfort. They sat for hours until the sun started to rise, slowly staining the navy sky with streaks of orange and pink.

“Thank you.” Elizabeth whispered softly.

“You don’t have to thank me Elizabeth.”

“Lizzie. Just call me Lizzie.”

“Lizzie it is then.” Blaine said smiling.

They were quiet for a minute before Blaine felt Eliza…Lizzie shift in his arms and look up into his eyes.

“I can’t win Blaine.” She said, barely audible.

“The odds aren’t great for us but we all have a chance of…”

“Blaine. I can’t. I have asthma.”

Blaine looked into her steady grey eyes. “But can’t you get treatment?”

“My family couldn’t afford it in District 1. You know how expensive medicine there is.”

“What about here?”

Lizzie chucked. “Aren't we on different sides? Anyways, you seriously think they would let me
take an inhaler into the arena?”

“Maybe… I don’t know just try.” His voice shaking.

“Shh. It doesn’t matter. But you have to win.”


“Think about it Blaine, they’re going to give food and medicine to the winning District.” Lizzie said, her eyes shining. “And you have to go back to Kurt. You guys are so good with each other. I see you together in Ancient Literature all the time. You can’t leave him.”

Blaine just tightened his arms around her, pressing her tightly against his chest, burying his face in her hair.

“And you don’t deserve to die.” She murmured against his chest.

“Neither do you.”

Both sat in silence, as morning slowly rose around them, grey countryside flying past the windows, before Blaine broke the quiet, “I wish we were never picked. I wish none of this had happened.”

“’So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.’”

He let out a small laugh. “Just like you to quote Ancient Literature at a time like this.”

“You mock me sir. There is never a time not to quote Ancient Literature.”

Both laughed, the weight of the world lifted off their shoulders for but a moment.

“If that was my last laugh, I’m glad I shared it with you.” Lizzie said quietly, as the somber atmosphere returned to the small room.

“You know what? We’re not doing this.” Blaine said suddenly, quickly rising. Lizzie was dislodged unceremoniously with a yelp as she landed on the floor.

She glared up at him. “What was that for?”

“Sorry about that. But there’s no way we’re giving up already.” Blaine replied lightly over his shoulder before sitting on the piano bench, fingers poised above the keys.

Lizzie scrambled to her feet and hovered over his shoulder. “What are you doing? You’re going to wait Porkeyes and our mentor up.”


“Our escort.”

Blaine chuckled, “Very fitting. And they can sleep when the games are over.”

He started to sing just a he started to play, his determined voice spreading through the room.

My mind is racing but my heart it beats faster
I’m in control, commander and master
Lady Fate creating disaster
But she ain’t the boss of me. Nu-uh
Head-on collision with a catastrophic setback
Makes you either want to get lost or get back
I choose the latter, let’s not forget that
We have the hearts this time
So there’s no need to bitch or whine

There’s no way I’m gonna take another option!
No way I’m gonna settle with a loss!
No way I’m gonna sit around and watch!
There’s no no way…
There’s no way you’re gonna find me in the background!
No damn way you’re gonna see me satisfied!
No way they’re ever gonna make me back down!
No no way…

Elizabeth giggled and settled down next to him on the bench and sang, Blaine looking up at her in pleasant surprise as he played in tune to her clear voice.

We got the music, the upper hand is ours
So the game is on!

Blaine joined in seamlessly with a smile.


The clock ticks, but we’ve got our tricks
To fuss with and fix what’s wrong!


She smiled as he sang to her, his voice gaining strength.

Let’s wake up and go girl
Take out the bad guys
Watch out for Porkeyes

She laughed loudly and sang back.


Their clear and confident voices rose unified, almost shouting out the lyrics to the empty room.

We’ll take it on together
We’re stronger and we’re better
And if there’s a problem…
Ha! Whatever!

There’s no way we’re gonna leave it up to chance!
There’s no damn way we’re gonna go without a fight!
No way you’re gonna see us on our ass!
There’s no no way…
There’s no way we’re gonna settle with sorrow!
Leave right now if you think this ain’t real!
Today, not waitin’ for tomorrow!
No, no way there’s no way
No, no way there’s no way
No, no way there’s no way

They both collapsed into fits of laughter over the keys, forgetting the world around them, forgetting whoever may have wanted to sleep, forgetting what had happened, what was happening.

“Well I guess since you two are up we might as well eat breakfast and get started.” Phebee Crippet, the District 1 mentor, said coldly behind them, “And seems that we’ve found your talent Mr. Anderson. Too bad it won’t win you the games.”

End Notes: Credits: -The quote used by Elizabeth is by J.R.R. Tolkien, from his novel The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring- The fabulous totally awesome song is No Way by Starkid from their A Very Potter Sequel. Seriously, go listen to it! (and Darren sings it so you can really picture the scene) Please review!


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Nope, his singing voice might not help him but keeping in high spirits and remaining optimistic will. Veni Vidi Vici

we came, we saw, we conquered.- julius caeser. clever clever girl.