From Where You Are
Chapter 15 Little Songbird Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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From Where You Are: Chapter 15 Little Songbird

M - Words: 1,520 - Last Updated: Apr 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Dec 08, 2011 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
912 0 14 0 0

Author's Notes: WARNING: A lot of violence. (it's the Hunger Games after all)Here we go.....

"You know I really was hoping that I'd be the one to finish you off princess. Almost got you a few days ago but damn you fairies can fly." The gravelly voice continued into his victim's ear and Blaine felt warm liquid spill slowly across his neck and onto the guitar below as the knife was pressed harder into his throat.

"You know who I am, don't you? Why don't you say anything? The world is watching."

Blaine bit his lip, not breathing a sound. He refused to give Colin Joules of District 2 as well as the nation of Panem the satisfaction of hearing his voice shake.

This was still entertainment.

Mind racing as fast of his heart, Blaine sat frozen, trying to find a way out.

"No? Come on little songbird, let's give the crowd something to cheer about." His attacker growled and Blaine gasped at the sharp sting of the knife digging into his soft skin.

Moving fast as the wind that whipped above the two tributes and the rain that began to pour above them (the Gamemakers trying to enhance the scene), Blaine twisted and elbowed Colin in his groin, rolling away and dodging the knife that flew dangerously close. He jumped to his feet and looked at his attacker, rolling on the balls of his feet and drawing the long blade from his jacket as he caught his breath.

Colin was doubled over with a wheeze before rising to his full height, glaring at the shorter boy before him and brandishing his knife, the tip still slightly tinged with Blaine's blood. "You're going to regret that." He snarled as he charged.

Blaine quickly sidestepped and as Colin turned to face him, swinging the blade down as Blaine raised his own, stopping its path with a loud clang, the sound of the metal smashing against each other ringing out through the stormy air. The boys twisted around and continued this deadly dance, neither inflicting any serious damage on the other. Although Colin had more experience with weapons and was stronger, Blaine was fast, and like the instructor had taught him, he used it to his advantage.

 Parrying a particularly hard swing, Blaine's arm shook under the immense pressure and he twisted away and kicked Colin. As the District 2 tribute stumbled back Blaine took his chance and lunged in with the blade. Colin howled in pain as Blaine's knife tore through his arm but he recovered fast and suddenly Blaine felt himself fly through the air as Colin threw him across the clearing. Blaine landed with a crash on his wounded shoulder, and he bit his lip to prevent himself from crying out as his head snapped back against the rocks, his knife flying out of his hand.

Gasping for air, Blaine rolled onto his back, the air knocked out of him. Blinking his eyes to refocus them, he could vaguely make out the figure of Colin through the pouring rain as the monstrous tribute moved to tower above him. Blaine tried to scramble back on his hands but Colin kicked him savagely in the ribs and he felt something crack. Blood dripped down Colin's arm and he stared down at Blaine, fury setting his eyes on fire. The shorter boy felt his heart flutter in fear as he saw Colin smirk down at him, now holding a giant boulder above him.

"Let's see you play guitar now princess." Colin spat as he rose up and smashed the boulder onto Blaine's hand.

Blaine couldn't suppress the scream of agony that was ripped out of him as he felt the boulder shatter the bones in his fingers.

"Oh and look, our little songbird remembered how to sing."

The pain violently rose up from his hand and through his arm and shoulder and with black spots dancing before his eyes. With pain rising violently in every molecule of his being Blaine kicked Colin's feet from him and rolled away, jumping to his feet, swaying slightly. Colin charged at Blaine like a bull, wielding his knife, looking to finish the shorter boy off. Now unarmed, Blaine raised his hands, and as he dodged Colin's swing he brought up his good fist and smashed it into the larger tribute's nose, hearing a satisfying crunch. While Colin was still reeling Blaine brought his hand back and punched Colin in the jaw. The jarring force of his own blow sent tremors up his tired arms and reopened the cut on his shoulder.

Stumbling back a few steps, Blaine clutched his broken hand and shook his head to dislodge the soaking dark curls that plastered his forehead, blinking away the raindrops and teardrops. Without warning Colin was upon him again and a large fist crashed against his cheek with the force of a train. Blaine fell to the ground but Colin lifted him up from his neck, crushing his windpipe, driving him back into a tree. He felt the splinters from the bark driving into his skin and cried out in pain as Colin hit him again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

Finally, Blaine recovered enough strength to escape from Colin's iron grip and hit the other boy, but he was so weak. It hurt to stand. It hurt to move. It hurt to breathe. It hurt to think, hell it hurt everywhere. He knew he couldn't last. He panicked.

But there was nowhere to go.

The world seemed too slow. Breaths became short, quick, and shallow. Heart racing, relishing every beat. He was scared. He realized that he could die. He was going to die. He was never going to see Kurt again. He couldn't keep his promise. Blaine looked around, trying to find something, anything, to help him. But there was nothing. Pain, pain everywhere. He felt like he was going to explode. Colors danced before his eyes. He doubled over, coughing up blood, trying to breathe. As he straightened up he saw Colin approaching almost theatrically, the long blade flashing in the lightning.

Kurt needs me to come home, Blaine thought and bent his head back, the cold droplets smashing against his heated skin. He had to get home.

Standing tall, chin high he looked at Colin straight in the eye. Colin just charged, limping slightly, blood pouring out of the tear in his shoulder. Blaine moved quickly, dodging the blade as it whizzed close. Seeing an opening, Blaine struck out and Colin grunted as a fist drove into his eye.

But then Colin grabbed Blaine's arms, holding them up, using his height as an advantage. For a split second, Blaine's torso was exposed. Unprotected. And Colin took his chance.

Blaine gasped, crying out in pain, as the knife stabbed into his chest, right below his heart, driving into his body with enough force to break a rib on its way in. Colin stumbled back, letting out a laugh, leaving the blade embedded in Blaine's body.

Blaine looked down in shock at the intrusion. He tried to breathe, fill his lungs with oxygen, but no air seemed to make its way. His mouth opened and closed, trying to inhale, to exhale, anything. But nothing.

Colin struck him down and Blaine dropped to his knees. His attacker turned, fists raised in triumph, screaming victory at the stormy sky. Screaming victory at every citizen of Panem who was watching.

But Blaine didn't know that. The world was silent. Every second the span of a lifetime.

He closed his hazel eyes, trying to picture himself encircled in his love's arms again. Warm and safe. Trying to push away the world he was trapped in now.

I don't want to die here, he thought.

As the world spun, dark blurring the edges, he closed his eyes and remembered.

He remembered his family, his friends, the Warblers, the New Directions.

He remembered District 1, a little stone cottage, and a meadow.

He remembered Kurt.

He remembered everything about Kurt. From the moment he felt a tap on his shoulder as he walked down the stairs of the Educational Facility to his rusted bike. How he turned to answer and how his world seemed to freeze as he looked into the eyes of the most beautiful boy he had ever seen. How he could almost feel the sparks fly as he took him by the hand.

He remembered their first kiss, the soft touch of Kurt's lips against his. The feel of his hands as they reached up to cup his boyfriend's porcelain face.

He remembered his laughter. His voice. Light and ringing like a chime. The warmth he would get while he listened to it, having no choice but to join in.

He remembered how Kurt made him smile.

He remembered how his eyes would sparkle and the way his nose would crinkle.

He remembered how it felt to fall in love with him.

I'm so sorry Kurt, he thought as tears streamed down his face. I am so sorry I couldn't keep my promise. I'm so sorry I can't see your bright blue eyes light up again. I'm so sorry I can't hold you again. I'm so sorry I can't kiss you again. I'm so sorry I couldn't come home.

Pain consumed his once again. He exhaled. Let himself crumple to the floor and embraced Kurt in his thoughts as his world spun into darkness.

End Notes: ....Hugs? Please rate and review!


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No! He can't die. There are to many fanfics on here without the good endings. Please don't let this be the end.

We're not at the end yet. I just enjoy toying with your emotions. Breathe Sweetheart. ;) But I really do love the angst of it all so we will see...All the awards to you for the prompt review though haha.

Hugs? How about a slap? :P Hmm, not sure if the victory stance from Colin was because he defeated Blaine himself or if Blaine was the last other contestant standing but something tells me (My optimistic little Kaine heart), that it might be a bit premature. Here's hoping anyway. This is still brilliant by the way. I read this like I'm watching a fight live or something because I find myself wanting to yell warnings and cheers at the computer screen whenever something happens, that's how good this is.

Thank you so very much! I'm glad you're still enjoying the story! I remember you don't like reading WIPs so I really do hope that this is still ok!



<img src="" alt="" width="245" height="138" /> <img src="" alt="" width="245" height="138" />

Nooooo Blaine can't die!!!!!!! How depressing :(

Oh he most certainly can die. I mean, although he is a character, he is human. But we shall see...

Please tell me Blaine isn't dead. I don't know if I can deal with that. Please update again soon! I don't have tumblr, so I was wondering how I can send in my entry to the contest. Thanks!

As promised you get your chapters on Thursday. You guys did want consistancy after all... :p You can send me your entry personally if you'd like. My email is Looking forward to see what you have in store!

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, Blainey can't die! Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease don't kill him!!!!!

I will take that into consideration but it may be too late, I mean, that knife did dig in pretty deep. But we shall see..... (Thanks for the review!)