Feb. 16, 2013, 9:42 a.m.
Feb. 16, 2013, 9:42 a.m.
Waking up next to Kurt the next morning turned out to be even weirder than I had anticipated. For one thing, I didn't wake up next to him; I woke up almost on top of him.
It wasn't the fact that waking up on top of him was weird, it was the fact that my nose was buried in the crook of his neck is what had a totally new effect on me. I untangled our limbs to slip out of bed and use the bathroom.
Standing under the hot spray of the shower, I tried to rid my mind of what happened last night. Last night didn't mean anything. We weren't going anywhere. I was just a fake boyfriend, a decoy. I didn't matter to Kurt like that, no matter how hard I wished for it.
I opened the bathroom door with a towel slung around my body to find Kurt still lying in bed, he was dozing with half lidded eyes. I had the sudden urge to go over there, crawl up on the mattress and drop a lazy, open-mouthed kiss to his lips. I did so.
"Hey," Kurt croaked, ruffling my hair with his hand.
"Thanks for the wake-up kiss."
"No problem."
"Okay, well, I'm going to get a shower. See you in a bit." Kurt smiled, giving me a chaste kiss upon my lips before leaving for the bathroom.
The wedding was tomorrow so I took my suit out of my suitcase and hung it up on the cupboard handle, ready for tomorrow. I placed my jet-black shoes beside them.
I got changed and lounged about on the bed, waiting for Kurt's return. He emerged out of the now steaming bathroom, beads of water travelled down his arms and legs.
"What do you want to do today?"
"I don't mind," Kurt said, expertly putting on his boxers underneath his towel, tugging on some shorts and pulling on a tank top. "Stay in, relax, be with you."
"I want to say something."
Kurt laughed, "Okay," He sat on the bed, "What is it?"
"Last night, what happened between us...the whole kissing thing. What...was that?" I asked, coming to sit beside him
Kurt was silent; he edged away from me, probably trying to find himself a way out of this.
"I thought it was practise."
"Really? It seemed pretty real."
"Well we want it to be real. So people don't find out."
That's when I exploded.
"You're crazy!" The fiery tone in my voice lashed at Kurt, making him wince and back away from me completely.
"What...what do you mean?"
"You are crazy! Who does this?"
"Does what?"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about."
"Please elaborate."
"You don't use someone for a fake relationship! You can't fucking use love like that, you can't. It's not normal!"
"I'm just trying to please my family! You don't know what it's like to be the only single child, it's horrible! I sit everyday and I watch couples, holding hands, kissing, loving and just...why can't I have that? I deserve that!"
"Of course you deserve that!" I shrieked, painfully loud; not meaning to. "You deserve love. But the way you're playing at it, I don't think you deserve it right now."
"...Why are you being such a bitch?"
"I'm the bitch? Have you looked in the mirror lately? You are the one who dragged me all the way from fucking New York for a stupid wedding I didn't even have to come to."
"Why did you come then?"
"Because you're my best friend. It's what's friends do. They look out for each other and that's what I'm doing here. I'm not pretending to be your boyfriend, I'm just a best friend." I stopped, tears began to pool. "And that's all I'll ever be,"
My legs began to feel weak, my knees felt like big concrete boulders and I fell to the ground, landing on my knees, "That's all I'll ever be."
The tears finally came like the monsoon season. My cheeks were streaked with salty water, my nose coloured to a faint red and my lips were quivering. Where was this coming from? Kurt had made his feelings towards me perfectly clear; he didn't love me like I loved her. I just had to face the facts and move on.
But I couldn't. I was in love and there's no going back once you're in love.
Kurt looked at me then, disorientation in his eyes.
"What you said at dinner last night, about love, was that the truth? Honestly?"
"I have to go." Ignoring his question, abruptly standing up and rushing around the room collecting my luggage.
"What? No! Where are you going?" Kurt asked, in a slur of words.
"Home. I'm going home. I need to think."
"What about?"
"You. Me...and us."
"Let's talk about it! Blaine, please don't go. I am begging you! I need you!" Kurt began to sob.
"I just don't want to be around you at the moment..." I scowled.
Kurt snapped, "Fine! Go, get out. I don't care anymore."
"...I'm so sorry."
"Just get out!"
I left the room in a hurry, unable to think or communicate with another human being. The weather outside matched my emotions. I stood in the rain, small drops of grief welled up in the corners of my eyes and suddenly, hot torrents of regret coursed down my face, mingling with the rain, my racking sobs lost in the high winds that tore at my hair and clothes.
What the hell was I doing? I had to go back. My best friend was in need of help, and I wasn't there. I had to go back and help him.
I returned back to our room and knocked on the door three times. Kurt opened the door, he looked awful. His eyes leaked pain, depression, remorse and apology. He opened the door wider and I ran into his arms.
"Oh my God," I breathed.
Kurt ran his hand through my hair, "I'm sorry, you're right. I'm being selfish. We should stop this. I can't use love like that, I'll come clean and tell the others."
"No!" I said, breaking apart from the hug.
"Because you want to please your family, I'm your best friend and it's what I have to do."
"You're amazing." Kurt sighed, happily, wrapping his arms around my neck. "I don't deserve a friend like you."
"What are you talking about?"
"You deserve someone who doesn't use something so precious for something stupid and I-"
I stopped him before he could carry on with a kiss. He reciprocated the kiss as he clutched my shirt, pouring nearly everything he had into it.
I broke away to breathe, before locking my lips with his. Kurt managed to elicit a tiny squeak through the process. We began to explore. Gentle, lingering touches of lips against lips, light nibbles, hands wandering and bodies pressing closer.
I broke apart once more, placing my hands on his shoulders. I looked deep into his glasz eyes; however, they were sleepy, unfocused.
"What is this? You and me?" I breathed.
Kurt's mouth gaped but no sounds came, when suddenly, a smile appeared on his red, kiss swollen lips.
"Something new. Fresh. Exciting."
"That's great; but you know what I mean. What is this?" I asked, pointing a finger between the two of us.
"I need to think about that. Give me time."
"Of course." I smiled.
He replied with a small upturn of his lips.