The Roommate
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The Roommate: Chapter 25

E - Words: 1,485 - Last Updated: Apr 06, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 41/41 - Created: Mar 18, 2013 - Updated: Apr 06, 2013
190 0 0 0 0

We woke up the next morning absolutely starving, we walked to the kitchen hand in hand and found Cooper and Rachel both sitting there drinking coffee.

"Good morning." I greeted them.

"The noise cancelling headphones you bought me aren't powerful enough." Rachel told me.


"You know....I never wanted to know what my baby brother sounded like when he thanks for burning that sound into my eardrums." Cooper remarked.

"We're young, hot and in love. We're going to fuck a lot; it's a fact of life. Get used to it." Blaine said shrugging.

"I'll see if I can find more powerful noise cancelling headphones...for both of you." I told them.

"You could just be quieter." Rachel said.

"I really don't see that happening."

She made a face at me.

"Sorry but we have really good sex...we can't help but be loud."

Blaine nodded.

"Now if you'll excuse us we need to take a shower." I said heading towards the bathroom pulling Blaine behind me.

We got into the shower and Blaine poured my body wash on his hands and washed my body, I leaned back into his arms and enjoyed the feeling of being taken care of. When he was done with my body he washed my hair.

"You know I never let anybody touch my hair." I commented which caused him to stop.

"No, keep going...I just meant the fact I let you wash my hair is proof of how much I love you, seriously tell my dad or Rachel about this and they'll start asking when the wedding is."

He laughed and then kissed my shoulder.

"I don't think we're quite ready for that yet."

"No not yet." I agreed.

He finished washing my hair and we traded positions so I could give him the same treatment. After we dried off and got dressed we when back to the kitchen for breakfast.

"Do you actually eat a cereal called cock rings?" Cooper asked.

"Oh my god! What is with you two? It is not called cock rings!"

"Totally is." Blaine smirked.

I shook my head at them and continued to eat my breakfast, determined not to let them ruin it for me. After I finished eating I washed my bowl and then went to Blaine to get my goodbye kisses, Copper who was still sitting at the table puckered up like he wanted a kiss too, I couldn't help but laugh when Blaine smacked him upside the head.

"I'll see you later baby, I love you."

"I love you too Sexy."

Cooper made gaging noises and when I heard him cry out in pain I was pretty sure Blaine hit him again. I hoped when I got home both Andersons were still alive.

During dance class our instructor announced that we would be working with partners, with a wink she told me I was to be paired with took me a few minutes to realise that she didn't know we had broken up and that while it seemed like a life time ago to me it was really only a manner of weeks.

"How've you been Kurt?" Adam asked coming to stand next to me.

"I've been....great actually and you?" I told him not seeing the point in lying.

"I've been really good; you know I expected to be a lot more torn up about our break than I offense."

"None taken, it's like I told you the two of us were never meant to be." I told him as I tried to copy the chorography we were being shown.

"Hmm...I think I get it are things with Blaine? Last time we talked you two weren't really on speaking terms."

I blushed. "Things with Blaine are amazing."

"I don't think I've ever seen you this happy."

"I've never been this happy."

"You love him?"

"With every fiber of my being."

"Have you told him?"


"And he loves you back?"

"He really does."

"Good. That's good."

"Are you sure you're ok to talk about this? I mean it wasn't that long ago that you thought you loved me."

"I know...but you were right it really was more of a friendship kind of love....when we kissed there were no...." he trailed off.


He nodded.

"One day you'll find a guy who gives you butterflies."

"Does Blaine? Give you butterflies I mean."

"He does, every single time we kiss and he has told me he gets them too."

"It must be nice to have that kind of love."

"It really is and like...even though we haven't been together all that long I know we're going to be together for the rest of our lives." I smiled remembering the nursing home conversation Blaine and I had the night before.

"Kurt! Quit talking and pay attention!"

"Sorry miss, I'm afraid it was my fault. I asked him about his boyfriend you see." Adam defended me.

She gave us a confused look. "I thought you two...."

"Not for a while...but if you have time after class I'm quite sure Kurt will be more than willing to tell you all about Blaine."

I nodded.

"How about we just get back to dance class?" She suggested.

As soon as class let out Adam and I burst out laughing.

"Oh my god! The look on her face!" I giggled.

"I know! I thought she was going to shit a brick! Remember when we broke up and I said I'd like to be friends at some point? I think I'm ready for that now."

"That would be great Adam. You'll have to come by for a movie night some time...although if I were you I'd wait a few days as Blaine's brother is staying with us and he is kind of crazy."

"Are you making him stay on the couch? You guys don't have a spare room."

" and I share a room now so he's staying in Blaine's old room."

" guys are really serious aren't you? I mean it's not just smitten talk, it really is real."

"It really is real."

"Listen Kurt....I'm sorry about how I used to try and pressure you into sex....I think I thought it would make you love me. I'm really glad that your first time was with the love of your life."

"Thanks Adam and I forgive you for all that...just learn from it ok? If your next boyfriend isn't ready then don't pressure him it won't make him ready any faster."

He nodded.

"It was nice talking to you Adam."

"You too Kurt, see you around."

When I got home I wasn't sure what I'd find knowing that Blaine and Cooper were alone in the apartment all day, surprisingly they and the apartment all appeared to be intact.

"How was your day baby?"

"Good. How was yours?"

"Surprisingly good, I got partnered with Adam in dance class and it wasn't nearly as awkward as I thought it would be."

"Really?" Blaine asked, I could tell from his tone he wasn't happy.

"Yes and before you get jealous I spent the whole time telling him how wonderful you are and how much I love you." I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him deeply.

"Sorry....I just know that he knows how amazing you are and I don't want him to try and steal you from me."

"Oh baby, nobody could ever steal me from you. I love you."

Blaine kissed me. "I love you too."

"Spring break is coming up and I promised my dad I'd go home to Lima."

"For the whole week? How am I supposed to survive a week without you?"

"I want you to come with me."

"Dads don't like me."

"Mine will."

"How could you know that?"

"Because I love you and you make me happy...that's all my dad cares about."


"Really. My dad hated Adam because he knew he wasn't right for me, so I know that he'll love you because you are."

"I sure hope so."

"I know so. Now let's have some dinner so you can get your ass to work."

"Oh! You work at a bar right? I'm so coming! I need to get laid!" Cooper announced going to his room to pick out a going out outfit.

"He doesn't know you work at a gay bar?"

Blaine shook his head.

"Please take some pictures and possibly some video of his face when he realises it."

"I will."


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