The Roommate
Chapter 22 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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The Roommate: Chapter 22

E - Words: 1,087 - Last Updated: Apr 06, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 41/41 - Created: Mar 18, 2013 - Updated: Apr 06, 2013
194 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I must admit part of the reason I update so fast is because I am addicted to reading all the amazing reviews you guys give me. I wish I could give you all a giant hug!

I couldn't sleep so I went to his room, hoping that maybe I could convince him but he had locked his door. I grabbed my blanket and wrapped myself up in it deciding to just sit on the couch and watch a Facts of Life marathon as there was no way I would fall asleep without him. He didn't come out of his room until long after I would have normally gone to school but after last night and literally no sleep there was no way in hell I was going to school.

"Have you been out here all night?" he asked taking in my appearance.

"I can't sleep without you so yes I was out here all night."

He shrugged.

"Look Blaine, if you don't love me I understand but don't you dare tell me I don't love you because I do and no matter what you do I will never ever stop."

"What if I went out a found a random to fuck?"

"It would break my heart but I would still love you. Even if I wanted to stop loving you I couldn't."

"I still don't understand why."

"Because you are the best person I have ever met."

"Then you've met some shitty people."

I shook my head. "I've met some amazing people and you are the best of them all."

He sighed.

"I wish that was true."

"It is true Blaine, let me ask you something. Did you go out last night a find a random to fuck?"


"Because you knew it would hurt me if you did, right?"

He nodded.

"See if you were a bad person you wouldn't have cared."

He chewed his lip.

"Do you honestly love me?"

"Yes. I wouldn't have said it if I didn't!"

"I still don't think I'm worth."

"That's ok, I do and I'll convince you that you are worth it."

"I can't sleep without you either."

"Then let's never even attempt it again."


"Now, can we please take a nap?"

He nodded and then led me to my bedroom, the sheets were still dirty from last night but that really didn't seem important right now. I cuddled into his chest and breathed a sigh of relief for being back where I belong.

"Kurt, I love you and that scares me, the people I love always hurt me."

"I will never ever hurt you. I promise."

"I want to believe you but..."

"I understand baby." I kissed him.

"So, does this mean I have you all day?"


"After our nap we should move my stuff in here."

"We will."

"I sleep better after an orgasm."

"I know you do baby."

"And isn't it mandatory for couples to have make-up sex after a fight?"

"I'm not sure that could be classified as a fight."

"I'll leave my cock inside you the whole time we're asleep."

"Damn, you really know how to push my buttons don't you?"

"Is that a yes?"


"Why not?" He pouted.

"Because my darling our relationship shouldn't just be about sex but right now it kind of is."

"So you are going to withhold sex from me?"

"No. But I don't think we should have sex just because we can."

"What other reason is there to have sex?"

"Love Blaine."

"I love you and you love"

"If you are asking me to have sex with you to express our love for each other than yes I will have sex with you, but if you want to have sex with me simply because you want sex then my answer is no, not right now."

"I want to show you that I'm sorry for not sleeping with you last night and for doubting you when you said you love me, I still don't get why you do but I believe you do."

"I know all that already but yes we can make love." I kissed him softly.

He caressed my face. "You are so beautiful."

"I love you Blaine."

"I love you too."

"Show me."

He ran his hands up and down my body like he was worshiping it before reaching for the lube and fingering me open. We had fucked before, we had even made love before but this was different, this was our first time being intimate after confessing our feelings to each other. I knew that this time was about giving ourselves to the other completely, not just our bodies but our hearts as well and I knew that this was a first for him. I knew that this was the first time he had sex with someone who he knew loved him, someone who would stick around after and not just because we lived in the same apartment or because he was a good fuck but because I love him. I could tell he was feeling vulnerable despite being the top so I reached up and kissed him, pouring all my love into that kiss to try and kiss away his nerves.

"I don't want to screw this up." He whispered.

"You won't."

"I did last night."

"No you didn't, you can't screw this up Blaine. Our love is too strong we can overcome anything."


My words seemed to relax him a bit, and when he finally entered me I could feel all his nerves melt away. It was the most loving and intimate sex we had ever had, and I knew that it wouldn't be the last time that we connected so fully. Afterwards he kept his promise of remaining inside me.

"Kurt, why do you always want me to stay inside of you after?"

"I just love feeling connected to you Blaine and I want that feeling to last as long as possible. It might sound silly but I can't think of anything more intimate then lying in bed with my boyfriend's soft cock inside of me. Think about it, have you ever taken a nap with anyone else after sex with your cock still inside of him?"

"No. I pretty much pulled out as soon as I came."

"Exactly, this is something only I get to experience."

"I guess that makes sense."


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