April 28, 2013, 9:11 p.m.
April 28, 2013, 9:11 p.m.
One month before the wedding
"I think the couch would look better over there." Kurt told me.
"We had the couch over there Sexy and you hated it."
"Hmm...maybe if I turn it like this." He said pushing the couch to angle it.
"That looks good."
"Now the coffee table is all wrong."
"Ok but if I move it like that...there perfect right?"
"I guess."
"Tell you what, leave the furniture the way it is and after the wedding if you still want to change then go ahead."
"Yeah, ok...hey don't you have a suit fitting to get to?"
"I've got time."
"Hmm...how much time?"
"Enough time to help you relax a little." I told him palming his cock through his pants before sinking to my knees once I felt him get nice and hard.
I think my favorite thing about our new house was I could do this is the living room and not have to worry about anyone walking in on us. I moaned as I deep throated his cock, loving the feeling of having my mouth so full of him. I put my hands on his hips and he tangled his fingers in my curls as we worked together in fucking my mouth on his cock. I wanted to be able to take my time and savour this but I knew this would have to be fast in order for me to get to my appointment on time luckily I knew all the ways to make him cum quickly and I didn't hesitate to use them.
"Oh fuck Blaine!" He moaned just before I was rewarded with a mouth full of his cum.
I licked his softening cock clean before placing it back in his pants for him. I stood up and kissed him deeply as his tongue sought out remnants of cum in my mouth.
"When you get back I'm totally repaying you for that." He told me.
"I look forward to it Sexy." I told him kissing him again and then kissing his cheek.
It was my final suit fitting and fortunately it didn't take long and the suit fit me like a glove.
"Kurt is going to cum in his pants when he sees you in that." Sebastian told me.
"Classy Sebastian." Wes admonished him.
"Please I'm just saying what everyone was thinking."
"I was definitely not thinking that." Wes told him.
"He won't cum in his pants he has more restraint than that but I do look damn good."
"So are you freaking out yet?" Sebastian asked.
I looked at him questioningly.
"About the whole getting married thing."
"Not at all, I'm slightly worried that I'll mess up at the ceremony but the actual marrying Kurt part that doesn't worry me at all."
"I just can't imagine only fucking one guy for the rest of your life." Sebastian said making a face.
"Maybe not right now but one day you will."
He shook his head.
"Mark my words one day we'll all be getting ready for your wedding."
He scoffed at the idea.
"What about Kurt? Is he freaking out?"
"He's worried we've forgotten something important or that something will go wrong at the wedding but I don't think he's worried about the marriage. I'm trying my best to relax him though." I told him as I went to change out of my wedding suit.
"Did you give him your surprise yet?" Wes asked.
"Not yet, I have a bit more work to do it and then I'll give it to him."
"He's going to love it."
"I hope so."
When I got home Kurt was waiting for me and just like he promised he sank to his knees and gave me an amazing blowjob, probably better than the one I gave him as he was able to take his time. After he was finished I pulled him on the couch to cuddle.
"Are we sure we got everything in order?" He asked.
"Let's see we got our marriage licence, we got a justice of the peace, we have out suits, we have the rings, we have the flowers ordered, the invitations have been sent, the menu for the receptions has been set, our cake has been ordered, yes I think we have everything."
He nodded.
"Stop worrying Sexy, everything will be perfect."
"What if it's not perfect? What if something happens like I don't know....the cake falls or one of us trips while walking down the aisle?"
"I can't guarantee that nothing will go wrong but as far as I'm concerned as long as at the end of it I'm married to you then it will have been perfect."
"How do always know what to say to make me feel better?"
"It's a gift."
"We don't have decorations! What are we going to do just stand in the middle of the backyard and get married? We need like an arch or something, and oh my god we don't have chairs for the guests."
"Ok, I'll call a few chair rental places and see what I can do, if people have to stand then they have to stand they'll get over it."
"We still need an arch."
I bite my lip.
"Come with me."
"Ok." He said taking my outstretched hand. "Where are we going?"
I didn't respond but instead I took him to the garage.
"It isn't done yet...it needs to be painted still but...."
"You built me an arch?"
"Umm...well...yeah...I figured we could use it for our wedding and then leave it up in the yard and then we can point to it and tell our kids that's where we got married and..."I was cut off by his lips on mine.
"You are the best fiancé ever." He told me before kissing me again.
"So you like it?"
"I love it baby!" He replied before kissing me again. "Are you going to paint it white?"
"I was planning on it."
"Can I do it? I mean I know you built it for me and I love it but...if I painted it then it would be something we made, never mind...I'm being silly."
"I like that idea...I'm sorry I didn't think of it."
"So I can paint it?"
"Of course you can Sexy."
"It's so beautiful Blaine."
"You're not just saying that?"
He shook his head and I could tell from the expression on his face that he really did love it.
"I might stain it instead of painting it white; the wood you used is so beautiful it would be a shame to cover it up."
"Yeah, that's part of the reason I hadn't painted it yet, I was having trouble making up my mind I was leaning towards white just because it was for the wedding but staining it could be really great too."
"Our wedding is going to be perfect; even if everything goes wrong it's going to be perfect."