The Family
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The Family: Chapter 4

E - Words: 1,038 - Last Updated: Jul 31, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: May 11, 2013 - Updated: Jul 31, 2013
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It has been a month since we first started looking at profiles but we still hadn't found the one and I still didn't know what Kurt was looking for, I asked him and he just shrugged and told me he'd know when he saw her but I couldn't shake the feeling that he had something specific in mind and just wasn't telling me. After we rejected the last batch of possible donors our contact at the agency called us in for a face to face meeting. "Mr. and Mr. Hummel I have got to say while I know how important finding the right donor is I find the fact that you've rejected every single file I given you without so much as meeting the girls to be concerning." Our consultant at the surrogacy agency told us at what was quickly becoming our weekly appointment a couple days after Kurt had finished rejecting all the files we had been given on our last visit. "I'm worried that maybe you aren't quite ready for a baby and that's why you can't pick a donor." "We're ready for a baby; we just haven't found the right donor yet." Kurt told her. "Well maybe if you told me what exactly you are looking for I can help you find the right woman. Although I've got to say I've already sent you some of our best." "I'll know the right one when I see her." Kurt insisted. "I can't help but feel like you're looking for something specific and you just don't want to admit it." I told him. He shrugged. "Kurt. Please just tell us, the after you tell us the faster we can find her and have our baby." I begged. "Oh god, this is going to sound shallow... but none of them have the right look." "Ok! Now we're getting somewhere. What do you want her to look like?" Our consultant asked her pen poised to take notes. He looked at me and bit his lip, I nodded encouragingly. "I want her to have black curly hair, hazel eyes and olive skin." "You want her to look like me?" I asked softly. "Yeah...we can't have a baby that's half you and half me but we can have one that looks like it's half you and half me." He told me looking into my eyes. "I love you so much." I told him taking his hand and kissing it. "I love you too honey." "That might be the sweetest thing I have ever heard. I'm sure we have a few girls who look like that, I'll send their files to you as soon as possible." The files didn't show up in our email until the next day and when they did there were only three but each girl looked like she could be my sister if I had one in fact they looked more like me than my own brother did. Kurt and I curled up on the couch together and looked through the files. "That one." He said pointing at one of the girls. "Are you sure?" "Well we have to meet her and make sure she isn't psycho or something but yeah." I sent a quick email back to the agency telling them we wanted to have a meeting with her, they replied rather quickly that while she was a new donor that she passed all their tests with flying colors and that they thought we'd hit it off with her, they also told us they'd contact her and then let us know when she could meet with us. Three of the longest days of my life later we were in the agency's waiting room. "Blaine, Kurt, this is Maria." Linda our consultant told us walking into the waiting room with our prospective donor. "Hi." She said giving a small wave. "Hi Maria, it's nice to meet you." Kurt said warmly and I smiled in agreement. "You to, sorry if I seem nervous this is my first time." "Ours too." I reassured her. "Can I ask you something?" Kurt said biting his lip. "That's sort of why we're here isn't it?" She replied. "Right. If you haven't done this before then how do you know you'll be ok with giving the baby up? We're looking for someone to be both the donor and the surrogate, you are aware of that aren't you?" "I am. The way I see it the baby will be yours not mine, that's why I'll be able to give it up, yeah it'll be my egg but that doesn't make it my baby." "Believe me Mr. Hummel I understand your concern but I assure you we fully discussed the subject for her when she applied to be a donor." Linda told Kurt. "What made you want to be a donor?" I asked Maria. "My brother and his partner recently had a baby and that wouldn't have been possible without an egg donor and I just I see them and how happy they are and it just occurred to me that I can give that to someone, I can make them that happy. I can maybe make the two of you that happy." "You understand you won't be active in our baby's life right? It would be ok if you came by and saw him or her sometimes but you won't be involved in the parenting decisions or anything?" Kurt asked. "I know and I'm fine with that, like I said it would be your baby and not mine. But I'd still have the knowledge that I brought happiness into your lives even if I don't see it for myself." "We'd want to be involved in the pregnancy, would you be ok with that? Even if it meant moving into our house temporarily during the last few months?" I asked. "Oh yeah, that would be fine." "And the medical information the agency has for you is complete? Nothing we need to worry about? No family history of diabetes or anything?" Kurt asked. "It's 100% complete, trust me I phoned every member of my family and verified it." Kurt and I shared a look. "Maria, would you have our baby?" I asked. "I would be honored to."


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