The Family
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The Family: Chapter 28

E - Words: 1,045 - Last Updated: Jul 31, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: May 11, 2013 - Updated: Jul 31, 2013
175 0 0 0 0

After the nurses cleaned her up Kurt and I took turns holding our tiny little daughter and counting her tiny little fingers and toes to make sure there were ten of each. I honestly didn't really understand why people did that until I was holding my own little girl and felt the need to.

"She really does have your nose." I told Kurt smiling.

"She's going to have hair just like yours." He said lightly stroking the patch of black hair on her head.

"Aw poor baby."

"Stop it I love your hair."

"Did you want to hold her Maria?" I asked suddenly remembering that she and some nurses were still in the room.

"No." She said firmly.

"We're going to take Maria back to her room to rest now." The nurse said helping her into a wheel chair. "Maybe you can come by and see her in a little while."

"Let's go introduce you to your family." Kurt said to Amelia.

Apparently they expected the labor to last longer than it did because when we reached the waiting room they were all either playing on their phones, watching the TV or napping....ok so it was Steven who was napping which is allowed since he's just a baby himself. Kurt cleared his throat causing all the adults to jump out of their seats and rush over to us, all wanting to be the first one to hold her. Kurt smiled and handed her to his dad.

"Mom is next." I told them to prevent them from fighting.

"She's so beautiful." Burt gushed. "What's her name?"

"Amelia Elizabeth Carole Hummel." I told him.

"Oh! Boys!" Carole exclaimed clearly touched wrapping both of us in tight hugs.

"She looks so much like you did when you were born Kurt, except the hair, yours was never that dark."

"I'm going to try calling Cooper again." I told Kurt.

"Hello?" Cooper answered his phone.

"Coop, I'm a dad!"

"She's here?" He asked excitedly.

"Yeah, she was born about an hour ago. I called you when Maria went into labor and left you a voicemail."

"Damn. I think my phone is broken, I swear I haven't been two feet from it since a week before the due date."

"Well get a new one and then get your ass out here and meet your niece."

"I'm packing a bag as we speak."

"She's so beautiful Coop."

"I bet she is, does she have my ears?"

"You know I think she does."

"You're probably dying to get back to her, aren't you?"

"You know me well."

"Go then, I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Love you Coop."

"Love you too...Papa."

I hit end call and then walked back to where my family was wrapping my arms around my husband's waist as he watched our loved ones make a fuss over our daughter who let out a big yawn that made everyone aw over how cute she is.

"Ok, time for a nap I think." I said removing my arms from Kurt's waist and taking Amelia from Santana.

Kurt and I took her to the nursery where she was placed in one of those small clear crib things that hospital use for her nap, while she slept we stood in front of the viewing glass and watched her.

"She's so tiny." I observed.

"She's the prettiest baby in there, did you notice that?"

I looked around and made sure there weren't any other new parents nearby, "She really is."

"She doesn't have that much competition though, look at the one in the corner."

"Kurt, that's mean! That baby is cute."

"Not that one, the one next to it."

"Oh dear god!"


I turned and buried my head into Kurt's shoulder trying not to laugh.

"Kurt? Blaine?" A voice asked from behind us.

"That's us." I answered.

"I'm from the surrogacy agency, I spoke to Maria, she has signed all the paper's terminating her parental rights and now Blaine just needs to sign these adoption papers and then you'll both legally be the parents of your baby."

I grabbed the papers from her and quickly signed them.

"Fantastic, I'll just file these for you and then our contract will be completed. Please keep us in mind if you want to have another baby in the future."

"We will, thank you." Kurt said shaking her hand.

"We should go check on Maria." I told Kurt.

"Actually, she wanted me to ask you not to. She hopes you don't take it personally, she said that you're both really wonderful people and she really appreciates you being there for her after what happened with her ex but she thinks it's best if she just walked away now."

"Can you thank her for us?" I asked softly.

"I will."

"I'm going to miss her, I mean I knew this was going to happen, we hired her because we didn't want the woman who gave birth to our baby to be in our life but it still makes me a little sad to think we won't ever see her again, is that stupid?" Kurt said.

"Not, it's not stupid, she was in our life for over a year and lived with us for most of that time, not to mention that she carried two babies for us, of course we'll miss her but honestly I don't think we always will."

"I hope she'll be ok."

"I think she will be; I think she has learned from her mistakes and won't let herself end up with another guy like that asshole."

"Amelia will never date a guy like that, right?"

"Never. If any guy ever even thinks of raising his hand to her I will kill him. Besides growing up with us as her dads she'll know what true love looks like and we'll teach her not to settle for anything less."

"I love you."

"I love you too Sexy."


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