The Family
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The Family: Chapter 1

E - Words: 1,118 - Last Updated: Jul 31, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 30/30 - Created: May 11, 2013 - Updated: Jul 31, 2013
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Ok, I have a confession to make. I want to be a dad. I shouldn't want to be a dad, my own dad was as crappy as they come and usually kids who grow up in that kind of environment don't want kids but I do. I know it doesn't fit with the whole bad boy image I spent my teen years crafting, but truthfully that was never truly me that was an act to protect myself, an act that worked quite well until I met Kurt and then I didn't need the act any more, well not most of the time, there may be times in the bedroom when I slip in that persona and talk dirty to my husband but for the most part I let the act go, I pretty much never wear eye liner anymore, expect for when my band The Warblers perform and in the bedroom sometimes, it kinda goes with the act, ya know? I think I got a bit off track here, anyway when I was younger I knew I wanted to be a dad, I would pretend my action figures where my kids and I would take care of them, of course my own dad hated that and would call me a sissy or a fag when he saw me doing it and my older brother Cooper would take my toys away from me whenever he saw me babying them, I know now he was just trying to protect me from our dad but at the time I thought he was being mean. But despite all of that I kept playing dad to my toys, maybe my desire to be a father is because my own was so bad and not despite it, maybe I want to prove I'm better at something than he is, but then maybe that's what my whole life has been about proving I'm better than my dad. Shit, this got a lot heavier than I expected it to. When I was a teenager I became a slut, fuck, I'm not supposed to call myself that Kurt would be pissed, ok I wasn't a slut I was just someone who used sex as a way of making people like me, of course after I fucked someone I would then drop him which would kinda guarantee they would like me but whatever. During that time I...I don't want to say I gave up wanting to be a father because that's not accurate but I didn't think it would happen because I didn't think anyone would ever love me and it's not like I could just accidentally knock someone up and be a dad that way because of the whole gay thing.

But then came Kurt, my wonderful Kurt. And from the minute I saw him I knew I wanted it all with him, marriage, a house in the suburbs and kids, it might have taken a while but eventually he realised he wanted all that with me too and after four years together we have pretty much all of that, expect the kids. We have talked about kids before, we talked about them when we bought the house and he negotiated me down from four kids to two with the option for a third but since then we haven't spoken about them at first I was ok with it, I wanted to just enjoy being married to Kurt but we've been married for two years now, our anniversary was last month, and while I still enjoy being married to Kurt I'm ready for kids. I just don't know how to bring it up. I think I'm afraid he changed his mind. So I don't say anything but I still want kids so badly, sometimes when I'm at the store and see cute little pink princess dresses or tiny little baby shoes I can't help but buy them and put them in a box deep in the back of my closet just in case. But that's probably normal, I mean seriously how could anyone walk past a tiny little bow tie covered with little duckies and not buy it? It's the cutest fucking thing in existence. Ok, maybe it is a bit strange, but hey when Kurt and I do have kids I'll be prepared. I just need to wait until he's ready, hopefully that will be soon but if not I can wait, and oh my god those are the tiniest socks I have ever seen! I have got to buy those! I may have a bit of a problem.

I try to hide my bag behind my back as I walk into our house so Kurt won't see it and I can safely stash it in my closet.

"What's in the bag?" Kurt asked getting off the couch and putting the book he was reading down.

"Nothing." I lied awkwardly.

"Did you go on a shopping spree at the sex store again? Because I'm pretty sure we own every toy ever made at this point." He asked snatching the bag out of my hand, raising his eyebrow in surprise upon seeing the name on the bag.

"Um...I got some stuff for Mike and Tina's kids." I lied.

He looked in the bag and pulled out the socks. "These are way too small for the twins."

"Are they? Shit, I guess I'll return them tomorrow."

"Or you can just put them in your baby box."

"My what?" I asked my voice cracking in surprise.

"Your baby box, you know the box in your closet filled with baby clothes, the one you think I don't know about."

"I.....ummm....fuck, you know about that?"

"Of course I do, you didn't hide it well or there were baby cloths hanging out the side of it, who did you think folded them all up? I mean seriously Blaine the clothes were going to be ruined by the time our kids our even born."

"How long have you know?" I gulped.

"A few months."

"You never said anything."

"I wasn't ready."

"But you're saying something now."

"I am."

"Does this mean....are....are you ready now?"

He nodded. "Let's have a baby."

I rushed towards him and grabbed him kissing him deeply before picking him up so his legs were around my waist.

"You know no matter how much you fuck me we aren't getting a baby that way right?" He asked as I kissed his neck.

"Yes Kurt, I do understand basic biology but why should the straight couples get to have all the fun?" I asked before carrying him to our bedroom.


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