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Nameless: Chapter 10

M - Words: 1,444 - Last Updated: Mar 15, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 32/32 - Created: Feb 27, 2013 - Updated: Mar 15, 2013
992 0 2 0 0

Nothing too interesting happened on Thursday or Friday so I'm going to skip forward to Saturday if that's alright with you. I don't know who was more excited about my date with Kurt that night me or Wes. We spent a large portion of the day in my room looking over different wardrobe options, I didn't need the help I have a fairly good sense of style if I say so myself, but Wes was so happy I couldn't say no so I agreed that he could help what I didn't know was this opened the door to the rest of the Warblers and before I knew it my room was full of teenage boys debating over whether I should wear red or blue, bow tie or no bow tie. Sebastian was in my closet complaining that none of my jeans were tight enough, he had spent so much time trying to get my pants off it shocked me that he was trying to find a pair for me to wear, and on a date with someone else no less. Also, I don't think it is humanly possible to wear jeans any tighter than mine. Nick and Jeff both reached for the same shirt and then noticed the other and both pulled their hands away like they had been burned.

See, the thing with Nick and Jeff is they are soul mates, they know they are going to end up together and any fool can see they are crazy in love but they just aren't ready for that kind of commitment yet. Some people are ecstatic to find their soul mate while they are still in high school as they get that much more time with them but others would prefer to wait until they are slightly older, more sure of who they are as an individual. Nick and Jeff have the best of both worlds, they know each other and get to spend time together but neither of them are ready for their relationship to become romantic. I was as my friends and Sebastian sort through my closet and dresser, my eyes track a Warbler when he picks up something I was planning on wearing so when he inevitably discards it I can grab it. None of them notice when I snuck into my bathroom and got dressed. When I left Wes and Trent were in the middle of a heated debate over whether I should wear a cardigan or a sweater vest. I wonder how long it took them to realise I left? I remember the last time we did this was when Thad went on a date with a girl who had the same name as his soul mate (he was actually pretty relieved when he found out she wasn't the right one) and yes, I was just as bad as the rest of them. David claims I slapped him over the suggestion Thad wear a t-shirt but I think he's lying, although seriously a t-shirt on a first date? No.

I plugged Kurt's address into my GPS and started my drive, I was extremely nervous, I don't recall ever been this nervous. I stopped by the florist and picked up the bouquet of white roses I had pre-ordered, I wanted to get him roses but I thought red was a bit cliché, oh god! Has white roses instead red become a cliché? Should I have gotten a different color? Too late now.

I pulled into Kurt's driveway and took a few steadying breathes before getting out and knocking on his door. A rather intimating looking man opened the door. I assumed it must be his father, I was correct.

"Hello sir, I'm here to pick up Kurt." I greeted him.

"Right, you must be Mark." He said sizing me up.

"No sir my name is Blaine Anderson."

"Oh. When Kurt told me he had a date I just assumed he had met his soul mate."

"Unfortunately for me I'm not that lucky sir."

"Sit down for a minute kid, Kurt's not quite ready yet." He said gesturing towards the couch.

I complied.

"So Blaine Anderson, what happens if you meet your soul mate while dating my son? You just going to ditch him?"

"No sir, I would never do that to Kurt."

"How can you be so sure kid?"

"I don't actually have a soul mate sir."

"Everyone has a soul mate."

"Not me sir." I said holding up my bare wrist.

"Well, I'll be damned."

"You know Kurt has a soul mate right kid?"

"I do sir."

"You know he'll find him right kid?"

"I do sir."

"So you know this thing between the two of you could end at any time?"

"Yes sir, but even if Kurt meets his soul mate tonight and I only got to spend 5 minutes with him it'll be worth it."

"I like you kid, you can stop with this sir business now and call me Burt."

"Dad you aren't torturing him are you?" Kurt asked entering the room.

"Nah, we're just chatting." Burt told his son.

Remember earlier when I said I didn't think it was humanly possible to wear jeans any tighter than mine? I stand corrected, like fuck did he paint those things on?

"You look fantastic Kurt." I told him.

"Thank you Blaine, you look pretty good yourself. I like your bow tie."

Ha! Wes can suck it!

"These are for you." I said handing him the roses.

"Oh they're beautiful!" He gushed.

"I'll put those in water, you kids better get going." Burt said taking the flowers.

The date was amazing. All of our coffee pre-dates made it so we were already pretty comfortable with each other, as soon as I was alone with Kurt my nervous dissipated. I asked him if he had known if he was gay before he got his name (he did), he asked when I knew I was gay I told that I think I always knew and I told him about the time when I was 12 and wrote Neil Patrick Harris's name on my wrist which he found hilarious. He asked me about my family and I told him we weren't overly close and my parents were especially distant since we found out I didn't have a name, like that was my fault or something. After we finished our dinner we went for a walk in the park holding hands as we walked secure in the knowledge that anyone who saw us would just assume we were soul mates. Everyone knows that we the fates are the ones who choose who we end up with and that sometimes means that a couple consists of two people of the same sex, it's just a fact of life.

I didn't want the date to end ever but eventually I drove him home and walked him to his front door.

"I had a great time Kurt."

"As did I."

We stood looking at each other before both slowly leaning in, if felt like it took years but eventually our lips touched. Every part of me that made contact with him tingled, my lips, my neck that he wrapped his arms around, my chest pressed up against his (despite the fact we were both wearing multiple layers), everything tingled, my soul felt like it was on fire, like a phoenix rising from the ashes. It was too much.

"That was amazing." I told him.

"It really was."

"I don't think I can do this Kurt. I'm sorry."

"What did I do wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing, you are perfect."

"Then why?"

"If I don't let you go now I don't know if I'll ever be able to."

"Who says you have to?" He asked.

I lifted up his left arm.

"The fates do.

"Fuck the fates Blaine. And fuck Mark Davis too, whoever the fuck he is!"

"Kurt, you don't mean that he's your soul mate."

"Why because the fates decided he was? I don't even know him! I know you! I want to date you!"

"I want to date you too." I admitted.

"Then that's what matters."

"Fuck the fates." I agreed.

He smiled and kissed me again.

"Text me when you get back to Dalton so I know you got there safely?"

"I will."

"Goodnight Blaine."

"Goodnight Kurt." I gave him one last kiss before heading to my car.


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It will be just awful if Kurt ends up with Mark. Poor Blaine :( At least they're having a nice time together now.

I think because of the kiss the name on Kurt's wrist changes to 'Blaine Anderson'