April 25, 2012, 7:26 a.m.
April 25, 2012, 7:26 a.m.
Kurt had heard and saw everything.
He didn't mean to spy of course he wasn't expecting them to still be fighting when he walked to his car which was a few vehicles over from Blaine's. Kurt sat in his car and watched as Blaine let Sebastian go. Kurt watched as Blaine made no effort to follow him.
Kurt heard Blaine choose him, well not in so many words but when given the option of Kurt or Sebastian he didn't choose Sebastian.
Kurt couldn't be happier, Blaine wanted to be with him. Again.
Blaine didn't mean to ignore Kurt those next few days, he was just getting over Sebastian.
At least that's what he kept telling himself.
In reality he was ignoring Kurt because he didn't want all his emotions to come spiralling out when he saw Kurt again, so he needed to pull himself together before he spoke to him again because the last thing he needed was Kurt feeling like some rebound because of how quick he would have confessed his feelings to him. Blaine admitted now that he had some time to think that it was Kurt he wanted. He was aware he hadn't known Kurt that long, but something about him made him feel like he knew him forever.
It was two weeks of carefully avoiding Kurt- which wasn't that hard since Kurt gave him space anyway- before he finally spoke to him again.
To Kurt Hummel
Hey, I'm sorry about the lack of conversation, I hope you didn't think I was avoiding you or blamed you in anyway. - B
From Kurt Hummel
It's fine Blaine, I understand. I mean yeah I've missed you and all but you just broke up with your boyfriend, you needed space. - Kurt
To Kurt Hummel
Thanks for being so understanding, I mean it Kurt you're a great person… B x
From Kurt Hummel
I try ;) x - Kurt
Blaine had to read over that new text a few times. Was Kurt, flirting with him? No the wink must have been a mistake. Still Blaine felt giddy over the prospect, shy penguin Kurt Hummel flirting with him.
From Blaine Anderson
Well I guess I better get to bed, school tomorrow and stuff. Goodnight Kurt, sweet dreams I look forward to seeing you tomorrow J xx Blaine
Kurt text back a quick goodbye and dimmed his phone. He sat on his bed with the phone pressed to his chest and just smiled, incredibly happy that he had what seemed to be his Blaine back. It also helped that he was growing more confident by the day to tell Blaine about when they were kids, after all the later he leaves it the more guilty he feels for lying to Blaine.
Kurt got into bed after his skin moisturising routine and sighed happily, he was looking forward to tomorrow he decided he was finally going to tell Blaine.
"Blaineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee stop tickling me!" Kurt cried while laughing.
"Take back what you said about the bow tie then!"
"Fine your bow tie is not silly!"
Blaine let go of Kurt and they both burst into giggles. Things were easy like this, both boys just spending every minute of the day together and never being bored.
The memory quickly altered to the boys once again saying goodbye to each other.
"I'll never say goodbye to you,"
Kurt woke up with a start, it was a while since he had that dream. In his mind it was just a further push to tell Blaine before it was too late, before he did have to say goodbye to him.
McKinley was the same as always, jocks throwing people into dumpsters, Rachel Berry throwing tantrums and glee club being losers. But today was different for Kurt something in the air seemed different, for once in his life Kurt Hummel had hope.
Their feelings were unspoken but both knew exactly what each other wanted when they met up by Kurt's locker that morning with a tight embrace.
"Kurt!" Blaine exclaimed as he pulled out of the hug. "I've missed you."
"I've missed you too," Kurt smiled.
"Am I right in thinking we need to talk about some things again?" Blaine teased.
"Yes, I suppose we do," Kurt smiled knowingly. "There is something I have to talk to you about actually."
Blaine looked confused but curious. "Sure, my place after school again? Not even Cooper will be there this time."
"It's a date," Kurt blushed realising what he said. "I mean it's not if that's not oh god," Kurt turned away from Blaine, trying to hide his embarrassment.
Blaine just laughed and titled Kurt's head up. "Hey listen it's fine, I get what you mean, we'll talk later yeah? Come on we'll be late for class."
Both boys walked to class silently but with quite a few shared glances which were followed by a lot of blushing before Kurt realised he forgot something from his locker.
"I'll go get it if you want, I need to get to the bathroom anyway just tell me your combination, I wont look through anything I promise," Blaine laughed.
"I trust you."
Kurt rattled off his combination and walked to class. He sat down and waited patiently for Blaine to come back with his text book but became worried when halfway through class Blaine still hadn't shown up.
"Miss Wells can I be excused?" Kurt asked, deciding to go see if he could locate Blaine himself.
"Sure Kurt, make sure you take the hall pass."
Kurt calmly left the class room but then started a brisk walk to get to his locker. He was not expecting to face what was waiting for him however.
Kurt's locker was still open and upon the floor was the picture of Blaine.
Hate me yet? I do D:
they were just becoming happy ughhhh why do I love angst so much ;)
thank you for all the views/reviews/alerts/favorites you all make this worth while!
the picture that is referred to in this is linked on my scarves and coffee profile on the chapter it was introduced if you're curious, my username on that is thebeautyunderneath
next update shall be sooon because I've wrote it and I'm just figuring out the best time to post ;)
are you serious right now??????????? C'mon!!!!!!
What did I doooooooooo?
Ahhhh! Please update soon!!!
Omg u can't leave us hanging ... Never seen that coming nice touch .. What happened is Blaine still near the locker oh this is going to be good mayb better then good great .. Hahaha