May 26, 2013, 8:10 p.m.
May 26, 2013, 8:10 p.m.
Blaine noticed a changed in Rachel also. She no longer wore sweaters with animals on them or skirts that looked like they came from his grandmothers closet. Kurt must have finally broke her down and got her to dress normal. She laughed more and seamed less high strung. They laughed and joked nudging into each other as they walked down the street. Blaine never felt so alive, so happy. He smiled to himself, a song coming to him.
“I’ve got the world on a string.” He sang. Rachel’s face lit up, Kurt blushed and ducked his head.
“I’m sitin’ on a rainbow.” He continued and tried to take Kurt’s hand to dance with him down the street. Kurt shook his head clearly embarrassed. Rachel nudged him trying to encourage him to dance. Kurt gave her a death glare. Blaine reached his hand out for Rachel and she accepted with a smile.
“I’ve got that string around my finger.” As he sang he pulled Rachel closer and placed a hand on her hip and taking her hand in his dancing in the directing they were walking. People around them started to stare with amused smiles on their faces.
“Oh what a world, what a life, I’m in love.” He sang loud and clear as he twirled Rachel and dipped her. She laughed and waved to Kurt, who was watching with a wide grin.
“I’ve got a song that I sing.” Kurt watched as Blaine spun his roommate around the sidewalk, shining smiles on both their faces. They were having so much fun, completely at ease. He wanted in.
“And I can make the rain go.” Kurt stepped up to the dancing couple and tapped Rachel on the shoulder. When she looked up he made a motion with his head for her to move over and let him dance. She smiled and curtsied to him and he bowed. Blaine held Kurt the same way he had Rachel and sang big and bright.
“Any time I move my finger.” He spun Kurt out and brought him back. Kurt’s face started to hurt from the smile that had taken over and refused to weaken. Blaine held Kurt close to him looking into the bright blue orbs as he sang the next line.
“Lucky me, can’t you see - I’m in love.” They had stopped dancing, now standing still on the semi busy sidewalk. Blaine leaned in and placed a lingering kiss to his lips. The crowd around them burst into applause. They could hear Rachel’s loud whistle although it sounded a million miles away. They brought their foreheads together, matching smiles shining back at each other.
“I’m so in love with you.” Blaine whispered. Kurt’s eyes fluttered shut at the confession. He held onto Blaine tight. He didn’t want to move, he didn’t want to say anything in fear of ruining this perfect moment.
“Love you so much.” He managed to get out although it was just barely a whisper. Blaine heard it and pushed in for another kiss letting it last longer then the first one. They pulled away only when they heard the faint sound of what sounded like a camera shutter. They looked up to see Rachel with her phone held up and a smirk on her face.
“You guy’s are so damn cute.” She stated and slid her phone back into her pocket. Normally Kurt would put up a fight to have her delete the picture but today he just didn’t care. He had Blaine with him for 2 weeks in the best city in the world and nothing could be better. They continued down the street, Rachel a couple steps ahead of them walking backwards so she could go on about some movie she saw the trailer for, while Kurt and Blaine walked tucked close to each other.
They walked past the theater Rachel did most of her musicals at. When Blaine spotted an ice cream shop that looked like it came straight from the 50’s, he insisted they go in.
“Blaine we just had breakfast” Kurt glanced at his watch. “An hour and a half ago.”
“Yeah but it’s ice cream Kurt. Pleeeease.” He wined, eyes wide like a puppy. Kurt sighed unable to deny the boy.
“Fine.” Blaine cheered and jumped around. “But you’re getting a small.” Blaine nodded and wrapped Kurt up in his arms.
“You’re the best boyfriend ever.” He said kissing his cheek. Blaine grabbed his hand and took off toward the shop. He turned his head over his shoulder to shout at Rachel.
“Come on Rach!” She laughed at the over excited smile on his face and followed after the couple. The bell above the door rang as they stepped in. The sweet sound of ‘The Diamonds’ singing Little Darlin’ surrounded them. Kurt rolled his eyes at the cheesiness of the place, sky blue, white and chrome every where. Rachel already took a seat at a booth in the corner and Blaine stood looking at every thing in awe.
“Kurt this place is amazing” He said turning toward his boyfriend. Kurt looked at him like he was crazy. Blaine’s eyes were wide with excitement.
“Oh sweets look” Blaine pointed to an old looking jukebox the was next to the counter.
“Blaine you look like a kid in a candy store.” Kurt pointed out and Blaine tore his gaze away from the classic music player and gave his boyfriend a lopsided grin.
“Come on you big kid, lets get your ice cream.” They walked up to the counter where a young kid stood. The boy looked about 17 years old and wore a white collared button down, white pants and a paper hat.
“Hey” Blaine said pointing to the boys name tag. “Is your name really Bud?” The boy ‘Bud’ smiled and nodded.
“It sure is.” He said cheerfully. “How can I help you guys?” Kurt wasn’t sure if it was possible for Blaine’s smile to get any bigger. Kurt had to fight the laugh that tried to burst out of him.
“Can i have chocolate and strawberry with the rainbow sprinkles. Oh and caramel and hot fudge.” Blaine rattled off his order bouncing on the balls of his feet and licking his lips. Bud chuckled and reached for a large deep paper bowl.
“Woah woah woah.” Kurt stopped him placing a hand on the counter. “The small bowl please.” Bud nodded and replaced the big bowl with the small one that almost looked like a cup. Blaine pouted next to him arms crossed over his chest. Kurt slid his arm around Blaine’s waist and pulled him close.
“Don’t pout Blaine. I’m trying to help you. We’re walking and if you have that much you will end up getting a tummy ace and I am not carrying you home.” He explained and pressed a kiss to Blaine’s cheek. Kurt could tell he was fighting to keep the pout on his face. He leaned in a whispered into Blaine’s ear. “Besides I have something much sweeter I plan on giving you when we get home.” He finished by planting a very soft kiss to the spot under his ear. He felt Blaine relax into him.
Blaine let his hands drop to Kurt’s waist and pulled him in closer tucking his face into Kurt’s neck.
“Lucky you’re so sexy.” He mumbled and nipped his neck. He looked up at his taller boyfriend and smirked at his flushed face. “That and I love you.” He moved away and toward the counter taking his ice cream from Bud with a smile and paid him.
“You coming sweets?” He asked winking at Kurt and walked over to the table Rachel was sitting at. Kurt snapped out of his daze and joined them at the table, sitting with the boy and his ice cream. Blaine took a bog spoon full and moaned obnoxiously as he swallowed it.
“Oh my god thats so good.” Rachel rolled her eyes and went back to tapping out a text.
“Blaine it’s only ice cream.” Kurt commented. Blaine stared at him with wide eyes.
“Only ice cream?” Blaine took another scoop onto his spoon and held it up to Kurt’s mouth. “Try it.”
Kurt shook his head.
“No. It’s to early for ice cream.” Blaine pouted again.
“Please. For me?” He asked puppy eyes in place. “Just a little bite sweets come on.” Kurt felt his face heat a little at the pet name and his reserve crumble.
“Blaine.” He groaned. Blaine just tilted his head to the side and batted his eyelashes.
“Fine.” Blaine bounced in his seat and held the spoon out for his boyfriend. Kurt leaned forward taking the bit off ice cream. He had to admit it was good.
“Ok so maybe it is really good.” Blaine grinned.
“Told ya.”
I am so in love with new York Klaine :)
Im lovin the puppy pouts from Blaine. I can totally see them in my head. I just hope he doesnt use them TOO often...wouldnt want Kurt to think he has a really needy bf on his hands! :)Loving the story still and yeah the rating is pg13 but a little dirtiness never hurt anyone. Go with it where you think it would work the best!!Great writing as always!!